2022 Maths Pure English

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(-Al/2022(2023/10/8.1 7 [foe 2 asinw gorse unger iia pfarnapan vay ATTRIghts Reserved equi © * Mca) ) 12.(@) (6) zie Eee emg Goda op (cod e0¢) Besxna, 2022 aol CUT BINBTU UHI (ust 9) ns. 2022 (2023) General Certificate of Education (Adv, Level) Exami 2022. 20: Answer five questions only. Let 0< |p| <1. Show that the equation px? -2r+1=0 has real distinct roots. Let a and ff (> a) be these roots. Show that cand fi are both positive. Find (a~1)G—1) in tenns of p, and deduce that a <1 and B>1 Show that (fp -Je “Hi b(i-|p)) It is given that Jf +Va = a {ipl Show that the quadratic equation whose roots are [ae=I] and YB-1) is ol? f2(-Jpdx+ y(t lef) t= 9 that (x +2) is a factor of both p(x) Find the values of a and b. Let p(x) = 2a! #ax2 + br—4, where a. bE R. I is given and p'(a), where p/(x) is the derivative of pix) with respect 10 x. For these values af @ and b, completely faciorise p(x) ~ 3p'Cx Six mangoes and four oranges are to be distributed among eight students so that exch student receives at least one fruit. Find the number of different ways in which () six students get one fuit each and out of the remaining two students one gets two Mangoes and the other gets two oranges, seven students. get one fruit cach, and the other student gets three mangoes, seven students get one [ruit cach, and the other student gets three fruits for r@Z’, where A rez’ pA tebe for re Z'. Also. let [= Bret Grad ‘and B are real constants, Determine the values of A and B such that U, = fo) fir+l) forrEZ’. 3 ds Aataaas tr ned. Hence or otherwise, show that >, U, Deduce that the infinite series yu is convergent and find its sum. Hence, find the value of the real constant & such that Sx (U, + Ure Thee page eight AL2022(2025)/10/8-i -8- 13.(@) s (b) fe) 14.(a) (b) 2 La a=|° Show that A exists for all o ER Lo at2 13 the maces P= |! 2 | ge | ?% 32] oar ( Js sh a 01 2 174 24 A= PQS R. Show that a= For this value of a, write down Act and hence, find the values of x andy such that (Shs) Let 2, w EC, Show that 7 2 and hence, show that [z+] Deduce that |2+W{'-+|s-w/' =2(l2'+)0/)) and give a geometric interpretation for it when the points representing z, w and 0 in the Argand diagram are non-collincar. L4Vii. Express z in the form r(cos#+ ising), where r> 0 and Fxtcx Let Lot 2" =a,+ ib,, where ,,0,ER for nEZ', Wrie down Re(2"-2") in terms of ay, and b, for m, nEZ" Considering 2"*" and using De Moivre’s theorem, show that yy — Ppp Py = 2" COS + A) for m, n&Z". Le eetes 2 et fQ= for #2. Q xt Show that /’(2), the derivative of f(x), is given by f'(Q)= tH) for xe -2. (x42) Hence, find the interval on which f(x) is increasing and the intervals on which f(x) is decrea Also, find the coordinates of the turning point of f(x) a for x#-2. Find the coordinates of the point of inflection of It is given that f"(2) the graph of y = ft). Sketch the graph of y= fx) indicating the asymptotes, the 1uming point and the point of inflection. Siate the smallest value of k for which f(x) is one-one on [k, @). “The shaded region shown in the figure is of rca 45m? It is obtained by removing a rectangle of length xm fand width ym from a rectangle of length 3xm_and Width 2y m. Show that the perimeter Lm of the shaded region is given by L=6x+54 for x>0. Find the value of x such that £ is minimum, [see page nine A1L/2022(2023)/10/8-1 9 15.(a) Find the values of the constants A, B and C such that tert 2=Aatere lt (Bx +O) (+1) for all xER tence, write down —y*2*2— in partial fractions and find ("+42 _ar GE txeDGD (Eee DOD () Show that Isin2x = 2e0s?(4—x) and hence, show that {1 ge=1 T+sin2x a (© Lea f x7 6082 gy. Using integration by parts, show that =~ "4 where s=[ 3d dssin20? 8 Teandx é [ye-908 and the result in (b), evaluate J and show that Using the relation [row =FQ-2). 6 6 16. Let P= (xy.y4) and I be the straight line given by ax+by+c=0. Show that the perpendicular lay +by +] distance from P to is Va? +6 Let {, and f be two straight lines given by 4x—3y+8=0 and 3x dy +13 = 0, respective Show that |, and [, intersect at A= (1. 4), ‘Also, show that the parametic equations of the bisector of the acute angle between J, and /, can be written as x=¢ and y=1+3, where 1ER. Hence, show that the equation of any circle touching both straight lines /, and f,, and lying in the 2 py 3) 35 yr region between |, and /, that contains the acute angle, is given by (x-1)" +(y— where t€ R and ¢# 1. From among the above circles. find the equations of the circles that intersect the circle centred at A of radius 1, orthogonally. lsee page ten AL/2022(2023V/10/E-1 -10- ilar expression 17.ta) Write down cos(A+ 8) in terms of cos A, 6088, sinA and sin Band obtain a si for sin(A-B). Let LER and ke 1. By separately considering the cases k> 1 and k <1, express the form Reos(0 +), where R(> 0) interms of k,and a(0 1. 9%

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