Bahas Inggris

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7,000 Workers Stage Protest Against New Jobs Law in Jakarta’s Industrial

Area – Thousands of workers at the Pulogadung Industrial Area in East Jakarta

staged a protest against the passage of the Omnibus Bill on Thursday, October 8.

The protesters, who claimed their number has increased to 7,000 from 5,000 people on the
first day, paralyzed the industrial area in the Indonesian capital.
“We ensure that there are no production activities in this industrial area because of the
strike. We have sent out notices and 7,000 people marched through the streets of the
industrial area,” protest coordinator Hilman Firmansyah told on Thursday.
During the protest, they approached each factory or company in the Pulogadung Industrial,
calling employees to join the strike.

The protesters persuaded the companies to allow their employees in the rallies. “We have
been persuading the workers and management representatives for the rallies,” he said.
“We hope the demonstration will create an impact. We just want our voices to be heard,” he

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