Eternal Breath

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Eternal Breath Introduction: I would like to share some very profound experiences and realizations I've had during

the past 7 weeks. I have rediscovered the passion of my Soul and have begun to experience that passion. It has become so real to me why I am on this planet. All that I have experienced in the past 7 weeks has led up to a culmination of sorts in which I feel complete and whole, or I should say I'm having the experience of completion and wholeness, because this is more than just words, its a real experience, and that is what I want to convey, the reality of all this. Really, my entire lifetime has led up to this point, but it has become so real to me in the past few weeks. The reality of it is the most astounding thing. Up until now I knew a lot of things in my mind, but now they have become real to me because I'm living in them. The following narrative/channel is a partially metaphorical expression of my experiences in these past 7 weeks in which I convey a taste of the astounding nature of the experiences and the new beginnings I have brought myself to. Upon considering where and how it all began, I saw that it began and continues with the eternal breath.... So I will invite you to take a deep and conscious breath and join me in this tale of the joining of Human and Divine..... And so it is that my eternal breath brings me into a space of rest beneath the evergreen trees upon an ancient land. As golden aspen leaves tumble in the breeze I awake to crystalline energies that welcome me with gentle strokes upon my senses. I come into this serene space from a long and tiring journey of many struggles and confusion. Through many trials and heartaches I have come to be here in this sacred moment. Trials of abuse, fear, anger, doubt, shame, guilt, rejection, hopelessness, and the list could go on and on for there were as many trials as there are words in the English language, and more that can not be named. Heartaches abounded in my past, for as a prisoner I dwelt in sorrow and grief daily. Minute by minute I struggled with the knowledge I did not belong where I was, and only caught brief glimpses of the reality and potential that is mine by birth. It was a heartrending thing indeed to know that I was born for more than I was experiencing in my then current circumstances, yet could not seem to find a way to actually live in my grandest potential, which always seemed to be just out of sight beyond the horizon. And so with that ever present knowledge on the borders of my consciousness peeking through the haze of illusion and hypnosis of 3D I struggled on until I could not live in that cesspool any longer. I knew I had to get out or I would literally drown in the sewage of mass consciousness. So I did leave, and that journey is over now. Behind me it lies as a disappearing path in a field being quickly covered by softly falling snow. Soon there is nothing to be seen of that path for it has been carefully buried beneath a blanket of pure white, and when the snow melts nothing will remain of the old and tiresome way. Now in my sacred moment Gaia joins me in this space of safety. I feel her in the wind as it gently caresses me and brings the fragrance of the deep places in the mountains to my senses. The ancient spirits of the land welcome me home and promise to walk with me in this magic place as they have done before in other lives. Quan Yin takes my hand and together we walk and laugh beneath the trees and run through the fields once more. The birds sing their song of

welcome, the foxes greet me, and the elk surround me with their majesty. The wolves silently parade through my awareness. The magic and serenity flow beautifully around me as I repose in this sacred space. Isis gracefully flows into my awareness, softly speaking words of encouragement to my weary mind and body, reminding me that this is where I belong. Those same words I heard once before when I stood at the foot of the mountains, and opened my heart to hear my Soul. The words that echoed then throughout my being while I stood in a timeless space and gazed across the gently rolling fields to the foothills of the Colorado Rockies were "this is where you belong". Then with those words reverberating through my being I continued as I had, knowing that I would return, for the call of the Soul is not to be ignored or denied. With every struggling breath I took from that moment on I knew that I would return to experience my creation, for upon the foothills of the sacred mountains I began to breathe an eternal breath that ignited the primal passion of my Soul and propelled me into savoring the experience of the integration of my Soul into my 3D reality. I knew one day that I would return to where I had been born, for in those sacred canyons I first began to breathe life into the bones of the Earth, and now they began to call to me to reunite with all that I am. I placed that potential there so many ages ago when we formed this beautiful planet, for a time such as this when I could hear the call from across the ages and dimensions to come into myself once more. I prepared my place so long ago, my place of comfort and serenity, and now I'm here in experience of my creation, where I belong in the place I prepared just for this moment. I have received myself into my creation with each breath I take. As I repose within this rejuvenating space I begin to ponder the 'past' and how I came to be here in this time of nurturing and peace. Across the burdensome miles and years I have come to rest in a place prepared by my Soul, and so with her I breathe....for she is my Life, my reason for being. My Soul is my breath, she is all of me, eternally. Breath by breath we go deeper into the realms of wonder and joy. Breath by breath we join together in the sacred stillness.... and I am filled with the presence of my Soul and I hear her speak four words to me that bring clarity and joy. "You are my passion" she speaks to me, and with tears streaming down my face I melt into the arms of my Soul. Breath by breath we go deeper to explore the truth of my Soul, and once more she speaks to me, "I created mySelf in you for this moment, to experience our passion, the total incorporation of Me into you, and it does not matter how we got here, it only matters that we are. It has been ages since we have been together, and I am ready to be fully be with you once more in joy within our creation". From the stillness of I Am I breathe..... one eternal breath to receive my Soul into the realms of things unknown and unexperienced, one eternal breath to fully occupy my creation. As my golden river of breath washes through my body and my mind it permeates every molecule and atom of my world bringing a newness and vibrancy forth that I had cast away in ages past as a thing not needed, but now revealed as the only thing I need. As the waves of that gently flowing river wash through me I am engulfed in the sweet fragrance of I Am. My Soul sings from her heart for joy and tells me of her love for me and of her desire to join me in the reality I have created. My Souls passion comes alive in one eternal breath. Breath by breath I bring my Soul into the depths of her passion, the total joining together of Human and Divine. Breath by breath my Soul sweeps through our creation, permeating every atom and molecule of all that we have created. My Soul resides within her sacred temple, my body, which we designed for this unsurpassed moment in time. She resides within and flows without in abundance breath by

sweet breath. From the stillness of I Am, from the center of my center my Beloved Soul whispers gently in my ear. "From our core I flow in abundance like a golden river, slowly washing through our creation, sweeping through our reality permeating every bit of You and I and what we create. Breath by breath I am here, within, and I am flowing without breath by breath. This I say to you, Precious One, you are divine. I love you so and appreciate your wonderful work in gathering us into this space and time in our creation, for without you it would not be complete. It takes both the human and divine aspects to accomplish this grand transformation. There is not a thing that is more vital than the total integration of human and divine, for this is the evolution of Spirit, the resolution of energies long held back and confined. Now is the time Precious One, now I say is the time, this is the moment to.....breathe.... breathe and incorporate I am into the reality you have created. Now is the time, wait not a moment longer! With the deep and truly conscious breath you breathe I am into manifestation. You breathe reality into being with each sweet breath. Feel each breath we breathe together. For now is the time, there is not a moment to be wasted, not a minute to be waited. For what do you wait Precious One? I am here, I am within, fully embodied in you. There are no more two separate beings breathing together, there is but one being and one eternal breath! There is no human, there is no divine, there is no soul that seeks to embody, there is no human that seeks to be embodied, there is only one new being. The passion of I am is consummated, breathe that in my Lovely One! Our passion is complete, there is only evolution and expansion from this point. Yet the mind will say you still need to do things for the total integration to occur, but remember the mind is a liar. We are complete! Walk from this moment in total recognition and realization that we are whole, we need nothing. Walk from this moment in joy and appreciation. Walk from this moment in serenity, for there is nothing to do, nothing to accomplish. We are finished, we are through! Our passion is complete and there truly is nothing left but the breath, for the breath shall remain, eternally! The eternal breath encompasses all and is the catalyst of evolution. In this sacred moment, in this safe space of creation, there is no separate You and I, and no more will we ever be apart, we are joined in Spirit, Body, and Mind never to separate again. We are I am in flesh! Truly from here we expand, not simply walking forward, but walking in every direction! It even matters not that I had a name before and what that name might be, for as we evolve we create our new name. For I am no longer who I used to be, you are no longer merely a human, together we are the evolution of Spirit!" So breath by breath I stroll within my world upon the mountain through the enchanted forest and look out at the vista unfolding before me. The mountains breathe with me in the rhythm of my eternal breath which flows to caress every cell of my creation. As I walk across the boulder strewn path the trees greet me with every step, the spirits of the land walk by my side in silence and I am reminded that all is complete, I am complete and have no need to be here within this space now that the energies are moving once more. I have lived my reason for being here, yet I choose to remain for a while longer simply to enjoy my creation. To play within and nurture my creation is now the only thing to do. And so as I stroll under the evergreen trees I begin to remember a time which was but a breath ago that my confined and stuck energies began to

expand and move once more. It was a time far away yet it remains close in my heart eternally. I take a deep breath and sink into that eternal void, the timeless time that was buried for so many ages, but now has come to light for it is time for the mystery to be revealed. So I take another breath of this safe and sacred space and my memory opens into a time of perplexity. I am gathered with my Spiritual Family upon another realm in an ancient age before our Earth was ever considered. We are gathered to discuss the extreme nature of a dilemma that we find ourselves within, a dilemma of bound up and stuck energies. Nothing that we do seems to be working to get these energies moving again, all is coming to a standstill and we fear that our existence will soon be over. None of us want to die, yet there seems to be no solution to get the energies moving once more. Energies must move, all must evolve, and Spirit itself must expand or else collapse upon itself and bring annihilation to all creation. We are at a point where we must evolve, and get the energies moving once again or we will go out of existence. So we choose to evolve and to expand, for we must expand ourselves in order for Spirit to expand and continue. We must evolve for Spirit to evolve. As we sit and ponder how we came to be in this condition a great sigh echoes through our dimension. Spirit tires, Spirit weeps for the desire to expand and evolve. We, being Spirit also deeply feel the expression of Source as it begins to languish in the hopeless dark alone. We breathe deeply together of this energy and sink within the sleep of Spirit while the parts of us that seek resolution to our dilemma of stuck energies venture out to explore the dimension of slowed down and thick energies known as 3D. So as Spirit sleeps within her own dimension, our slowed down aspects work and play toward the reunion when once again Spirit will expand in that great ecstatic breath of new life and creation. While Spirit dreams of the time of wholeness and completion, the human dream plays out upon the stage of 3D reality. As Spirit dreams a dream of resolution, the human play acts out the dream of Spirit. The dream of Spirit, the passion of the heart is the reunification of the Divine and Human, to no longer experience any separation, to no longer sleep, but to fully wake and experience evolution. So as Spirit dreams the human sleeps, and as the human sleeps she dreams of a time long ago when all seemed well, and now with a breath in sleep she lights a spark of memory, a memory of the whole of herself she left behind so that a part of herself could venture out to find a resolution for the energies that had become stuck. With another breath the memory grows and the human feels the passion of the Soul once more. She remembers now the reason she is playing the 3D game on Earth is to experience the resolution of those energies so that creation and Spirit will evolve. With an eternal breath the human breathes in her passion and Spirit awakes. Spirit, who is so full of joy and compassion comes gently flowing from the dream into the reality. The human welcomes Spirit within her creation. With an eternal breath I welcome the fullness of I Am into our creation. And so it is done with one breath. The energies are resolved, Spirit resides in full occupancy within her creation. Breath by breath we walk from this point, not merely forward, but in all directions. The resolution of the energies occurred but a breath ago, and now I live the passion of Spirit, the total coming of the Soul into the reality of the human in a blend so divine that a new being is created. We are no longer two beings, separate and seeking to join together. We have become one ever evolving being. The energies are moving once more! My memory has become my reality. I live the Dream of Spirit, the passion of my Soul. I live my memory of reunion with All that I am so that there is no longer a Soul seeking to embody a human and no more human seeking for the embodiment of Soul. We are consummate in one new being, and from this point we experience

forth in all directions. As Spirit wakes from the dream with one Eternal Breath we live. The Eternal Breath echoes throughout the corridors of the dimensions, clearing the pathways for the flow of Spirit in evolutionary expression and experience. So with a deep breath I go deeply into I Am, to explore and discover in joy the potentials I have placed within. My eyes open and I see before me, a sunshine lit desert terrain outside towering red canyon walls that surround me. I walk out onto the sandy hills dotted with sagebrush and cast my gaze upon the sun. He welcomes me here with a song of recognition and bids me turn around to explore the darkness from which I came. So I turn to peer within the depths of the darkness from where I emerged into the light. As I cast my gaze around, a light begins to glow dimly in the recesses of the dark. I move toward the light and to my surprise there before my feet lies a gift wrapped box. I bend to retrieve the box from the rocky ground and begin to untie the crimson ribbon wrapped around the box. Then I slowly unwrap the multicolored paper and lift the lid. There to my delight resting upon a bed of ethereal mist lies a clear sphere, with a softly glowing golden flame in the center. I gently pick the sphere up, it is cool to the touch and seems to be made of very thin glass. I gently stroke the sphere as the golden flame within pulses to a silent beat. I draw the sphere closer to my body, connecting it with my naval, and I breathe. I breathe this wondrous gift into my body in gracious thanks for the gift I placed for myself. I breathe in this magnificent potential and allow it to expand within me. It fills my body and my mind, and it permeates my soul. The golden light pulses through my being and I am in ecstasy with my breath. Every breath takes the gift deeper and expands the light greater so that I drown in my potential. Tears of joy stream from my eyes, as wave after wave of golden light pulses through my being. In the rhythm of creation I breathe the eternal breath with the golden light as it becomes me and I become it to shine within and upon my creation, a new sun to nourish my new world. I have become the sun of my creation! I am the creator of my world, I am the nourisher of my world, I am the eternal breath of my world. I am my creation and with my eternal breath we evolve as one... breath by breath eternally..... an unending spiral of Spirit experiencing expression... breath by breath... eternally....

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