Gost 12.3.046 (1991)

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GOST 12.3.046–91

Official Edition


UDC 614.843:006.354 Group П77

Occupational Safety Standards System


General Technical Requirements 12.3.046–91

OKP (All-Union Product Classification Code) 48 5487

Date of Introduction 01.01.93

This Standard applies to newly developed and upgraded automatic fire-fighting sets
(systems) (AFFS) intended for restricting or fighting and eliminating fires, and
simultaneously performing the functions of an automatic fire alarm system, and establishes
general technical requirements.
The requirements established by this Standard are obligatory.
Terms used in this Standard are explained in the Appendix.
1. AFFS shall be developed, manufactured, mounted, adjusted and operated in accordance
with the requirements of this Standard, specifications and technical documentation and
specifications for AFFS of specific type.
2. AFFS shall be subdivided:
categorized by design into: sprinkler, drencher, unit-type and modular;
categorized by type of fire-fighting substance into: water, foam, gas and powder.
3. Necessity of usage and choice of type of AFFS are stipulated by the level of fire danger
of the specific object, taking into account the speed of fire development in the initial stage and
the economic expedience of their usage in accordance with GOST 12.1.001.
4. Design solutions of AFFS shall meet:
the requirements of GOST 15150 regarding the modification categories by resistance to
climatic effects;

Official Edition
© Standards Publishing House, 1992
This Standard may not be reproduced, in full or in part, reprinted and distributed without the
permission of Gosstandart of the USSR.
p. 2 GOST 12.3.046–91

the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 (Construction Norms and Regulations) and GOST
12.1.012 regarding seismicity and vibration;
specific features of construction structures of objects being protected;
possibility of interfacing with technological automation of object being protected;
arrangement and operation of technological and lifting-and-conveying machinery to
exclude mechanical damage and false operation of AFFS;
the requirements of SNiP 3.05.05, GOST 356 and GOST 9544 regarding strength and air-
5. AFFS shall be safe in operating, mounting and adjusting for the attending personnel and
persons working in the zone being protected in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.
6. Modification of electrical equipment included in the structure of AFFS shall meet the
requirements for operation and category of fire- and explosive danger of the room being
protected, and corrosion properties of the environment in accordance with PUE (Electrical
Equipment Construction Rules), GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.4.009, GOST
12.1.019 and SNiP П–М.2.
7. AFFS shall:
operate for a time less than the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free
development of fire) in accordance with GOST 12.1.004;
localize the fire during the time necessary for launching the operative forces and facilities;
fight the fire with the purpose of its elimination;
intensive feeding and/or concentration of fire fighting substance;
the required reliability of operation (of localization or fire fighting).
8. AFFS shall be equipped with devices for:
acoustical and light alarm signaling about the fire;
monitoring the pressure (level) in the filled pipe-lines and tanks containing the fire
fighting substance and/or monitoring the mass of fire fighting substance;
repair and testing the working capacity of control-starting units, switching centers and
pumps without releasing the fire fighting substance from the distribution system and/or tanks
containing the fire fighting substance (except for module AFFS);
feeding the fire fighting substance from mobile fire machinery (for water and foam
feeding of gas and/or liquid for rinsing (blow-through) the pipe-lines and during tests;
mounting and servicing the sprinklers and pipe-lines at the given height of their arranging.
GOST 12.3.046–91 p. 3

9. During the volumetric fighting of the fire, AFFS shall issue a command pulse for:
automatic cut-off of ventilating and, if necessary, closing the openings into adjacent rooms
prior to the start of release of the fire fighting substance into the location being protected;
self-closing of doors;
delay of feeding the fire fighting substance into the volume being protected for a time
necessary for evacuating the people in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, but not less than for
30 seconds.
10. When automatic sets of volumetric fire-fighting operate, a signal shall be generated
inside the location being protected by an inscription on an illuminated indicator board: “Gas
(foam, powder): Keep away!” and sounding of an alarm. A light signal shall be turned on at
the entrance of the location being protected “Gas (foam, powder): do not enter!”, and in the
room of the duty attendants, a respective signal with information about feeding the fire
fighting substance.
11. AFFS, except for sprinkler types, shall be equipped with manual start-up:
remote, from devices located at the entrance into the location being protected and, if
necessary, from the fire station;
local, from devices installed on the stop-starting valve and/or on the fire-fighting station
located inside the room being protected.
12. Manual start-up devices shall be protected from accidental operation and mechanical
damage, and shall be placed outside of the possible fire zone.
13. Foam AFFS shall be provided with devices for preparing the solution or automatic
metering of the foaming agent, preventing the foaming agent (foaming agent solution) from
getting into water pipelines for drinking and industrial purpose, and also with tanks for
draining the foaming agent from pipe-lines and distribution net.
14. AFFS, except for water types, shall be provided with 100 % of the designed store of
fire fighting substance.
15. Foam and gas AFFS shall have a 100 % reserve of fire fighting substance.
16. When a gas AFFS uses carbon dioxide and substances analogous by volume, increase
during the phase transition as the fire fighting substance, devices for pressure-relief shall be
envisaged in the location being protected.
p. 4 GOST 12.3.046–91


Term Explanation

1. Automatic fire-fighting set In accordance with GOST 12.2.047

2. Fire Uncontrolled burning developing in time and space
3. Localization of fire In accordance with GOST 12.1.033
4. Elimination of fire In accordance with GOST 12.1.033
5. Fighting the fire In accordance with GOST 12.1.033
6. Fire fighting substance In accordance with GOST 12.1.033
7. Fire danger In accordance with GOST 12.1.033
8. Reserve of fire fighting substance The required amount of fire fighting substances ready
for immediate use in case of repeated inflammation or
when the set fails to fight the fire
9. Store of fire fighting substance The required amount fire fighting substances stored in
the object with the purpose of operatively restoring the
charges of fire fighting substance in fire-fighting sets
10. Modular fire-fighting set In accordance with GOST 12.2.047
11. Set of volumetric fire-fighting In accordance with GOST 12.2.047
12. Unit-type fire-fighting set A fire-fighting set, whose facilities for detecting the
fire, storing, releasing and transporting the fire fighting
substance are structurally independent units mounted
immediately on the object being protected
GOST 12.3.046–91 p. 5


1. DEVELOPED And SUBMITTED by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs

L. K. Tubashov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.) (Project Head); A. P. Yevdakov; L. I. Gaputina;
V. A. Turbin
2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED by Decree No. 2382, dated 29.12.91, of the USSR
Committee for Standardization and Metrology
3. Review period: 1996. Review frequency: 5 years

Number of reference document referred to Number of clause or Appendix

GOST 12.1.004–91 3, 7, 9
GOST 12.1.012–90 4
GOST 12.1.019–79 6
GOST 12.1.033–81 Appendix
GOST 12.2.003–91 6
GOST–75 6
GOST 12.2.047–86 Appendix
GOST 12.4.009–83 5, 6
GOST 356–80 4
GOST 9544–75 4
GOST 15150–69 4
SNiP 2.04.02–84 4
SNiP 3.05.05–84 4
SNiP П–М.2–72 6
Editor R. S. Fyedorova
Technical Editor V. N. Malkova
Proof-reader E. I. Morozova

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