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Michael’s College
Quezon Avenue, Iligan City, Philippines, 9200

Research Title Proposal

Jereme B. Capangpangan
Evaluating the effectiveness of PNP checkpoints in crime prevention in Iligan City

Statement of the problem

Checkpoints have been a key component of the Philippine National Police's (PNP) crime prevention
strategies in recent years. The necessity to critically assess checkpoints' efficacy in accomplishing the
main objective of lowering and discouraging criminal activity persists despite their extensive
deployment. Many unanswered questions surround PNP checkpoint operations' effects on general
crime rates, the kinds of crimes that are averted, and the opinions of the community and law
enforcement. There are still worries regarding possible compromises between increased security and
the protection of people's rights and freedoms at checkpoints. By undertaking a thorough assessment
of PNP checkpoints' efficacy in preventing crime, this study aims to close these gaps.This research
aims to provide evidence-based insights and recommendations for optimizing checkpoint strategies
and improving security by methodically examining the critical factors influencing checkpoint efficacy
and taking into account the perspectives of various stakeholders, including law enforcement, local
communities, and individuals passing through checkpoints.


● Assess the overall impact of PNP checkpoints on deterring criminal activities.

● Examine the relationship between the frequency and location of checkpoints and crime
● Identify any patterns or trends in criminal incidents in proximity to checkpoints.

Research Questions

For Law Enforcement Officials:

1.How do you perceive the overall effectiveness of PNP checkpoints in preventing and reducing
2.In your experience, which types of crimes have checkpoints been most successful in addressing?
3.What challenges do you encounter in implementing and managing checkpoints, and how do these
challenges impact their effectiveness?

For Community Members:

4. From your perspective, how has the presence of PNP checkpoints influenced the safety of your
5. Do you believe that the deployment of checkpoints has positively affected the overall crime rates
in your neighborhood?
6. How would you rate the effectiveness of PNP checkpoints in responding to and preventing criminal
activities in your area?

For Local Government Representatives:

7. How do you assess the collaboration between the PNP and local government in implementing
checkpoint strategies for crime prevention?
8. In your opinion, what role do PNP checkpoints play in achieving broader community safety
objectives outlined by local government initiatives?
Investigating the practices and implications of obtaining a driver's license with fixers

Statement of the problem

The practices of getting a driver's license with fixer assistance have become increasingly problematic
in recent years. This phenomenon raises serious concerns about the integrity of the licensing process,
possible compromises in road safety, and the general legitimacy of the drivers involved. Although
anecdotal evidence points to a widespread reliance on fixers, there is a dearth of thorough research
analyzing the particular practices used by fixers, their effects on road safety, and the wider
implications for the regulatory framework. This study attempts to fill these gaps by methodically
examining the strategies, incentives, and outcomes related to getting a driver's license with fixers,
illuminating the scope of the problem.

● Investigate the speed and efficiency of the licensing process with fixer assistance compared
to traditional methods.
● Assess the potential consequences of expedited licensing on road safety and regulatory
● Propose recommendations for improving the efficiency of the licensing system without
compromising integrity.

Research questions

● Drivers who used fixers:

1.What are the primary motivations for individuals seeking the assistance of fixers in
obtaining a driver's license?
2.How do individuals describe their experiences throughout the process of obtaining a
license with fixer assistance?

● Former fixers:

1.What specific services do fixers offer to individuals seeking assistance in obtaining a driver's
2.How do fixers navigate the official licensing procedures on behalf of their clients?

● Legal experts:(LTO’s)

1.How does obtaining a driver's license with fixer assistance impact road safety?
2.Are drivers who used fixers more prone to traffic violations or accidents compared to those
who followed standard procedures?
Community policing strategies and their effectiveness in crime prevention in Iligan City.

Statement of the problem

Community policing has gained popularity in Iligan City in recent years as a proactive way to improve
public safety and deter crime. As the city works to address various socioeconomic issues, the efficacy
of community policing strategies in preventing crime becomes a crucial focal point. Nevertheless,
there is a dearth of comprehensive assessments of the implementation and impact of these
strategies, which this study aims to fill. It looks at the current state of community policing initiatives in
Iligan City and assesses their efficaciousness in preventing crime. Significant issues include the degree
of community engagement, the cooperation between law enforcement and local stakeholders, and
the overall effect of community policing on crime rates and community perception.

● Understand the perceptions of safety and security among residents in Iligan City, specifically
focusing on how community policing initiatives influence these perceptions.
● Identify and analyze the challenges encountered by law enforcement and community
stakeholders in implementing community policing strategies in Iligan City.
● Evaluate the accessibility and availability of resources, including training, equipment, and
personnel, for effective implementation of community policing strategies.
● Explore the effectiveness of community policing strategies in addressing specific types of
crimes prevalent in Iligan City, such as property crimes, drug-related offenses, or violence.

Research Questions

For Community Residents:

1.How do you perceive the effectiveness of community policing strategies in enhancing safety and
preventing crime in your neighborhood?
2.Have community policing initiatives positively impacted your trust in law enforcement and overall
satisfaction with the safety of your community?
3.In your opinion, what specific community policing strategies have been most effective in preventing
crime, and why?

For Community Policing Officers:

4. What community policing strategies have you found to be most effective in fostering positive
relationships between law enforcement and the community?
5. What challenges do you encounter in implementing community policing strategies, and how do
they impact the overall effectiveness of crime prevention efforts?
6. How do you measure the success of community policing initiatives, and what metrics do you find
most valuable in assessing their impact?

For Community Leaders:

7. In your collaboration with law enforcement for community policing, what initiatives have yielded
the most significant positive outcomes in crime prevention?
8. How do community leaders contribute to shaping and implementing community policing strategies,
and what role do they play in fostering community engagement?

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