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第 6章

Q6-1 The property of metals that describes their resistance to indentation is called:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-2 The property of metals that describes their ability to carry a load is:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-3 Generally,as strength increases for carbon steels,the ductility:
A. increases 增加
B. stays the same 没有变化
C. decreases 减少
D. is not related to strength 与强度无关
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-4 The property that describes the ability of a metal to deform when stressed is:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none ofthe above 以上都不是
Q6-5 The type of strength related to a metal’s behavior when the load is applied in a cyclic
manner is:
A. tensile 拉力
B. compressive 压力
C. torsional 扭力
D. impact 冲击力
E. fatigue 疲劳强度
Q6-6 The yield strength of a material is determined by:
A. impact testing 冲击试验
B. tensile testing 拉伸试验
C. hardness testing 硬度试验
D. the Offset method 偏移测试
E. b and d above b 和 d 都是
Q6-7 Which metal properties are directly related?
A. conductivity and strength 传导率和强度
B. strength and ductility 强度和延展性
C. strength and hardness 强度和硬度
D. ductility and toughness 延展性和韧性
E. c and d above c 和 d
Q6-8 The ability of a metal to absorb energy is called:
A. strength 强度
B. ductility 延展性
C. hardness 硬度
D. toughness 韧性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-9 The metal property affected by the surface condition of the sample is:
A. tensile strength 抗拉强度
B. UTS 极限抗拉强度
C. hardness 硬度
D. fatigue strength 疲劳强度
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-10 Which alloying element is generally considered to have the most pronounced effect on
the properties and performance of carbon steel?以下哪个合金元素对于碳钢的性能有显著的
A. aluminum 铝
B. carbon 碳
C. manganese 锰
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-11 Which alloying element is commonly added to steel to improve its corrosion resistance?
A. carbon 碳
B. aluminum 铝
C. silicon 硅
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-12 Hydrogen in the molten weld metal can cause:
A. undercut 咬边
B. overlap 焊瘤
C. cracking 裂纹
D. porosity 气孔
E. c and d above c 和 d
Q6-13 Which property cannot be determined from a tensile test?
A. ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度
B. percent elongation 延伸率
C. percent reduction of area 断面收缩率
D. impact strength 冲击强度
E. yield strength 屈服强度
Q6-14 A metal’s ductility can be expressed as:
A. percent elongation 伸长率
B. percent reduction of area 断面收缩率
C. proportional limit 比例极限
D. a and b above a 和 b
E. b and c above b 和 c
Q6-15 A tensile specimen having a cross sectional area of 0.25 sq in breaks at a load of 1 5 250
lbs.What is its tensile strength?(Tensile Strength=Load/Area)
一个抗拉强度的试样,截面为 0.25 平方英寸,在受到 15250lbs 的载荷时断裂,那么,此
A. 3813 psi
B. 61 000 psi
C. 6100 psi
D. 58 500 psi
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-16 The point at which a metal’S behavior changes from elastic to plastic(onset of permanent
deformation) is referred to as:
A. yield strength 屈服强度
B. ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度
C. modulus of elasticity 弹性模量
D. Young’s modulus 杨氏模量
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-17 What is the percent elongation of a specimen whose original gage length was 2 in and
final gage length was 2.5 in?
试样的原始长度是 2in,最终长度是 2.5in,那么该试验的延伸率是多少?
A. 30%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 40%,
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-18 The family of hardness tests that uses both a minor and major load is called:
A. Brinell 布氏硬度
B. Vickers 维氏硬度
C. Rockwell 洛氏硬度
D. Knoop 努普显微压痕硬度试验
E. none ofthe above 以上都不是
Q6-19 Which of the following tests are referred to as microhardness tests?
A. Rockwell 洛氏硬度
B. Vickers 维氏硬度
C. Knoop 努氏硬度
D. a and b above a 和 b
E. b and C above b 和 c
Q6-20 What type of test uses a weighted pendulum which strikes a notched test specimen?
A. Brinell tes 布氏硬度试验
B. fatigue test 疲劳试验
C. tensile test 拉伸试验
D. microhardness test 显微硬度试验
E. Charpy impact test 夏比冲击试验
Q6-21 Endurance limit is an expression used for what type of testing?
A. fatigue 疲劳试验
B. hardness 硬度试验
C. soundness 完好性试验
D. tension 拉伸试验
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-22 The metal property that relates to a metal’s deforming without failing is called:
A. tensile strength 抗拉强度
B. ductility 延展性
C. hardness 硬度
D. toughness 韧性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-23 Which test is not considered a soundness test?
A. hardness 硬度试验
B. face bend 面弯试验
C. fillet break 角焊缝断裂
D. root bend 根部断裂
E. nick break 切口断裂
Q6-24 The type of testing used to evaluate the type of microstructure present in a metal is
A. tensile 拉伸试验
B. hardness 硬度试验
C. toughness 韧性
D. metallographic 金相试验
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-25 Which of the following tests can be used to judge the soundness of a weld?
A. nick break 切口断裂试验
B. side bend 旁弯试验
C. face bend 面弯试验
D. fillet break 角焊缝断裂试验
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-26 Which of the following tests will generally be used to determine the behavior of a metal at
a specific temperature?
A. guided-bend test 导向弯曲试验
B. root-bend test 根部试验
C. Chamy impact test 夏比冲击试验
D. transverse fillet weld shear test 横向角焊缝剪切试验
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-27 With respect to the rolling direction of steel plate manufacture,which statement is
The strength is highest in the‘Z’direction. Z 方向强度最高
The strength is lowest in the‘X’direction. X 方向强度最低
The strength is highest in the‘X’direction. X 方向强度最高
The strength is highest in the‘Y’direction. Y 方向强度最高
The strength is lowest in the‘Y’direction Y. 方向强度最低
Q6-28 The fillet weld break test is used to evaluate the:
A. quality of the fractured weld 断裂焊缝的质量
B. ductility of the weld metal 焊缝金属的延展性
C. impact strength of the weld 焊缝冲击强度
D. tensile strength of the base metal 母材的抗拉强度
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-29 The welding inspector is not concerned with the mechanical and chemical properties
of metals.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-30 For plain carbon steels,their approximate tensile strength can be estimated by
multiplying their BHN by:
A. 400
B. 300
C. 100
D. 200
E. 500
Q6-31 Notch toughness and impact strength are not synonymous.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-32 Phosphorus and sulfur are added to carbon steel to improve:
A. ductility 延展性
B. toughness 韧性
C. weld ability 焊接性能
D. impact strength 冲击强度
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-33 To improve the low temperature properties of carbon steels,the most likely alloy
addition would be:
A. manganese 锰
B. carbon 碳
C. nickel 镍
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-34 Hydrogen,oxygen,and nitrogen can all cause embrittlement in carbon steels.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-35 Gage marks on a tensile specimen are:
A. scratches caused by improper handling 操作不当引起的擦伤
B. marks caused by using a gage to measure sample area 测量试样面积
C. spaced a set distance apart 使分开一个距离
D. used for calculating percent elongation 用来计算伸长率
E. c and d above c 和 d 都是
Q6-36 The offset method is used for determining which property?
A. yield strength 屈服强度
B. tensile strength 抗拉强度
C. hardness 硬度
D. fatigue strength 疲劳强度
E. impact strength 冲击强度
Q6-37 Surface preparation is not an important step in destructive testing.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-38 The Brinell hardness test is always a destructive test.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-39 In Charpy testing,the test temperature is:
A. not important 不重要的
B. very important 很重要
C. not considered 不需要进行考虑的
D. never reported 没有提及过
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-40 In Charpy testing,the test data can be reported as:
A. foot pounds energy absorbed 吸收的英尺-磅能量
B. lateral expansion 横向膨胀
C. percent shear 切应力百分比
D. all of the above 以上都是
E. offset data 补偿数据
Q6-41 The objective of the guided bend test is to break the sample.
A. true 对
B. false 错

第 6章
Q6-1 The property of metals that describes their resistance to indentation is called:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-2 The property of metals that describes their ability to carry a load is:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-3 Generally,as strength increases for carbon steels,the ductility:
A. increases 增加
B. stays the same 没有变化
C. decreases 减少
D. is not related to strength 与强度无关
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-4 The property that describes the ability of a metal to deform when stressed is:
A. strength 强度
B. toughness 韧性
C. hardness 硬度
D. ductility 延展性
E. none ofthe above 以上都不是
Q6-5 The type of strength related to a metal’s behavior when the load is applied in a cyclic
manner is:
A. tensile 拉力
B. compressive 压力
C. torsional 扭力
D. impact 冲击力
E. fatigue 疲劳强度
Q6-6 The yield strength of a material is determined by:
A. impact testing 冲击试验
B. tensile testing 拉伸试验
C. hardness testing 硬度试验
D. the Offset method 偏移测试
E. b and d above b 和 d 都是
Q6-7 Which metal properties are directly related?
A. conductivity and strength 传导率和强度
B. strength and ductility 强度和延展性
C. strength and hardness 强度和硬度
D. ductility and toughness 延展性和韧性
E. c and d above c和 d
Q6-8 The ability of a metal to absorb energy is called:
A. strength 强度
B. ductility 延展性
C. hardness 硬度
D. toughness 韧性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-9 The metal property affected by the surface condition of the sample is:
A. tensile strength 抗拉强度
B. UTS 极限抗拉强度
C. hardness 硬度
D. fatigue strength 疲劳强度
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-10 Which alloying element is generally considered to have the most pronounced effect on
the properties and performance of carbon steel?以下哪个合金元素对于碳钢的性能有显著的
A. aluminum 铝
B. carbon 碳
C. manganese 锰
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-11 Which alloying element is commonly added to steel to improve its corrosion resistance?
A. carbon 碳
B. aluminum 铝
C. silicon 硅
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-12 Hydrogen in the molten weld metal can cause:
A. undercut 咬边
B. overlap 焊瘤
C. cracking 裂纹
D. porosity 气孔
E. c and d above c 和 d
Q6-13 Which property cannot be determined from a tensile test?
A. ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度
B. percent elongation 延伸率
C. percent reduction of area 断面收缩率
D. impact strength 冲击强度
E. yield strength 屈服强度
Q6-14 A metal’s ductility can be expressed as:
A. percent elongation 伸长率
B. percent reduction of area 断面收缩率
C. proportional limit 比例极限
D. a and b above a 和 b
E. b and c above b 和 c
Q6-15 A tensile specimen having a cross sectional area of 0.25 sq in breaks at a load of 1 5 250
lbs.What is its tensile strength?(Tensile Strength=Load/Area)
一个抗拉强度的试样,截面为 0.25 平方英寸,在受到 15250lbs 的载荷时断裂,那么,此
A. 3813 psi
B. 61 000 psi
C. 6100 psi
D. 58 500 psi
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-16 The point at which a metal’S behavior changes from elastic to plastic(onset of permanent
deformation) is referred to as:
A. yield strength 屈服强度
B. ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度
C. modulus of elasticity 弹性模量
D. Young’s modulus 杨氏模量
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-17 What is the percent elongation of a specimen whose original gage length was 2 in and
final gage length was 2.5 in?
试样的原始长度是 2in,最终长度是 2.5in,那么该试验的延伸率是多少?
A. 30%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 40%,
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-18 The family of hardness tests that uses both a minor and major load is called:
A. Brinell 布氏硬度
B. Vickers 维氏硬度
C. Rockwell 洛氏硬度
D. Knoop 努普显微压痕硬度试验
E. none ofthe above 以上都不是
Q6-19 Which of the following tests are referred to as microhardness tests?
A. Rockwell 洛氏硬度
B. Vickers 维氏硬度
C. Knoop 努氏硬度
D. a and b above a 和 b
E. b and C above b 和 c
Q6-20 What type of test uses a weighted pendulum which strikes a notched test specimen?
A. Brinell tes 布氏硬度试验
B. fatigue test 疲劳试验
C. tensile test 拉伸试验
D. microhardness test 显微硬度试验
E. Charpy impact test 夏比冲击试验
Q6-21 Endurance limit is an expression used for what type of testing?
A. fatigue 疲劳试验
B. hardness 硬度试验
C. soundness 完好性试验
D. tension 拉伸试验
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-22 The metal property that relates to a metal’s deforming without failing is called:
A. tensile strength 抗拉强度
B. ductility 延展性
C. hardness 硬度
D. toughness 韧性
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-23 Which test is not considered a soundness test?
A. hardness 硬度试验
B. face bend 面弯试验
C. fillet break 角焊缝断裂
D. root bend 根部断裂
E. nick break 切口断裂
Q6-24 The type of testing used to evaluate the type of microstructure present in a metal is
A. tensile 拉伸试验
B. hardness 硬度试验
C. toughness 韧性
D. metallographic 金相试验
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-25 Which of the following tests can be used to judge the soundness of a weld?
A. nick break 切口断裂试验
B. side bend 旁弯试验
C. face bend 面弯试验
D. fillet break 角焊缝断裂试验
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-26 Which of the following tests will generally be used to determine the behavior of a metal at
a specific temperature?
A. guided-bend test 导向弯曲试验
B. root-bend test 根部试验
C. Chamy impact test 夏比冲击试验
D. transverse fillet weld shear test 横向角焊缝剪切试验
E. all of the above 以上都是
Q6-27 With respect to the rolling direction of steel plate manufacture,which statement is
A. The strength is highest in the ‘Z’ direction. Z 方向强度最高
B. The strength is lowest in the ‘X’ direction. X 方向强度最低
C. The strength is highest in the ‘X’ direction. X 方向强度最高
D. The strength is highest in the ‘Y’ direction. Y 方向强度最高
A. The strength is lowest in the ‘Y’ direction . Y 方向强度最低
Q6-28 The fillet weld break test is used to evaluate the:
A. quality of the fractured weld 断裂焊缝的质量
B. ductility of the weld metal 焊缝金属的延展性
C. impact strength of the weld 焊缝冲击强度
D. tensile strength of the base metal 母材的抗拉强度
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-29 The welding inspector is not concerned with the mechanical and chemical properties
of metals.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-30 For plain carbon steels,their approximate tensile strength can be estimated by
multiplying their BHN by:
A. 400
B. 300
C. 100
D. 200
E. 500
Q6-31 Notch toughness and impact strength are not synonymous.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-32 Phosphorus and sulfur are added to carbon steel to improve:
A. ductility 延展性
B. toughness 韧性
C. weld ability 焊接性能
D. impact strength 冲击强度
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-33 To improve the low temperature properties of carbon steels,the most likely alloy
addition would be:
A. manganese 锰
B. carbon 碳
C. nickel 镍
D. chromium 铬
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-34 Hydrogen,oxygen,and nitrogen can all cause embrittlement in carbon steels.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-35 Gage marks on a tensile specimen are:
A. scratches caused by improper handling 操作不当引起的擦伤
B. marks caused by using a gage to measure sample area 测量试样面积
C. spaced a set distance apart 使分开一个距离
D. used for calculating percent elongation 用来计算伸长率
E. c and d above c 和 d 都是
Q6-36 The offset method is used for determining which property?
A. yield strength 屈服强度
B. tensile strength 抗拉强度
C. hardness 硬度
D. fatigue strength 疲劳强度
E. impact strength 冲击强度
Q6-37 Surface preparation is not an important step in destructive testing.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-38 The Brinell hardness test is always a destructive test.
A. true 对
B. false 错
Q6-39 In Charpy testing,the test temperature is:
A. not important 不重要的
B. very important 很重要
C. not considered 不需要进行考虑的
D. never reported 没有提及过
E. none of the above 以上都不是
Q6-40 In Charpy testing,the test data can be reported as:
A. foot pounds energy absorbed 吸收的英尺-磅能量
B. lateral expansion 横向膨胀
C. percent shear 切应力百分比
D. all of the above 以上都是
E. offset data 补偿数据
Q6-41 The objective of the guided bend test is to break the sample.
A. true 对
B. false 错

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