Loch Ness - Perguntas

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Tim and Tammy Teach


Phrasal Verbs that begin with the letters J and K

What do the following PHRASAL VERBS in the story that you just
heard mean?
(See answers at end of each chapter.)

Tipos de Phrasal Verbs

Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

Não precisam de um objeto.
I never give up.
(Nunca desisto.)
Inseparable Phrasal Verbs
O objeto deve vir depois da partícula.
I am looking after my kids today.
(Estou tomando conta do meus filhos hoje.)

Separable Phrasal Verbs (obligatory)

O objeto deve vir entre o verbo e a partícula:
I wanted to ask Susie out for a date, but I was too shy.
(Eu queria convidar a Susie para sair,
mas eu era muito tímido / tive vergonha.)

Separable Phrasal Verbs (optional)

O objeto pode vir antes ou depois da partícula;
porém, se for um pronome,
precisa vir entre o verbo e a partícula
: Turn the TV off.
Turn off the TV.
Turn it off. (Desligue a TV.)

CHAPTER 1 – Holiday Weekend Plans

1. Coby: Of all the brochures, this one really jumped out at me.
a. I noticed this one immediately
b. This one is not interesting
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable 􀂙 International English
􀂙 Informal
2. Coby: How many times have I told you not to jump in and finish other
people’s sentences like that, Firepop.
a. enter a room
b. interrupt a conversation
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive 􀂙 International English

3. Tim: He’ll jump at any opportunity to be part of an adventure.

a. Accept eagerly
b. escape from
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

4. Firepop: Well, learning a language is hard work, but you can do it if you
just keep at it.
a. continue working hard (at something difficult)
b. are intelligent
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

5. Firepop: And I’ve kept up my Scottish by watching “Braveheart” lots of

a. maintained my Scottish
b. practiced my Scottish
c. both of the above
􀂙Separable [optional]
􀂙International English

6. Firepop: You know, that film by Mel Gibson where the Scots almost get
killed off by the Brits.
a. attracted and persuade
b. eliminated completely over a period of time
c. both of the above
􀂙Separable [optional]
􀂙International English

7. Firepop: I’ll kneel down at your feet and beg.

a. irritate you and step on your feet
b. go down into a position with both knees on the ground
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 International English
8. Tim: Firepop will do anything - even kiss up to Coby – to get what he
a. try to make [Coby] like him by doing things that will please him
b. try to make [Coby] like him by saying things that will please him
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 American English

9. Coby: Ok. Ok. But you have to promise me you’ll keep out of trouble.
a. not become involved with
b. stay outside (so you don’t get in trouble)
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

10. Coby: Ok, then. Let’s all jot down a few ideas of things to do while we
are there.
a. think and suggest
b. write quickly on a piece of paper
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [optional]
􀂙 International English

11. Charlie: The last time we were on the water, I was so sick I couldn’t
keep anything down.
a. Not vomit
b. hold [anything] in the boat
c. both of the above

􀂙Separable [optional]
􀂙International English

Answers: 1-a; 2-b; 3-a; 4-a; 5-a; 6-b; 7-b; 8-c; 9-a; 10-b; 11-a
Chapter 2 – Ness Castle

12. Tim: Can you imagine the work it must be to keep up a place like this?
a. be responsible and manage
b. maintain in good condition
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [optional]
􀂙 International English

13. Tammy: Don’t mess with that suit of armour. You’ll end up knocking it
a. causing it to fall to the ground or onto its side
b. breaking it
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [optional]
􀂙 International English

14. Eddie: Keep the noise down, Firepop. It’s not respectful to yell in a
a. keep [the noise] at a low level
b. stop making [noise]
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

15. Charlie: I think I’m just going to kick back and watch some TV.
a. relax
b. play football
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 American English
􀂙 Informal

16. Mrs. MacDonald: I keep after my husband to buy some television sets
for the bedrooms, but he doesn’t see the need.
a. make sure my husband buys some television sets by asking him
repeatedly to do so
b. convince my husband of the need to buy television sets
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 American English

17. Tim: Knock it off, Firepop!

a. Finish what you are saying (you are speaking too slowly)!
b. Stop doing that (because you are annoying me)!
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

18. Mrs. MacDonald: I don’t want to keep you guys up, but if it weren’t so
late, I would also tell you about the legend of Kelpie.
a. cause you to go to bed late
b. scare you
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

Answers: 12-b; 13-a; 14-a; 15-a; 16-a; 17-b; 18-a;

Chapter 3 – On The Way To Loch Ness

19. Mrs. MacDonald: I’d love to join in the fun, children, but I have a lot of
work to do this morning.
a. finish my work (so I can have fun)
b. participate and take part in
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

20. Mrs. MacDonald: I’m just sitting here with you for a few seconds waiting
for my coffee to kick in. hehe
a. come through the filter
b. start to take effect
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 International English
􀂙 Slighly Informal

21. Mrs. MacDonald: Let me remind you to keep away from the edge of the
a. not go near
b. go in in the direction
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

22. Mrs. MacDonald: And make sure you keep to the main paths.
a. walk quickly on
b. stay within the limits
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

23. Firepop: Tim will keep you from harm, Leah.

a. protect you from
b. preserve you from
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

24. Eddie: It was built to keep back the flood waters during the rainy season.
a. increase the level of
b. prevent from going past a certain place
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [optional]
􀂙 International English

25. Tammy: I hope this nice weather keeps up while we are here.
a. continues without changing
b. improves and doesn’t rain
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 International English

26. Coby: Keep on walking, everyone!

a. continue
b. [walk] faster
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

Answers: 19-b; 20-b; 21-a; 22-b; 23-c; 24-b; 25-a; 26-a

Chapter 4 – Firepop Leaves the Path
27. Coby: You’d better keep up with us, Firepop!
a. move at the same speed
b. stay level with us
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 International English

28. Eddie: You’d better keep Firepop from getting near the water, Coby.
a. prevent (Firepop) from
b. tell (Firepop) not [to get near the water]
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

29. Coby: It says keep off the grass.

a. walk only on
b. not step on
c. both of the above
􀂙 Inseparable
􀂙 International English

30. Firepop: I’m looking for Kelpie. Keep an eye out, everyone!
a. watch carefully for [it] to appear
b. don’t look [if you are afraid]
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory] (always with an eye or
your eye)
􀂙 International English
􀂙 Informal

31. Eddie: It was made up by parents to keep children away from the Loch.
a. prevent [kids] from going near
b. make [children] believe in
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

32. Charlie: Whenever Firepop gets involved in something, he always jumps

in with both feet!
a. enter enthusiastically
b. become involved precipitately
c. both of the above
􀂙 Intransitive
􀂙 International English
Answers: 27-c; 28-a; 29-b; 30-a; 31-a; 32-c
Chapter 5 – One More Chapter in the Legend of Loch

33. Firepop: They don’t even know a water horse from a fire-breathing
a. know the difference between
b. have a good knowledge and understanding of
c. both of the above
􀂙 Separable [obligatory]
􀂙 International English

Answer: 33-c

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