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Kanlaya Wang is an immigrant from Thailand. She made the long journey to London in
order to work with renowned directors and establish herself as a successful actor. In the
testimony, her friend Sarah said, "She would do anything to make it in the film industry."
Victor Fredrick is one of her favourite directors. She looks up to Victor and is enamoured
with his work. "Kanlaya has had posters of Victor all over her side of the bedroom," as
her roommate Kei put it.

On September 11, 2023, Kanlaya's desire to meet Victor came true. At a party hosted
by dance choreographer Sarah Marshall, Kanlaya got to know Victor. Sam Willson, a
close friend of Victor's, said, "Sparks were flying between them at the party." At the
celebration, Victor and Kanlaya danced together. "You have the face to star in my next
film, Sleepless in London," declared Victor. Victor also discovered that Kanlaya was
enamoured with him at this gathering. By the end of the celebration, Victor had won
Kanlaya over. Kei said, "She thought they were meant to be together and that she would
be his next big star."

Weeks went by with no communication between them. In a Vanity in Russell Square,

Victor was holding auditions for his film (he was the only one there). Based on Kanlaya’s
allegation, Victor smiled creepily when she entered. Kanlaya received two takes, but all
other performers and actresses were given just one shot. On the first take, she
mispronounced her lines. She began to cry and tremble. "I disappointed you. I have to
go back to Thailand since I know I won't make it.” Victor moved in her direction. He
wiped away her tears, his thumb brushing her cheek. Victor had whispered positive
affirmations into her ear. They embraced each other in a hug, in which Victor got close
enough to start unbuttoning her shirt. Before proceeding, he had first promised her that
he would get Kanlaya the lead role on his newest work ‘Sleepless in London’. He then
asked her if she consents, to which she retorted with an approving hum. He asked once
more while unbuttoning her shirt, to which she responded with a bow and positive “yes”
with watery eyes. As per Kanlaya’s claim, she was a virgin before.

For the next two months, they met romantically. Victor took her on outings and gave her
expensive presents, but he never came forward about their relationship in public.
Following the return of Victor’s girlfriend, Jamaica Smith, from her business trip, Victor
ended his romantic relationship with Kanlaya. When Kanlaya learned this, she was
shocked. She thought he would come back to her from Jamaica. Kanlaya also got to
know that week that the movie had been cancelled due to financial difficulties.
November 16, 2023: Victor's office was stormed by Kanlaya. Witnesses to her entry into
the office report, "She was furious. She had an emotional balloon-like appearance."
Different viewpoints exist regarding the events that transpired within the office between
Victor and Kanlaya.

Victor’s claims: Kanlaya barged in. Gripping his hands, she pleaded with him to break
up with his long-term partner. She held Jamaica accountable for her lost opportunities
and the movie's cancellation. Victor declined. As she kept crying, Victor gave her a hug.
As usual, the hug evolved into a sexual encounter. Victor claims he didn't explicitly
request consent, but it was assumed. The way she seized his waist, or put her hand on
his, pleading. Victor understood that Kanlaya would get the incorrect impression from
the sex and believed he was going to leave Jamaica. "I stood up and repeated this to
her aloud. She smacked her head and threatened to hurt herself if I didn't leave
Jamaica. She was bleeding, and I wanted to go check on her, but I was unable to do so
when Jamaica called''. “She is lying,” according to Victor, “to win a million-dollar lawsuit.”

Kanlaya’s claims: She barged in and begged him not to call off the movie. She needed
that reassurance because her emotions were running high. She gave him a hug. He
wanted a deeper connection than just a hug. She muttered a "No". It made him feel
disrespected. "Don't be such a prick," he answered as he proceeded to go down on her.
She attempted to push him away. She attempted to kick him while crying. He became
even more enraged by the retaliation. She struck her head on the side table after he
pushed her. This required her to visit the hospital. That pedestal was no longer befitting
of her idol. Victor aggressively tore apart her pants based on what she had said.
Kanlaya has displayed a picture of her scars and torn underwear.

Following the hearing of testimonies from Victor and Kanlaya, the federal police began
their investigation. When the police asked his colleagues about Victor, they frequently
heard that he was a very egocentric individual. He had to obtain his desired outcome.
When they looked at the CCTV footage from the hospital, they saw Kanlaya entering to
treat her wound. It was also found that Kanlaya has obsessive compulsive personality
disorder. A thorough search also turned up evidence of a previous court case involving
a sexual assault charge Victor had as a college student but the matter was settled out of
court without ever going to trial.

However, Kanlaya’s associates asserted that she was willing to go to any lengths in
order to succeed in the industry. She enjoyed being in the spotlight, and this case may
spark controversy among the media. They also mentioned that she exhibits obsessive
behaviours, especially around Victor, and that she has an impulse to self-harm.
5 days after the incident, right after Victor announced his engagement with Jamaica,
Kanlaya filed a case against Victor for committing rape on her twice, the first sexual
act’s consent was reliant on a promise that was later broken by Victor, and the second
was never consented to.


● Sexual Offences Act 2003

is a comprehensive piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that overhauled and
modernized the legal framework governing sexual offenses.
● Promissory Estoppel
Promissory estoppel operates to ensure a party does not go back on their promise when
another party has relied upon that promise. Clearly, consideration relates to the exchange
of promises, therefore it becomes an extremely useful tool in providing a remedy for
aggrieved parties. Promissory estoppel will have the effect of stopping the party who
attempted to go back on their promise to do so.

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