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Unit Code, Number and
Title UNIT 6 - L4 - D/618/5039

Semester and
Semester 1 / Academic year 2023 - 2024
Unit Assessor(s) Nguyen Van Dai/Nguyen Ngoc Hien/Le Thi Hong
Assignment Number A2_FINAL REPORT

Submission Date 10 am, 12th December 2023

Student Name
NEU Student ID
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and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you
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Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my
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is a form of malpractice.

Student name /
(you should state the name of your project here)
Wordcount: 4000

Research title:…

1. Summary (objectives, method used, sample, key findings and/or recommendation)

The length of this abstract should not exceed 200 words (150 is highly recommended
but quite tough). So, you should give concise information.

Keywords (maximum of 5):………………………………………………………….

2. Introduction (200-250 words expected)

This is where you can pitch your project with in-brief but compelling ideas. You can
start with a short overview (1-3 sentences) of the context (research field and within
organization(s) that you have selected), the research problem with evidence or results
(emerging issue or the problem in the field left unaddressed) (3-5 sentences). Then,
you should go with the key (very key) finding you have found in your research
At the end of this section, you should inform your reader(s) of the next parts.

3. In-brief Review (1000 words)

 Key concepts should be clearly defined/stated related to CSR

 Review on relevant policy and/or best practices related to CSR

4. Method (research design and data collection) (500 words)

In this part, you should describe where your data come from and the sampling method.
If you use survey questionnaire or interview guide, please attach it in the appendix
(not be included in wordcount).
How do you analyse your data (basic descriptive statistics with analysis tools like
Excel?) or (thematic analysis with manually coding for those with qualitative

5. Findings and discussion

For those who applied survey (1000 words)

You should go first with a table of demographic characteristics of the sample (gender,
age, educational level…)

Then, you can present the key results (descriptive statistics, charts, lines). Remember
that you have learnt how to interpret the results.
Descriptive statistics for this report only include MIN, MAX, MEAN, FREQUENCY,
You can use table or chart, line graph to visualize the results.
After presenting results, you need interpret them in an appropriate way.

For those who applied interviews (1000 words)

You need to make sure that you also describe the sample you have (who they are? The
business field?...) to help your reader better understand your sample.

Then, you should create themes to present the key points of your results. Each theme
is followed by at least 1 paragraph of interpretation, and the quote from the transcript.

Both results from survey or interview need the discussion of the results, connect the
results with existing literature (similar or different, how?).

6. Recommendations (recommendations for the selected business case) (600

Practical policy implications for firms/organizations in the field you have researched
(what should be changed? Or at least, the business owner/organization leader
should be aware of…) to address the problems.

7. Conclusions (150 words)

In-brief information of your project: aim? What have been found? What is interesting?


 What did you aim to achieve through your work?
 Did your work succeed in achieving your aims? How do you know? Specifically,
please outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken.
 What aspects of your development process do you think worked well and why?
 Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g. initial research, concept development,
development process, presentation, etc.)
 What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there
timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?
 What did you learn from undertaking the project?
 What are the strengths and weaknesses of your process that you have identified?
 How could your process improve for the future?


Note: if you ignore any part of this structure, high probability is that you will
FAIL this assignment 2.

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