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This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, the

significance of the study, scopes, and limitations.


“If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not

networking, then you are using it wrong.” - Germany Kent

People prefer to communicate through social media. Everyone in the community can speak with

like-minded people and get answers to their questions, make friends, and connect. Furthermore, social

media plays an essential role in the lives of all students. Accessing information, sharing information,

and interacting through social media is sometimes easier and more convenient. Students have been

repeatedly told that social media can have a detrimental impact on the individual, but they rarely hear

how social media can help them succeed.

In addition, students benefit from social media in a variety of ways, including the development of

social skills as well as connecting and making effective use of these sites to further their education.

Rather than focusing entirely on the bad effects that social media can have, there's nothing to lose by

addressing the effective ways that students can still use social media. There has always been a method

to help students find better ways to enhance their behavior, whether they share their experiences or

connect with family. Students are less likely to use social media negatively if they follow the stages

of healthy usage of social media and showcase how it may be used positively.
According to Fuchs (2017), the definition in social media is known for its internet-based channel

that allow users to opportunistically interact and selectively self-present, either in real-time or

asynchronously, with both broad and narrow audiences who derive value from user-generated content

and the perception of interaction with others according to Carr and Hayes (2015).

On the other hand, social behavior is a person's physical and psychological activity towards others

to meet the demands of himself and others explained by Hurlock (2015). This means that a student's

social abilities will help him or her both in and out of school. Students who employ acceptable social

behavior are more likely to be able to control their hostility and persistence in the face of challenges.

Therefore the students' social behavior can be influenced in one way or another. The use of social

media by students can have a positive or negative impact on their behavior. As a response, every

parent is concerned about their children who are in school.

Although many studies have looked into the role of social media on students' behavior, few have

looked specifically at social behavior. As a result, the findings of this study should be valuable. Its

goal is to investigate the effect of social media on students' social behaviour. This quantitative study

focuses on the common factors influencing PVMIS students' preferences as well as the long-term

effects of social media use on social behavior. A research questionnaire was created to identify the

factors that may have an impact on the students. The study attempts to detect possible effects and

identify key themes, trends, or awareness through data analysis, which can be used as a foundation

for more in-depth research.

The study's main contribution is in identifying prolonged effects of PVMIS senior high school

students' use of social media on social behavior, which can aid in distinguishing between positive and

negative factors. Given the current knowledge and understanding on students' use of social media, the
information gathered is a valuable source of information because it provides a deeper understanding

of students' relationships with new media


People are social beings from the moment they are born. No infant would survive without social

interactions. Even when we are capable of living independently, very few people choose to live alone.

We generally enjoy social interactions, and no study of behavior would be complete if these

interactions were not taken into account. In addition, as a tool, social media enhances learning by

allowing both students to connect in new and impressive ways. In support of our study, here are the

two opposing conclusions that will provide us a better understanding and determine social media and

social behavior’s relationship.

The first conclusion provided by Al-Sharqi et al. (2015) a related study concluding that there’s an

effect between social media and social behavior since is possible for students to gain the advantages

of social media on social behavior as it implies the ability to learn about people's different thinking

styles, connect with others and communities, improve open-mindedness, and alleviate feelings of

routineness and boredom are all perceived benefits.

In contrast, there’s also a related study saying that there is no effect between social media and

social behavior as it has no support for the widely held assumption that normal social behavior with

positive or negative effects on student performance-related outcomes that have been linked to

decreasing real-life social interactions and leads associating with mental health functioning and well-

being as clearly defined by Berryman et al. and Hall et al. (2018).

These two studies provided have shown how social media and social behavior directly contradict

their two opposing conclusions whether it has an effect or does not have.


This research aims to determine social media usage and its effects on social behavior in senior high

school students. More specifically it seeks to find answers to the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age:

1.2 gender:

1.3 and academic strand?

2. How frequent do students use social media in terms of:

2.1 socializing:

2.2 studying:

2.3 and entertainment?

3. What is the level of students’ aspect of social behavior in terms of:

3.1 emotions:

3.2 motives:

3.3 and social norms?

4. Is there a significant relationship between social media and the social behavior of senior high school


The study focused on explaining the effect of social media on the social behavior of senior high

school students at Palm Valley Multiple Intelligence School. Moreover, the results of the study will

be beneficial to the various sectors as follows:

Students. The respondents of this study will have awareness and information regarding the

possible effects of social media on their social behavior.

Teachers. The study's findings will keep teachers of students informed when there is still effective

social media usage that will benefit their students in coping and adjusting to the challenges of the

school environment or the social media platforms that might affect the social behavior of senior high

school students.

Parents. The result of the study will help the parents of the students feel secure and may also

encourage them to think of other activities that will make the students, as well as teachers and parents,

to know what the great ways to maintain good social media usage today and in the future generations.

Guidance Counsellors. This study will guide counselors on a way to learn more and automate

data collection about students’ frequency of their appropriate behavior, helping students to aim for

more consistent attitudes and habit.


This study focused on the effects of social media on the social behavior of senior high school

students during 2021-2022. Social Media is an independent variable and Social Behavior is the

dependent variable. The respondents of the study were 57 respondent’s senior high school students.

The results of this study apply only to the respondents of this study and should not be used as a

measure of the effect of the interview survey on the social behavior of the senior high school students

who do not belong to the population of this study.

The researchers considered working on this study to find out if there's an effect on the social

behavior of senior high school students after taking the online survey. And to assess the effectiveness

of the interview survey concerning the development of social behavior among students precisely

improving the potential of the learners.

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