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fh..Tf-kJ' 4..1..t.I\'e-t'l"ht.ftJ''e t1'1II\.n

~Fot.A ";J~T ;JltllJ



V-A"'~ 'OIl.} Hi
cIl1'C 2ndYear No. 11
h.llil hl111- ft}-t.}~ .,., Iifn Oh. -1-f"k.r 1J.,t-t\'e -'lIfPht-llJIf t Tofift.h OIS ABABA- 15'"February, 1996
f ih1Jofi+fDt]f":.f 9"hC a.+ mClct~+ ffDtIJ

hCP~ cf:1'C3'r/Iifif~ 't.9'". ProclamationNo. 23/1996
f07iJ1:'t JPt-tp"f 1ft1-oC ("'ifif.f) hCP~ 1~ Ui MiningIncomeTax(Amendment)
f"7..tfaTC""f 9'"hC fLT ~'HI cklf"Cr/Iifif~ 't.9'". Proclamation """""'"''''''''''''''''''.''''''''''',''' Page 119
fh..Tf-kJ' ftii.A. i1A.~ ",tJ:tJ:"tJ' f"7.titTC'"f Council of'MinistersRegulationsNo. 3/1996
9'"hCfLT ~'t-o " ff) The Ethiopian Civil Service College Establishment
Council of MinistersRegulations Page 120

hCP~ cklf"C3'r/Iifit~ PROCLAMATION NO. 23/1996

f07iJ1:1"f 1ft1-oC hCP:fo'}t\",ititA A PROCLAMATIONTO AMENDTHE MINING
MiJ1:'t"f .1ft'ilJ1IC hCP~,} ",ititA O",it WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the
1..t\1w!Oh..Tf-kJ' AJ-t.I\'e -t'l"ht.ftf'e tT-ol\.h ih1 Mining Income Tax Proclamation;
fJIJ't1JPTh't+6 !ll; (6) ODIP~T f"7..b.,.t\m- ~m-~A II NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with ArtiCle55 (1)
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
lie hlif.l'CCiJh
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:H
~IJ hCP~ "MiJ1:'}"f 1ft 1-oC ("''fitf) hCP~ 1. Short Tide
cklf"C3'f/Iif1t$" .,.-oA- I\.m+it ~TI\A II
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Mining Income
I' ayititf Tax (Amendment) Proclamation No. 23/1996 "
. f07iJ1:'t JPt.'P"T 1ft 1-oC 1\CP~ ck1'C :lr/Iiifitl; 2. Amendment
h't+~ ;: 'to-fa h'}+~(li) .,.l1CfIO"tb.,.t\m- h-tit '}o-it Sub-Article (1) of Article 3 of the Mining Income Tax
h,}+~ (i) .,..,.h:l;A ! ProclamationNo. 53/1993 is hereby deletedand replaced
"i' ",'t~m-9'" Obt;:"'~ m~9'" Oh~it.,.~ F.~)f MiJ1:'t by the followingnew sub-Article(1): ,

ay9'"~T JPt- f.,.f1D7t- qt\~1: 1-oC b"tbli:AOT It (1) A holder of large-scaleor small-scalemining license

1ftm- I\~ cjj(;TCl1'tT f1ft1-oC ~bt;:I\A II" shall pay 35 percentincome tax on the taxable income."
e. ~ f"U'IOT 1.11 3. Effective Date
~IJ hCP~bft11:TI+'t Iiiffl ,.9'". "l.9'"C' fK'I~1f'lA II This Proclamationshall enter into iorce as of the 15tnday
of February, 1996.
h-tit hOq fta1:T I+'t !iif1t~ ,.9'".
Done at Addis Ababa, this 15111
day of February,1996
p./c ~;J'" 1.'-;'-;
fh..+r-kf AJ-t-I\'e -t1"ht.f1.f'e tT-ot\.h
. T~~'-;'tT

);'J~"" :Jr&.1117"...,..". .,.n:li

Unit Price '12~O
" Negarit a.p.O.Box 80,001
1" f5'
}.~M.r :mJrj "'PC I~ fta-t"":t"'''' H}f'i'~ "9'"-
NegaritGazeta-No.11I 15lhFebruary1996-Page 120

f"t~hT~1- ~tlt: fL.}.f:HI ~1'C r COUNCil. OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS NO 3/1996

fh.'}f'k.f 'UtA nc(i~{)t11\.~1lt(J?**9" fmll] COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS FOR THE
fo>f.til-rC'";f 9utU: n..J. fh.Tf'tir 6 e"i~l\lf Jtqutlt. SERVICE COLLEGE
ft.r~ I.'F1it\.h i\lIt:.R"t hil"""') P'AffJIC; ,t'''l(lC AaDmit'} These Regulations are issued by the Council of
H(DiJ)lJr~~~~ <I:'Pco./nl!:li'% "'14-:1\ ~ (JDlJ.'I.')'f60,} J!,.'}11 Ministers pursuant to Article 5 of the definition of powers
1,tD4':1;A.:: and duties of the executive organs branch of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No.4 /
hlj:A.h'}/.. 1995.
tt, A.,.C coil - 1. Short Title
U f:H1 ufJ\.'rf'tiJ' (ta.A t\l\.~ OI/tJ:*08J.f These regulationsmay be cited as the' 'The Ethiopian
f1.tlt'rC'T ratJc 0."" J!,.,}11 ~1'C r ilufitt.",,.11{\o Civil ServiceCollegeestablishmentCouncilof Minis-
A.m+;i ,.e.~A 'I ters RegulationsNo.3 /1996."
2. Est1Jblishment
~. "9"
1) The Ethiopian Civil Service LoHege(herein after
'1\.T"'1C'1 fi.a.A f11\.1:(htUJ O~I\ Hf1I\.~" referredto as"the College") is hereby established
.,.111\- f1.,mt:.) ht..(}c'} f;FA f,n"l falD-~T lAm- as an autonomous higher education institution
htt:.,.JI ,.}oraOCT +*9" OttO J!,.,}11.,.*«k":/.A II having its own legal personality.
.. "1\.:( +mtH: Am"'I\.e 08J.~ltT~,elf'iA 'I 2) The College shall be accountable to the Prime
C' ~ 3. Objectives
"1\.:( f1.h-ttr-r ,,,,,,,,1- 1>'i~;;'A; The College shallhave the following objectives:
tt, fJ\.o}H-f'} ih1Hl "'MO&-lf'ih.f1'i"'l..rceM-1T 1) with a view to enhancing the Socio-economic
-N"M-m'} 0.,."" OtJM->'f Hfta.A () ID-lt1' developmentof the Ethiopianpeopleespeciallyto
r*'t11A"ltr lJ.'t...,.?f'f'} OP'~ 1'OIJ""'i OAf. A f. create conditions under which civil servants
--'fiT (}D7(aAm')1111.-1-1"1-1O0lJ.1flA.f1l\'?tr working in the Regions serve the people by
f""~A-flT1 l}-).;J-?'1- ODtt:lIIC; 9"AODI\ ".e9" training them in various skills and professions,to
. /\ft..f::f'i t\~1\ 4>C tJAf\o'f A f. "9"T "1 "t fal' give special emphasis to women and backward
l1liY: I.'?; regions in admiS\Sion of students;
I' bm-+T "7-':OC: "'h4-4-:"'i OI/h.,.I\Att:! 2) to search for, cultivate, preserve and transmit
[, hlle: h.Oth.C : h~;J- -: h;),eOl/'iTfi' -=h(1lJ...fatrT knowledge;
h1:I\-?'"f ~~ flf'1 OODhlJOC -:OOD+"7OD1 -=Oovi'''' 3) to provide education that fully develops the
fa.o'i oP;F;FA It.e f,,,oulP(''''fj' O-A'.,.'i-£ h-f1oC;1 personalityand strengthensthe respectfor human
dignity, by promoting mutual respect, understan-
fOU0/\ K'''lfj' f,'m. A1: tJn-C'1""1 fOt!m'itJe
ding, friendship and tolerance free from ethnic,
T 9" IJC .1, OD i} m T ;
nationality,sex, religious and other prejudices;
2' f P' t:. tJn-C'1T'}'i f1.oI.+fa-f11-f1AW..,'i fOU /..9"Y: 4) to inculcatethe dignity of work and dedicationfor
h ll+'" (a.0 "1"t faC W 01/Y: I..., ; the well being of the society;
~, OAf. Af. fT9"OCT ODllf1"f e 1 £ flf~ 1''iT'i 5) to conduct research and studies on different fields
9"C9"C OI/t)~y:'i m:J>08J.
1D-m,1'-"f1OI/fa&-Q;tTII and disseminatefruitfulresults thereof.
2' ll/\f1ta.~ P'AII]1'i .,.,?IJC 4. Power and Duties of the College
f1ta.:.tf08J.h.,.tt-T P'AII]1'i "''''IJC'1- 1>'i~;J-A I The College shall have the following powers and
tt, ~hA.i:9'"f'i I\.f\o"f fT9"UCT'i f9"C9"C tJtt:f\o"f
I) to establish faculties and other academic and
m1>9"+*qu"f "7**9" I
I' f:"Y:OD9"t.:J>'i f\Y:O(.'/"t.:J>TC''?t:.9'' OD.,.fll'.' P't..
2) to . design and implement undergraduate and
"1> 01/'1' AI
C. f9"llhC mt."'T : "tTf\oO?'i"t..,&"1"to-9" /\htt:+~ 3) to confer academic certificates, diplomas and
ID-mT'i hll+'PWJ,. ht)-':"ttJ cPL-':.e: 1iAOI/T'i degrees, as well as medals, prizes and titles for
01/bt. '? ODllm T I excellenceand meritoriouscontributions;
jl' l8.-t'iC'"f f mchi":r"f'i fi.9":rttf'l""f1 OYII;J;P:T'i 4) to organize and conduct seminars,workshops and
"''''''-1: I symposium;
6- RV1tll ID-ll1''iRta.I\-TU1C'"fh-t 11- 1\;F+*'l"T , 5) to establish relations with domestic and foreign
,,.erc +*".~ +OD""Uf1>
,,,,,, ",,:fIB- ;JC sister institutions, research institutions and other
'?")~~T ODODllt.TI organizationshaving similarobjectives;
i. fTraUCT (lD1\th."'~ ;Jf1(flT",**ra'i ",(at:.~TI 6) to establish and publish academic journals and
news letter
11r fli ).?~+ :11&,111,
~C Ii ft}-t+ I''''' liif"'~ ,.,.. NegaritGazeta-No. 11 15d1February
, I
i', nefl~+ IIAo.+ -an I 7) to own property;
~. ID-" IID'I'''A I
8) to enter into contracts;
ii- Oh"" f-tu..hli fllDtu"h i
9) to sue and be suerlin its ow; .tame;
. I- ''''''ID-' ''''1.16-'' ~ AJr-T .,...,1Ie"T"7hlilD"} 81 10) to carry out other activities as'are necessary for the
attainmentof its objectives.
h~A 0-"+
h"\"1A.:(,;rf\.(tS fJU6-"hJ.~"7. 1\'1""'" PART 1WO

~. h"\"1A.:((\C~ oo~,.. Policy Making and Executive Organs of the College

i- \"1A.:( Om:""" "7.).h""~ '''7.7''00- la'1.:'f-"11".:'f-,A-.:'f- 5. Esmblishment of Board of Governors of the College
(\C~ f,'i ~If'A 81
1) The College shall have Board of Governors consisting
I- (\C~ f 6-"" II~ f,'i I.If'A 81
of seven members appo~nted by the Prime Minister.
i- f(\C~ JUAIfI"}li+..,IIC 2) The Board shall have its own Secretary.
(\C~ '''7.h+A-.:'f- JUAIfI"}li +"'I)C'T f,'i~;t-A 1 6. Powers and Duties of the Board
i- '\"1A.:(")'''it.-s''7.hli '''h+.-s"c "m:p"f, ;r"..... The Board shall pave the following pO'oVel'§
and duties:
'1DIfIA= 1-lDhliA; 1) to establishand detennine the general'academicand
I- \"1A.:(f"7.+.-s"cO.:'f-"}:Fc+c h".?~ "OO"}"'JU.:'f- -administrativepolicy of the College;
''''CIIA ! 2) to get the charter of the College which regulates its
administrationdrafted and submit it to the Govern-
f' '\"1A.:("}""~:(l.:'f- 1-mhliA ;
g. '\"1A.:("}9""/Tt:.ff..-s"}.,."f a:oo.:'f- "m:""1- ""I.).h""'~
"c)C(\ ,hll1::pA ! 3) to determinetheorganizationof the College;
4) to recommendto the PrimeMinisternomineesfor the
~- fTC' .(..laC~"'""7/)1...,,1I1::PA ;
Vice-Presidentsof the College;
i' 0\"1A.:( f1"7h+"7C 1Df,9"" 09""C9""C., ,I)C "f,
5) to approvethe rank of professors;
f+la"7~f" it.-s"7.h IP t.+?f"f f""l.'"m~O""',,}lif""l.
6) to detennineconditionsunderwhichthe teachingand
+.-s"~0""" v-~;t- f,tDhli/A I research staff of the College shall be employed and
i- f\"1A.:(,,)":"~Ij Get"" 01:"'" '1I1:.4>/A! adminisre:red;
~- f\"1A.:( 00'" 9'"Ah..,.. '''7.rnlD-''} he"? h,,}"l".?~ 7) to approve~ plan and draft budget of the College;
'I.C.?A; 8) to preparethe emblemof the College;
ii' \"1A.:(fDlf..,fhhtt:"=foJ-"}h~f'-T f,lDhliA ! 9) to fIx and determinefees and chargesto be paid to the
I- \"1A.:('}O"7.oo"h"'" O"7"}~tIJc9"" '\"1A.:( hitA lD1-r College; ,

:"c ,+(rr "'''la''' f"tf+C 10) to inquire and decide any',complaintconcerning the
OtIJc1 hll.i:;J- ODC9""C'tIJc"'~ J'.(&IfJ/A! College by any person w"ithrespect to ~ decision
lli' \"11\.:(.h01C OJohT«r'h~ lJ1C f.:'f-90tJC"'".,.~..,.
givenby theCollegeor anyor-ganont; .
11) to approve academic agreements made by the College
;JC f"tf"C.?TtIJc"} fhl1Jl"7.h il9'"9'"~"'T OOC9""C'
with domestic 'and foreign educational institutions;
flit: :PAl
12) to provide its own~les of procedure; .
II' ft.""'} 'h"'{)1) P'1 JUC,.:'f- "'HI '1D1fIA ! 13) to perfonn such other duties'~_"areconducive to the
If- f\"1I\.:(.,,},,,,,., h"1"" "O?1:l.h f"7.l..';. 1\.1t-"f """''1 attainmentofthe objectivesof the CoUege.
C'T"} ,hlitIJc'i" /A 81
7. Esmblishmentof the Faculty Council(Senate) .

h.' 00**9""~
i- fof,.hf\.i: .ittIJc"} A FacultyCouncilwhichconsiststhefollowingmembers
hff.U O;t-T '''''"I."~.:'f-''}hl)""'" ,," '\"1A.:( 4-hf\.i: shall be established;
hfA1-~ A I 1) thePresidentof theCollege"""''', Chairman
i' f\"1l\.:(T~ff..-s'}"'" la.../to. 2) the Vice-Presidentsof the College Members
I- f\"1l\.:(9"/T~M,,}"'"f hl)A 3) the Deans of the Faculties, "
r. fof,.hf\.-ttIJc-\.'i"f 4) the Registrarof the College "
" 5) Deanof Students , "
g. f\"1l\.:(~)(h+6-C ............................... " 6) three teacherselectedfrom the(pennanent
~- f.,..",~,-::r-.tL") ...."" ........... " academicstaff '''''''''''',' "
I- h\"1l\.:(f)~"t OO9"U6-"} +-t ftr). 7) A studentrepresentativeelectedby the
".. h+ IID9"U6- .. ..
"} ... " students ""'" ..
i- O"""'~"T f"7.-I.'I' ",,}1:f"""'~'-T 8) A secretary to be elected by the .
.,..1),. "'" ............ " FacultyCouncil Secretary
S. 04.t,Jf\.-t1)ID-"}hA-
f"tOD~'r ',bdo
8. Powersand Duties of the FaCultyCOl!-ncil
~. f4-hA.-t l)""h"P'AIfI,,}li .,...,IIC The FacultyCouncilshall be accountableto the President
f4.hA.i: l)&D-1laA- of the College and subjectto the generalpOlicystatedby
"'m~~'" Atll\.¥T~ff.JI"}Ttr'i f1C~
n-r me- "m?"" _IID~' -IP~T f"th+4\-'.:'f- the.Board. The council shall have the following Powers
~Annli .,..,1Ie-T ~tj~;J-A I and Duties:
i' '\"1A.:("}fTrUC+ I)A.,,}~ -cre- ,"!::pA I 1) examine and approve the academic calendar of the
1A"ffl ~.,7~+ ;Jf11f'1.1'Cli rt)1:+I+1 IjfT~,'.r.NegaritGazeta-No.ll lSdaFebruary1996-Page122

I. fttA.¥ r+ruc+ "C""I~.,.'f181:~AI 2) approvethe College's variousacademicprogrammes;

r. ..."~"T 7\''''''''' ~f.'i "lIA..,of'fr"""'m-0+1 3) decide on the conferringof degrees as well as medals
.,.~ ".18'iA I and prizes;
I. '''''''~'''f h+QOA1i r+ruc+ ~ hdJ...la11 j 4) formulate criteria for admission of students,..deter-

''''18TA.1 1-JCf"'f1'i" ,.1J*1 '-"OOl\h-ll OOOO"~ mination of academic standards, settlement of dis-
-~...*t 'dJlfJA i O'ULU""-;f"'f "f, '-r.+CR-
ciplinaryproblemsand to hear anddecidecomplaints
on these matters;
ho."';J-fP~ :"t.;J-fP1-1 oocr~ ,~ f,lalfJA j
5) formulate guidlines for determining examination
~. hm,+"f,'fL.,.'i" hlatIJ'I' Ji1.'i "..~;J-1 "dJla'iA j nature and methods;
I. "~~laC~+ "'''/'1 ~1Jlla1' I\(1C~lI...ofll+CQA i 6) recommendto the board the conferringof the rank of
A.h-'f '''''VS-r.h ~of1-1 f.dJla'i"A j professorship and approve other promotions in
I. r~"'" rlaofl...QJP~ JPCCt+~1ofl 'dJtlJA I academicrank;
~. ftfIC~ r-r.~1 ~'f ""'Q~'f 1h'i"(J)JjA 12 7) issue its own rules of procedure;
8) performsuchother dutiesas may be given to it by the
fl. itA "A.:( Tt.ILJS1+'i ,./Tt.ILJS1of'f't'i""'m~~+ board.
i. fttl\.:( Tt.Il-'l1o}- Om:""" -r.tla+..;. ,,71..,A : 9. Appointment andAccountablityof the Presidentand the
"'m~~"''' I\(1C~ f,1T'i"A II Vice-Presidentsof the College.
I. fttl\.:( r/Tt.lLJS1of'f OILU h1'~ h1+Jt 1(50 1. The Presidentof theCollegewho is accountableto the
-IP/'+ f,7i..,fto j "'m~~;J-:ffD-9'" I\T~Il-'l1-1l Board shall be appointedby the Prime Minister.
f.1T'iA II 2. Vice-Presidentsof the Collegewhoareaccountableto
the president shall be appointed pursuant to Article
1- itA"A.:( Tt.ILJS1o}- JPAtlJ1'i" .,...,flC 6(4) of these regulations.
fttA.:( Tt.ILJS1o}- '-..h.,.ftoo}- JPAtlJ1c.' .,...,flC"T
10. Powersand Dutiesof the Presidentof the College.
f.'r'r;J-A j
The Presidentof the Collegeshall have the following
i. fttl\.:(1 JPt- 00"f,~+ f.DP~A : lla"'-'l1:t-A j powers and duties:
UlfJmt-A j I) to guide, administerand control the activitiesof the
I. O(1C~'i" 04-ht\.1: t)ID-1Iafto '-r."'m- """'~$PT'i" Collegeas a head;
_oo~'$P'f OJPt- "f, 001'''TID-1 "h;J-.,.I\A: I/.;1 2) to follow up and ensure the implementationof the
.,IfJAI decisions and directives of the Board and Faculty
r. 0""":(. 0071a., ,C dJf,1JO OIJOCIJOC.,...,I1C 1\" Council;
r., ,..;. 'ht)-'I-r.h 1P~"'~T1 (1C~ O"7.!dJtlJlD- 3) to employ and administerthose engaged in teaching
and research activities in the College in accordance
IlOIlO/,' 001P/'+ f,+'I'~A j lla"'-'l1:t-A : 1.00lD1I'i"
with the directives issued by the Board; to fix their
hOl\:ffD-1f.lDla'i"A~1Jl""1JO'''''''~1 'hla.,.-'l1.C salary and allowance in addition to administer the
1P~.,.~'f 0001..,JPo}- 1Pt-.,.?f-'f ill.., OOIP/.o}-lla.,. administrative staff of the College in accordance
JS1:~A! '
with Civil ServiceLaws;
I. fttl\.~1'00:f''E' JP t- TC"..,t-IJO'i" 01: 0}- I\(lC~ 4) to submit to the Board the annual work programme
h.)tC(11lalDla'i"A : 1\.1..+1:1JOOJPt- I\f.1ID-I\A ; andbudgetof theCollegefor approval;to implement
~. R(1C~ 1\.1..+1: O"""~ lalJO'D7..f.I.,.o}-1 "'I'i"TID'11JO the same upon approval;
lar,..~of~ 'ID'A "'~P.T f.1..C"7A; 5) upon approval by the Board to sIgn all agreements
and contractualdocumentsenteredinto on behalf of
I. 0f11\.~la9'"'111h '£'111f.h~:f'A : 11+"''''''''A ;
the College;
j. "1\.:(.1 Oc'la"'~ lD11f'f "'1: f.lDhl\A ;
6) to open and dispose bank accounts on behalf of the
~. orc'la+ dJ";' lal\ """~ 'JP t- ~'''''Ia.+f1. I\(lC1: College;
/,rco}- '+CflA ; 7) to representthe Collegewith third parties;
j. O(1C~'i" 04-hA.1: "'1D'1lafto'''7,'''m-o}-1 ""l\-T 8) to submitreportsto the Boardon the activitiesof the
""'fI~'f lh'i"ID-'i A 18 Collegeeverythree months;
9) to performsuch other duties as may be given to him
Ii laA "1\.:(. 9'"jT~Il-'l1ofT JPAtlJ1'i" .,...,flC
by the Board and the Faculty Council.
i. fttA.:(. 'I'"/T t.IL-'l1of'f h""":(. T ~1L-'l1o}-o-r.... II. PowersandDutiesof the Vice-Presidentsof theCollege.
IfJTID- oooo/'l oolP/.o}- r-r.h.,.fto+ JPAtlJ1'i I) In accordanceto thedirectivesgivenby the President;
.,...,flC"T "If..;.",:ftf'A j the Vice-Presidents of the College shall have the
u) ''''''':(.1 JPt- O-"ool\ho}-
.r"""~1 T~Il-'l1o}- followingpowersand duties:
Mht-fto j f./.-'lfto 1 (a) to advice and support the President on the
1\) I\~C"" "'m~ 'IT~ 'JPt- h~'f'i" O(lC~'i activitiesof the College;
04.hA.1: "'1D'1lafto'''''''m- ,i;,.'f'i OO_~ (b) to followup and ensure the implementationof
1$P"f OJPt- 1\" 001'I\T"'" f.b;J-"'''fto I
decisions and directives given by departments
accountable to the~ by the Board and by the
1/';1..,tIJ fto I
Faculty Council;
m) ,,"":(. r-r."'tIJ:flD' o}-IJOUCof'f
04.hA. 1: ,-"1lafto (c) to, followup and ensure the implementation of
081.+"" ro}-'I'"uco}-t)1\.11.C'i ,+ruC+ TC'-r courses offered by the College according to the
~"..'f oolP/.o}-00t)~:ffD-1 "h;J-.,."fto I 11..,7 academic calendar and academic,programme
..,tIJftoI approvedby the FacultyCouncil;
11t frr ~,.7(.'" ;;.&.tfJ~1'c"Ii 'nfl1-1:""
,~+"} IiJf...~ ~'9'".Negarit Gazeta~. No. J 1 151hFebruary1996- Page 123

011) n~c "'Ilt.,.,.,~ u."" "'lt~~1. fl1'~ (d) to provideassistancesand servicesnecessaryfor

""A..,~";f A"}-'l"-~ I1.C,.7~ i the teaching-learningprocess;
UI)Of1C~ In4-~t\.-I:l1fDo"}ltAJi n1"~tlJ;'H: (e) to perfonn such other duties specifically given
+n~"'fDo f"'7..ilt'P.=No-'lWr-"f +..,qC'T 111'1 by the Board, by the Faculty Council and by the
dJdI°ft-1I __-1_m--~_uu President
1° f\1Ao)1:1"6.tlJ;"}"" n""~'iCn""1.u. f\1Ao)1:f"'I1J;"7..h 2) The academic affairs Vice'-President shall act as
~f"T 9'"!,~tlJ;"}"" 1"t:.tlJ;"}-I:"} +h+f\1Ao)1:"} President in case of absence of the President He
JP&-f,oP6-A i Ilt+f).f1&-A II shall then direct and co-ordinate the activities of the
II- ltA "'11J;"7..h .\1"'7..11"} 009:*9'" ' College.

".nJ;"}~ fT9'"tlC"" 4-hl\.-I: I1tltl n:f""f f+UlU~"""} 12. Establishment of Academic Co~ssion
hqt\.r f1U'I +mt.H: I\l1fDo"}lt~fl1'~ f&-,..."}f"'l1 Each Faculty shall set up its own academic commission
19:.".,A ; accountable to the Council which shall be composed of:
i- f4-hl\.1:fDo Jl"} iI"""'o. 1) Dean of the Faculty Chairman
I- f~'1A-I:fDo 9'"/-'l"} ",qA 2) Vice-Dean of the Faculty " Members
r- fJl..TC""oo"}"" ~~~9'T .; -" 3) Department Heads "
j!. n4-hl\.-I:fDo*"'7..oo,..tI&-"}f+oolm- 4) "Three t~achers_,electedby the pennanent
f"lt"" oo9'"tI&-"} " acadenuc staff of the the Faculty "
~- l1?'lt-l: fOO9'"tI&-"} +1D11f"T"'"}~ ..". 6m~ 5) One of the three teachers representatives Secretary.
Ii:- fhtVC"'7..h\1"'7..11"}
JPAIIJ"}'I+..,qC 13. Powers and Duties oithe Academic Commission.
htVC1.h \1"'7..fh. f"'7..I1+~"" JPAIIJ"}'I .,...,qC'T The Academic Commission shall have the following
~'i'f.:f"A ; powers and duties:
i- f\1Ao~"} f"'I1.-s"'7..hTI\.(I. nool1.,.A f4-hl\.-I:fDo"} 1) to prepare the academic calendar the academic
f""9'"tlC"" I1Ao"}1.C'I f""9'"tlC"" 1"C'..,&-IfDT' programme of the faculty following the academic
IU,.7~A f 04-hl\.-I: I1fDo"}lt~(1.61::"9'" nJPt. ~~ poHcy of the College; implement the same upon
IfDot\A I' approval by the Faculty Council;
I- I\fT9'"tlC"" ~oo-l: OOU1:+fDof""fDUC"" ilAo"}1.C'I 2) to determine the examination given by the faculty
f."f-9-UC""1"~&-IfDT OIIUll"" 04-ht\.-I:fD-f"7..ilm- based upon the yearly academic calendar and
~+'I9'T"} ~lDlt'lA I academic programme;
1:- TfDUC:f":ffD-"} 0"'7..1q~m'l+. f4-ht\.-I:fD-"""t.9'T 3) to recommend to the Faculty Council students who
Jl"'t. ""}-'lilT I\~ht\. -I: ilfDo"}lt~VUf""I+CqA I have suc~ssfully complete their education and who
j!- 1D1."'7..+TI\fD-f""9'"UC"" "cl1"} f",.71~ .,.,.,1. shall receIve a degree;
9'T"} 1IC1ICl\4-hl\.-I: ilOJo"}lt~",:"Cf11ltlDlt'lAJ 4) to forward to the Fac~lty Council for approval list of
~. 4-hl\.-I:fDo"} f"'7..ool\l1-1:""~fD f"'M"'7..h T-. T st\ldents who are go1Ogto be promoted to the next
OOCfDC'~lDnt;A II C' 5) level;
to examine and decide academic problems concer-
ning the faculty.
h~A ?,It''''
14. OtherOrgansof the College
1~. ~'Aohf.T
~, flti)1: A~ A~"'il~""
f""fDUC""'I ffDCfDC h~f\oT f"'OO&-C
The composition and functioning of organs of the
h"'~"" ",ooUl&-4""'I "'iI&-C OPC~ f"lDi'lc;l\ If
variousacademicand researchunits of the Collegeshall
I~- .oz:t be determinedby the Board.
f\1Ao)1: 01:"" l1"7..I1+~"" MP"T f+fD-1IJ1IJ "11''IA ;
15. Budget
i- bU'ot.A OO"}..,JP-I:
11"7..0011\""01:"" f
I' \1Ao)1:b"'7..ilOltf)lffD-f",..A..,tr-"" h~I9'T I A'I The budget o! the College shallbe qrawn from:
r- I1Aotr-TMP""f 81
1) budgetary allocationsby the Federal Goyernment;
2) fees collectedby the College;and
II' +~~.",~..,. ltl\""~'i&-TfD- ih1-T 3) any other sources
~tI"} I."} f"t:Jol)' 1."}f1"f'1ooootl9'T "'~~"7..~""
h~'i &-=No-9'":I
16. InapplicableLaws
Any regulations and directives inconsisUfntwith the
provisionsof these Regulationsshall not be applicable.
'lh' fit!i ~.?t'-" .-~r,,'1) ~1'C Ili fl1.-t..,.1,"''), q,~,Negarit Gazeta- No. 11 15lbFebruary1996- Page 124

11,' .(.')ftc fOlJ.pcaOT'l.t&. 17. EffectiveDate

1>0"111 0";16'''' r">tI.(fJ
;t-TIfP tUDlJIO-r"''-) 1..'I"C':
fOC; These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of
,..,ca/:\. I: their publication in the Negarit Gazeta.

hJtit hOc.ft11:+t"'" nffir-~ ~,,...

Done at Addis Ababa, this 15thday of February, 1996
fh ,.r-WY 6.-1..6o/t'£Jtqoht.t\f'f tT-ol\..h PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC,
m:"/t,. "tth'-"C REPUBLIC OF ETIllOPIA

1IC'I1'i M9" OY"'''''I.1~~+ ;Jo"'- 81


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