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A Critical Analysis of the Article “Lenten Reflections”

An Analysis Made by Hans Dave Yamoto (#20) on May 23, 2023

While the article emphasizes the importance of reflecting and expressing

gratitude for surviving the Covid-19 pandemic, it fails to address the profound impact
and ongoing challenges caused by the crisis. Although the author suggests that we
should be thankful for returning to our pre-pandemic routines, it is essential to
recognize that the world has changed significantly, and a simple return to normalcy
may not be the most desirable outcome.
One can argue that instead of solely focusing on gratitude, we should critically
reflect on the lessons learned from the pandemic and consider how we can improve
ourselves individually and as a society. Merely reverting to the way things were
before may hinder our progress in addressing fundamental issues that the pandemic
exposed, such as inequalities in healthcare, social structures, and economic
Furthermore, the article seems to downplay the ongoing challenges we face in
the post-pandemic era. While the immediate health crisis may have subsided, the
repercussions of the pandemic, both physical and psychological, continue to affect
individuals and communities worldwide. Neglecting these long-term consequences
and prematurely celebrating a sense of normalcy could lead to complacency and a
lack of preparedness for future challenges.
Additionally, the article assumes that the fast-paced world we were
anticipating before the pandemic is already here and implies that it is a sign of
progress. However, it is crucial to question whether this rapid pace is sustainable
and whether it truly aligns with our values and well-being. Rushing to embrace the
same societal patterns as before the pandemic without thoughtful reflection might
perpetuate harmful practices and neglect the opportunity for positive change.
Overall, while expressing gratitude for surviving the pandemic is important, it
is equally crucial to critically examine the lessons learned, address ongoing
challenges, and strive for meaningful improvements rather than simply aiming to
return to the pre-pandemic status quo. By embracing a more reflective and proactive
approach, we can work towards a better future that acknowledges the vulnerabilities
exposed by the crisis and promotes resilience, equity, and societal progress.
To support my argument, here are a few lines supporting me;
 "Although we expected most of us took advantage of this annual break getting
on the road to take a vacation or pursue our travel goals, we hope we did not
forget to take time as well to reflect and be grateful that we have survived a
global ordeal, and could now afford to do the usual activities as before, which
the pandemic denied us for more than two years due to restrictions and strict
health protocols."
 "Now that we are back to normal and are alive when millions are no longer
with us to see how we are able to live as we used to even with the Covid-19 in
our midst, we hope before we reclaimed our usual routines, we first took time
this Lenten season to thank the Supreme Being for the gift of life and graces
during one of the most difficult periods of our lives."
 "More importantly, as we welcome the risen Jesus Christ on Easter, it is our
hope we also stopped to think how to improve ourselves individually and as a
nation using our experiences and granted chances as lessons to learn from,
not only from the pandemic but from any challenge that we are and will still be

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