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Engleski jezik IV, završni ispit A IX 2022. Ime i prezime____________________________ Br. bodova ________/55

I Match the given items with their definitions. (5 pts, 10 items)

magnitude yet ubiquitous notable bandwidth harness scope
adjustment modest seamless

1. important and deserving attention, because of being interesting or good ______________________________

2. to control something, usually in order to use its power ______________________________
3. still, even, however ______________________________
4. a small change ______________________________
5. the range of frequencies used to send information ______________________________
6. not large in size or amount, or not expensive ______________________________
7. made without seams, continuing smoothly ______________________________
8. the large size or importance of something ______________________________
9. the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class ______________________________
10. seeming to be everywhere ______________________________

II Complete the sentences below using the words from the box. (10 pts)
proximity hence foreseeable throttle embedded enhance equation
actuators feasible surge
1. Sometimes he annoys me so much that I could ____________________ him.
2. These scandals will not ____________________ the organization's reputation.
3. With the extra resources, the project now seems ____________________.
4. The ____________________ are powered by wires and controlled by three circuits connected to a power supply.
5. His mother was Italian, ____________________ his name - Luca.
6. Managing the economy is a complex ____________________ of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.
7. Microprocessors are ____________________ into products such as cars, fridges, traffic lights, and industrial
8. The best thing about the location of the house is its ____________________ to the town centre.
9. An unexpected ____________________ in electrical power caused the computer to crash.
10. I'll be living here for the ____________________ future.

III Complete the exercise using the correct form of the conditional (10 pts, 5 items)

1. Now we’re lost! If you _________________________ (write down) Mary’s directions, this ______________________
2. Don’t be afraid. If you _________________________ (touch) the dog, it ________________________ (not/bite).
3. If I ____________________ (know) the answer, I _______________________ (tell) you.
4. In those days, if you ______________________ (have) a job, you ____________________ (be) lucky.
5. Unless Pete ____________________ (try) harder, he ______________________ (not/win) the competition.

IV a) Choose the appropriate connector (provide only one connector) (6 pts):

1. The concert has been cancelled ______________________ lack of interest.
2. ______________________ we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.
3. ______________________ it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
b) Complete the sentence using the causative have construction (9 pts):
1. John isn’t doing the statistics for the project himself, he ______________________________ (it / do) by a statistician.
2. Your essay is too complex. You need ______________________________ (it / simplify).
3. If you can’t hear properly, you should ________________________________ (your hearing / test).
V Decide whether the given sentences are precisely translated. Underline the mistake if present (10 pts).
1. Automatika je grana elektrotehnike koja se bavi principima upravljanja i regulacije, s ciljem kreiranja sistema koji
obavlja neku željenu funkciju.
Automatics is an electrical engineering branch which deals with the principles of automaton and regulation, with a goal of
creating a system which performs a desired function. T/F
2. Upravljanje sistemom kojim se postiže regulisano stanje izlazne veličine zove se regulacija.
The control of a system that achieves a regulated state of an output value is called regulation. T/F
3. Automatski uređaji koriste se od davnina.
Automatic devices have been used since ancient times. T/F
4. Naročit značaj u razvoju automatike pripada pronalasku automata s povratnom spregom.
The invention of a closed-loop automaton is given special importance in the development of automatics. T/F
5. Mogu se izdvojiti dvije grupe sistema zavisno od toga da li se kompenzuju dejstva poremećajnih veličina.
Two groups of control systems can be distinguished on the basis of whether the actions of disturbance variables are
compensated. T/F

VI Read the text carefully. Decide if the sentences which follow the text are true (T) or false (F). (5 pts)

According to a World Economic Forum (WEF) study, people still do 71% of all work around the globe. This number
is falling fairly quickly though, and the WEF predicts that the balance will shift by 2025 with machines performing more
work tasks than people. This transformation will be brought about by the digitalization of industrial production known as
Industry 4.0. “In practical terms, this involves installing small computers in machines and systems and their components,
which are linked up via internet technologies,” automation expert Olaf Sauer from the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics,
Systems Engineering and Image Evaluation explains. These computers will take on the workload now being done by
humans, controlling machines and systems. What’s more, people will also work in tandem with machines in some areas.
This is already taking place at WS System, a component installer in Lower Saxony, where employees wear data goggles
that allow a computer to monitor and increase the accuracy and speed of the manufacturing process. The applications
run the gamut from 3D printers, autonomous transport robots and intelligent energy grids to cyber-physical production,
individualized manufacturing and automated maintenance. A Bitkom study found that almost half of all the industrial
firms in Germany were already using Industry 4.0 applications in 2016, and just under 20% were planning to integrate
them into production.
Olaf Sauer predicts Industry 4.0 will generate great opportunities for German industry. “If we enrich German
expertise and experience in mechanical engineering with information technology, we will be able to maintain or even
expand our global competitive position.” He cites IT security and the next generation of employees as major challenges.
For networked companies, adequately protecting sensitive data and industrial secrets is particularly critical. According to
Sauer, it is also important to get more young people interested in careers involving technology. Industry 4.0 needs a
constant influx of graduates from STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with the skills to train
and feed algorithms to robots. According to Reiner Hoffmann, Chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions
(DGB), as Industry 4.0 develops, it is particularly important not to lose sight of one thing in particular: robots should work
for, not instead of, people. Industry 4.0 will “only be accepted and tolerated by people, whether employees or
consumers, if technology serves them and not the other way round,” he recently told the “Welt” newspaper.

1. The number of people doing all the work is not rapidly falling. T _____ / F _____
2. Employees at WS System are accompanied by machines and computers during the manufacturing process.
T _____ / F _____
3. There is evidence that digitalization could even expand the number of new employees. T _____ / F _____
4. Industry 4.0 will eventually widen Germany's position in the international market. T _____ / F _____
5. The text emphasizes the role of robots serving people and their needs. T _____ / F _____

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