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Előszó . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A tesztgenerálás szempontjai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A teszt értékelése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
9. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
10. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
11. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
12. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
13. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
14. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
15. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
l6. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
11. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
18. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
19. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
20. teszt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Megoldások . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115


A feleletválasztós teszt a nyelvtudásmérés legobjektívabb módja. A feladatot ért számtalan bírálat ellenére, amelyek
a feladat életszerűségét kérik számon, a világ legtöbb nyelvvizsgáztató intézménye használja. Ennek nemcsak a
gyors, objektív elbírálhatósága az oka, hanem az összehasonlító kutatások eredményei is, amelyek kimutatták, hogy
összefüggés van a vizsgázó feleletválasztós tesztre kapott pontszáma és a tényleges nyelvtudása között.

Az állami nyelvvizsgán 50 kérdésből álló tesztet kell a vizsgázónak 30 pere alatt megoldania szótár használata
nélkül. Választását az eredménylapon X-szel jelöli. A javítás átlátszó sablonnal történik.

A feleletválasztós tesztnek, mint vizsgafeladatnak legfőbb célja és értelme a passzív nyelvtani és lexikai ismeretek
mérése. Passzív tudáson a helyes nyelvtani szerkezetek, szóalakok és jelentések felismerésének a készségét értjük.
Ez a meghatározás egyben rávilágít a feladat lehetőségeinek korlátaira is. A vizsgázó a megadott lehetőségek közül
kiválasztja a jót, nem pedig létrehozza azt. A gyorsaság és objektivitás mellett a teszt egy másik előnye az, hogy
előre adott a teljesítendő nyelvi színvonal. A vizsgázó, elővigyázatosságból, nem taktikázhat úgy, hogy kihagyja
azokat a szerkezeteket, amelyeket nem, vagy nem biztosan ismer (mint például a fogalmazásnál, ahol biztonságból
törekedhet az egyszerűségre). Mindezeket a szempontokat mérlegelve a nyelvvizsgafeladatok kidolgozásakor a
szakemberek úgy látták célszerűnek, hogy a maximálisan elérhető 100 pontból - optimális tesztmegoldással - 15-öt
lehessen megszerezni.

A középfokú vizsgateszt elsősorban nyelvtani ismereteket kér számon, feltételezi a célnyelv nyelvtani rendszerének
globális ismeretét. Az 50 részfeladat igyekszik minél nagyobb területet átfogni, de semmiképpen sem törekszik
teljességre. Kiemelten foglalkozik azokkal a problémákkal, amelyek a vizsgázók anyanyelve és a célnyelv közötti
különbségekből következnek. Az azonos nyelvi jelenségeket bemutató lépések gyakran hasonlóak. Ez részben a
nyelvi probléma lényegéből adódik (például bizonyos igeidőket értelemszerűen csak meghatározott más igeidőkkel
vethettünk össze), részben az ismeretek elmélyítését szolgálja. A tesztfeladatokat egy számítógépes adatbankban
tároljuk, amelyekből egy megadott szempontrendszer alapján egy tesztgeneráló program válogat. A tesztgenerálás
szempontjait a következőkben részletesen ismertetjük.

Jelen kötetünkben 20 darab 50 lépésből álló feleletválasztós tesztfeladatot mutatunk be, amelyet a számítógép
választott ki a fent említett tesztbankból. Az összeállítás reprezentatív, tehát alkalmat ad arra, hogy a nyelvtanuló, a
leendő vizsgázó, ill. tanára, megbízható pontossággal tudja mérni, hogy az állami nyelvvizsgán adott pillanatban
hogyan teljesítene. Két-három feladatsor megoldása után pedig mind ő, mind tanára pontosan tudni fogja, melyek
azok a legfőbb nyelvi jelenségek, amelyek elsajátítására nagyobb hangsúlyt kell fordítania. Reméljük, hogy a
következőkben megadott generálási szempontrendszer, és az azon alapuló feladatok, jelentősen javítják majd a
nyelvvizsgára való célirányos felkészülés hatékonyságát. A megoldások a kötet végén találhatók.

Tanács: a nyelvet nem lehet tesztek megoldásával megtanulni.

A teszt mérési eszköz. Kiválóan alkalmas arra, hogy passzív nyelvtani ismereteinket elfogadható pontossággal
felmérje, és így támpontokat adjon a nyelvtanulónak és tanárának a hiányosságok csökkentésére. Ha tehát valaki a
gyakorlás során lényegesen 60% alatt teljesít, akkor nem az a megoldás, hogy éjjel-nappal teszteket oldjon meg,
hanem az, hogy nyelvtudását egyéb módon fejlessze.

A tesztgenerálás szempontjai

A részfeladatok (lépések) megoszlása

I. Verb Phrase (Igecentrikus szerkezetek) 23 lépés

Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Simple Present
Passive (Szenvedő)
Causative (Műveltetés)
Conditionals (Feltételes mód)
Auxiliaries (Segédigék)
Non-finite forms (Igeneves szerkezetek)
Reported Speech (Függő beszéd)
Noun Phrase (Főnévcentrikus ill.
nominális szerkezetek) 10 lépés
Countable, Uncountable Nouns (Megszámlálhatóság)
Pronouns (Relative pronouns) (Névmások, vonatkozó
Articles (Névelők)
Modifiers (Bővítmények, jelzők)
Adjectives, Comparison (Melléknév fokozás)

II. Phrasal Verbs, Prepositions 7 lépés

III. Szabadon választott 10 lépés

(egyéb igeidők, egyeztetés, szórend, rövid válaszok, question tags, tagadás, but, however, neither, nor,
That's , why, határozók stb.)

A teszt értékelése

A feleletválasztós teszt értékelése az alábbi pontskála szerint történik

16-22 = 1 pont
23-29 = 3 pont
30-35 = 5 pont
36-38 = 7 pont
39-41 = 9 pont
42-44 = 11 pont
45-47 = 13 pont
48-50 = 15 pont

16 helyes választás alatt nem adunk pontot, ugyanis ez az eredmény lehet véletlenszerű (pl. ha a vizsgázó minden
kérdésnél csak az ,, A"-t húzza be, akkor 25% körüli eredményt érhet el). A nyelvvizsgázónak arra kell törekednie,
hogy 60%-os teljesítményt, azaz 9 pontot, vagyis legalább 39 helyes választ érjen el, vagy annak közelében teljesí


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. ... was a lovely day, I went for a walk in the park.

A/ As it C/ For there
B/ For it D/ As there

2. "He said he had met my friend three weeks before." "..."

A/ Has he? C/ Hadn't he?
B/ Did he? D/ Didn't he?

3. "... have change for a dollar?" "Sorry, no."

A/ Do you happen to C/ What
B/ Will you D/ Can you

4. "... that fax yet?" "No, I'm still typing it."

A/ Would you send C/ Have you sent
B/ Are you sending D/ Did you sent

5. The last time ... to the museum was last month.

A/ I went C/ I have been
B/ I have gone D/ I was going

6. A/ We discussed that the last week.

B/ I've had a cold for the last week.
C/ I was in New York at last Christmas.
D/ I saw him in the last month.

7. ... is the inflation rate that worries the government.

A/ Any time C/ Raising
B/ That D/ It

8. ... ! A train is coming.

A/ Look out C/ Look after
B/ Look at D/ Look for

9. ... composition is good enough.

A/ Both C/ Neither
B/ None D/ All

10. ... he got, ... the house seemed.

A/ The near - the far C/ The more near - the more far
B/ The nearer - the farther D/ As near - as far

11. Don't worry ... it.

A/ by C/ at
B/ because D/ about

12. Which paper would you ... me to buy?

A/ recommend C/ say
B/ suggest D/ advise

13. The police ... walking past ... church.

A/ are - - C/ is - the

B/ are - the D/ is - -

14. About two hundred people ... when the plane crashed.
A/ thought to die C/ were thought to die
B/ are thought tohave been killed D/ thought to have been killed

15. The watch has disappeared. Who ... it?

A/ need have stolen C/ should have stolen
B/ could steel D/ could have stolen

16. I couldn't help ... when I heard what had happened.

A/ laugh C/ to laugh
B/ laughing D/ to be laughing

17. They ... home by this time.

A/ are being C/ would be
B/ will been D/ will have be

18. You can have ... book.

A/ both C/ all
B/ either D/ each the

19. He wants his friend to pay ... the damage done.

A/ because C/ for
B/ at D/ -

20. As soon as we ... we'll give you a ring.

A/ arrived C/ will arrive
B/ are arriving D/ arrive

21. Peter hasn't got a pet. I haven't ... .

A/ got, too C/ got one, either
B/ got, either D/ got one, too

22. A meeting of the business partners ... take place before the contract was signed.
A/ had expected C/ had been expected to
B/ was expected D/ expecting to

23. If you ... in July, I'd have given you accommodation in my house.
A/ would eome C/ had come
B/ came D/ would had come

24. George didn't come to see the exhibition on Monday because he ... it before.
A/ had seen C/ has seen
B/ saw D/ was seen

25. We'd better not wake her up, ...?

A/ shouldn't we C/ would we
B/ did we D/ had we

26. The workers won't stop striking until they ... the pay rise.
A/ don't got C/ will got
B/ haven't got D/ have got

27. "How long ... working here?" "Ten years."

A/ you have been C/ are you
B/ have you been D/ were you

28. Some friends of mine dropped ... for a drink after the theatre.
A/ off C/ on
B/ in D/ out

29. You may be able to find a pair of boots ... your size at the TESCO.
A/ with C/ at
B/ in D/ for

30. The speaker smiled ... .

A/ friendlily C/ in a friendly way
B/ friendly D/ as friendly

31. How long have you .. ?

A/ made Peter do your C/ had done your
homework homework
B/ made your D/ made Peter to do
homework done your homework

32. How ... has he tried to escape from home?

A/ long time C/ much time
B/ long ago D/ many times

33. He told ... drive his car.

A/ me I can C/ me I could
B/ I may D/ to me to

34. She looks very pale, she ... be ill.

A/ ought to C/ must
B/ needs D/ can

35. My friend told me ... his parcels.

A/ never open C/ don't ever open
B/ to not open D/ never to open

36. In the lounge there is a ... .

A/ nice small round table C/ nice round small table
B/ small nice round table D/ round small nice table

37. Admittedly, making up ... mind is not always as easy as that.

A/ somebody's C/ his
B/ one's D/ our

38. Nick ... his dog to the vet; he would have cured him.
A/ ought to have taken C/ could take
B/ may have taken D/ should take

39. I can't ... with his aggressive driving any longer.

A/ stand up C/ come down
B/ put up D/ make off

40. Her father will not let her ... yes.

A/ saying C/ to say
B/ say D/ be said

41. If Joan ... every day, she wouldn't fail her exam.
A/ practises C/ should practise
B/ practised D/ will practise

42. Ted called ... wrong number.

B/ any D/ a
A/ the C/ -

43. Tom is by far ... boy in his class.

A/ the tallest C/ the taller
B/ a taller D/ tallest

44. How did you manage ... that mountain?

A/ have elimbed C/ to climb
B/ climbing D/ having climbed

45. I've got ... to do today, including jobs both at home and at the office.
A/ a lot of works C/ so many works
B/ loads of work D/ lots of works

46. "Sarah told me yesterday that she'd found a snake in her hotel room." "I'm sure she ... your leg when she said
that. "
A/ has pulled C/ has been pulling
B/ was pulling D/ had pulled

47. This is ... always happens to inexperienced drivers at night.

A/ which C/ what
B/ that D/ -

48. Graz, ... is in Austria, is his native town.

A/ - C/ that
B/ what D/ which

49. By the time I get there, the film ... .

A/ will have finished C/ is finishing
B/ finishes D/ had finished

50. If only she ... soon.

A/ comes C/ will come
B/ would come D/ had come


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "I'm afraid I've spilt the coffee on your new table-cloth. I'm awfully sorry." "..."
A/ Never mind ! C/ So much be the trouble.
B/ Nothing at all. D/ Don't care.

2. "... did you drive on the first day of your trip?" "To Berlin."
A/ How many C/ How long
B/ How far D/ How much

3. ... nothing for breakfast, we had to go to the buffet to buy a sandwich.

A/ Having had C/ We have had
B/ Having not had D/ Since having

4. ... people don't realize the dangers of driving in a busy city.

A/ Most C/ Most of
B/ The most D/ The most of

5. ... the central station there is a lovely beach.

A/ Near C/ Close at
B/ Next D/ In front

6. Shoes ... during the sale cannot be exchanged.

A/ bought C/ having bought
B/ what you have bought D/ what you bought

7. By March I ... my exam, I hope.

A/ will be passed C/ have passed
B/ will have passed D/ pass

8. Don't stand up until the bus ... .

A/ has stopped C/ will not stop
B/ doesn't stop D/ hasn't stopped

9. Each of them was busy doing ... own homework.

A/ his C/ the
B/ he's D/ theirs

10. For years and years they ... for a new car, and now they've bought one.
A/ save C/ had saved
B/ have been saving D/ are saving

11. He agreed to accept the offer ... he wasn't satisfied with it.
A/ while C/ although
B/ in spite of D/ since

12. He asked the pharmacist to give him something for ... sore throat.
A/ the C/ such
B/ a D/ -

13. She has moved out. Now she lives ... 99 Baker Street.
A/ at C/ on
B/ in D/ under

14. Grandfather showed me everything ... he had collected.

A/ - C/ what
B/ how D/ which

15. Father thinks he has the right to decide everything since gives the money.
A/ it is he C/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ he is that who

16. She 's already ... her mother.

A/ as pretty as C/ as pretty than
B/ so pretty than D/ so pretty as

17. I ... him two weeks ago.

A/ met C/ have met
B/ meet D/ was met

18. I am not keen on football, and I don't much like athletics ... .
A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ neither

19. I have ... interest in economics.

A/ hardly C/ any
B/ few D/ little

21. I'd have lent him my bike if he ... me to.

A/ has asked C/ would have asked
B/ had asked D/ asked

22. I'll have to buy ... shoes.

A/ two pieces of C/ two
B/ a pair of D/ a couple of

20. I never knew where ... .

A/ had the girls run C/ the girls have run
B/ the girls had run D/ have the girls run

23. I'm awfully sorry, but I ... the password just now.
A/ don't remember C/ am not remembering
B/ couldn't remembered D/ can't remember back

24. If we take off now we should be in New York ... 8.

A/ by C/ from
B/ until D/ to

25.If you ... your wife didn't like bearded men, you shouldn't have grown one.
A/ knew C/ were knowing
B/ have known D/ should known

26.It was pleasing ... her ... well again.

A/ seeing - to look C/ to see - to look
B/ seeing - looking D/ to see - looking

27.It's no use ... him of cheating on his wife.

A/ criticise C/ accusing
B/ accuse D/ criticising

28.John ... his car repaired for over sixteen months.

A/ hasn't had C/ has
B/ does D/ is having

29.Last week my friend had an accident. He ... to hospital immediately.

A/ needed being taken C/ had had to be taken
B/ had to be taken D/ needed be taken

30. A lot of old people wish they ... some sport when they were younger.
A/ had done C/ would have done
B/ would do D/ should have done

31. My friend always looked ... pilots. He had a great respect for them.
A/ over C/ at
B/ up on D/ up to

32. Peter askeá Mary how many books ... .

A/ she had read C/ did she read
B/ she has read D/ was she reading

33. He'll have to give ... smoking if he doesn't want to die.

A/ up C/ over
B/ in D/ on

34. The children will have to attend school, whether they want to or ... .
A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ won't

35. John.... the words, but he refused to.

A/ should have learned C/ must to learn
B/ must have learning D/ has learned

36. Granny asked whether anyone ... her glasses anywhere.

A/ sees C/ has seen
B/ saw D/ had seen

37. They purchased ... from various manufacturers.

A/ a lot of different forms of equipment
B/ a lot of different form of equipment
C/ a lot of different sort of equipment
D/ some equipments

38. He told us ... story that we all laughed.

A/ such funny a C/ so a funny
B/ so funny D/ such a funny

39. This statue ... two years before you graduated.

A/ had been erecting C/ erected
B/ had erected D/ was erected

40. Two strangers were standing by the window. One of them was smoking, ... was drinking vodka.
A/ the other C/ other one
B/ the another D/ another

41. We ... our next holiday in Italy.

A/ probably spending C/ will spend probably
B/ are probably spending D/ are going to probably spen

42. We ... to have coffee now.

A/ can C/ are going
B/ will need to D/ will be

43. What ... you change your mind?

A/ did make C/ made
B/ got D/ did have

44. While I ... the bell rang.

A/ cook C/ was cooking
B/ had cooked D/ will cook

45. As I had plenty of money, I ... to help her.

A/ could C/ have
B/ was able D/ ought

46. Will you ... the dog while we are abroad?

A/ mind for C/ take care after
B/ look after D/ care of

47. He gave me everything ... I had always wished for.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ who

48. You have drunk hardly ...

A/ nothing . C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat

49. You remembered to lock the door when you left home, ...
A/ didn't you C/ hadn't you
B/ do you D/ don't you

50.Their house is ... ours.

A/ similar to C/ as
B/ the same that D/ like to

Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1."Have your kids been to the zoo yet?" "Yes, they said they ... there."
A/ had been C/ were being
B/ would have been D/ will have been

2."I don't like taking a cold shower." "I can never get used to taking a cold shower ... ."
A/ either C/ too
B/ also D/ neither

3."How many apples have we got?" "..."

A/ There isn't any apple C/ Only little.
at home.
B/ There aren't some. D/ Not too many.

4. ... a long time since I was in Italy.

A/ It had been C/ There's
B/ There has been D/ It's

5. ... pretty woman she is !

A/ What a C/ How a
B/ How D/ What

6. ... is not allowed in that room at all.

A/ No smoking C/ Smoking
B/ A smoking D/ Any smoking

7.Each ... in their home suited the style of their house.

A/ furnitures C/ piece of furniture
B/ items of furniture D/ furniture

8.... of the telephones at the reception are working.

A/ Ones C/ Any
B/ None D/ No one

9.The sales manager ... offered a company car but he didn't want it.
A/ has C/ had to be
B/ was D/ is

10. ... was appointed head a doctor.

A/ The friends of her's C/ A fried of her
B/ The friend of hers D/ A friend of hers

11. Can you ... the horses for me while I'm in hospital.
A/ care C/ take care
B/ look to D/ look after

12. ... with a host family is a better way of practising English.

A/ The living C/ Living
B/ Live D/ Life

13. ... yourself and call me up every evening.

A/ Mind for C/ Take care of
B/ Look out D/ Beware of

14. Tomorrow my grandfather and my grandmother ... for fifty years.

A/ will have been married C/ will have married
B/ will marry D/ will be married

15. Could I ... the oil level checked?

A/ make C/ have
B/ want D/ ask

16. I can't lend you money until I ... my salary.

A/ collect C/ will colleet
B/ won't collect D/ don't collect

17. What do you think of ... modern ballet?

A/ the our C/ the
B/ - D/ a

18. Have you ever done ... worth mentioning?

A/ some C/ anything
B/ any D/ somewhat

19. She ... the guests their rooms.

A/ has just shown C/ just showing
B/ just has shown D/ just had shown

20. He has always liked fitness. He ... body strengtheneng exereises three times a day.
A/ is doing C/ does alway
B/ does D/ had done

21. She said she ... me, but she didn't.

A/ will visit C/ would have
B/ would visit D/ will have vi

22. We invited friends to supper and it's too la to put them ... now.
A/ away C/ off
B/ on D/ over

23. We ... never to go near the border.

A/ have told C/ have been 1
B/ have been told D/ was telling

24. It is very urgent. I want it ... as quickly as

A/ did C/ do
B/ will done D/ done

25. I wanted to buy a Sony camcorder, but the the last one yesterday.
A/ has sold C/ was selling
B/ was sold D/ sold

26. I'd rather you ... it a secret.

A/ keeping C/ kept
B/ keep D/ to keep

27. If the teacher ... me more time, I could have done the test.
A/ had given C/ would give
B/ gave D/ has given

28. If we had not watered the plant every day it…

A/ will have died C/ will die
B/ would have died D/ has died

29. When the doctor examined me he ... a prescription for me.

A/ drew up C/ put down
B/ made out D/ filled

30. It was the bottom shelf ... she kept her wedding ring ... .
A/ where - - C/ where - in
B/ in that - - D/ what - in

31. It's been a fantastic tour, ...?

A/ hasn't it C/ wasn't it
B/ isn't it D/ doesn't it

32. It's a greater feeling to give ... to receive.

A/ so C/ as
B/ then D/ than

33. Why don't you stay ... us during your holiday in Hungary?
A/ at C/ by
B/ with D/ over

34. As a top athlete, he ... run 10 miles every day when he was
preparing for the Games.
A/ had to C/ could be
B/ should D/ might

35. Mary's baby ... good care of recently.

A/ hasn't been taken C/ wasn't taking
B/ hasn't taken D/ isn't taken

36. One of their experts ... inflation in Russia.

A/ has been studying C/ was studied
B/ has studying D/ had studying

37. Edward is said to be a less known relative ... .

A/ to the King C/ by the King .
B/ of the King D/ of the King's

38. Take your swimsuit ... you decide to swim.

A/ may be if C/ for perhaps
B/ or else D/ in case

39. The students ... notice of what the teacher said.

A/ took not C/ did take not
B/ didn't take any D/ didn't take some

40. We will be touring Scotland ... June.

A/ in whole C/ during the whole of
B/ the whole of D/ during the whole

41. The traffic sign says clearly that drivers ... not park on the pavement.
A/ should C/ might
B/ will D/ have

42. The small town ... they spent the weekend ... had no cinema.
A/ in which - - C/ where - in
B/ what - in D/ in that - -

43. There's a parrot on the shelf ... you.

A/ above C/ over
B/ at D/ of

44. What lovely pears! How ... in a pound?

A/ many are there C/ much are they
B/ much are there D/ many are they

45. We bought ... for Christmas.

A/ three toasts C/ three loaves of bread
B/ three breads D/ three slice of bread

46. When I went into the living room, all the members of the family ... cards.
A/ had played C/ have played
B/ played D/ were playing

47. When a Belgian goes to Holland, ... take his passport?

A/ need he to C/ does he have to
B/ ought to D/ should

48. He behaved ... a poor man, but he spent money ... he pleased.
A/ as - as C/ like - as
B/ like - like D/ as - like

49. I ... a new car.

A/ can afford buying C/ can afford buy
B/ can't afford to buy D/ allow myself buying

50. Your windows need ... . Would you like me ... it for you?
A/ washing - doing C/ to wash - doing
B/ washing - to do D/ to washing


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Someone's knocking." "I ... .".

A/ 'm to go C/ 'll go
B/ go D/ 'm opening

2. I ... this hat since my wedding.

A/ had C/ had had
B/ 've had D/ was having

3. ... George was ill in his later years, he still went for outings.
A/ But C/ In spite of
B/ Although D/ Despite

4. A/ How is Joe?
B/ How was the party like?
C/ How is the health service in your country?
D/ How do you call "corn flakes" in Hungarian?

5. ... like hamburgers.

A/ The most of the C/ The most Americans
B/ Most of Americans D/ Most Americans

6. Paul has no free time. ... .

A/ Judith also not. C/ Neither Judith has.
B/ Nor has Judith. D/ Judith hasn't too.

7. ... open the window?

A/ Would you like that I C/ Shall I
B/ Will I D/ Do you want that I

8. A/ The gold is a kind of metal.

B/ Gold is a kind of metal.
C/ The gold is sort of metal.
D/ A gold is the sort of metal.

9. On this occasion the jury was not divided. ... vote was unanimous.
A/ They're C/ Theirs
B/ Their's D/ Their

10. ... someone get a car mechanic, please !

A/ Shall C/ May
B/ Should D/ Will

11. I saw your brochure at the exhibition, and I ... to ask you to send me further information about skiing in France.
A/ had written C/ write
B/ am writing D/ was writing

12. Would you please tell him to ring me back the moment he ...?
A/ will have arrived C/ is going to arrive
B/ will arrive D/ arrives

13. You must be here on time. Everyone else ... .

A/ is C/ does
B/ will also D/ are

14. You ... a driving licence for this job. You'll only have to use the computer.
A/ don't need C/ mustn't have
B/ needn't D/ haven't got

15. I ... to work every single day when I had a job in Canada.
A/ drove C/ drived
B/ drive D/ drew

16. I can turn ... way: right or left. What do you think?
A/ both C/ any
B/ either D/ each

17. Lions cannot live without killing ... food.

A/ for C/ -
B/ of D/ the

18. My wife suggested ... some money from a friend.

A/ get C/ to get
B/ getting D/ for to get

19. We ... our new washing machine only for three days when it broke down.
A/ had had C/ have had
B/ had D/ have

20. My watch doesn't keep the right time. I ... .

A/ must have had it repaired C/ have to have it repaired
B/ can have repaired it D/ had to make it repaired

21. He ... doing more exercises since he had his heart attack.
A/ could C/ has
B/ has been D/ would have

22. If I ... some free time on Saturday, I'll go to the pictures. ..

A/ will have C/ had
B/ have D/ would have

23. The engine won't start again. I ... a lot of trouble with it during the last few days.
A/ were having C/ have had
B/ had D/ had had

24. Your father mentioned ... in prison in 1957.

A/ having been C/ to be
B/ going D/ to have been

25. I wonder if ... to drink alcohol in the disco.

A/ allow C/ I will allow
B/ I would be allowed D/ I have allowed

26.The ... that we got from the study was completely useless.
A/ pieces of informations C/ information
B/ informations D/ amount of informations

27.The receipt ... within eight days.

A/ have to return C/ is to have returned
B/ is to return D/ is to be returned

28.Finally ... you who will regret missing the opportunity to learn surfing.
A/ there'll be C/ thaCll be

B/ it'll be D/ will be

29. She is the director with the ... sympathy.

A/ fewest C/ least
B/ the smallest amount D/ most minimum

30. I have returned ... of the books I borrowed.

A/ any C/ the most
B/ quite a many D/ mos

31. When answering the questions, both applicants sounded ... the same.
A/ much C/ as like
B/ most D/ very

32. The case was full ... clothes.

A/ with C/ in
B/ of D/ by

33. Are you going to the airport to see them ...?

A/ out C/ at
B/ off D/ away

34. If you can hold ... a minute, I'll tell Ann you're on the phone.
A/ for C/ on
B/ off D/ up

35. "Listen, the Pope is ... .", he called.

A/ in the broadcast C/ at the air
B/ in the television D/ on the air

36. That was ... cases that the defense lawyer has had for years.
A/ much more easier C/ enough easy
B/ some easy D/ one of the easiest

37. My husband acted as if he ... me.

A/ would own C/ is owning
B/ owned D/ were had

38. I have warned her ... .

A/ several times C/ many occasions
B/ much time D/ enough often

39. He studied the manuscript ... was found in the monastery.

A/ that C/ it
B/ what D/ -

40. The robber was a red-haired man. That's all ... I've been told.
A/ what C/ which
B/ that D/ whom

41. Alex has gone to hospital to visit his grandmother

A/ a C/ the
B/ some D/ -

42. I have no idea when ... on Fridays.

A/ the shops had closed C/ do the shops close
B/ are the shops closed D/ the shops close

43. I wanted ... the pop star, but I had an accident.

A/ to meeting C/ meeting
B/ meet D/ to meet

44. "1've come here for the windsurfing." "So you've just con have you?"
A/ to windsurfing C/ windsurf
B/ to windsurf D/ so that you windsurf

45. Sheila should be in the office by eight but hardly ever tur before half past eight.
A/ out C/ up
B/ in D/ back

46. The psychiatrist wanted to learn if his patient ... enough sleep.
A/ can get C/ has got
B/ is getting D/ was getting

47. The speaker ... to have arrived first.

A/ told C/ was saíd
B/ said D/ expected

48. "What ... at 9 last night? I rang the bell but nobody answe
A/ were you doing C/ have you been doing
B/ could you be doing D/ had you done

49. Don't touch the screen, ... you?

A/ should C/ didn't
B/ will D/ could

50. If I were you, I ... at a hotel.

A/ stayed C/ would stay
B/ will stay D/ had stayed


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Were you sleeping when I arrived?" "Yes, ... ."

A/ I was C/ sleeping
B/ I slept D/ I did

2. The castle ... in the 16th century.

A/ built C/ was building
B/ had built D/ was built

3. ... love their homeland more than anybody does.

A/ A French C/ The French
B/ French D/ The Frenchman

4. ... is correct and ... is no question about it.

A/ It - it C/ I'here - it
B/ It - there D/ There – there

5. ... nearly everybody at the reception, I enjoyed myself.

A/ Having been C/ After knowing
B/ I know D/ Knowing

6. ... the applicants who had written came to the interview.

A/ No one of C/ Nobody of
B/ Neither D/ None of

7. ... you danced with at the garden party, is getting married on Saturday.
A/ Jane Smith who C/ Jane Smith,
B/ Jane Smith, who D/ Jane Smith

8. As soon as I ... the book, I'll give it to you.

A/ read C/ have read
B/ will have read D/ will read

9. By Christmas the old cathedral will ... restored.

A/ - C/ have
B/ be have D/ have been

10. All ... landed saPely after the attack.

A/ the aircrafts C/ aircrafts
B/ the aircraft D/ aircraft

1l. Either the driver or the policeman ... to blame for accident.
A/ was C/ has
B/ were D/ will

12. She ... her arm when she fell down.

A/ has wounded C/ has injured
B/ hurted D/ hurt

13. She ... on the balcony when the fire broke out.
A/ sunbathed C/ has been sunbathing

B/ was sunbathing D/ was being sunbathing

14. He couldn't make himself understood in Mexico because spoke ... Spanish.
A/ little C/ some
B/ a little D/ not

15. He didn't want to marry her, and she didn't want to marry
A/ either C/ neither
B/ also D/ too

16. He first played the piano ... .

A/ when 4 years old was he C/ at the age of 4
B/ when he had 4 years D/ at age of 4 years

17. She's ... satisfied with her married life.

A/ no longer C/ more so
B/ not more D/ already not

18. I ... if I had been warned in advance.

A/ never have tried C/ wouldn't have never tried
B/ would never have tried D/ never would have tried

19.I ... at home since my mother got better last week.

A/ ate C/ had been eating
B/ have been eating D/ was eating

20.I ... her if she had told me about her umvillingness to hav child.
A/ would have married C/ would never have married
B/ never would married D/ wouldn't have never marrie

21. The love story I read last night was ... .

A/ such good book C/ such impressive
B/ rather too impressive D/ fairly good

22. I lent ... sugar to my next door neighbour.

A/ all C/ my all
B/ all the D/ all of

23. She dian't like him because he always made her ... .
A/ to cry C/ crying
B/ cry D/ cried

24. My wife earns ... I do.

A/ twice as much money as C/ double the money than
B/ twice the money as D/ twice more money than

25. We still have a few ... left.

A/ piece of fruit C/ fruit
B/ strawberry D/ oranges

26. I couldn't imagine who ... from my glass before.

A/ had drunk C/ drank
B/ dia drink D/ could drink

27. I'll be driving ... 8 o'clock.

A/ to C/ as far as

B/ until D/ up to

28. I'll wash the car while you ... the grass.
A/ will be cutting C/ are cutting
B/ 'll cut D/ will be cut

29. If only I ... traveller's checks to the States with me last year !
A/ took C/ would have taken
B/ had taken D/ have taken

30. If you helped him, he ... thank you.

A/ might C/ can
B/ will D/ must

31. Is there anything I could drink ...?

A/ out of C/ from that
B/ out of it D/ from what

32.It looks ... it's going to rain.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ like as if

33. Nobody knew ... any food left after the party.
A/ if there is C/ if there was
B/ if was there D/ if is there

34. Let's get going, ... .

A/ shall we C/ do we
B/ will we D/ won't we

35.My hair needs ... .

A/ cut C/ to cut
B/ cutting D/ to be cutting

36.Mary has ... the shock caused by the crash.

A/ got over C/ got past
B/ got under D/ got round

37.No one knew exactly how the housing problem was ... .
A/ solving C/ to be solving
B/ to be solved D/ have solved

38.He waited for the plane ... .

A/ land C/ to land
B/ to have landed D/ being landing

39.I'd like to get married before ... twenty-five.

A/ I will be C/ I have been
B/ I am D/ I am being

40.George ... his exam since his failure last June.

A/ may be passed C/ may have passed
B/ can be passing D/ can have passed

41.Someone ... answer the complaint.

A/ got to C/ need

B/ have to D/ must

42."I don't need this fountain pen." "Give it ... ."

A/ out C/ away
B/ up D/ off

43.The ski instructor me how ... turn left or right

A/ can I C/ am I able to
B/ could 1 D/ I could

44. They got married only last October but they don't seem to ... well.
A/ get round C/ get away
B/ get on D/ get through

45. ... is ... basic subject at school.

A/ A history - a C/ History - -
B/ History - a D/ The history - the

46. Don't spend your money ... useless things.

A/ by C/ at
B/ for D/ on

47. You'd better not ... to surf again.

A/ trying C/ tried
B/ to try D/ try

48.Where did you say ...?

A/ had you gone C/ did you go
B/ you will go D/ you had gone

49.I don't want to sack Bob. He's a friend of ... .

A/ her C/ ours
B/ our's D/ you

50.Stop worrying ... your son.

A/ about C/ of
B/ with D/ on

Válassza ki a helyes megoldást

1. "... the omelette yet?" "No, I'm still making it."

A/ Will you eat C/ Have you eaten
B/ Do you eat D/ Were you eating

2. "Let's play tennis, shall we?" "..."

A/ No, I'd better don't. C/ No, I would better not.
B/ No, I'd rather not D/ No, I would not.

3.... did your wife last cook?

A/ Since when C/ How long ago
B/ How long D/ How many time ago

4. We ... 10 minutes before the teacher arrived.

A/ had waited C/ were waíted
B/ have waited D/ should wait

5. ... going to that party? I think it would be a waste of time

A/ Is it worth C/ Is it any use of
B/ Is it senseless D/ Is there any point

6. I have bought two ties but I don't wear ... of them.

A/ either C/ both
B/ none D/ any

7. We raised money to help ... .

A/ those homeless C/ the homelesses
B/homeless D/ the homeless

8. ... you mind ... in shifts?

A/ Would - to work C/ Do - working
B/ Would - work D/ Could - working

9. ... Jack was in the shop, he had his car stolen.

A/ While C/ During
B/ As long as D/ Until

10. My boss works ... than anybody else.

A/ more harder C/ more hardly
B/ harder D/ more hard

11. Does this key belong to you or is it ...?

A/ our C/ his
B/ my D/ her

12. Why do you insist ... dancing if you can't?

A/ to C/ on
B/ in D/ -

13. Tom crossed the Sahara on his motorbike without ... .


A/ any trouble C/ some trouble

B/ a single trouble D/ many trouble

14. George is ... his television tuned.

A/ doing C/ making
B/ wanting D/ getting

15.He almost never listens to anybody, ...?

A/ doesn't he C/ has he
B/ does he D/ hasn't he

16. "How many people came to the party?" "... ."

A/ Very few C/ Not a lot of .
B/ Hardly nobody D/ Quite some

17. The mountain guide suggested ... .

A/ us returning C/ us to return
B/ to us to return D/ that we should return

18. She ... "yes" only a minute ago, but she is already sorry about it.
A/ had said C/ said
B/ has said D/ would say

19. 1 can't ... this noise any longer.

A/ stand up C/ put down
B/ stand D/ put up

20. I am getting worried about them. They ... an accident.

A/ may have had C/ might be having
B/ may be having D/ might had

21. I hate ... .

A/ an office work C/ office works
B/ office work D/ the office work

22. I think she would be unhappy if you ... her to diuorce you.
A/ told C/ would tell
B/ have told D/ tell

23. I wish we ... in peace.

A/ would live C/ have lived
B/ live D/ to live

24. I'm not used ... like that.

A/ to being talked to C/ to talk
B/ to talking to D/ that they talk to me

25. If our guest ... to arrive, I don't know what we would give hiI to eat.
A/ happens C/ happened
B/ would happen D/ were happening

26. If you continue to learn so hard, you ... all the grammar by the end of the course.
A/ would have learned C/ would learn
B/ will be learning D/ will have learned

27. Heavy smoking is likely ... his lung cancer.

A/ to be causing C/ causing
B/ to have caused D/ the cause of

28. It was ... to hide.

A/ quite too dark C/ dark very much
B/ dark enough D/ enough dark

29. Your face is red. ...?

A/ Were you drinking C/ Have you been drunk yourself
B/ Have you been drinking D/ Had you drunk

30. It's ages ... I saw you.

A/ since C/ before
B/ for D/ ago

31. Helen doesn't eat meat. ... her husband.

A/ So doesn't C/ Neither does
B/ So does D/ Nor doesn't

32. His father has three part-time jobs ... keep his large family.
A/ in order C/ because
B/ to D/ that he will

33. Since his operation he ... to smoke.

A/ wasn't let C/ wasn't permitted
B/ hasn't been allowed D/ hasn' been let

34. We ... coffee whiIe our host was phoning.

A/ were made have C/ were said having
B/ were told have D/ were asked to have

35. The theme park was fun because ... .

A/ it was a lot of doing C/ it was such a lot to do
B/ there were so many to do D/ there was so much to do

36. I asked my friend ... she had had for breakfast.

A/ if C/ what
B/ which D/ that

37. The doctor recommended that she ... stay in bed.

A/ should C/ ought
B/ need D/ would better

38. It is still unclear what ... to the fire.

A/ should have led C/ could lead
B/ may have led D/ was to have led

39. The notice said: "Look ... ! Children crossing."

A/ up C/ out
B/ at D/ away

40. Yesterday my boss walked into his room without his shoes on, ... made everybody smile.
A/ - C/ that
B/ what D/ which

41.There was ... we could do.

A/ anything C/ everything
B/ some D/ nothing

42.Ron ... for half an hour when Julia arrived.

A/ has been waiting C/ was waiting
B/ had been waiting D/ had been waited

43.This is ... pudding I have ever eaten.

A/ the most bad C/ the worse
B/ baddest D/ the worst

44.He ... ate, drank, nor smoked.

A/ nor C/ either
B/ neither D/ not

45. When I was a child we ... football every day.

A/ had played C/ have been playing
B/ used to play D/ were used to play

46. We were worried ... get lost in the desert.

A/ that we can C/ that we may be
B/ that we might D/ that we will

47. When you ... in England, you'll be impressed by the politenes of the British.
A/ arrive C/ had arrived
B/ arrived D/ will arrive

48. Who ... with at this time yesterday?

A/ were you having dinner C/ you had dinner
B/ did have dinner D/ have you had dinner

49. I'm not sure ... the time.

A/ in C/ by
B/ for D/ of

50. That table ... a lot of room.

A/ takes in C/ takes out
B/ takes up D/ takes on


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást

1."I saw the cup final last night." "..."

A/ I saw also. C/ So did I.
B/ So I saw. D/ I haven't.

2."Did he break his leg when he fell down?" "... ."

A/ 1 don't hope so. C/ I hope not.
B/ I hope no. D/ No, I hope.

3.... I were able to swim !

A/ If only C/ I would like it
B/ I hope that D/ Wish I

4.... a good feeling not to know about the dangers.

A/ It was C/ There was
B/ How was D/ What was

5.... did you read ... happened?

A/ What - where it had C/ Where - it had
B/ How - had it D/ Where - had it

6.... into the pool is prohibited.

A/ Any jumping C/ Some kind of jumping
B/ A jumping D/ Jumping

7.There is built-in storage space in ... bedrooms.

A/ each one of C/ all
B/ every of D/ all of

8.Children ... are not usually allowed in British pubs.

A/ under the age of 14 C/ less than 14 year
B/ under 14 year D/ aged 14 year

9.Nowadays young professionals ... their military service after raduating.

A/ have begun C/ usually begin
B/ used to begin D/ are used to begin

10.Stop shouting . .?
A/ don't you C/ shall you
B/ won't you D/ do you

11.My friend promised ... me a lift home.

A/ to give C/ that he will give
B/ giving D/ having given

12.Do you really dislike ... rock music?

A/ all the C/ the

B/ - D/ a

13. The travel agent told me no ... information about the hotel.
A/ further C/ some more
B/ farther D/ any more

14. I can't put ... all that noise.

A/ on C/ up with
B/ along with D/ away

15. Mr Smith and Mrs Hull introduced us to a colleague of ... .

A/ theirs' C/ their
B/ their's D/ theirs

16. The lovers first ... 20 years ago.

A/ met C/ have met
B/ meet D/ had met

17. She did her best at the exam. She ... any better then.
A/ wouldn't have done C/ wouldn't be able to do
B/ couldn't have done D/ couldn't be able to do

18."How did you like the cabaret?" "Well, it was ... ."
A/ so fun C/ such funny
B/ rather too interesting D/ pretty good

19.The foreman spoke ... behalf ... the workers.

A/atthe-of C/on-of
B/ on - for D/ in - for

20.I would rather you ... .

A/ are not going C/ not go
B/ didn't go D/ don't go

21.I'll vacuum the carpets after the baby ... .

A/ woke up C/ will wake up
B/ will have woken up D/ has woken up

22. She's still under age, ... she can't vote yet.
A/ as C/ because
B/ so D/ since

23. There's no one to look ... our dog while we are on holiday.
A/ after C/ to
B/ for D/ up at

24. I want ... the best for my children.

A/ nothing other C/ nothing else except for
B/ nothing but D/ nothing with the excepting of

25. I've got ... to do today, including jobs both at home and at the office.
A/ a lot of works C/ so much works
B/ a great deal of work D/ lots of works

26. If pensions were satisfactory, we ... for the time we retire.

A/ wouldn't need save up

C/ wouldn't have to save up

B/ won't have to save up
D/ shouldn't have saved up

27. Do you have ... in the tank?

A/ much petrol C/ lot of petrol
B/ many wine D/ a lots of petrol

28. "My watch is slow." "You ... ."

A/ must have had it C/ should have it mended
B/ must have repaired it D/ should make it mended

29. "Peter is unemployed." "How long ... out of work?"

A/ has he been C/ was he
B/ he will be D/ had he been

30. My fiancée asked me if ... many girlfriends before.

A/ I had had C/ did I have
B/ I have had D/ had I had

31. Sue prefers coffee ... tea.

A/ than C/ as
B/ to D/ from

32. We built a fence around our garden so that nobody ... on lawn.
Al can't walk C/ could have walked
B/ would walk D/ will walk

33.Greg is a lot ... his brother.

A/ taller as C/ more tall than
B/ taller than D/ taller then

34. Mark is considered ... an excellent teacher. All his stude~love him.
A/ that he is C/ having been
B/ to be D/ being

35. Who ... have done it but he? He was the only person that kn about it.
A/ could C/ can
B/ need D/ will

36. Sorry about the mistake - I ... all night.

A/ had worked C/ have been working
B/ had to have work D/ had been working

37. Things like that ... with.

A/ ought not to deal C/ should deal
B/ should not be dealt D/ ought to deal

38. The getaway car was red. That's all ... I can tell you.
A/ what C/ which
B/ - D/ whom

39. His new car ... .

A/ has stolen C/ is been stolen
B/ has been stolen D/ will to be stolen

40. The young girl didn't get home ... dawn.

A/ until C/ to
B/ as far as D/ up to

41. The announcer was told ... gum while speaking.

A/ not to chew C/ not chewing
B/ don't chew D/ didn't chew

42. It's no use going to the second-hand market. The cheaper articles are ... .
A/ sold out C/ sold off
B/ sold up D/ sold away

43. There were ... applicants to interview.

A/ rather many C/ too much
B/ far too much D/ too many

44. Is there any chance of ... tickets for tonight's performance?

A/ we getting C/ getting
B/ having got D/ get

45. If I buy this dictionary too, I ... four.

A/ would have C/ will have had
B/ shall have D/ am having

46. All the passengers ... with the bus journey by the time they arrived in Sicily.
A/ were feeding up C/ fed up
B/ have fed up D/ had been fed up

47. Everybody is looking forward to ... a reply from you.

A/ be got C/ have got
B/ get D/ getting

48. What's the matter? You ... to have been treated badly.
A/ are tooking C/ look
B/ are seeming D/ seem

49. While the baby .. , her mother cooked dinner.

A/ was sleeping C/ was to be slept
B/ had slept D/ was slept

50. The last person ... was my grandfather.

A/ with whieh I played C/ I played chess with
B/ who with I played D/ whom I played chess


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Will Betty come to the party?" "I'm not quite sure, but I think ... ."
A/ so C/ yes
B/ it D/ that

2. . , the longer the days got.

A/ He went to the C/ The norther went he
north farther
B/ The more far to the D/ The further to the north he
north he went went

3. ... he didn't earn much, he took part in an expensive trip.

A/ Despite C/ Even though
B/ Contrary to D/ In spite of

4. ... a shame we didn't recognize the boss in the street.

A/ What's C/ It's
B/ How's D/ There's

5. ... the two candidates sounded good enough.

A/ Both C/ Neither of
B/ None of D/ No one

6. ... the piano since I took up the intensive course in programming.

A/ I haven't never played C/ I played
B/ I haven't played D/ I was playing

7. I saw a man ... through the window when I arrived home.

A/ to be climbing C/ climbing
B/ to climb D/ to have climbed

8. ... you feed my dog?

A/ Should C/ Do
B/ Will D/ Have to

9. Leave the door of the fridge open until the ice ... inside.
A/ has melted C/ will not melt
B/ will melt D/ hasn't melted

10. The inliation this year has been ... than predicted.
A/ more higher C/ a lot higher
B/ much more high D/ very higher

11. She asked me if I ... to solve the math homework.


A/ were able C/ could

B/ was able D/ had able

12. I asked George what ... drinking.

A/ he was C/ he will
B/ was he D/ will he

13. I can't use my car because the road ... .

A/ builds C/ is building
B/ is being built D/ has built

14. How long ... the engineers to find the fault?

A/ will take C/ takes
B/ take D/ did it take

15. While Mary was having a bath Peter ... the detective story on TV.
A/ had been watching C/ was watched
B/ has watched D/ was watching

16. In Italy I bought ... for my father.

A/ one trouser C/ trousers
B/ a pair of trouser D/ a couple of trousers

17. We have been living in Budapest since my husband ... a good job here.
A/ has got C/ has been getting
B/ got D/ did get

18. I suggested ... a car in America to explore the country.

A/ to rent C/ him renting
B/ him that he rented D/ he should rent

19. The supermarket won't close ... 9 o'clock.

A/ to C/ as far as
B/ till D/ while

20. "Why does he look so terrible?" "Because he ... all night."

A/ had been drunk C/ has been drinking
B/ drinks D/ is drinking

21. If I had enrolled in the course a little earlier, now I ... queue up.
A/ wouldn't have to be C/ don't have to
B/ wouldn't have to D/ won't have to

22. If only I ... about the dangers of hitchhiking in Africa.

A/ wouldn't tell C/ had been told
B/ weren't tell D/ would have been told

23. Our love will last ... .

A/ forever C/ all time
B/ every time D/ always

24. I'll show him his timetable when he ... .

A/ came C/ comes
B/ will come D/ would come

25. We eat ... the same thing for breakfast every day.
A/ much C/ most of
B/ most D/ very

26. I can't concentrate in this noise. Everybody ... .

A/ has talked C/ talks
B/ is talking D/ was talking

27. Peter hasn't received a penny for working extra time. John hasn't received ... .
A/ it, too C/ one, either
B/ it, either D/ one, too

28. He ... a story to amuse the people at the party.

A/ made up C/ took up
B/ lifted up D/ put up

29. How would they ... that problem, he wondered.

A/ get over C/ get in
B/ get under D/ get away

30. ... good results are to be repeated.

A/ Last years's C/ Last year's
B/ Last year D/ Last years

31. ... you and me, I think he's rather stupid.

A/ Between C/ With
B/ Among D/ Together

32. You should put aside ... you inherited.

A/ - C/ that
B/ that what D/ what

33. Is this ... bread we have for ... supper?

A/--- C/--the
B/ the - the D/ the - -

34. This motorway ... long ago.

A/ should have built C/ should be built
B/ should have been built D/ ought to have built

35. The bed ... has been removed.

A/ in that I slept C/ which I slept
B/ I slept in D/ where I slept in

36.We were told ... uncooked food in India.

A/ never eat C/ to not e
B/ never to eat D/ don't ever eat

37. Why ... your car painted?

A/ don't you have C/ do you not make
B/ haven't you D/ you not get

38. The window of my car has been smashed. Who ... it?
A/ need have done C/ should have done
B/ could do D/ could have done

39. The police ... two people.


A/ is arresting C/ have arrested

B/ arrests D/ has arrested

40. I wonder if any of the passengers ... the air crash.

A/ survives C/ has survived
B/ survive D/ had survived

41. They set ... for Australia yesterday.

A/ in C/ away
B/ - D/ off

42. He can hardly walk. He ... be ill.

A/ have to C/ must
B/ need D/ can

43. This medicine is not ... with food.

A/ to take C/ to have taken
B/ to be taken D/ have to take

44. The bank robber drove away ... two hostages with him.
A/ taking C/ to take
B/ took D/ were taken

45. She doesn't believe she will ever have ... .

A/ a room of own C/ a room of her own
B/ an own room D/ a room of hers

46. We made ... quickly.

A/ friend C/ friends
B/ the friends D/ our friendship

47. What ... you sneeze?

A/ does make C/ do you make
B/ makes D/ does it make

48. You ... much money for hiking.

A/ don't need C/ mustn't have
B/ needn't D/ haven't got

49. Are we leaving? But we have seen hardly ... .

A/ nothing C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat

50. She doesn't care ... fashion.

A/ for C/ of
B/ with D/ on


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "... good care of this old house and ... accustomed to its discomforts," she said.
A/ I have took - have grown C/ I take - grew
B/ I took - get D/ I have taken - have grown

2. "Listen, the Prime Minister is ... ."

A/ in the broadcast C/ at the air
B/ in the radio D/ on the air

3. "She said she hadn't met my sister at the party." ".. "
A/ Has she? C/ Hasn't she?
B/ Did she? D/ Didn't she?

4. "Which period of history are you interested in?" "In ... ."
A/ World War the second C/ World War II
B/ Second World War D/ the World War two

5. ... a good thing your mother didn't find out.

A/ It's C/ There's
B/ How's D/ What's

6. ... tickets are getting more expensive, I still like going to the cinema.
A/ But C/ In spite of
B/ Although D/ Despite

7. It's impossible to be a good teacher without ... children.

A/ love C/ loving
B/ the love D/ to love

8. ... has she known Jim?

A/ How long ago C/ For what time
B/ Since how long D/ How long

9. ... was wearing a black gown during the ceremony.

A/ Every graduate C/ Both graduate
B/ Every graduates D/ All graduate

10. Would you help me to carry all ...?

A/ this luggage C/ these luggages
B/ these luggage D/ pieces of luggages

11. Does this umbrella belong to ... or is it yours?


A / hers C/ her
B/ he D/ his

12. I haven't read any Dickens ... .

A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ so

13. The police couldn't find any ... evidence.

A/ further C/ furthest
B/ farther D/ farthest

14. She has promised to come to see me ... next month.

A/ in this C/ in
B/ the D/ -

15. We arranged to meet at the airport but she didn't show ... .
A/ out C/ up
B/ in D/ on

16. However hard he tries to turn the key, it ... turn.

A/ can't C/ shan't
B/ won't D/ not going to

17. I ... go riding a lot, but I haven't had a chance to do it since I left school.
A/ frequently C/ used to
B/ am used to D/ ever

18. I'd rather Tim ... at once.

A/ had left C/ left
B/ leaves D/ to leave

19. They say we can see their house when they ... in.
A/ will have moved C/ will move
B/ moved D/ have moved

20. He is studying very hard at the moment, because he ... his exam next week.
A/ is taking C/ would take
B/ has taken D/ will have taken

21. My mother-in-law is very difficult to ... with.

A/ get on C/ get through
B/ keep on D/ keep of

22. If my father ... about it earlier, he would have told you.

A/ heard C/ would have heard
B/ had heard D/ would hear

23. If I won a lot of money, I ... a house with a garden.

A/ 'd buy C/ had bought
B/ 'd have bought D/ 'll buy

24. Is that the shop ... yesterday?

A/ have you seen C/ did you see
B/ you've see D/ you saw

25. He said it was terrible. He felt the whole house ... .


A/ to shake C/ to be shaking
B/ shake D/ to have shaken

26. Dining out was not something he ever felt ... .

A/ like to do C/ to do
B/ like doing D/ as doing

27. Last night I ... when the lights ... suddenly.

A/ was having supper - came on
B/ had supper - came on
C/ was having a supper - were coming on
D/ was having supper - were coming on

28. The mechanic ... the payment for servicing the car.
A/ will be sent C/ going to send
B/ will sending D/ will be send

29. My daughter always practises the violin in the afternoon, ... annoys most of our neighbours.
A/ what C/ that
B/ which D/ -

30. Not ... members of the committee were present at tt meeting.

A/ each C/ every
B/ all the D/ the whole

31. Jill asked Joe how many rooms ... .

A/ he had booked C/ did he book
B/ he has booked D/ was he booking

32. My girl-friend is much ... yours.

A/ nicer as C/ more nicer than
B/ nicer than D/ nicer then

33. When I ... the work of one department I was moved to another one.
A/ had learnt C/ was learning
B/ learn D/ have learnt

34. Will you please stop, I'd like to get ... the car.
A/ out of C/ away
B/ from D/ rid

35. His mother was ... she phoned all his friends and colleagues
A/ so much worried C/ so worried as
B/ so worried that D/ as much worried as

36. The tree was too high for the dog ... .
A/ to climb C/ for climbing to
B/ climbing D/ so that climb

37. This is Henry, ... son works for my brother-in-law.

A/ whose C/ that of
B/ of whom D/ -

38. The shop assistant ... notice of what the customer said.
A/ took not C/ did take no
B/ didn't take any D/ didn't take some

39. The police ... good enough cars to catch all criminals.
A/ doesn't have C/ has not
B/ don't have D/ hasn't got

40. The tax on petrol ... go up this month.

A/ is expected to C/ will expected to
B/ expects to D/ is to expect

41. My grandmother always told me ... anything in the kitchen.

A/ not to touch C/ not touching
B/ don't touch D/ didn't touch

42. These oranges look very nice. How ... in a kilo?

A/ many are there C/ much are they
B/ much are there D/ many are they

43. The librarian said we ... leave our books on the table.
A/ weren't able C/ weren't allowed
B/ weren't D/ couldn't

44. The scientists ... experiments with this material for years now, but they haven't got any results yet.
A/ have been doing C/ were doing
B/ had done D/ had been doing

45. We ... to have a ride in the car. Will you join us?
A/ can C/ are going
B/ will D/ will be

46. This is the most diffieult year you are ... at university.
A/ during C/ in
B/ at D/ on

47. The boss never makes him ... for the damage he causes.
A/ to pay C/ paying
B/ paid D/ pay

48. Shall I ... the alarm-clock for you?

A/ wound up C/ ring up
B/ pull up D/ wind up

49. You didn't think it was a good idea, ...?

A/ did you C/ wasn't it
B/ didn't you D/ was it

50. I have known her ... we were children.

A/ for C/ from
B/ already D/ since


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "... travelling a lot?" "No, I like it."

A/ Do you like C/ Do you prefer
B/ Do you mind D/ Would you rather

2. "Sheila works in a bank, doesn't she?" "That's right, ... ."

A/ she works C/ she doesn't
B/ she does D/ she is

3. "Do you know whose these books are?" "They are ... ."
A/ his C/ her
B/ my D/ their

4. "Since when ... standing in this queue?" "An hour. I don't think I'll wait any longer."
A/ you have been C/ are you
B/ have you been D/ were you

5. ... did he tell you ... waiting for me?

A/ What - where he was C/ What - where would he
B/ Where - he was D/ Where - was he

6. ... has a pattern of white and red dots.

A/ Neither shirt C/ Each of shirts
B/ Both shirt D/ Neither shirts

7. ... in listening to that lecture? I think it would only be a waste of time.

A/ Is there any point C/ Is it any use
B/ Is it pointless D/ Is it worth

8. It's very important to choose the right kind of ... for your flat.
A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ items of furnitures D/ piece of furnitures

9. ... wages you earn, ... you live.

A/ The higher - the better C/ Highest - best
B/ Higher - better D/ The highest - the best

10. ... rather ill, I went to bed early.

A/ Feeling C/ Feeling myself
B/ Because felt D/ I felt myself

11. ... you help me, please!

A/ Might C/ May
B/ Should D/ Will

12. ... my cats while I'm away.

A/ Care C/ Take care
B/ Look to D/ Look after

13. ... was not till after 2 o'clock when my husband got in.
A/ That C/ Then
B/ There D/ It

14. I had to ask him several times, but then he ... me his prizewinning photos.
A/ didn't show C/ hadn't shown
B/ had been shown D/ did show

15. Henry speaks ... languages; it will be easy for him to talk to people in foreign countries.
A/ a number C/ few
B/ more D/ quite a few

16. Michael wanted to ask Ann if ... him.

A/ will she marry C/ she marries
B/ she would marry D/ she has married

17. I hope you can ... your brother to repair my hoover?

A/ do C/ have
B/ make D/ get

18. Mothers always worry ... their children.

A/ by C/ on
B/ because D/ about

19. Mini skirts, ... I really hate, are unfortunately very fashionable now.
A/ which C/ what
B/ that D/ -

20. She ... the office as soon as she gets back.

A/ would ring C/ will have rung
B/ rang D/ will ring

21. She asked the chemist to give her something for ... bad cold.
A/ the C/ such
B/ a D/ -

22. He can fight ... a lion.

A/ as C/ the same that
B/ like D/ similar than

23. My grand-daughter is only two but she has already learni sing ... songs.
A/ any C/ few
B/ some D/ not many

24. How long ... your girl-friend, Paul?

A/ do you know C/ have you been knowing

B/ have you known D/ are you knowing

25. I ... this computer for 2 years and it's no longer modern.
A/ have C/ am having
B/ had D/ have had

26. Grandfather can never find his glasses ... .

A/ somewhere C/ everywhere
B/nawhere D/anywhere

27. I hardly ever watch the news ... TV.

A/ in the C/ in
B/on D/ona

28. I think ... a coat, it must be very cold outside.

A/ I must have put on C/ I'd better put on
B/ I should have been D/ I would put on
put on

29. I wish we ... to see that play. It was terribly boring.

A/ didn't go C/ wouldn't go
B/ haven't gone D/ hadn't gone

30. I would have explained it all if he ... me to.

A/ has asked C/ should have asked
B/ had asked D/ asked

31. I always read a book while ... on the beach.

A/ I've laying C/ lying
B/ I laying D/ being lying

32. If I ... all my money, I'd be able to buy that hat.

A/ don't lose C/ hadn't lost
B/ wouldn't have lost D/ didn't lose

33. I had my ear-phones on and could not hear that the telephone … .
A/ has rung C/ was ringing
B/ rung D/ has been ringing

34. Let's get a move on, ...?

A/ shall we C/ will we
B/ let we D/ do we

35. Ted doesn't eat any meat. ...

A/ Neither does John. C/ John doesn't too.
B/ So doesn't John. D/ John doesn't that either.

36. The TV reporter ... to find out if the Prime Minister would
meet the representatives of the major parties the next day.
A/ wanted C/ is wanting
B/ wants D/ was asked

37. People often complain ... feeling weak and tired in the spring.
A/ for C/ over
B/ of D/ from

38. She ... to tell us about the project.

A/ won't ask C/ will be asked
B/ will ask D/ will asking

39. He broke his knee ... he was playing basket-ball.

A/ until C/ while
B/ as long as D/ since when

40. My parents dropnow and again to see us.

A/ off C/ on
B/ in D/ out

41. Speak to grandma a bit louder ... she will hear you better.
A/ that C/ for
B/ in order D/ so that

42. The block of flats ... was renovated last year.

A/ the Browns live in C/ what the Browns live in
B/ in that the Browns live D/ where the Browns live in

43. I go swimming twice ... week.

A/ - C/ a
B/ the D/ on -

44. The house hasn't changed a lot ... we lived here a year ago.
A/ before C/ from
B/ since D/ after

45. Your shoes have ... every day.

A/ cleaned C/ been cleaning
B/ to clean D/ to be cleaned

46. We must look for it until we ... it.

A/ find C/ don't find
B/ won't find D/ will find

47. When the children got to the cinema they realized that ... to buy tickets.
A/ nobody had C/ everybody have forgotten
B/ nobody has D/ nobody has forgotten

48. When you ... Helen, tell her I'm expecting her for dinner
A/ have seen C/ are going to see
B/ will see D/ see

49. While she was looking out of the window, the pick-pocket ... to steal her purse.
A/ could C/ had
B/ was able D/ ought

50. He mentioned ... her friend the other day.

A/ meeting C/ to meet
B/ had met D/ to have met


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Robert told me that,he’d seen a UFO yesterday.” "I'm sure ,.. your leg when he said that."
A/ has pulled C/ has been pulling
B/ was pülling D/ had pulled

2. "Was he listening when the lecturer began to speak?" "Yes, he … . „

A/ was C/ had
B/ listened D/ did

3. "This palace ... around 1600," the guide said.

A/ has been built C/ was building
B/ had built D/ was built

4. ... did you ride your bike yesterday?

A/ How long ago C/ How longer
B/ How far D/ How much

5. ... people don't really listen when you complain.

A/ Most C/ Most of
B/ The most D/ The most of

6. The patients have been waiting for the doctor ... .

A/ since an hour C/ far half an hour
B/ since half an hour D/ for two o'clock

7. Don't try to open the drawer before you ... the key to it.
A/ got C/ will get
B/ are getting D/ get

8. You shouldn't throw that paper .. , put it in the litter-box.

A/ off C/ out of
B/ away D/ over

9. Each of the girls was busy with ... own work.

A/ her C/ -
B/ hers D/ theirs

10. The driver ... his arm in the accident.

A/ has been wounded C/ has wound
B/ has hurted D/ has hurt

11. The baby ... ill in all his life.

A/ isn't being C/ hadn't been
B/ hasn't been D/ wasn't

12. The tourists couldn't speak to the people in China because they spoke ... Chinese.
A/ little C/ some
B/ a little D/ any

13. She got ... pneumonia and was taken to see ... specialist.
A/a-a C/the-a
B/ - - a D/ the - -

14. My assistant is all right ... he's left to do the job the way he wants to.
A/ as long as C/ meanwhile
B/ in case D/ so far as

15. He is so interested in his job that nothing ... happens can disturb him.
A/ whichever C/ what
B/ which D/ that

16. The owner of the factory thinks he can do anything since ... pays our wages.
A/ it is he C/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ it is who

17. If I had known the answer, I ... you.

A/ never have asked C/ wouldn't have never asked
B/ would never have asked D/ would have never asking

18. If you ... again, you would succeed.

A/ would have tried C/ tried
B/ try D/ had tried

19. I ... this magazine around for days without opening it, but I'll start reading it now.
A/ carry C/ have been carrying
B/ am carrying D/ had been carrying

20. My wife can hardly believe that she ... 40 next year.
A/ is going to be C/ would be
B/ 'll have been D/ is being

21. My children don't like eating spinach and they don't want to have any carrots ... .
A/ too C/ also
B/ either D/ nor

22. I don't think your parents will put ... your bad temper any longer.
A/ away C/ up
B/ up with D/ on

23. His boss needs some more ... before he can decide the matter.
A/ informations C/ piece of information
B/ information D/ pieces of informations

24. People usually don't like those who make ... they do.
A/ twice as much money as C/ double the money than
B/ twice as the money as D/ twice more money as

25. Francis wondered who ... his camera before.

A/ had used C/ should use
B/ did use D/ could use

26. He's trying to learn ... language, it's his ... hobby.
A/ the Finnish - latest C/ the Finnish - latter
B/ Finnish - last D/ Finnish - latest

27. Dad is very hungry. Isn't there anything left ... from dinner for him?
A/ off C/ over
B/ of D/ out

28. It's the ... I can do for you.

A/ less C/ fewest
B/ least D/ more

29. If only I ... if the oven is switched off ! Now I'll have to go back to make sure.
A/ checked C/ would have checked
B/ had checked D/ have checked

30. If you told her, she ... help you.

A/ might C/ can
B/ will D/ must

31. It wasn't known ... any casualties in the accident.

A/ whether there are C/ whether there were
B/ whether were there D/ whether are there

32. Physics ... difficult. I suppose you don't like ... .

A/ is - it C/ are - them
B/ are - it D/ is - them

33. The grass in our garden needs ... .

A/ cut C/ to cut
B/ cutting D/ to be cutting

34. The passengers waited for the coach ... .

A/ coming C/ to come
B/ to have come D/ came

35. Someone ... the building since then.

A/ may be entered C/ may have entered
B/ can be entering D/ can have entered

36. Mary can't come with us, she ... look after the children.
A/ got to C/ need
B/ has D/ must

37. I think I'll have to buy some milk, it ... .

A/ had all gone C/ is all gone
B/ was all gone D/ went all

38. Children must eat some vegetables, whether they want to


A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ won't

39. The first time ... to the opera this season was yesterday.
A/ I went C/ I have been
B/ I have gone D/ I was going

40. My mother made me ... everything on my plate.

A/ eating C/ eat
B/ to eat D/ to have eaten

41. The reactions of the mice ... by the vets.

A/ have observed C/ are being observed
B/ are observing D/ having been observed

42. The policeman explained to me how ... get to the bank from the station.
A/ can I C/ am I able to
B/ could I D/ I could

43. This morning our managing director got a letter of resignatic ... by his deputy.
A/ wrote C/ signature
B/ signed D/ signing

44. You've missed too many classes. You'd better not ... any more.
A/ missing C/ missed
B/ to miss D/ miss

45. When we ... the room, the orchestra was playing a waltz.
A/ would enter C/ entered in
B/ left from D/ entered

46. When she arrived in London she found that thi pronounciation was quite different from ... at school.
A/ such as she learned C/ what she had learned
B/ which she learned D/ she has learned

47. Do you think Tom will ... be there or will he have finished?
A/ a any more C/ yet
B/ already D/ still

48.You never dine out, ...?

A/ do you C/ don't you
B/ have you D/ haven't you

49.Have some more ! You have drunk hardly ... .

A/ nothing C/ something
B/ anything D/ somewhat

50. Nancy stays in the shop until 6 o'clock, and then I'll ... .
A/ take up C/ take of
B/ take over D/ take on


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. can't do it myself. I need ... .

A/ some helpings C/ little help
B/ a little help D/ a lot of helps

2."How long ... John?" "For ages."

A/ have you known C/ are you knowing
B/ do you know D/ have you been knowing

3. "I'm going to the concert tomorrow." "..."

A/ I too will. C/ So am I.
B/ So might I. D/ Also I.

4. "That young thief ... ."

A/ needs beating C/ could be beating
B/ must beating D/ needs to beat

5. "Whose glasses are these?" "Oh, they're .... ."

A/ her C/ their
B/ mine D/ your

6. "Why do these eggs smell so strange?" "I ... them, you know."
A/ have burnt C/ burn
B/ had burnt D/ was burning

7. "Did you see anything?" "..."

A/ No, I did nothing. C/ No, nothing.
B/ There was nothing. D/ There wasn't nothing.

8. ... uncles gave me books for my birthday.

A/ Each of my C/ Each one of
B/ Every of my D/ Every one of

9. ... few people they knew in Moscow had a day off.

A/ The C/ How

B/ Some D/ Such

10. As it ... dark, I decided to stop working.

A/ was got C/ gets
B/ was getting D/ is getting

11. As soon as I ... eating, I did the washing-up.

A/ had finished C/ have finished with
B/ will finish D/ did finish

12. Just as I entered the kitchen, I saw the kitchen gloves ... .
A/ to be burning C/ burning
B/ to burn D/ to have burnt

13. By this time tomorrow Helen ... her driving test.

A/ is passing C/ will past
B/ has passed D/ will have passed

14. I'm sorry I lost sight of him, I ... him only if he hadn't been running so fast.
A/ would have been C/ had followed
able to follow
B/ will have followed D/ could follow

15. Don'L throw that bag .. , it can be useful one day.

A/ off C/ out of
B/ away D/ over

16. The robber ... coming out of the bank.

A/ had seen C/ will have seen
B/ has seen D/ was seen

17. George started work only a month ago and he already has ... friends.
A/ a few C/ not many
B/ lot of D/ none

18. Mary listened eagerly to ... her mother was saying.

A/ what C/ that what
B/ that D/ -

19. I ... hiking with my friends now and then.

A/ have been going C/ am
B/ when D/ go

20. I don't like cooking but I ... . My wife is in hospital.

A/ ought C/ need
B/ have to D/ must have to

21. I offered ... my car.

A/ for her C/ her
B/ to her D/ up to her

22. I told every single competitor ... I expected of them.

A/ what C/ who ;
B/ which D/ -

23. I used to play football a lot when I was younger but I ... a few years ago.
A/ put it on C/ gave it up
B/ finished it off D/ put off it

24. I wish she ... me a little.

A/ can love C/ loves
B/ would love D/ has loved

25. I'm sorry that Helen has left you. . , you can always find another secretary.
A/ Therefore C/ Still
B/ That's why D/ That was

26. If I were not so understanding, I ... you.

A/ wouldn't have been C/ can't have forgiven
able to forgive
B/ won't forgive D/ can't forgive

27. In winter I wear ... .

A/ this boot C/ pair of boot
B/ a boot D/ boots

28. It is two years since he last ... to me.

A/ hasn't spoken C/ spoke
B/ has spoken D/ didn't speak

29. It was kind ... me home.

A/ of your taking C/ of you to take
B/ that you taking D/ hat you take

30. The forecast said rain, ...? You ought to take a raincoat.
A/ maybe C/ isn't it
B/ didn't it D/ wrong

31. My father never has any time. He ... work so much.

A/ shouldn't C/ mightn't
B/ oughtn't D/ wouldn't

32. My grandmother said that ... people are very insensitive these days.
A/ - C/ a
B/ that D/ every

33. Jack ... always ... his notebook. He should really be more careful.
A/ loses - - C/ is - losing
B/ had - lost D/ used to - lose

34. Will you ... my dog while I am on holiday?

A/ care C/ look after
B/ take care for D/ mind for

35. My boss made ... every Monday last year.

A/ me do overtime C/ for me to make overtime
B/ me work overtime D/ me doing overtime

36. The pupils were told ... the microscope in their teacher's absence.
A/ never touch C/ to not touch
B/ never to touch D/ don't ever touch

37. The host asked where on earth ... .


A/ the guests had gone C/ went the guests

B/ the guests go D/ the guests are going

38. His coach made him ... the exercise.

A/ to repeat C/ be repeating
B/ repeat D/ to be repeating

39. There was some salt in this box a minute ago. Now there is ... .
A/ no C/ some
B/ fewer D/ not any

40. This is not ... picture ... the previous one.

A/ more beautiful - as C/ such a beautiful - as
B/ so beautiful - as D/ such a beautiful - than

41. We are looking forward to ... in Mexico.

A/ landed C/ have landed
B/ land D/ landing

42. We asked the hostess ... have.

A/ which bed could we C/ what bed we may
B/ which bed we could D/ what bed might we

43. They wanted to go home ... bus, but they missed the last one.
A/ with C/ on
B/ by D/ in

44. When we got to Peter's house ... a car parked outside the garage.
A/ it was C/ there was
B/ it has been D/ there has been

45. When I came back into my room my wallet ... .

A/ had been gone C/ was gone
B/ has gone D/ went

46. Which of the following phrases means: "He asked me out."?

A/ He asked me a few questions when I got outside.
B/ He wanted me to go outside.
C/ He said he would meet me outside.
D/ He invited me to go out with him.

47. What ... I'll do?

A/ you do expect C/ do you expect
B/ you expect D/ expect you

48. When I arrive home will you be awake or will you have gone to sleep?
A/ any more C/ yet
B/ already D/ still

49. You needn't be grateful, it's ... can do for you.

A/ the leastest C/ a least
B/ the less D/ the least

50. Your face is red and you look so sad. You ...?
A/ has cried, hasn't you C/ had been crying, hadn't you
B/ have been crying, D/ was crying, wasn't you
haven't you


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "I ... good care of this old car of mine and ... put up with its ways," the old man said.
A/ have took - am able C/ take - could
B/ took - have been D/ have taken - can
able to

2. "Did the children really ruin the furniture?" "Yes, they ..

A/ did C/ ruin it
B/ have ruined D/ had ruined

3. "Is this coat Peter's?" "Oh, it's .. , I think."

A/ her C/ my
B/ his D/ your

4. ... sisters gave me books for my birthday.

A/ Each of my C/ Each of
B/ Every of my D/ Every of

5. ... is available in your size.

A/ Neither blouse C/ Each of blouses
B/ Both blouse D/ Neither blouses

6. ... is very expesive nowadays.

A/ Furnitures C/ Furniture
B/ Items of furniture D/ A piece of furnitures

7. ... is right, ... is no doubt about it at all.

A/ It - it C/ There - it
B/ It - there D/ There - there

8. ... are somewhat overweight.

A/ Most Hungarians C/ Most of Hungarians

B/ The most Hungarians D/ The most of the Hungarians

9. After ... accident at P. E. class, Mike was not allowed to go to ... school for a week.
A/ the - - C/ - - the
B/ the - an D/ - - -

10. At ... Easter we went to ... Matras for a week.

A/ - - the C/ the - -
B/ - - - D/ the – the

11. Bill has been waiting for me ... .

A/ an hour ago C/ for an hour
B/ since an hour D/ for one o'clock

12. By the end of the year the new building will ... built.
A/ - C/ have
B/ be have D/ have been

13. By the time she left school, she ... all the books in the school library.
A/ has read C/ had read
B/ has been reading D/ read

14. The professor wanted to live ... the university where he taught.
A/ next C/ close
B/ near D/ on

15. He didn't sleep aIl night, and she didn't sleep ... .
A/ either C/ neither
B/ nor D/ too

16. He got his first passport ... .

A/ when 14 years C/ at the age of 14
were his age
B/ when he had 14 years D/ at age of 14 years old

17. The receptionist said they ... pay extra for using the swimming pool.
A/ didn't have to C/ had better to
B/ would better D/ oughtn't !

18. I ... the opportunity to talk to him yet.

A/ did have C/ hadn't got
B/ haven't had D/ wasn't having

19. He is always looking ... the morning papers.

A/ for reading C/ at to read
B/ forward to read D/ forward to reading

20. His teacher can't ... his laziness any more.

A/ catch up with C/ come down with
B/ put up with D/ make off with

21. I don't really know ... he is talking about.

A/ what C/ that
B/ which D/ -

22. He never said where he ... .

A/ borned C/ bore

B/ was born D/ was beared

23. I arrived late at the airport and saw my plane ... .

A/ to take up C/ take off
B/ take up D/ to take off

24. He had to wait at the crossing before the traffic lights ... .
A/ were changing C/ have changed
B/ had changed D/ changed

25. My mother never let me ... no.

A/ saying C/ to say
B/ say D/ don't say

26. I wish I ... who to turn to.

A/ know C/ would know
B/ have known D/ knew

27. I'm not sure whether he was serious or not. He ... have been joking.
A/ mustn't C/ can
B/ could D/ oughtn't

28. If he ate less, he ... lose weight.

A/ had to C/ would have
B/ has to D/ might

29. In most offices in Britain, work ... at nine o'clock.

A/ begins C/ begun
B/ is began D/ will beginning

30. She looks ... she's going to faint.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ if

31. Let's sit down here, ...?

A/ shall we C/ do we
B/ will we D/ won't we

32. One of the compan~s lawyers ... the case for months now.
A/ has been studying C/ was studying
B/ has been studied D/ had studied

33. She attended an evening course ... .

A/ for learn English C/ for learning English
B/ to Learn English D/ for to learn English

34. We must ... our season tickets ... .

A/ have - renewed C/ get - to renew
B/ make - renewed D/ make – renew

35. The car, ... was a green Toyota, was on sale.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ -

36. My wife wanted to know where ... that night.

A/ I had been C/ was I

B/ I am D/ I have been

37. Her boss made her ... the whole job again.
A/ to do C/ be doing
B/ do D/ to be doing

38. The visitors ... how candles were made in the old days.
A/ were shown C/ had be shown
B/ had shown D/ have showed

39. This is not ... problem ... the one mentioned earlier.
A/ more important - as C/ such an important - as
B/ so important - as D/ such an important – than

40. Our landlady told us ... have.

A/ which room could we C/ what room may
B/ which room we could D/ what room might we

41. There are fish in this pond.

A/ few C/ a few
B/ a lot of D/ many

42. What ... of the new management?

A/ is Bill thinking C/ has thought Bill
B/ does Bill think D/ has been Bill thinking

43. What ... when the inspector arrived?

A/ did he done C/ has he been doing
B/ was he doing D/ has he done

44. If you had done as I told you, you ... .

A/ had succeeded C/ will succeed
B/ succeeded D/ would have succeeded

45. What would you do if the children ... the keys to the flat?
A/ would lose C/ lose
B/ lost D/ have lost

46. When I saw grandpa for the last time, he was driving ... his tractor.
A/ - C/ by
B/ with D/ in

47. When we ... the room, the radio was playing soft music.
A/ left for C/ entered in
B/ left from D/ entered

48. Where did she say ...?

A/ did she want to sit
B/ she wanted sitting
C/ does she want to sit
D/ she wanted to sit

49. Which play would you ... me to see?

A/ rather C/ say
B/ suggest D/ advise

50. ... you can do is to listen to me.

A/ At least C/ The last

B/ The less D/ The least


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "..." asked the mother when she entered the kitchen and saw the mess.
A/ What had you done? C/ What were you done?
B/ What have you D/ What was done?
been doing?

2. "I hope you didn't forget ... my card on your way to school?”
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I did."
A/ posting C/ having posted
B/ to post D/ to have posted

3. "I'm afraid I spilt some red wine on your table-cloth. I'm terribly sorry." "..."
A/ Never mind! C/ Cheerio!
B/ Nothing! D/ You are weleome!

4. ... weight you lose, the better you look.

A/ More C/ The more
B/ The most D/ Much

5. Did you ask him ... he went in the car on Monday?

A/ how quick C/ how long
B/ how far D/ how much

6. ... employees are satisaed with the new management.

A/ More C/ The most
B/ Most D/ The more

7. ... would like to meet you and your family.

A/ One of my friend C/ One my friend

B/ A friend of mine D/ A friend of me

8. After Tim ... his driving test, he will get a car.

A/ is passing C/ has passed
B/ will pass D/ passed

9. After work we went to McDonald's and had two hamburgers … .

A/ everybody C/ for each
B/ each D/ ourself

10. I am sure Jane ... the answer to all difficult questions.

A/ had known C/ is knowing
B/ knows D/ is known

11. Before deciding what to buy, ... the price?

A/ were you asking C/ have you asked
B/ are you asking D/ do you ask

12. The children ... in bed by 8, but I found them up playing at half past.
A/ must have been C/ must be
B/ should have been D/ would have been

13. By May you ... your English exam, I hope.

A/ will be passed C/ have passed
B/ will have passed D/ pass

14. I don't know where Newton ... .

A/ was beared C/ borned
B/ bore D/ was born

15. She agreed to come with us ... she wasn't very keen.
A/ while C/ although
B/ despite D/ since

16. My friend asked me what I ... before he called.

A/ may be doing C/ had done
B/ do D/ should do

17. Can you give me anything for ... bad toothache?

A/ the C/ such
B/ a D/ -

18. When we worked in Liverpool we lived ... 32, York Road.

A/ at C/ on
B/ in D/ under

19. He won't be a great help. He ... .

A/ hardly works C/ hardly is working
B/ works hard D/ is working hard

20. Richard needed ... money he had in the bank.

A/ lot of C/ a few
B/ the whnle ~f D/ all the

21. The competitors swam as though their lives ... on it.

A/ depended C/ would have depend
B/ would depend D/ depends

22. He wrote down everything ... he knew in his diary.

A/- C/ what
B/ how D/ which

23.I can't go, ... is expected.

A/ it is he C/ it is him
B/ it is he who D/ it is who

24. The cook wanted to buy 6 ... eggs and 2 ... of wine.
A/ dozen - C/ dozens - hundred bottles
hundreds bottles
B/ dozens - D/ dozen - hundred bottles
hundreds bottles

25. He ... on the motorway.

A/ used to driving C/ was used to driving
B/ got using to drive D/ used to drove

26. I ... you to help me, if there was anybody else here.
A/ wouldn't ask C/ won't ask
B/ couldn't asked D/ would have asked

27. I hate modern art and I don't enjoy modern music ... .
A1 too Cf also
B/ either D/ nor

28. My parents have invited ... people to our wedding reception.

A/ lot of C/ such a lot `
B/ lots of D/ much

29. I've got tickets for the „Titanic”. Would you like ...?
A/ come with me C/ coming with me
B/ to come with me D/ to coming with me

30. If you post your letter now it should be in London ... Friday the latest.
A/ by C/ from
B/ until D/ to

31. I've always looked ... to musicians. I find them wonderful.

A/ over C/ at
B/ through D/ up to

32. My mother is very ill, she ... for 3 days now.

A/ hadn't eaten C/ wasn't eating
B/ didn't eat D/ hasn't eaten

33. Everybody knew what ... for a living, but nobody cared.
A/ did he do C/ he was doing
B/ he has done D/ was he doing

34. It's such a pity you are ... duty, I wanted to invite you to my party tonight.
A/ off C/ of
B/ on D/ away

35. I can't cut this cardboard with .. , it's too hard.

A/ the scissor C/ a scissor
B/ a pair of scissor D/ scissors

36. My husband is always tired. He ... work so hard.

A/ mightn't C/ shouldn't
B/ oughtn't D/ wouldn't

37. She mustn't ... ho,pe. All may be well in the end.
A/ give up C/ give over
B/ give in D/ give on

38. Drivers have to obey traffic rules and regulations, whether they want to or ... .
A/ don't C/ not
B/ no D/ haven't

39. My friend says that his house is not big enough and so he is ... a room built on.
A/ got C/ having
B/ caused D/ making

40. Youngsters shouldn't ... such noise on a Saturday night.

A/ to making C/ to make
B/ to be making D/ be making

41. This ... much better by an expert.

A/ could do C/ could be done
B/ would have done D/ could have to do

42. I saw two children sitting on the bench. One of them was reading, ... wasn't doing anything.
A/ the other C/ an other
B/ the another D/ another
43. When she arrived home, she ... not having stayed longer.
A/ was regretted C/ regrets
B/ regretted D/ will have regretted

44. While I ... in the mountains, I ... my ankle.

A/ was sküng - C/ was sküng - broke
was breaking
B/ did ski - broke D/ skied - was breaking

45. Would you ... the children while I am away shopping?

A/ mind for C/ take care
B/ look after D/ care of

46. You can get everything ... you wish for.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ who

47. You needn't ... for him, he'll go when he has finished.
A/ to waiting C/ to wait
B/ waiting D/ wait

48. You have your lunch at 1 o'clock, ...?

A/ haven't you got C/ have you
B/ do you D/ don't you

49. Why didn't you leave earlier? I told you I ... .

A/ wouldn't have come C/ didn't come
B/ have not come D/ wasn't coming

50. You'll be able to swim, if you ... .


A/ try hard C/ would try hardly

B/ tried hard D/ should try hardly


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1.A/ For I waited at the bus stop eight long hours.

B/ I waited for at the bus stop eight long hours.
C/ At the bus stop for eight hours long I waited.
D/ I waited at the bus stop for eight long hours.

2."Are you going to tell him?" "No, but I .. , if I knew more about it."
A/ can C/ would
B/ am D/ will

3. "I ... cooking by the time you get home."

A/ will be finished C/ will have been finishing
B/ will finished D/ will have finished

4. "Nice day." "..."

A/ Yes, there is. C/ I think it so.
B/ Yes, it is, isn't it? D/ No, I think too.

5. ... Swiss speak German.

A/ Not each C/ Not every
B/ None D/ Not all

6. ... have you been working for Siemens?

A/ How much time C/ How many times
B/ Since what time D/ How long

7. ... he isn't rich, he spends much money on luxuries.

A/ In case C/ However
B/ In spite of D/ Despite the fact that

8. Don't drive ... is getting dark and ... is still ice on the roads.
A/ It - there C/ It - it
B/ There - there D/ There – it

9. ... won't be back till Sunday. They have gone sküng for a week.
A/ Lambeths' C/ The Lambeths
B/ The Lambeth D/ Lambeth's

10. Do you know my cousin - the one who ... to Rome and back on a bicycle twice?
A/ had been driving C/ has ridden
B/ drove D/ has been riding

11. He told me that he ... his house for the previous two months.
A/ has built C/ have been building
B/ had been building D/ had been built

12. I ... myself more - it was a wonderful concert.

A/ wouldn't have enjoyed Cf wouldn't be able to enjoy
B/ couldn't have enjoye D/ couldn't been able to enjoy

13. I don't feel ... good today ... I did yesterday.

A/as-so C/as-as
B/ such - as D/ as – than

14. I hate watching action films ... TV.

A/ in the C/ in
B/ on D/ on a

15. He's looking ... a job with good prospects.

A/ for C/ to
B/ up to D/ after

16. Exhaust fumes are likely ... the air.

A/ to blame for pollution C/ blaming to pollute
B/ to blame to pollute D/ to be blamed for polluting

17. It ... nearly 5 years since I ... that book.

A/ is - wrote C/ was - have written
B/ was - wrote D/ has been - have written

18. It didn't worry me ... .

A/ none C/ a little either
B/ in the least D/ in all

19. It's ... you didn't know.

A/ some nonsense C/ no sense of pretend
to pretend
B/ no point in pretending D/ no good pretending

20. Sheila likes going to the disco and ... .

A/ I like too C/ so go I
B/ so like I D/ so do I

21. Father is in his study and ... to be alone.

A/ wishes C/ has wished
B/ is wishing D/ has been wishing

22. My grandmother, ... over 90; still likes outings.

A/ which's C/ that's
B/ whose D/ who's

23. No wonder you are tired! You ... all day.

A/ had worked C/ are working
B/ did worked D/ have been working

24. 'I`wo commandos ... in yesterday's fighting.

A/ have killed C/ killed
B/ were killed D/ were being killed

25. He is said ... a very good painter.

A/ that he is C/ having been
B/ to be D/ for being

26. He sounded as if he ... just about to say yes.

A/ had had C/ had
B/ had been D/ were

27. She enjoys sitting ... the sun.

A/ in C/ at
B/ on D/ under

28. She hasn't arrived yet. I wonder what ... have happened?
A/ could C/ would
B/ need D/ ought

29. Some of those ... are really awful.

A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ items of furniture D/ item

30. He ... help having big ears.

A/ must C/ needn't
B/ can't D/ is not to

31. The cyclist rode away after ... down the old man.
A/ being knocked C/ knocked
B/ was knocking D/ knocking

32. The butcher's ... the corner of Oak Street and Elm Street.
A/ at C/ in
B/ through D/ on

33. The Mediterran cruise was ... .

A/ great funny C/ great funs
B/ a great fun D/ great fun

34. Last Saturday we went to the cinema and ... we went to ~restaurant.
A/ than C/ at last
B/ afterwards D/ meanwhile

35. They would be rich if they ... my advice.

A/ have taken C/ take
B/ had taken D/ would take

36. There are ... unemployed this year than last year.
A/ far many C/ most
B/ much more D/ far more

37. These towels need ... .

A/ to change C/ changing
B/ be changed D/ have changed

38.We are good neighbours and we ... well together.

A/ get along C/ get down
B/ get up D/ get off

39.They were going to go on strike in June but now they've ... the strike.
A/ called down C/ called away
B/ called out D/ called off

40. They'll hate ... if we make them work together.

A/ one to another C/ one to other
B/ each other D/ each the other

41. This is the first time I ... him.

A/ can meet C/ have been meeting
B/ met D/ have met

42. Everyone must do ... best.

A/ her C/ one's
B/ their D/ his

43. We were surprised when we ... that the fence between the two properties ... removed.
A/ were learning - had been C/ knew - was
B/ learned - had been D/ had known - had been

44. We have ... food in the fridge.

A/ few C/ a few
B/ a lot of D/ many

45. They went through the war, ... was a trauma for everybody.
A/ that C/ which
B/ what D/ -

46. We're short of milk. Ask Bob .... some.

A/ that he brings C/ that he would buy
B/ in order to buy D/ to buy

47. He ... from his car while he was in the library.

A/ stole his wallet C/ had his wallet stolen
B/ had stole his wallet D/ had his wallet been stolen

48. While I ... the TV my house was broken into.

A/ was watching C/ have been watching
B/ had watched D/ have watched

49. Who ... me clear the road when there is a heavy snowfall?
A/ do helping C/ helping

B/ did help D/ will help

50. You hardly ever get angry, ...?

A/ have you C/ do you
B/ don't you D/ haven't you


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Is your house like the Greys'?" "Yes, it's almost the same as… .”
A/ them C/ they
B/ theirs D/ their's

2. "Can we leave now?" "No, I ... my suitcase."

A/ am still packing C/ have still been packing
B/ am packing yet D/ am already packing

3. "How many bananas have we got?" "..."

A/ There isn't C/ Just little
any bananas at home.
B/ There aren't some. D/ Not too many.

4. the more I like him.

A/ I see him the C/ The most often
more often see I him
B/ I see him the D/ The more often
most often I see him

5. ... a pity I didn't meet him earlier.

A/ What's C/ It's
B/ How's D/ There's

6. ... did you hear ... called?

A/ What - how she was C/ What - she was
B/ How - how she was D/ How - what was she

7. ... the two men Iiked working in the city.

A/ Both C/ Neither of
B/ None of D/ Either

8. After ... accident with his motorbike, Bill had to walk to … school
A/ the - - C/ - - the
B/ the - an D/ - - -

9. As soon as I entered the house, I saw something ... .

A/ to be moving C/ moving
B/ to move D/ to have move

10. At ... Easter we went to ... Alps for a few days.

A/--the C/---
B/ the - - D/ the – the

11. By the time she was 20, she ... all Shakespeare's sonnets by heart.
A/ has learnt C/ had learnt
B/ has been learning D/ learnt

12. He asked me if I ... to write with my left hand.

A/ can C/ could
B/ was able D/ might

13. He wanted to know what ... doing.

A/ she was C/ she will
B/ is she D/ had she been

14. I ... any opportunity to see that film yet.

A/ didn't have C/ hadn't got
B/ haven't had D/ wasn't having

15. I can't understand ... he is talking about.

A/ what C/ that
B/ which D/ -

16. I don't think she ... in Hungary.

A/ brought up C/ bringed up
B/ was brought up D/ was bringing up

17. I don't think youngsters ... to smoke at school.

A/ should be allowed C/ should allow
B/ should be permit D/ should let

18. I buy ... shoes for my son every September.

A/ one pair C/ a pair of
B/ the D/ a couple of

19. I think ... Sundays are boring in Britain.

A/ each C/ none

B/ every D/ all

20. I waited and waited for her to get home. ... she was stuck in a traffic jam.
A/ During C/ While
B/ Meanwhile D/ In meantime

21. I wish I ... whom to turn to.

A/ know C/ would know
B/ have known D/ knew

22. I'am going to work in the office ... 6 o'clock.

A/ to C/ as far as
B/ until D/ as long as

23. If the security guards ... find him, he'll be in trouble.

A/ ever C/ whenever
B/ anyhow D/ anyway

24. He got what he wanted ... talking very cleverly.

A/ by C/ with
B/ of D/ -

25. Jim hasn't got a car. Andy hasn't ... .

A/ got, too C/ got one, either
B/ got, either D/ got one, too

26. I hate flying. I think the most worrying part is when the plane
A/ takes off C/ takes up
B/ lifts up D/ raises

27. My husband was terribly upset about failing his exam but now he's ... .
A/ got over it C/ got past it
B/ got under it D/ got round it

28. Our school's football team for this year has much more talent than ... .
A/ last years C/ last year's
B/ that of last year D/ last year

29. Henry (meeting an old colleague in the street): "Hello! I didn't

know you were in town. How long ... home?"
A/ have you been C/ were you
B/ are you being D/ had you been

30. She would like to get married before ...

A/ she will be C/ she has been
B/ she is D/ she is being

31. The manager made ... five times last month.

A/ me work overtime C/ me have overtime
B/ me to work overtime D/ me making overtime

32. The car, ... was a black Mercedes, was stolen.

A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ -

33. The children were told ... their father's study.

A/ never enter C/ to not enter
B/ never to enter D/ don't ever enter

34. I had a sore throat. The beer was ... cold for me to drink.
A/ so C/ too
B/ enough D/ fairly

35. My landlady made me ... for gas and electricity, too.

A/ to pay C/ be paying
B/ pay D/ to be paying

36. Look, what beautiful roses ! Who ... them?

A/ need have brought C/ should have brought
B/ could bring D/ could have brought

37. The police ... to question the suspects.

A/ is starting now C/ have started
B/ has started D/ has

38. There is something wrong with our washing machine. I've

asked the mechanic to see ... it as soon as possible.
A/ into C/ for
B/ at D/ to

39. The lights are on, so she ... working.

A/ have to be C/ must be
B/ need be D/ is to be

40. ... the drawer he took out a revolver.

A/ Opening C/ To open
B/ Opened D/ Open

41. Next week I ... 30.

A/ would be C/ shall have been
B/ shall be D/ am being

42. I bought ... fruit at the market.

A/ few C/ a few
B/ a lot of D/ many

43. What ... when the bomb went off?

A/ did he done C/ has he been doing
B/ was he doing D/ had he been doing

44. It would be terrible if you ... out of petrol on a desert road.

A/ have run C/ run
B/ would run D/ ran

45. I wonder what he would have done if he ... his way in the forest.
A/ would lose C/ loses
B/ had lost D/ has lost

46. He was busy packing, because he ... that night.

A/ left C/ had left
B/ was leaving D/ will have left

47. You ... a driving licence for this job. You'll only work in the shop.
A/ don't need C/ mustn't have
B/ needn't D/ haven't got

48. He worries too much ... money.

A/ about C/ of
B/ over D/ on

49. He said he would like to go, ...?

A/ hadn't he C/ wouldn't he
B/ would he D/ didn't he

50. Your cheeks are wet. You ...?

A/ has cried, hasn't you C/ had been crying, hadn't you
B/ have been crying, D/ were crying, were you
haven't you


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

l. A/ Always before starting you should check your oil.

B/ Before always starting you should check your oil.
C/ You always should check your oil before starting.
D/ You should always check your oil before starting.

2. "Let's go for a walk." "No, ... my TV programme then."

A/ I'll have missed C/ I'll miss
B/ I'm to miss D/ I'll be missed

3. "I've been having problems with my stomach lately."

A/ you've been having C/ you've
B/ you have been D/ have you

4. "Lovely weather." "..."

A/ Yes, there's. C/ I think it so.
B/ Yes, it is, isn't it? D/ No, there isn't.

5. "What ... at 9 last night? I rang the bell but nobody answered the door"
A/ were you doing C/ have you been doing
B/ could you be doing D/ had you done

6. ... babies cry at night.

A/ Not each C/ Not every
B/ None D/ Not all

7. ... have you been studying maths?

A/ How long time C/ How many times
B/ How much D/ How long

8. ... is getting dark and ... is still no electricity in the district.

A/ It - there C/ It - it
B/ There - there D/ There – it

9. ... won't be back till Sunday. They have gone to the mountains for two weeks.
A/ Taylors' C/ The Taylors
B/ The Taylor D/ Taylor's

10. A new bridge ... over the Danube these days.

A/ is being built C/ is being building
B/ is building D/ is built

11. He ... studying hard ever since he came back from his holidays.
A/ was C/ has
B/ has been D/ is

12. The customs officer said they ... pay duty on those bottles of whisky.
A/ had to C/ had better to
B/ would better D/ ought

13. Last year her father was terribly upset about her leaving the
country, but now he's ... it.
A/ got round C/ got over
B/ got past D/ got under

14. She ... my favourite actress.

A/ has been always C / is always
B/ has always been D/ tends being

15. I can't bear ... animals beaten.

A/ having seen C/ to have seen
B/ seeing D/ see

16. I told them to stay, but ... of them left.

A/ none C/ a few
B/ few D/ any

17. He wanted to find out how often ... .

A/ the trains ran C/ have the trains run
B/ do the trains run D/ run the trains

18. I wish you ... talking. I can't hear what the speaker is saying.
A/ would stop C/ would have stopped

B/ stop D/ had been stopping

19. I'd be interested what the rate of exchange is.

A/ knowing
B/ to know
C/ if I should know
D/ if I know

20. I'll do the dishes after I ... lunch.

A/ had C/ 'll have
B/ 'll have had D/ 've had

21. He was keen on ... her a diamond ring.

A/ buy C/ buying
B/ to buy D/ to have bought

22. I'm looking ... a house with three bedrooms and a big garden.
A/ for C/ to
B/ like D/ back

23. I-Ier father is not sure whether Sarah was telling the truth or
not. She ... have been lying.
A/ mustn't C/ can
B/ could D/ oughtn't

24. If you ... on Boxing Day, you can taste our Christmas pudding.
A/ came C/ come
B/ shall come D/ coming

25. It looks ... it's going to clear up.

A/ as if C/ like as
B/ as D/ if

26. It's a year now since my husband ... his job.

A/ lost C / was lost
B/ has been lost D/ has lost
27. In the course of an exchange program a Dutch girl stayed ...
us for a couple of weeks.
A/ at C/ by
B/ with D/ over

28. Tim likes going fishing and ... .

A/ so am I C/ so go I
B/ so I like D/ so do I

29. My ... brother is 4 years ... than me.

A/ elder - older C/ elder - elder
B/ older - more old D/ older – elder

30. My mother-in-law, almost 90, still goes to the hair-dresser's every week.
A/ which's
B/ whose
C/ that's
D/ who' s

31. Now I ... what having a dog ... .

A/ am seeing - means C/ see - is meaning
B/ see - means D/ am seeing - is meaning

32. The teacher wanted to find out how long ... his students to
complete the task he had given them.
A/ does it take C/ has it taken
B/ it took D/ would it take

33. She will probably come unless you ... tell her not to.
A/ will C/ don't
B/ - D/ won't

34. Our family'll go to the seaside because we like lying ... the sun.
A/ in C/ at
B/ on D/ over

35. Some of the ... shown in the museum are really valuable.
A/ furnitures C/ furniture
B/ items of furniture D/ item

36. Nobody ... help the way he feels.

A/ must C/ needn't
B/ can D/ may

37. The big dog ... down on the rug.

A/ laid C/ lied
B/ lay D/ was laying

38. He didn't stop his car after ... down the poor cat.
A/ being knocked C/ knocked
B/ to knock D/ knocking

39. The supermarket is ... the corner of Main Street and Park Road.
A/ at C/ in
B/ upon D/ -

40. The new shopping centre is … being built on the site of the old theatre.
A/ hardly C/ actually
B/ monthly D/ formerly

41. Our Christmas party is always ... .

A/ great funny C/ great funs
B/ a great fun D/ great fun

42. I haven't got ... with my car.

A/ any problem C/ the problems
B/ any problems D/ problem

43. They were going to get engaged next week but now they've ... .
A/ put it down C/ put it up
B/ put it away D/ put it off

44. They'll hurt ... if we don't stop them from fighting.

A/ one to another C/ one the other
B/ each other D/ each the other

45. This teacher can get along not only with his students but also with ... parents.

A/ their's C/ theirs
B/ their D/ there

46. We ... our new computer for three days when it broke down.
A/ had had C/ have had
B/ have D/ were having

47. We can't sit in the car until the rain ... .

A/ stops C/ will be stopping
B/ will stop D/ will have stopped

48. We heard about her accident, ... upset us all.

A/ that C/ which
B/ what D/ -

49. What ... you choose such a dangerous job?

A/ made C/ got
B/ had D/ did get

50. You look exactly ... .

A/ like your sister C/ as your sister does
B/ as your sister D/ similar your sister


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. "Michael studies at the university, doesn't he?" "That's right, … .”

A/ he studies C/ he doesn't
B/ he does D/ he is

2. "I wonder what the children .. , there is much noise."

A/ can be doing C/ would be doing
B/ must be doing D/ should be doing

3. "I think they'll get divorced." "..."

A/ No, I don't think C/ No, I don't either.
they won't.
B/ Yes, so do I. D/ Neither do I.

4. "I am afraid your homework is very much like Tom's and

Peter's." "But, it's not the same as ... ."

A/ them C/ they
B/ theirs D/ their's

5. ... the children to bed by the time your wife arrived?

A/ Had you been put C/ Were you put
B/ Had you put D/ Have you put

6. ... crossing the Channel, we got into a terrible storm.

A/ While C/ For
B/ In D/ At

7. ... did he tell you ... doing on Saturday?

A/ What - what he was C/ Why - what would he
B/ What - he was D/ How - was he

8. ... is my favourite sport.

A/ Any riding C/ Riding
B/ The riding D/ Some riding

9. ... slippery that we decided not to go by car.

A/ It was so C/ It was so much
B/ There was so much D/ There was so

10. ... liked the hist ory teacher.

A/ Every student C/ All student
B/ Both student D/ Each students

11. Two girls entered, ... was carrying a big bag.

A/ each C/ any
B/ every D/ some

12. ... they went to Malta on holiday.

A/ Last spring C/ In last spring
B/ The last spring D/ At last spring

13. All weekend the water pipes were ... .

A/ having been mended C/ being mended
B/ mending D/ having mended

14. You shouldn't wear my shoes. ...

A/ Put off them! C/ Put them on!
B/ Take them off! D/ Pull down them !

15. He ... here this afternoon yet.

A/ isn't being C/ hadn't been
B/ hasn't been D/ wasn't

16. Dad ... you as soon as he hears the news.

A/ would ring C/ will have rung
B/ rang D/ will ring

17. Mum asked me if I ... write to her when I ... there.

A/ would - got C/ would - will get
B/ will - getting D/ could - will get

18. I never believed a word ... he said.

A/ - C/ in which

B/ that which D/ what

19. The poor child got injured and ... to the doctor's surgery.
A/ had been C/ had taken
B/ took D/ was taken

20. He wanted to find out if ... to smoke in the school.

A/ he allows C/ he will allow
B/ he would be allowed D/ he has allowed

21. My son is already about ... his brother.

A/ as strong as C/ as strong than
B/ so strong than D/ so strong like

22. I ... for three hours and now I'll stop.

A/ have been ironing C/ had ironed
B/ have to iron D/ am ironing

23. The pupils ... school uniforms for the past decade.
A/ have had to wear C/ must wear
B/ have to wear D/ had wear

24. I always have ... dinner in the same restaurant on Sundays,

but ... I had last Sunday was the tastiest of all.
A/ - - one C/ the - one
B/ a - the one D/ - - the one

25. I always ask my mother ... me when I have to get up early.

A/ that she will wake C/ to wake
B/ waking D/ wake

26. I was the first to finish ... my test-paper.

A/ to write C/ of writing
B/ writing D/ write

27. I have retired, so I have ... free time and ... money now.
A/ a lot of - little C/ many - few
B/ few - many D/ a little - a few

28. Poor grandfather has been in hospital for 2 weeks now. ... he
is better now?
A/ Do you think C/ Are you thinking
B/ Have you thought D/ Did you think

29. Agnes has lost her purse but she hopes it will turn ... somehow.
A/ to C/ in
B/ back D/ up

30. Dinner is ready. Let's sit down to the table, ...?

A/ shall we C/ will we
B/ let we D/ do we

31. None of the ... refused to fill in the questionnaire.

A/ students asked C/ students having asked
B/ asking students D/ students asking

32. This room needs ... up.


A/ tidy C/ to tidy
B/ tidying D/ to be tidying

33. This letter ... posted 2 days ago.

A/ has been C/ had been
B/ was D/ will have been

34. Not ... members of the choir were present at the rehearsals.
A/ each C/ every
B/ all the D/ the whole

35. Films like Casablanca always ... .

A/ make me to cry C/ have me cried
B/ make me cry D/ let me to cry

36. The performance starts ... . in this morning this morning

A/ 11 o'clock C/ on 11 o'clock
B/ at 11 o'clock D/ on this morning at
this morning 11 o'clock

37. Read the text out for him ... he will learn the pronunciation correctly.
A/ that C/ for
B/ in order D/ so that

38. I always did ... she asked me to.

A/ that C/ which
B/ what D/ -

39. The number of children who can't read properly will rise if the
present teaching methods ... unchanged.
A/ will remain C/ have remained
B/ don't remain D/ remain

40. You ... these exercises for an hour, but you finished after half an hour.
A/ should have practised C/ must to practise
B/ must have practising D/ have practised

41. It's time you ... earning your own living.

A/ starting C/ would have started
B/ will start D/ started

42. The school has changed a lot ... I left it 2 years ago.
A/ before C/ from
B/ since D/ after

43. What nice apples ! How ... in a kilo?

A/ much is C/ much are
B/ many are there D/ many is

44. Politicians said people ... in bad housing conditions.

A/ were not living C/ had not been lived
B/ have not lived D/ have not been lived

45. I'm going to a party with Peter. He is calling ... me at eight so I must be ready then.

A/ at C/ out
B/ up D/ for

46. We ... to that lecture. We didn't hear anything of interest there.

A/ ought not to go C/ needn't go
B/ needn't have gone D/ wouldn't have gone

47. You can get out as soon as the car ... .

A/ stops C / will stop
B/ stopped D/ is stopping

48. Your teeth won't be white unless you ... them.

A/ won't brush C/ brush
B/ don't brush D/ will brush

49. This puppy is so sweet, just ... mine !

A/ like C/ similar
B/ the same that D/ alike

50.The printing of this book is terrible. I ... .

A/ can read it hard C/ can read it hardly
B/ can hardly read it D/ can hard read it


Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. A/ What did he say how much it would cost?

B/ How much did he say it had cost?
C/ How much he said would it cost?
D/ What did he say how much was it going to cost?

2. A/ Washing up is that I hate doing.

B/ What I hate doing is washing up.
C/ That I hate doing is washing up.
D/ It's washing up what I hate doing.

3. "How long ... him?" "Oh, for a few years, I think."

A/ have you known C/ are you knowing
B/ do you know D/ have you been knowing

4. "I hope Mary'll pass her exam." "..."

A/ No, I don't think C/ No, I don't either.
she won't.
B/ Yes, so do I. D/ Neither do I.

5. "Why does this fish taste so strange?" "I am afraid I ... it."
A/ have burnt C/ burn
B/ had burnt D/ was burning

6. "Can you tell me the time please?" "..."

A/ Not at all C/ Yes, of course.
B/ Excuse, I can't. D/ Yes, please.

7. ... money he has, the happier he is.

A/ More C/ The more
B/ The most D/ Much

8. ... do whatever she wanted.

A/ She made the dog C/ The dog was made
B/ She forced the dog D/ She got her dog

9. ... the lake there is a lovely old church.

A/ Near C/ Beneath
B/ Next D/ In front

10. ... would like to ask you a favour.

A/ One of my friend C/ One my friend
B/ A friend of mine D/ A friend of me

11. ... lie is ... lie no matter how you put it.
A/ - C/ The -
B/--the D/A-a

12. She has been reading since she ... .

A/ has arrived C/ had arrived
B/ arrived D/ was arriving

13. After the concert we went to our local pub and ordered a
glass of beer...
A/ everybody C/ for each
B/ each D/ ourself

14. Tom ... at the dentist at 7.30, but he didn't arrive before 8.
A/ must have been C/ must be
B/ should have been D/ would have been

15. Don't decide until you ... thought things over very carefully.
A/ have C/ don't have
B/ will have D/ won't have

16. Each ... cost $50 last year.

A/ of these gadgets C/ of our device
B/ instruments D/ equipments

17. Dave is terribly lazy. He ... .

A/ hardly works C/ works a great deal
B/ works hard D/ works nearly nothing

18. He took ... money he could find.

A/ lot of C/ a few
B / the whole of D/ all the

19. I can't understand why it takes my wife ages to ... whenever we go out.
A/ dress out C/ dress on
B/ get dressed D/ dress herself

2O. Tim ... the car while I was cooking dinner.

A/ washed C/ was washed
B/ has washed Df was washing

21. I ... this report around for a week and haven't even looked at it.
A/ am carrying C/ carry
B/ have been carrying D/ was carrying

22. I ... you, if I had heard the news.

A/ wouldn't ask C/ won't ask
B/ couldn't asked D/ would have ask

23. I am looking ... to you.

A/ for talking C/ at to talk
B/ forward to talk D/ forward to talking

24. I have invited ... friends to our Christmas party.

A/ lot of C/ a lot many
B/ lots of D/ much

25. I was standing in the queue ... I got completely fed up and left.
A/ till C/ as while
B/ as far as D/ up to

26. I wish I ... you the truth,

A/ won't tell C/ hadn't told
B/ don't tell D/ am not telling

27. I'm so sorry for my grandmother. She suffers ... a lot of diseases.
A/ of C/ from
B/ by D/ for

28. I've got some tickets for the football match on Sunday, I ’d like you … .
A/ come with me C/ coming with me
B/ to come with me D/ to coming with me

29. If I'd been you, I ... so impolite to people who wanted to help me.
A/ won't be C/ hadn't been
B/ weren't D/ wouldn't have been

30. I could see a ... in the hall.

A/ pretty small C/ pretty round small table
round table
B/ small pretty D/ round small pretty table
round table

31. It is not worth ... your dishwasher. Buy a new one.

A/ to repair C/ repaired
B/ repair D/ repairing

32. Your homework is full ... mistakes. You could have done better.
A/ with C/ in
B/ of D/ by

33. My guests ... when I got home.

A/ already arrive C/ had already arrived
B/ had arrived yet D/ have already arrived

34. Nearly ... to buy their own homes.

A/ each of neighbours C/ everybody wants
B/ everyone want D/ both wants

35. The teacher didn't want the students to go on talking during class. She said ... .
A/ "If I were you, I'd stop talking."
B/ "Stop and talk, will you?"
C/ "What about stopping and talking?"
D/ "I'll make you stop to talk."

36. Her husband is said ... a very popular painter. His paintings sell very well.
A/ that he is C/ having been
B/ to be D/ being

37. That old house is at last ... .

A/ being renovated C/ renovating
B/ been renovated D/ renovates

38. The teacher suggested that they ... their school uniforms at the party.
A/ would wear C/ wearing
B/ should all wear D/ all wearing

39. The tree ... stands near the river is the oldest one in the part
A/ what C/ the one
B/ which D/ -

40. The cooking ... by somebody else every day.

A/ is doing C/ being done
B/ is done D/ is being done

41. The porter asked ... the door open for me.
A/ if should he leave C/ should he have left
B/ if he should leave D/ if do I want him to leave

42. This steak smells bad. We ... it away.

A/ had better throw C/ had to throw
B/ had rather throw D/ must have throw

43. We went out for a walk ... the bad weather.

A/ in spite of C/ instead of
B/ although D/ even though

44. I wonder what ... at this time next week.

A/ will he be doing C/ will he doing
B/ will he to do D/ he will be doing

45. While they ... we'll do the shopping.

A/ are playing C/ will play
B/ will have played D/ will be playing

46. She was everything ... John has always wished for himself.
A/ that C/ what
B/ which D/ who

47. You should have folded the sheets ... .

A/ like this C/ as this
B/ as I told D/ similar this

48. You shouldn't have spilt your milk, ... you?

A/ did C/ should
B/ would D/ have

49. If you ... kindly wait a moment I'll see what can be done.
A/ will C/ shall
B/ should D/ wouldn't

50. Sheila has always been ... great help to her mother.
A/ - C/ the
B/so D/a

Válassza ki a helyes megoldást!

1. My father ... subscribe ta the Newsweek.

A/ said to me C/ suggests me to
B/ suggested that I D/ encouraged me

2. "If you want to drive a car, do you ... an international driving licence?"
A/ need C/ ought to
B/ must D/ have to

3. ... her photos is very good.

A/ Every C/ All
B/ All of D/ Each of

4. This is the first time that his paintings ... in Hungary.

A/ have exhibited C/ have been exhibited
B/ exhibited D/ were exhibited

5. I must ring ... now, my boss is coming.

A/ - C/ off
B/ up D/ on

6. I'll send you a cable as soon as I ... there.

A/ shall get C/ get
B/ will have got D/ will get

7. This bed-linen needs ..

A/ be changed. C/ have changed
B/ to change D/ changing

8. You ... the doctor. I'm much better now.

A/ hadn't had to call C/ wouldn't need to call
B/ mustn't have called D/ needn't have called

9. ... people will accept the price-rises happily.

A/ No one C/ Few
B/ A little D/ None

10. You can first vote ... .

A/ at the age 18 C/ when you are 18 years
B/ when 18 years D/ at age of 18 years old
are your age

11. While they ... dinner we'll go for a drive.

A/ will have C/ will be having
B/ will have had D/ are having

12. The chickens were ... when we ... .

A/ feeding - were arriving C/ being fed - arrived
B/ fed - were arriving D/ to feed – arrived

13. If this horse goes on winning, ... most of the races by the end of the year.
A/ she would have won C/ she will be won
B/ she would win D/ she will have won

14. ... windows are usually made of ... glass.

A/- - - C/ the -
B/ the - the D/ - - the

15. Our new car cost far ... than the old one.
A/ most C/ much
B/ more D/ many more

16. Do you ... every spring?

A/ have cleaned your coat C/ get cleaned your coat
B/ have your coat cleaned D/ make your coat cleaned

17. I am so unlucky. I bought a car ... engine won't start.

A/ whose C/ that
B/ - D/ which

18. Nick was ... that he didn't get a promotion.

A/ much disappointing C/ awfully disappointing
B/ terrible disappointed D/ bitterly disappointed

19. ... was Mrs. Smith who came late.

A/ Who C/ It
B/ There D/ This

20. ... has achieved great results in science.

A/ The man C/ The men
B/ Man D/ Men

21. I can't live ... you.

A/ without C/ from
B/ instead D/ together

22. "Did they try any famous wine?" "Yes, they said ... some."
A/ they have tried C/ did they try
B/ they had tried D/ they do try

23. My eyes hurt - I ... the computer too long.

A/ have been using C/ use
B/ have used to D/ am using

24. The police ... suitable information about organised crime.

A/ don't have C/ doesn't have
B/ has not D/ is of

25. After I ... writing my paper, I read it through.

A/ having finished C/ was finishing
B/ have finished D/ had finished

26. Who did you say ... with?

A/ you wanted to go C/ do you want to go
B/ did you want to go D/ you wanted going

27. ... saw your boss in an expensive restaurant.

A/ One of my friend C/ A friend of my
B/ A friend of mine D/ One my friend

28. "Julia said she had given up her job." "..."

A/ Did she? C/ Has she?

B/ Didn't she? D/ Hadn't she?

29. My father told me Ray again.

A/ not to meet
B/ not meet
C/ don't meet
D/ not meeting

30. If there were no price-rises, we ... so much money on food.

A/ wouldn't have to spend C/ won't have to spend
B/ wouldn't need spend D/ shouldn't spent

31.The hitch-hiker wanted to get ... the car, so the dri stopped.
A/ on C/ out
B/ out of D/ off

32. When the customer entered the shop, the shop assistants
and nobody paid any attention to him.
A/ were chatting C/ chatted
B/ had chatted D/ have chatted

33. I can ... well with my colleagues, although they are much older than I am.
A/ get round C/ get on
B/ get through D/ get away

34. We were looking at ... was a strong tower some centuries ago.
A/ it C/ what
B/ that D/ which

35. It's no use ... to learn to ski, just by watching other people sküng.
A/ to try C/ in trying
B/ try D/ trying

36. Since the accident she ... to drive the car.

A/ wasn't allowed C/ hasn't been let
B/ wasn't let D/ hasn't been allowed

37. They say that the ... longer than the ... .
A/ rich live - poor C/ rich lives - poor
B/ riches live - poors D/ rich live – poors

38. "Do you need to clean the whole flat?" "No, but I ... if you helped me."
A/ would C/ shall
B/ may D/ will

39. He could not deliver ... because the audience wasn't listening.
A/ very many C/ the most of his speech
of his speech
B/ his all speech D/ very much of his speech

40. It's not a good idea ... this small knife for chopping up the meat.
A/ to use C/ using
B/ to using D/ you use

41. Agnes has no brothers or sisters. ...

A/ Nor has Sarah. C/ Sarah hasn't too.
B/ Sarah also not. D/ Neither Sarah has.

42. There is a plane which ... Milan in 20 minutes.

A/ arrives C/ arrives to
B/ leaves to D/ leaves for

43. They invited all their friends to the wedding party, but hardly ... turned up.
A/ some people C/ someone
B/ anyone D/ everyone

44. She ... cooked and served the dishes.

A/ neither C/ both
B/ either D/ or

45. The bank clerk asked me ... .

A/ if sign my name C/ whether sign my name
B/ signing my name D/ to sign my name

46. It was my birthday yesterday and she didn't ... phone me.
A/ still C/ even
B/ already D/ else

47. "How did he go to London?" "... the company's car."

A/ In C/ On
B/ With D/ By .

48. She ... her aunt since her uncle died.

A/ didn't visit C/ hasn't visited
B/ visits D/ wants to visit

49. I think ... my credit cards with me in case I want to buy something.
A/ I must have taken C/ I should have been taken
B/ would take D/ I'd better take

50. He was typing when he … someone ... the office door.

A/ saw – passes C/ could see- to pass
B/ was seeing – pass D/ saw - passing


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