Andrade Camotim 2005

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Lateral–Torsional Buckling of Singly Symmetric Tapered Beams: Theory and


Article in Journal of Engineering Mechanics · June 2005

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2005)131:6(586)

78 1,682

2 authors, including:

Anísio Andrade
University of Coimbra


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Lateral–Torsional Buckling of Singly Symmetric Tapered
Beams: Theory and Applications
A. Andrade1 and D. Camotim2

Abstract: A general variational formulation to analyze the elastic lateral–torsional buckling 共LTB兲 behavior of singly symmetric thin-
walled tapered beams is presented, numerically implemented, validated and illustrated. It 共1兲 begins with a precise geometrical definition
of a tapered beam; 共2兲 extends the kinematical assumptions traditionally adopted to study the LTB of prismatic beams; 共3兲 includes a
careful derivation of the beam total potential energy; and 共4兲 employs Trefftz’s criterion to ensure the beam adjacent equilibrium. In order
to validate and illustrate the application and capabilities of the proposed formulation, several numerical results are presented, discussed
and, when possible, also compared with values reported by other authors. These results 共1兲 are obtained by means of the Rayleigh–Ritz
method, using trigonometric functions to approximate the beam critical buckling mode, and 共2兲 concern the critical moments of doubly
and singly symmetric web-tapered I-section simply supported beams and cantilevers acted by point loads. In particular, one shows that
modeling a tapered beam as an assembly of prismatic beam segments is conceptually inconsistent and may lead to rather inaccurate 共safe
or unsafe兲 results. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the paper includes a state-of-the-art review concerning one-dimensional analytical
formulations for the LTB behavior of tapered beams.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9399共2005兲131:6共586兲
CE Database subject headings: Buckling; Beams; Thin shell structures; Symmetry; Torsion.

Introduction pered beams, it is indispensable to develop and disseminate effi-

cient 共theoretically sound and accurate兲 methods to calculate the
As far as structural efficiency is concerned, tapered 共i.e., nonpris- corresponding M cr values. However, this constitutes a rather dif-
matic and with a continuous variation in cross section兲 thin- ficult task, because, unlike flexural buckling, LTB is qualitatively
walled beams are ideally suited to withstand variable bending different for prismatic and tapered beams, a fact that precludes
moments, provided that the cross-section variation matches the using prismatic finite elements. In addition, this qualitative differ-
moment diagram as closely as possible. In fact, using tapered ence has stirred a fair amount of controversy among the structural
beams may lead to a non-negligible material economy, which stability research community, mostly regarding kinematical as-
accounts for their increasing popularity in the construction pects 共e.g., Rajasekaran 1994a; Ronagh et al. 2000a; and Boisson-
industry, namely in steel buildings 共e.g., industrial buildings兲. nade and Muzeau 2001兲.
However, the advantages of beam tapering can only be fully The elastic lateral–torsional buckling of narrow depth-tapered
exploited if accurate and easy-to-use design methodologies/tools rectangular beams has been studied by several authors, including
are available. At present, many design codes deal exclusively with Federhofer 共results summarized by Timoshenko and Gere 1961兲,
prismatic beams. Martin 共1951兲, Boley and Zimnoch 共1952兲, Gatewood 共1955兲, Lee
The structural behavior and strength of the vast majority of 共1959兲, Massey and McGuire 共1971兲, and much more recently,
laterally unrestrained beams 共either prismatic or tapered兲 is gov- Baker 共1993兲, who also considered web-tapered T-beams. Since
erned by lateral–torsional buckling 共LTB兲, a complex out-of-plane narrow rectangular or T-section members twist without primary
instability phenomenon involving minor axis flexure, torsion, and warping, their buckling analysis is considerably simpler 共the
warping. For prismatic beams, the application of virtually all the above authors invariably neglect the secondary warping exhibited
available design rules and recommendations related to LTB re- by these sections兲.
quires the evaluation of the beam elastic critical moment M cr. Culver and Preg 共1968兲 investigated the linear stability behav-
Given the obvious convenience of extending this approach to ta- ior of doubly symmetric I-beams with linear homothetic tapering
and acted by unequal end moments. They used Bernoulli–Euler’s
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, FCT, Univ. of bending theory and Lee’s nonuniform torsion equation 共Lee 1956兲
Coimbra, Coimbra 3030–290, Portugal. to establish adjacent equilibrium equations and presented some
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IST, Technical Univ. numerical results, obtained by means of a finite difference ap-
of Lisbon, Lisboa 1049-001, Portugal. proach. Kitipornchai and Trahair 共1972兲 addressed the same prob-
Note. Associate Editor: Hayder A. Rasheed. Discussion open until lem but they 共1兲 considered more general tapering and load con-
November 1, 2005. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual ditions, and 共2兲 used the differential flexure of the two flanges to
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
derive the equilibrium equations 共a specific procedure, applicable
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on May 25, 2003; only to I-beams兲. A few years later, the validity of these equations
approved on March 26, 2004. This paper is part of the Journal of Engi- was extended to singly symmetric I-beams 共Kitipornchai and Tra-
neering Mechanics, Vol. 131, No. 6, June 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733- hair 1975兲. These authors also reported numerical results, ob-
9399/2005/6-586–597/$25.00. tained by means of the finite integral method and which were


shown to correlate rather well with experimental values. More
recently, Braham 共1997兲 and Valicourt 共2000兲 employed Galer-
kin’s method to solve the above equilibrium equations and studied
the LTB of I-beams 共1兲 with uniform flanges and linearly tapered
webs, and 共2兲 acted by end moments. On the other hand, finite
element 共FE兲 formulations to perform linear stability analyses in
tapered I-beams were developed by 共1兲 Yang and Yau 共1987兲, for
doubly symmetric beams, 共2兲 Bradford 共1988b兲 and Bradford and
Cuk 共1988兲, for beams displaying equal or unequal flanges with
uniform or variable width and webs with constant or linearly Fig. 1. Undeformed tapered thin-walled beam and fixed Cartesian
tapered height, and 共3兲 Boissonnade and Muzeau 共2001兲 and reference system
Boissonnade and Braham 共2002兲, for doubly and singly symmet-
ric web-tapered beams. The effect of elastically restraining ta-
pered I-beams was addressed by Bradford 共1988a兲. It is worth and illustrate the application of a general variational formulation
mentioning that each of the above investigations adopts some to analyze the LTB of singly symmetric thin-walled tapered
kind of simplifying assumptions, which are often neither explic- beams—it is assumed that the beam plane of symmetry contains
itly stated nor adequately justified. all the cross-section 共centroidal兲 minor axes. This formulation
Aside from an early attempt by Djalaly 共1974兲, Wekezer extends the geometrically linear theory developed by Wilde
共1985兲 appears to have been the first researcher to study the LTB 共1968兲 and includes the following distinctive features: 共1兲 a rig-
of thin-walled tapered beams with arbitrary cross section and orous description of the beam geometry and kinematics, avoiding
loading. He used a finite element formulation, in which 共1兲 the any reference to centroidal or shear centre lines 共which, in gen-
walls are treated as membranes, and 共2兲 both the in-plane cross- eral, cannot be defined a priori in an unambiguous way—Antman
section deformations and the mid-surface shear strains are ne- 1972兲, and 共2兲 consistently uses shell membrane theory in general
glected. However, this formulation is not fully consistent, mostly coordinates. The paper 共1兲 begins by addressing the undeformed
because the locus of shear centers is not properly handled 共recall beam geometry, 共2兲 extends the kinematical assumptions tradi-
that, in general, the location of the shear center varies along the tionally adopted to study the LTB of prismatic beams 共Vlassov
beam longitudinal axis兲. About a decade later, Rajasekaran 1961兲, 共3兲 includes all relevant steps involved in the derivation of
共1994a兲 also derived nonlinear equilibrium equations valid for the beam total potential energy, valid for an arbitrary 共conserva-
tapered beams with arbitrary cross-sections, which were then tive兲 loading, and 共4兲 employs Trefftz’s criterion to perform the
solved by the FE method 共Rajasekaran 1994b兲. However, his deri- linear stability analysis.
vation of the nonlinear strain–displacement relations is inconsis- In order to assess the validity and illustrate the application and
tent, since it omits terms having the same order of magnitude as capabilities of the proposed variational formulation, several nu-
others which are retained. merical results are presented, discussed, and whenever possible,
Pasquino and Marotti-de-Sciarra 共1992兲 proposed a variational compared with values reported in the literature. These results 共1兲
formulation to analyze the LTB of thin-walled tapered beams with are obtained by means of the Rayleigh–Ritz method, using trigo-
arbitrary cross-section and loading, which assumes the first order nometric function sequences to approximate the beam critical
term of the mid-surface shear strains to be negligible. However, buckling mode, and 共2兲 concern the critical moments of doubly
their paper does not include any numerical results. Finally, Ron- and singly symmetric web-tapered I-section simply supported
agh et al. 共2000a兲 developed a general theory that can be used to beams and cantilevers. In particular, it is shown that it is concep-
obtain the expressions of the first and second variations of the tually incorrect to model a tapered beam as an assembly of pris-
total potential energy of thin-walled tapered beams, again with matic beam 共finite兲 elements. Moreover, such a procedure may
arbitrary cross-section and loading. However, in spite of the gen- lead to rather inaccurate results, i.e., significant under or overes-
erality of their theory, the authors only specified it to doubly timations of M cr.
symmetric beams. In a companion paper 共Ronagh et al. 2000b兲,
these expressions are applied to the formulation of a 共doubly sym-
metric兲 tapered beam finite element, which is then used to study Geometrical Description of Undeformed Beam
the LTB of web and flange-tapered simply supported beams and
cantilevers acted by point loads. Denoting by B the region of the three-dimensional Euclidean
For the sake of completeness, this brief literature review on the space occupied by the undeformed configuration of a thin-walled
LTB of tapered beams must also include a reference to a few beam, it is here assumed that B can be generated by the rigid-
investigations that used either 共1兲 the prismatic beam strain– body translation, along a straight line segment, of a plane figure,
displacement relationships to analyze tapered beams or 共2兲 a dis- which 共1兲 remains perpendicular to the above segment throughout
cretization with prismatic beam finite elements 共e.g., Bazant and the whole motion, and 共2兲 has shape and dimensions that are
El Nimeiri 1973; Nethercot 1973; Horne et al. 1979; Brown 1981; allowed to vary smoothly. This generating figure is 共1兲 simply
Shiomi and Kurata 1984; Galéa 1986; Chan 1990; Braham and connected, 共2兲 symmetric w.r.t. its minor centroidal axis, and
Hanikenne 1993; Gupta et al. 1996; and Kim and Kim 2000兲. As 共3兲 can be viewed as the “thickening” of a “primary line,” which
mentioned earlier, these procedures are, in general, conceptually can exhibit branches and sharp corners. These considerations are
incorrect, because they fail to capture relevant and unique behav- illustrated in Fig. 1, for the case of a tapered I-section beam with
ioral aspects stemming from the cross-section variation. However, unequal flanges, and it should be pointed out that they automati-
one should note that in some 共exceptional兲 situations, which are cally exclude closed or stepped thin-walled beams.
addressed further ahead in the paper, such procedures are appro- A fixed rectangular right-handed Cartesian reference system
priate and lead to accurate results. x , y , z is introduced, as shown also in Fig. 1, so that 共1兲 the x axis
The objective of this paper is to present the derivation, validate is parallel to the line segment used to generate B, and 共2兲 y = 0


defines the minor axis plane of symmetry of B. One still considers
an additional reference axis, designated as “polar axis”, which is
parallel to x and defined by y = 0 and z = z0. Finally, it is worth
mentioning that, when dealing with prismatic beams, the expres-
sions yielded by the present formulation become much simpler if
the x and polar axes are taken as the undeformed beam centroid
and shear center lines. This explains why it is important to allow
for the possibility of the polar and x axes being distinct.
The undeformed beam 共1兲 has a mid-surface denoted by S, 共2兲
its cross sections and associated mid-lines 共L共x兲兲 are defined as
the intersection of B and S with planes normal to the x axis, and Fig. 2. Beam mid-surface S, tangent plane at M, and base vectors:
共3兲 the end sections lie in the planes x = 0 and x = l, where l is 共a兲 a1, a2 and 共b兲 AI, AII
deemed much larger than the cross-section dimensions 共thickness
and mid-line length兲. At this stage, it is convenient to mention
that, unless otherwise stated, 共1兲 a Roman index takes values from
兵1, 2, 3其, 共2兲 a Greek index is equal to either 1 or 2, and 共3兲 the a11 = a1 · a1 = 1 + ␰2 + ␩2
summation convention is adopted for repeated indices.
A system of curvilinear 共Gaussian兲 coordinates ␪␣ is assigned
a12 = a21 = a1 · a2 = ␩ 共4兲
to S, which is defined as follows: 共1兲 ␪1 = x 共takes values in the
interval 关0 , l兴兲 and 共2兲 ␪2 measures the arc-length along the cross-
sections mid-lines 共i.e., lines defined by ␪1 = const兲, with the curve a22 = a2 · a2 = 1
␪2 = 0 lying on the symmetry plane y = 0. Therefore, the position
vector of a point on S may be written in the form where ␩ = ȳ ,1ȳ ,2 + z̄,1z̄,2 and a = det共a␣␤兲 = 1 + ␰2 艌 1. The contravari-
ant components of the metric tensor and the contravariant base
r̄共␪1,␪2兲 = ␪1e1 + ȳ共␪1,␪2兲e2 + z̄共␪1,␪2兲e3 共1兲 vectors on S are now readily determined by means of 共Sokolni-
where ei = Cartesian base vectors and the bar identifies koff 1964兲
“mid-surface quantities.” The scalar functions ȳ = ȳ共␪1 , ␪2兲 and
z̄ = z̄共␪1 , ␪2兲 are piecewise smooth on S—a “piecewise smooth a␣␭a␭␤ = a␤␭a␭␣ = ␦␣␤
function on S” is piecewise continuous and has piecewise con- 共5兲
tinuous first derivatives on S 共a “piecewise continuous function a␣ = a␣␤a␤
on S” is such that S may be divided into a finite number of
where ␦␣␤ = Kronecker’s delta.
domains, in the interior of which the function is continuous and
Since, in general, vectors a␣ are not orthogonal, it is conve-
tends to a finite limit as one approaches, “from the interior,” any
nient to associate, with every nonsingular point M of S, two or-
boundary point—Courant and Hilbert 1953兲.
thonormal vectors AI and AII, having the following properties
The covariant base vectors of S, associated with the ␪␣ coor-
共Wilde 1968兲: AII = a2 and AI · a3 = 0. From the latter condition, it
dinate system, are defined by 共Sokolnikoff 1964兲
follows that AI lies in the plane tangent to S at M and, thus, can
a1 = r̄,1 = e1 + ȳ ,1e2 + z̄,1e3 be expressed as a linear combination of a1 and a2, i.e., AI = c1a1
共2兲 + c2a2, with c1 , c2 determined from AI · AII = 0 and 储AI储 = 1 共to-
gether with c1 ⬎ 0兲. Then, one obtains
a2 = r̄,2 = ȳ ,2e2 + z̄,2e3
At a nonsingular point M of S 共i.e., a point where the normal to S 1
is uniquely defined兲, these base vectors are tangent to the ␪␣ c1 =
冑1 + ␰ 2
curves passing through M, which means that they 共1兲 span the
plane tangent to S at M, and 共2兲 are not necessarily orthogonal. 共6兲
Note also that a2 is a unit vector. ␩
c2 = −
A normal unit vector a3 can be associated with any nonsingu- 冑1 + ␰2
lar point of S, given by
Note that AI , AII are the base vectors of a new system of Gaussian
a2 ⫻ a1 1 coordinates on S, denoted by ␪I , ␪II and defined by the transfor-
a3共␪1,␪2兲 = = 共␰e1 + z̄,2e2 − ȳ ,2e3兲 共3兲
储a2 ⫻ a1储 冑1 + ␰2 mation

where ␰ = ȳ ,2z̄,1 − ȳ ,1z̄,2. A third curvilinear coordinate ␪3 is intro- ␪I = 冑1 + ␰2␪1

duced along a3, which measures the perpendicular distance from
S 共thus, one has ␪3 = 0 on S兲. This coordinate takes values in the
␪II = ␩␪1 + ␪2
interval 关−t / 2 , t / 2兴, where the scalar function t = t共␪1 , ␪2兲 denotes
the undeformed beam wall thickness 共deemed much smaller than Figs. 2共a and b兲 show schematic representations of a portion of
the other cross-sectional dimensions兲 and is piecewise continuous the undeformed beam mid-surface S, the plane tangent to it at a
on S. Note that this geometrical description is inaccurate in the nonsingular point M and the base vectors a1 , a2 共nonorthogonal兲
vicinity of singular points of S. However, as far as the structural and AI , AII 共orthonormal兲. Finally, note that 共1兲 the s , x coordi-
behavior of thin-walled beams is concerned, this inaccuracy can nates considered by Ronagh et al. 共2000a兲 are, precisely, the
be neglected. above ␪␣ coordinates, and that 共2兲 these authors treat them as
The covariant components of the metric tensor on S are given orthonormal 共apparently, they are unaware of the orthonormality
by 共Sokolnikoff 1964兲 issue兲.


Simplifying Assumptions components V and W in the y and z directions, respectively.
Let M be a material point on the beam mid-surface, which is
The variational formulation derived in this paper is based on a identified in the undeformed configuration by 共1兲 the Gaussian
number of simplifying assumptions, which are described next and coordinates 共␪1 , ␪2兲 or, equivalently, 共2兲 the Cartesian coordinates
concern either 共1兲 the proper definition of the problem to be ad- 共␪1 , ȳ , z̄兲. Then, the displacement components of M along y and z
dressed 共e.g., beam geometrical or material properties兲 or 共2兲 the read
development of a one-dimensional theory accurately describing
the LTB behavior of tapered beams. V̄共␪1,␪2兲 = V共␪1兲 − ȳ共␪1,␪2兲共1 − cos ⌽共␪1兲兲
− 共z̄共␪1,␪2兲 − z0兲sin ⌽共␪1兲
Definition of Problem 共8兲
The beams analyzed in this work 共1兲 display thin-walled open W̄共␪1,␪2兲 = W共␪1兲 + ȳ共␪1,␪2兲sin ⌽共␪1兲
cross-sections, 共2兲 are singly symmetric 共cross-section minor axes − 共z̄共␪1,␪2兲 − z0兲共1 − cos ⌽共␪1兲兲
lying on the beam symmetry plane兲, 共3兲 are made of homoge-
neous, elastic, and isotropic materials, and 共4兲 contain no initial The displacement component of M along the x direction,
imperfections 共i.e., are “ideal”兲. The loading addressed may in- Ū共␪1 , ␪2兲, will be determined further ahead.
clude any combination of conservative applied forces 共concen- Assuming M to be nonsingular, the Lagrangian membrane
trated or distributed兲 and end moments, which 共1兲 act on the sym- strain components at this point, in the ␪␣ coordinate system, read
metry plane, and 共2兲 are proportional to a single load parameter ␭. 共Green and Zerna 1968兲
It is also assumed that the beam exhibits a linear prebuckling 1
state, which amounts to neglecting the effect of the prebuckling ē␣␤共␪1,␪2兲 = 2 共a␣ · U,␤ + a␤ · U,␣ + U,␣ · U,␤兲 共9兲
共flexural兲 deflections in the bifurcation analysis—the interested
reader is referred to a recent paper by the authors 共Andrade and where U共␪1 , ␪2兲 = 关ŪV̄W̄兴T=displacement vector of M. After 共1兲
Camotim 2004兲, in which the influence of the prebuckling deflec- incorporating Eqs. 共2兲 and 共8兲 into Eq. 共9兲, and 共2兲 making A
tions on the LTB of prismatic and tapered beams is assessed. = V,1 cos ⌽ + W,1 sin ⌽ and B = W,1 cos ⌽ − V,1 sin ⌽, one obtains

Solution of Problem
冉 1

ē11 = Ū,1 1 + Ū,1 + ȳB⌽,1 − 共z̄ − z0兲A⌽,1 + ȳ ,1关A − 共z̄ − z0兲⌽,1兴
It is assumed that both the strains and the derivatives of the 1
longitudinal displacements U 共along x兲 are small, i.e., negligible + z̄,1共B + ȳ⌽,1兲 + 共V2,1 + W2,1 + ␳2⌽2,1兲
when compared with unity. Moreover, the beams are analyzed as
membranes 共which automatically implies that the normal stresses 1
perpendicular to the mid-surface are neglected兲 subjected to the ē12 = ē21 = 兵Ū,2共1 + Ū,1兲 + ȳ ,2A + z̄,2B + 关ȳ z̄,2 − 共z̄ − z0兲ȳ ,2兴⌽,1其
following kinematic constraints: 2
1. The projection of a cross-section mid-line, on a plane or- 共10兲
thogonal to the x axis, retains its shape and dimensions
throughout the whole deformation process. 1
2. The mid-surface shear strains 共referred to the orthonormal ē22 = Ū2,2
cordinate system ␪I , ␪II兲 are negligible.
It is worth mentioning that the above kinematic constraints are where ␳ = 关ȳ 2 + 共z̄ − z0兲2兴1/2 = distance between point M 共in the un-
just an extension of the classical Vlassov’s hypotheses 共Vlassov deformed configuration兲 and the polar axis. The transformation of
1961兲, commonly adopted in the analysis of prismatic beams. this strain tensor to the coordinate system ␪I , ␪II yields the shear
Note also that 共1兲 the first restriction precludes the occurrence of strain component
local instability phenomena, such as local-plate or distortional
buckling 共e.g., Hancock et al. 2001兲, and 共2兲 analyzing the beam
as a membrane amounts to completely neglecting the strain en-
ēI II = ēII I =
冑1 + ␰2 共ē12 − ␩ē22兲 共11兲

ergy due to uniform 共St. Venant兲 torsion, which must be then Since it has been assumed that the derivatives of the longitudinal
added separately. This is done by means of the expression valid
for prismatic beams, but taking into account the variation of the displacements U are small, the terms Ū,1 and ␩Ū,2 can be ne-
torsional rigidity GJ along the x axis, a procedure which is backed glected 共in comparison with unity兲, thus leading to
by both theoretical 共Lee and Szabo 1967兲 and experimental 共Lee 1
ēI II = ēII I = 兵Ū,2 + ȳ ,2A + z̄,2B + 关ȳ z̄,2 − 共z̄ − z0兲ȳ ,2兴⌽,1其
2冑1 + ␰2
1956兲 evidence.

Kinematics Because it has further been assumed that the mid-surface shear
strains are negligible 共ēI II = ēII I ⬇ 0兲, Eq. 共12兲 provides
The kinematic constraints imposed on the beam mid-surface
imply that the deformed configuration of the mid-line of any Ū,2 = − 兵ȳ ,2A + z̄,2B + 关ȳ z̄,2 − 共z̄ − z0兲ȳ ,2兴⌽,1其 共13兲
given beam cross section may be obtained by means of 共1兲 an
in-plane rigid-body motion, followed by 共2兲 displacements along and, after integration w.r.t. ␪2,
x, due to bending and warping. Moreover, the mid-line rigid-body
Ū = UL − ȳA − z̄B − ␻
¯ ⌽,1 共14兲
motion can still be decomposed into the successive application of
共1兲 a rotation about the polar axis 共⌽兲, and 共2兲 a translation with where


UL共␪1兲 = Ū共␪1,0兲 + ȳ共␪1,0兲A + z̄共␪1,0兲B Total Potential Energy
¯ 共␪ ,␪ 兲 =
␻ 1 2
冕 C共␪1,␪2兲
关ȳ共␪ ,s兲z̄,s共␪ ,s兲 − 共z̄共␪ ,s兲 − z0兲ȳ ,s共␪ ,s兲兴ds
1 1 1 1
Strain Energy
The beam strain energy is the sum of two terms: 共1兲 one associ-
ated to the membrane strains and 共2兲 the other related to the shear
and C共␪1 , ␪2兲 = segment of L共␪1兲 comprised between the point de- strains due to uniform torsion. The first term is given by
fined by ␪2 = 0 and point M共␪1 , ␪2兲. Function UL provides the
displacements, in the x direction, of the points initially located on
the x axis, excluding the warping component. The last term on the
冕 S
n̄␣␤ē␣␤dA =
共n̄11ē11 + n̄22ē22兲dA 共18兲
right hand side 共r.h.s兲 of Eq. 共14兲 is the warping component of Ū.
As for function ␻ ¯ , its restriction to L共␪1兲 represents the sectorial where 共1兲 n̄␣␤ are the membrane forces work conjugate to the
coordinate 共1兲 defined on the 共undeformed兲 cross-section located Lagrangian strains ē␣␤, and 共2兲 the differential surface area on S
at coordinate ␪1: 共2兲 with origin at ␪2 = 0, and 共3兲 having its pole is given by 共Green and Zerna 1968兲
at the point with Cartesian coordinates 共␪1 , 0 , z0兲, corresponding
to the intersection between the polar axis and the plane that dA = 储a1 ⫻ a2储d␪1 d␪2 = 冑ad␪1 d␪2 = 冑1 + ␰2d␪1 d␪2 共19兲
contains the cross-section under consideration. Note that, at a For small strains, it is acceptable to assume that the membrane
singular point of S, ␻ ¯ and Ū are defined by the condition of strain energy density 共per unit area of S兲 is a quadratic function of
continuity of the deformed mid-surface. the Lagrangian strains, which means that one may assume a linear
It is still worth pointing out that the value of ␻¯ at a given point relation between n̄␣␤ and ē␣␤, with the same form as in the linear
of S does not depend on the particular definition adopted for the membrane theory — this corresponds to the so-called St. Venant–
Gaussian mid-line coordinate, provided that the curve ␪2 = 0 lies Kirchoff material 共e.g., Ciarlet 1988兲. Then, one may write
on the y = 0 plane, as is always required 共Andrade 2003兲. 共Green and Zerna 1968兲
Incorporating Eq. 共14兲 into Eq. 共10兲 and neglecting Ū,1 共in
comparison with unity兲, one obtains n̄11 = Et兵共a11兲2ē11 + 关共1 − ␯兲共a12兲2 + ␯a11a22兴ē22其 共20兲

ē11 = UL,1 − ȳ共A,1 − B⌽,1兲 − z̄共B,1 + A⌽,1兲 − ␻

¯ ⌽,11 n̄22 = Et兵关共1 − ␯兲共a12兲2 + ␯a11a22兴ē11 + 共a22兲2ē22其 共21兲
2 共V,1
+ W2,1 + ␳2⌽2,1兲 + z0A⌽,1 − ␺⌽,1 where 共1兲 E and ␯ are the material Young modulus and Poisson
ratio, 共2兲 the simplifying assumption of negligible normal stresses
␴33 is implicitly incorporated, and 共3兲 the approximation 1 − ␯2
ē12 = ē21 = 0 共16兲 ⬇ 1 was adopted 关if one does not wish to adopt this approxima-
tion, often used in the context of beam theories, it suffices to
ē22 = 2 兵ȳ ,2关A − 共z̄ − z0兲⌽,1兴 + z̄,2共B + ȳ⌽,1兲其2 replace E by E / 共1 − ␯2兲 in Eqs. 共20兲 and 共21兲 and subsequent
expressions兴. Then, the incorporation of Eqs. 共19兲–共21兲 into Eq.
where the function 共18兲 yields

␺共␪1,␪2兲 = ␻
¯ ,1 + ȳ ,1共z̄ − z0兲 − z̄,1ȳ 共17兲
兵ē211 + 共1 + ␰2 + ␩2兲2ē222
is directly related to the beam tapering, i.e., the variation of its 2 0 L共␪1兲
cross-section. Indeed, ␺ is identically zero for prismatic beams, a
fact stemming directly from the annulment of all derivatives, + 2关␩2 + ␯共1 + ␰2兲兴ē11ē22其t*d␪2 d␪1 共22兲
w.r.t. ␪1 appearing in Eq. 共17兲. However, the converse is not true, where t* = t共1 + ␰2兲−3/2 共note that one has always t* 艋 t, with the
as can be readily shown by the following example 共Andrade equality holding if and only if ␰ = 0兲. The value of t* does not
2003兲: one has ␺ = 0 in a tapered I-section beam having a constant depend on the particular choice of coordinate ␪2, defined along
height 共distance measured between flange mid-lines兲 and equal or the cross-section mid-lines.
unequal flanges with varying width and/or thickness. Note that, Since the strain energy related to the shear strains due to uni-
similarly to what was said for function ␻ ¯ , the value of ␺ at a point form torsion is given by
of S does not depend on the particular definition adopted for

coordinate ␪2. G
Concerning expression 共161兲, which provides the membrane J⌽2,1 d␪1 共23兲
2 0
strain component ē11, it should be noted that:
1. If the nonlinear terms are neglected, Eq. 共161兲 becomes the one may finally write
expression derived by Wilde 共1968兲 for the normal compo-
nent ¯␧11 of the infinitesimal strain tensor. E
U= 兵ē211 + 共1 + ␰2 + ␩2兲2ē222
2. Making z0 = 0 共i.e., the polar and x axes coincide兲, Eq. 共161兲 2 0 L共␪1兲
becomes similar to the expression proposed by Ronagh et al.

共2000a兲. G
3. The expression derived by Rajasekaran 共1994a兲 differs sig- + 2关␩2 + ␯共1 + ␰2兲兴ē11ē22其t*d␪2 d␪1 + J⌽2,1d␪1 共24兲
2 0
nificantly from Eq. 共161兲, mostly because this author, without
any reasonable explanation, neglects a few nonlinear terms It is worth mentioning that the elastic strain energy expression
having the same order of magnitude as others that are re- reported by Ronagh et al. 共2000a兲 does not include the ē22 terms
tained. Therefore, Rajasekaran’s expression is inconsistent and, rigorously speaking, is only valid for orthonormal base vec-
with regard to the degree of approximation. tors a1 , a2, i.e., if one has ␰ = 0 and ␩ = 0.


n̄11f 共␪1,␪2,␭兲 = Et共1 + ␰2兲−2共UL,1
f f
− z̄W,11兲
n̄22f 共␪1,␪2,␭兲 = Et共1 + ␰2兲−2关␩2 + ␯共1 + ␰2兲兴共UL,1
f f
− z̄W,11兲
Therefore, the evolution, along the fundamental path, of the
axial force and bending moment acting on a generic cross-section
of the beam is defined by 共note that a2 · e1 = 0兲

N f 共␪1,␭兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲
共a11兲−1/2共n̄11f a1 + n̄12f a2兲 · e1 d␪2

= E共A*UL,1 − S*y W,11


Fig. 3. Applied transverse forces and end moments M yf共␪1,␭兲 = 冕L共␪1兲

z̄共a11兲−1/2共n̄11f a1 + n̄12f a2兲 · e1 d␪2

= E共S*y UL,1
− I*y W,11

where the functions
Potential Energy of Applied Loads
The beam is subjected to the generic system of applied loads and
end moments shown in Fig. 3. The transverse loads 共1兲 are either
A*共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲
t* d␪2

distributed along the beam span or concentrated at the end sec-

tions 共e.g., tip loads in cantilevers兲, and 共2兲 follow the beam de-
formation, while retaining their original direction. As for the end S*y 共␪1兲 = z̄t* d␪2 共28兲
moments M y0 and M yl, they follow only the corresponding end L共␪1兲
cross-section rotations ⌽ about the polar axis, thus remaining

perpendicular to the x axis, which ensures their conservative char-
acter — note that applied moments which either 共1兲 retain their I*y 共␪1兲 = z̄2t* d␪2
original direction or 共2兲 fully follow the rotation of the corre- L共␪1兲
sponding cross-sections are not conservative 共Ritto-Corrêa and
Camotim 2003兲. Then, all applied loads are conservative and their may be viewed as geometrical properties of “fictitious beam
potential energy is given by cross-sections,” having the same mid-line as the actual cross-
sections and a fictitious wall thickness t*共艋t兲, measured on the
cross-section plane and deemed concentrated at the mid-line.

冕 Since this work deals exclusively with beams 共i.e. members

Ve = − qz关W − 共zq − z0兲共1 − cos ⌽兲兴d␪1 − Qz0关W共0兲 − 共zQ0 − z0兲 subjected to bending moments only兲, one has N f = 0 and, therefore

⫻共1 − cos ⌽共0兲兲兴 − Qzl关W共l兲 − 共zQl − z0兲共1 − cos ⌽共l兲兲兴

UL,1 = zG* W,11

+ M y0共W,1共0兲cos ⌽共0兲 − V,1共0兲sin ⌽共0兲兲

M yf = E共zG* S*y − I*y 兲W,11
+ M yl共W,1共l兲cos ⌽共l兲 − V,1共l兲sin ⌽共l兲兲 共25兲

zG* 共␪1兲 = S*y /A*

Linear Stability Analysis

Buckling Mode Variational Equation
The linear stability analysis of the tapered beams is performed by
Let us consider a beam deformed configuration adjacent to a fun-
means of Trefftz’s criterion 共e.g., Bazant and Cedolin 1991 or
damental equilibrium state and characterized by
Reis and Camotim 2001兲 and involves the following steps: 共1兲
characterization of the beam fundamental equilibrium path, 共2兲
UL共␪1,␭兲 = ULf共␪1,␭兲 + u共␪1兲
establishment of the buckling mode variational equation and, fi-
nally, 共3兲 use of standard calculus of variation techniques to ob-
tain the corresponding Euler–Lagrange equations and natural V共␪1,␭兲 = V f 共␪1,␭兲 + v共␪1兲 = v共␪1兲
boundary conditions. 共30兲
W共␪1,␭兲 = W f 共␪1,␭兲 + w共␪1兲
Fundamental Equilibrium Path
⌽共␪1,␭兲 = ⌽ f 共␪1,␭兲 + ␾共␪1兲 = ␾共␪1兲
In a fundamental state, corresponding to a given load parameter
value ␭, the beam is subjected solely to major axis bending and where u, v, w, and ␾ stand for displacement variations, indepen-
its deformed configuration is characterized by UL = ULf, V = V f = 0, dent from ␭. Then, according to Trefftz’s criterion, the bifurcation
W = W f , and ⌽ = ⌽ f = 0. As for the membrane forces n̄11 f and n̄22 f , points occurring along the fundamental path are identified by the
they are given by 共recall the linear prebuckling path assumption兲 stationarity condition


␦共␦2⌸兲 = 0
for all kinematically admissible u, v, w and ␾, where ␦ ⌸ is the 2
Iz*共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲
ȳ 2t* d␪2

second order term of the Taylor series expansion of the beam total
potential energy about a fundamental equilibrium state 共i.e., the
second variation of ⌸兲. This condition is often termed as “buck-
ling mode variational equation.”
I*␻共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲

¯ 2t* d␪2

Taking into account results presented earlier, functional ␦2⌸

I*␺共␪1兲 = 冕 ␺2t* d␪2


␦ 2⌸ = 兵n̄11f ␦2ē11 + n̄22f ␦2ē22 + Et/2兵共a11兲2共␦ē11兲2


+ 共a 兲 共␦ē22兲 + 2关共1 − ␯兲共a 兲 + ␯a a 兴␦ē11␦ē22其其dA

22 2 2 12 2 11 22
I␻z 共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲

¯ ȳt* d␪2


+ G/2 J␾2,1d␪1 + ␦ Ve 2
I␺z 共␪1兲 = ␺ȳt* d␪2
where the variations of the 共1兲 membrane strains and 共2兲 applied
load potential energy are given by 共note that assuming a linear
prebuckling behavior amounts to neglecting the effects of preb-
uckling deflections兲
I*␻␺共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲

¯ ␺t* d␪2

␦ē11 = u,1 − ȳ v,11 − z̄w,11 − ␻

¯ ␾,11 − ␺␾,1 I*␳共␪1兲 = 冕 L共␪1兲
␳2t* d␪2

␦ē22 = 0
␤*y 共␪1兲 = z̄␳2t* d␪2/I*y
␦2ē11 = − ȳw,11␾ + z̄v,11␾ + 1/2共v2,1 + w2,1 + ␳2␾2,1兲 共33兲
may, once again, be viewed as geometrical properties of fictitious
beam cross-sections 共actual mid-line and fictitious wall thickness
␦2ē22 = 1/2共␻
¯ ,2␾,1 + ȳ ,2v,1 + z̄,2w,1兲2 t*兲. Note also that the orthogonality conditions

␦ Ve = 共zq − z0兲/2

qz␾ d␪ + 共zQ0 − z0兲/2Qz0␾共0兲 + 共zQl
2 1 2
冕 L共␪1兲
ȳt* d␪2 = 0

− z0兲/2Qzl␾共l兲2 − M y0v,1共0兲␾共0兲 − M ylv,1共l兲␾共l兲

At this point, given the complexity involved in carrying out a
冕 L共␪1兲

¯ t* d␪2 = 0

linear stability analysis based on an expression as general as Eq.

共32兲, it is rather convenient to consider an additional simplifying
hypothesis, which consists of neglecting the contribution of the 冕 L共␪1兲
␺t* d␪2 = 0
membrane forces n̄22. It is worth noticing that this is one of the

basic assumptions of elementary beam theory 共e.g., Oliveira
1999兲 and that it seems fairly reasonable to adopt it also in the ȳ z̄t* d␪2 = 0
context of the present work. Then, ␦2⌸ becomes L共␪1兲

冕 冕
␦ 2⌸ = 共A*u2,1 − 2S*y u,1w,11 + I*y w2,11 + Iz*v2,11 + I*␻␾2,11 + I*␺␾2,1 ␻
¯ z̄t* d␪2 = 0
2 0 L共␪1兲
v,11␾,11 + 2I␺z
v,11␾,1 + 2I*␻␺␾,1␾,11兲d␪1

+ 2I␻z

冕 冕 冉 冊 ␺z̄t* d␪2 = 0
l l
G 1 zG* I*␳ − ␤*y I*y
+ J␾2,1 d␪1 + M yf 2v,11␾ + ␾2,1 d␪1 L共␪1兲
2 0 2 0 zG* S*y − I*y
which are valid for singly symmetric beams 共Andrade 2003兲,

1 1 were used to derive Eq. 共34兲.
+ 共zq − z0兲 qz␾ d␪ + 共zQ0 − z0兲Qz0␾共0兲2
2 1
2 0 2 It is particularly important to remark that Eq. 共34兲 includes
terms containing geometrical properties involving function ␺. In-
1 deed, if one recalls that ␺ is identically zero for prismatic beams,
+ 共zQl − z0兲Qzl␾共l兲2 − M y0v,1共0兲␾共0兲 − M ylv,1共l兲␾共l兲
2 this fact undoubtedly shows that, provided that ␺ ⫽ 0 共for in-
stance, this is always the case in web-tapered I-section beams兲,
the LTB behaviors of prismatic and tapered beams are qualita-
where the functions tively different, as recently pointed out by Ronagh et al. 共2000b兲


and Boissonnade and Muzeau 共2001兲. This automatically implies zG* I*␳ − ␤*y I*y
that either 共1兲 modeling a tapered beam through a sequence of E共I*␺␾,1 + I␺z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,11兲 + GJ␾,1 + M yl ␾,1 − M ylv,1
zG* S*y − I*y
prismatic segments 共as done by Nethercot 1973兲 or 共2兲 using the
strain–displacement relations valid for prismatic beams only 共i.e., − E共I*␻␾,11 + I␻z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,1兲,1 + 共zQl − z0兲Qzl␾ = 0 ∨
not including function ␺兲 to derive “tapered” beam finite elements
or any other numerical scheme 共e.g., Brown 1981; Galéa 1986; ␦␾ = 0 at ␪1 = l 共46兲
and Chan 1990兲 constitute conceptually incorrect procedures. In-
deed, they fail to capture the above differences, regardless of the E共I*␻␾,11 + I␻z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,1兲 = 0 ∨ ␦␾,1 = 0 at ␪1 = 0 and ␪1 = l
number of segments or FEs adopted, a shortcoming that may lead
to a significant under/overestimation of the critical moment of a
tapered beam. This statement will be demonstrated further ahead, It is worth pointing out that the load parameter ␭ may appear in
in the section devoted to the presentation and discussion of nu- some 共natural兲 boundary conditions, thus leading to a “Steklov-
merical results concerning the LTB of web-tapered simply sup- type eigenvalue problem” 共Babuska and Osborn 1991兲. Notice
ported beams and cantilevers. also that the equations governing the lateral–torsional buckling
behavior of prismatic thin-walled beams are recovered if the x
Euler–Lagrange Equations and Boundary Conditions and polar axes are taken as the undeformed centroid and shear
center lines 共e.g., Trahair 1993兲.
The stationarity condition 共31兲 is the variational 共weak兲 formula-
tion of a continuum linear eigenvalue problem 共the bifurcation
load parameters and buckling modes are the eigenvalues and Simply Supported Beams and Cantilevers
eigenfunctions兲. Applying standard calculus of variations tech-
niques 共e.g., Courant and Hilbert 1953 or Reis and Camotim In this section, the variational formulation just presented is speci-
2001兲, one is led to the strong formulation of this problem: find ␭ fied and numerically implemented for 共1兲 simply supported beams
values and functions u, v, w, and ␾ 共not all of them identically subjected to transverse loads and/or end moments, and 共2兲 canti-
zero兲 satisfying the differential equations 共in 兴0 , l关兲 levers acted by transverse loads. In both cases, the end conditions
concerning in and out-of-plane bending are identical and the lon-
E共A*u,1 − S*y w,11兲,1 = 0 共37兲 gitudinal displacement 共along the x axis兲 is prevented at only one
end section, taken here to be the one defined by x = 0. In addition,
E共Iz*v,11 + I␻z
␾,11 + I␺z
␾,1兲,11 + 共M yf␾兲,11 = 0 共38兲 共1兲 the simply supported beam end sections are fully restrained
against torsion and may warp freely, and 共2兲 the cantilever fixed
end section is fully restrained against torsion and its warping is
E共− S*y u,1 + I*y w,11兲,11 = 0 共39兲 either fully restrained or free.
Initially, a few analytical results are derived and used to ex-
M yfv,11 + qz共zq − z0兲␾ − E共I*␺␾,1 + I␺z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,11兲,1 − G共J␾,1兲,1 press ␦2⌸ in terms of a single unknown function, the torsional

冉 冊
rotation ␾. Since the derivations and results are very similar for
zG* I*␳ − ␤*y I*y both the simply supported beams and cantilevers, only the former
− M yf ␾,1 + E共I*␻␾,11 + I␻z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,1兲,11 = 0
zG* S*y − I*y ,1 case is dealt with here 共for more details, the interested reader is
共40兲 referred to Andrade 2003兲. Then, aspects related to the implemen-
tation of a numerical procedure to perform the linear stability
which are the Euler–Lagrange equations of functional ␦ ⌸, and 2
analyses are briefly addressed. This procedure uses the modified
the boundary conditions ␦2⌸ expression and employs the Rayleigh–Ritz method.
Since the longitudinal displacement is prevented at end section
E共A*u,1 − S*y w,11兲 = 0 ∨ ␦u = 0 at ␪1 = 0 and ␪1 = l 共41兲 ␪1 = 0, Eq. 共37兲 and the natural boundary condition Eq. 共41兲 at
␪1 = l lead to
E共Iz*v,11 + I␻z
␾,11 + I␺z
␾,1兲,1 + 共M yf␾兲,1 = 0 ∨ ␦v = 0 A*u,1 − S*y w,11 = 0
at ␪ = 0 and ␪ = l
1 1
共42兲 共48兲
0 艋 ␪1 艋 l
E共Iz*v,11 + I␻z
␾,11 + I␺z
␾,1兲 = 0 ∨ ␦v,1 = 0 at ␪1 = 0 and ␪1 = l In addition, using Eq. 共39兲, together with the natural boundary
共43兲 conditions Eq. 共45兲 at both ends, yields
I*y w,11 − S*y u,1 = 0
E共S*y u,1 − I*y w,11兲,1 = 0 ∨ ␦w = 0 at ␪1 = 0 and ␪1 = l 共44兲 共49兲
0 艋 ␪1 艋 l
E共− S*y u,1 + I*y w,11兲 = 0 ∨ ␦w,1 = 0 at ␪1 = 0 and ␪1 = l 共45兲 and, from Eqs. 共48兲 and 共49兲, one can immediately conclude that

zG* I*␳ − ␤*y I*y 共A*u2,1 − 2S*y u,1w,11 + I*y w2,11兲d␪1 = 0 共50兲
E共I*␺␾,1 + I␺z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,11兲 + GJ␾,1 − M y0 ␾,1 + M y0v,1 2 0
zG* S*y − I*y
which means that u and w can be ignored in ␦2⌸. Then, 共1兲
− E共I*␻␾,11 + I␻z
v,11 + I*␻␺␾,1兲,1 − 共zQ0 − z0兲Qz0␾ = 0 ∨ integrating twice Eq. 共38兲, 共2兲 using natural boundary conditions
Eq. 共43兲 at both ends, and 共3兲 recalling that the essential boundary
␦␾ = 0 at ␪1 = l conditions read ␾共0兲 = ␾共l兲 = 0, one gets


v,11 = − 共M yf␾ + EI␻z
␾,11 + EI␺z
␾,1兲 共51兲
Finally, by incorporating Eqs. 共50兲 and 共51兲 and ␾共0兲 = ␾共l兲 = 0
into Eq. 共34兲, one obtains the modified ␦2⌸ expression 共␾ is the
only unknown function兲

冕 冋冉 冊 冉 冊
1 共EIwz
* 2
兲 共EIwz
* 2

␦ 2⌸ = EI*␻ − ␾2,11 + EI*␺ − ␾2,1
2 0 EIz* EIz*

+ 2 EI*␻␺ −
EI␻z *
冊 册
␾,1␾,11 + GJ␾2,1 d␪2

冕 冉
1 zG* I*␳ − ␤*y I*y *
+ M yf ␾2,1 − 2 ␾␾,11
2 0 zG* S*y − I*y EIz*

EIz * ␾␾,1 −
M yf
2 1

* ␾ d␪ + 共zq − z0兲 冕 0
qz␾2 d␪1
Fig. 4. Simply supported beams and cantilevers: geometry, loading,
共52兲 material constants

Numerical Implementation
Validation and Illustrative Examples
In order to determine the critical load parameter ␭cr of a given
beam 共i.e., the lowest positive bifurcation load parameter兲, the In order to validate and illustrate the application and capabilities
well-known Rayleigh–Ritz method is employed 共e.g., Mikhlin of the proposed general variational formulation, specified and
1964兲. Its application requires selecting a sequence of “shape implemented for simply supported beams and cantilevers, a set of
functions” ␸n共␪1兲 , n = 1 , 2 , . . ., which must 共1兲 be admissible in numerical critical moments M cr is presented and discussed next.
the variational Eq. 共31兲 共this implies that they must satisfy all the These results concern the web-tapered I-section beams and canti-
essential boundary conditions兲, 共2兲 form a complete system levers shown in Fig. 4, which have 共1兲 uniform flanges, and 共2兲 a
共Mikhlin 1964兲, and 共3兲 be linearly independent. Then, if one 共1兲 linearly tapered web of constant thickness.
approximates the critical buckling mode by means of The simply supported beams 共1兲 exhibit two longitudinal
planes of symmetry 共equal flanges and symmetric tapering
slopes兲, 共2兲 have different ␣ 共tapering parameter兲 values, where ␣
␾n = 兺
k ␸k共␪ 兲
is the ratio between the end and mid-span cross-section heights
共measured between flange mid-lines兲, and 共3兲 are acted by a mid-
共linear combination of the first n shape functions兲, and 共2兲 re- span point load applied at the web mid-height or at the top flange
places ␾ by ␾n in ␦2⌸, the stationarity condition Eq. 共31兲 defines mid-line. Since the x and polar axes are chosen to be coincident
a discrete eigenvalue problem. The lowest positive eigenvalue of and defined by the intersection of the two longitudinal symmetry
this problem 共1兲 is denoted by ␭cr , 共2兲 provides an upper bound planes, they contain the line segment uniting the cross-section
for the beam true critical load parameter ␭cr, and 共3兲 corresponds centroids and shear centers 共in the undeformed configuration兲
共n兲 共n兲
to an eigenvector acr , leading to a buckling mode estimate ␾cr . and, thus, S*y 共and zG* 兲, I␻z
* *
, I␺z , ␤*y are identically zero.
共n兲 共n兲
Moreover, it can be shown that ␭cr and ␾cr tend to ␭cr and ␾cr as The cantilevers 共1兲 display unequal flanges, with the top one
n → + ⬁ 共e.g., Mikhlin 1964兲, which means that convergence is being always horizontal, 共2兲 have lengths varying between 3.0
always ensured. Indeed, by using a large enough number of shape and 6.0 m, 共3兲 are subjected to a tip load, applied at the top flange
functions, it is possible to obtain approximate results as accurate mid-line, and 共4兲 exhibit the following ␣ 共tapering parameter兲
as desired. values, where ␣ now stands for the ratio between the free and
For the three beam types addressed here, the following appro- fixed cross-section heights 共again measured between flange mid-
priate sequences of shape functions were considered: lines兲: ␣ = 1 共prismatic cantilever兲 and ␣ = 0.5. The x and polar
1. Simply supported beams axes are coincident and parallel to the top flange 共i.e., horizontal兲,
intersecting the free end section 共x = l兲 at mid-height. Finally, no-
␸n共␪1兲 = sin 冉 冊 n␲ 1
␪ , n = 1,2, . . . 共54兲
tice that the warping at the fixed end cross-section 共x = 0兲 is as-
sumed to be either fully restrained or completely free.
Two different analyses were performed for all tapered beams
2. Cantilevers with fully restrained warping at the fixed end
and cantilevers: 共1兲 one includes the influence of function ␺, ex-
共x = 0兲
actly defined in Eq. 共17兲, and 共2兲 the other imposes the condition

␸n共␪1兲 = 1 − cos 冋 共2n − 1兲␲ 1

␪ , 册 n = 1,2, . . . 共55兲
␺ = 0, which amounts to incorporating, into ␦2⌸, the ē11 expres-
sion valid for prismatic beams only. In the latter case, the M cr
values obtained are precisely the same that would be yielded by
3. Cantilevers with free warping at the fixed end 共x = 0兲 prismatic beam FE analyses 共adopting a fine enough mesh兲. It is

冉 冊
still worth pointing out that, in the case of the simply supported
n␲ 1 beams, only half a beam was analyzed, due to the following sym-
␸n共␪1兲 = sin ␪ , n = 1,2, . . . 共56兲
2l metries w.r.t. x = l / 2: 共1兲 undeformed beam configuration, 共2兲


Fig. 5. Simply supported beams: variation of Qcr with ␣ Fig. 6. Cantilevers: variation of Qcr with l 共restrained warping at
fixed end兲

Cantilevers Acted by Tip Loads

loading, and 共3兲 critical buckling mode. Moreover, this last sym-
The curves shown in Figs. 6 and 7 correspond to the variation of
metry implies that only the odd-number shape function terms Qcr = M cr / l with the length l and concern the prismatic 共␣ = 1兲 and
need to be considered in the sequence Eq. 共54兲. tapered 共␣ = 0.5兲 I-section cantilevers defined before 共Fig. 4兲, re-
spectively with restrained and free warping at the fixed end sec-
tion. The observation of these two sets of curves leads to the
Simply Supported Beams Acted by Mid-Span Point
following conclusions:
1. For a given length l, the tapered cantilever Qcr value always
The curves presented in Fig. 5 show the variation of exceeds its prismatic counterpart. This surprising result
Qcr = 4M cr / l with the tapering parameter ␣, for the simply sup- stems from the fact that, for cantilevers loaded at the top
ported I-section beams described earlier 共see Fig. 4兲. After ob- flange, tapering brings about two contradictory effects: 共11兲 a
serving these curves and comparing them with results reported in material reduction, which implies a Qcr decrease, and 共12兲 a
the literature, one concludes that: smaller distance between the load point of application and
the torsion center, implying a Qcr increase. For all the par-
1. When function ␺ is included in the analysis, both curves Qcr
ticular cantilevers analyzed, the latter effect was found to be
versus ␣ 共11兲 are clearly nonlinear, 共12兲 virtually coincide
with the corresponding ones obtained by Yang and Yau 2. In the tapered cantilever analyses, neglecting the contribution
共1987兲 and Boissonnade and Muzeau 共2001兲 共the last authors of function ␺, 共i.e., imposing ␺ = 0兲 always leads to a signifi-
only analyzed beams acted by loads applied at mid-height兲, cant underestimation of Qcr 共for the longer cantilevers, the
and 共13兲 exhibit a minimum value for ␣ ⬇ 0.4, which means error reaches about 30%兲. Note, however, that the two curves
that the beam with the least amount of material does not have 共␺ ⫽ 0 and ␺ = 0兲 are 共21兲 almost parallel, when the warping
the minimum Qcr. One can explain this surprising last result is restrained at the fixed end, and 共22兲 slightly convergent 共as
by looking at the variation of the stiffness values as ␣ in- l increases兲, when warping is free.
creases: while 共11兲 the average values of GJ, EI*␻ , EI*␻␺ in- 3. The Qcr increase due to restraining the fixed end section
crease, 共12兲 EI*␺, constant along the x axis, decreases, and against warping is much more meaningful for the prismatic
共13兲 EIz* remains constant. As a result of the joint influence of cantilevers than for the tapered ones. Most likely, this hap-
the above two 共conflicting兲 variations, the minimum Qcr pens because tapering itself is responsible for a fair amount
value occurs for an intermediate ␣ value. of warping resistance, making the fixed end warping condi-
2. When one imposes the condition ␺ = 0, 共21兲 the variation of tion less relevant.
Qcr with ␣ becomes almost linear, and 共22兲 the Qcr value is Finally, a few words about the buckling mode approximations
considerably overestimated 共the error goes up to about 25%, employed to determine the results presented in Figs. 6 and 7. The
number of shape functions required to achieve convergence was
for ␣ = 0.5 and top flange loading兲.
3. The Qcr values are significantly reduced when the load is
applied at the top flange 共zQ ⬍ 0兲, a well-known effect in
prismatic beams, due to the additional destabilizing torque
共about the shear center line兲 exerted in the adjacent configu-
Finally, it should be mentioned that, in order to achieve con-
vergence to the results displayed in Fig. 5, it was necessary to
approximate the critical buckling mode by means of a number of
shape functions that varied between 12 共␣ = 0.3 and ␺ ⫽ 0兲 and 2
共␺ = 0, either imposed or because ␣ = 1.0兲. In fact, it was found
that, when the tapering effects are fully taken into account, the
rate of convergence gradually decreases as the flange slope in-
creases. On the other hand, if one imposes ␺ = 0, the flange slope
does not affect convergence. Fig. 7. Cantilevers: variation of Qcr with l 共free warping at fixed end兲


found to vary between 9 共␣ = 0.5, ␺ ⫽ 0 and fixed end warping 3. Restraining the fixed end against warping leads to a much
restraint兲 and 5 共␣ = 1.0 or ␣ = 0.5 and ␺ = 0兲. As for the influence less meaningful M cr increase in tapered cantilevers than in
of the fixed end warping condition on the buckling mode approxi- prismatic ones.
mation required for convergence, it was observed that, if ␺ ⫽ 0, To conclude, it is worth mentioning that a state-of-the-art re-
a larger number of shape functions must generally be used when view concerning one-dimensional analytical formulations for the
analyzing the cantilevers restrained against warping. LTB behavior of tapered beams was also presented.

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