BL Assignment Sept 2023

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Unit Code, Number and Title H/617/0736 - Unit 7: Business Law

Semester and Academic Year Semester 1, Academic year 2023-2024

Unit Assessor(s) Tran Van Nam / Cao Xuan Phong /

Nguyen Thi Dan Phuong / Ly Vuong Thao
Assessment Number and Title BL A1.1: Individual assignment (Assessment 1 of 1)

Issue Date Monday, November 20, 2023

Submission Date 10:00 am, Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

IV Name

IV Date

Student name

NEU Student ID Pearson ID

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for
material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please
consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully
Student declaration understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a
false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student(s) name(s) /

Submission format and Instructions:

This assignment (Assessment 1 of 1) covers Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3 and 4 (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4).
 This is an individual assignment.

 The submission format is in the form of a case study written report.

 The assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment code, number, tittle,
assessors’ names and student’s name and ID. Attach all the pages of assignment brief with your
report and leave them blank for official use.

 Name of the file includes Student ID_Unit name_Assessment no. (E.g. “10190215_BL_A1.1”).
 Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed.

 Include a content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.

 Plagiarism is unacceptable. Students must cite all sources and input the information by
paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Referral Grade is given when Plagiarism is
identified in your work. There are no exceptions.

 Your evidence/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to Reference
guiding posted on Moodle. The Reference page is compulsory to upload on Turnitin.

 This assignment should be written in a concise, formal business style using Arial 11 or Times
New Roman 13 font size and 1.5 spacing.

 The word limit is 3,500 words (+/- 10%). If you exceed the word limit (excluding references and
administrative sections) your grade will be penalised.

 You MUST complete and submit a softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on Assignment
brief. All late work is not allowed to submit. This rule is not waived under any circumstances. The
softcopy must be submitted to Turn-it-in via Moodle.

 Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria carefully. To
pass the assignment, you must achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined in the marking sheet. To
achieve a Merit, you must achieve ALL the Merit criteria (and therefore the Pass criteria). To
achieve a Distinction, you must achieve ALL the Distinction criteria (and therefore the Pass and
Merit criteria).

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Explain the nature of the legal system.

LO2: Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a business.

LO3: Examine the formation of different types of business organizations.

LO4: Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of disputes.

Assessment Brief and Guidance:

1. [P1] Can a UK county court disrespect the binding precedent of the UK Supreme Court
court? If yes, in which situation?

2. [P1] Consumer Rights Act requires the goods supplied by the seller should be of
sactisfactory quality. Please answer the following questions:
- Which organ in the UK made this Act, and when?
- Which Article of the Act contains such provision?
- Explain definition of the “quality of goods” based on relevant provision of the Act?
- Explain definition of the “satisfactory quality of goods” based on relevant provision of the

3. [P2] Describe role/ participation of UK Cabinet (Government) in the making of law in UK

(both legislation and case law).
4. [P2] A bye-law of the Greater London Council Act states that “any person who causes or
permits any vehicle to be parked with one or more wheels on any part of an urban road
other than a carriageway, shall be guilty of an offence”.
John parks his motorcycle chained to railings on the pavement outside his house. The
motorcycle is standing on its stand so that both its wheels are hanging on, but off the
Please use mischief rule of statutory interpretation to explain whether John violated the law
or not.

5. [P3] A builder agreed to build a house for £150 000. The builder completed all of the work.
However, he failed to glaze the windows properly, with the result that the glass is likely to
fall out of the windows in a moderate to strong wind. The builder found that he had no time
to replace the glass, because he had started another job at the other end of the country.
The owner of the house could not move into the house until the glass was replaced, so he
hired a glazier to reglaze the windows, at a cost of £500. Based on the properlegal basis,
please answer the following questions:
- Did builder completed the performance of the contract?
- Is builder entitle to any payment from the house owner? Why?
- Suppose that the builder is entitled to the payment, please state the amount payable?

6. [P3] Selena contracted with a catering service to provide a buffet for her birthday party
held at 6pm on a given Saturday. She already had plan to move to the other city for new
job the morning after the party. However, the buffet delivered late, at 10pm, when the party
already ended. The catering service requested the repeat performance on basis of Article
55 of Consumer Rights Act 2015.Discuss whether Selena could:

a. Allow the repeat performance?

b. Repudiate contract and claim damages?

7. [P3] Jessica and her daughter Belinda spent holydays in a High Heaven, a big resort that

has amusement park with lots of entertainment games. Belinda chose to ride on a big
wheel. Due to the poor maintenance by High Heaven, her cabin and some other cabins
had disconnected from the wheel and felt to the ground, causing her and many other kids
seriously injured. Matthew, the big wheel operator, also got nervous shock. Tom, a guy
sitting on one of the cabin, did not suffer any physical injury, so he tried to rescue the
injured kids. Even though at the time of accident, Jessica was away from the site, but she
also got nervously shocked when she saw her injured daughter in the hospital. Later,
Jessica, Belinda, Matthew and Tom sued High Heaven for damages.
Based on theory of tort of negligence and nervous shock and relevant case law, discuss
situation of Jessica, Belinda, Matthew and Tom and the possible outcome of the case for
each of them.


8. [P4] A firm had three partners, G, H and I. The three partners were to share profits
equally. G contributed £25 000 capital, H contributed £14 000 and I contributed £11 000.
On dissolution, after all outside creditors have been paid, only £20 000 of capital remains.
Based on proper legal basis, please explain how would this loss be borne by the partners?
9. [P5] Describe and explain powers, duties of company director.
10. [P5] Describe ways a public company could use to raise its capital?

11. [P6] Alpha Ltd is suing Beta Ltd, claiming contract damages of £25 000. The claim is not
in respect of any personal injuries. In which courts might the case be tried? To which
courts might an appeal be made, if all possible appeals were made?
12. [P6] Compare dispute settlement by litigation and by arbitration to see advantages and
disadvantages of each of those method of dispute settlement.

According to Glossary of Command Verb by Pearson

1. Describe/Explain: Give an account, including all the relevant characteristics, qualities
and events.
2. Analyse: Present the outcome of methodical and detailed examination either:
 breaking down a theme, topic or situation in order to interpret and study the
interrelationships between the parts and/or
 of information or data to interpret and study key trends and interrelationships.
3. Critically analyse: Separate information into components and identify characteristics with
depth to the justification.
4. Assess: Evaluate in terms of advantages and disadvantages
5. Evaluate: work draws on varied information, themes or concepts to consider aspects,
such as:
 strengths or weaknesses
 advantages or disadvantages

 alternative actions
 relevance or significance.
Students’ inquiries should lead to a supported judgement showing relationship to its
context. This will often be in a conclusion.
6. Critically evaluate: Make a judgement taking into account different factors and using
available knowledge/experience/evidence where the judgement is supported in depth.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Achieved Achieved Achieved
Pass Merit Distinction
Outcome (ticked) (ticked) (ticked)

P1 Explain
different sources
M1 Evaluate the
of law.
effectiveness of LO1 & LO2
LO1 Explain P2 Explain the
the legal system D1 Provide a
the nature of role of
in terms of coherent and
the legal government in
recent reforms critical evaluation
system law-making and
and of the legal
how statutory and
developments. system and law,
common law is
with evidence
applied in the
drawn from a
justice courts.
range of different
M2 Differentiate
P3 Using specific between
LO2 examples to
examples illustrate legislation,
Illustrate the support
how company, regulations and
potential judgments.
employment and standards to
impact of
contract law has a analyse
the law on a
potential impact potential
upon business. impacts upon
LO3 Examine M3 Assess the D2 Critically
the formation P4 Explore how advantages and evaluate the
of different different types of disadvantages formation of
types of business of the formation different types of
business organizations are of different types business
organization legally formed. of business organizations.

P5 Explain how
organizations are organizations.
managed and
P6 Recommend
legal solutions for M4 Compare
Recommend D3 Evaluate the
resolving a range and contrast
appropriate effectiveness of
of disputes using different sources
legal legal solutions,
examples to of legal advice
solutions to legal advice and
demonstrate how and support for
resolve support for dispute
a party might dispute
areas of resolution.
obtain legal advice resolution.
and support.

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative Feedback: Assessor to Student

The Student Is Awarded:

Choose One
(*) Referral PASS Grade MERIT Grade DISTINCTION Grade

Name Of Assessor: Date Of Assessment:

Re-submission Feedback:

The Student Is Awarded A:

Choose One
(*) Referral PASS Grade MERIT Grade DISTINCTION Grade

Name Of Assessor: Date Of Assessment:

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grades are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external
verifiers have taken place, and the final decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
* This grade only reflects the result of this assignment, not for the whole Unit.

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