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Horn of Africa


United Nations Office on Drugs and

UN O D C E ve r ywhe r e
Sustained Support
to Maritime Law

With the longest

coastline in mainland
Africa and a position
adjacent to some of
the world's busiest
shipping routes,
Somalia is a nation
that looks to the sea
for its future. The
seas offer huge
opportunities for
sustainable and Somali-led employment and development. The Federal Government of
Somalia (FGS) is, however, concerned over the lack of capacity to manage Somali
maritime resources effectively.

While the presence of international navies off

the Horn of Africa has suppressed piracy, it
has had little impact on other aspects of
maritime crime. Somalia continues to have a
reputation as the launching point for
terrorism, piracy, people trafficking and
smuggling operations which obstructs efforts
to commercialise Somali marine resources. Meanwhile, the inability of Somalia to
successfully do this is consistently seen as one of the underlying causes of instability. Piracy
remains a substantial threat and this is in part attributed to problems with unregulated
fishing by foreign vessels in Somali waters. Proceeds from smuggling of charcoal and sugar
by sea are seen to fuel terrorism. Other maritime threats such as human trafficking, smuggling of weapons, migrants, drugs and
alcohol also hinder effective stabilisation of the country.

The Horn of Africa sub-programme of UNODC's Global Maritime Crime Programme (GMCP
HoA) assists Somalia to address maritime crime. Under the programme, UNODC delivers
support to the maritime law enforcement authorities, and is one of very few programmes
that are actively engaged with Somali Law Enforcement on the waterfront. MCP HoA's
success has been derived from the delivery of sustainable capacity building through the
placement of experts in seamanship, marine engineering, maritime law enforcement, and
communications with regional maritime law enforcement authorities in Somalia as full-time
in- country mentors. In Mogadishu, mentors work with the Somali Police Force's Maritime
Police Unit (MPU), in Puntland with the Bosasso Port Police (BPP) and in Somaliland, with
the Somaliland Coast Guard (SLCG) in Berbera. National teams consisting of national
programme officers, interpreters, and drivers further support the mentors in each of the

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Horn of Africa

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