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AL/2021(2022)/S-1 Acordes 1. Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that Y"_,(6r + 1) = n(n +4) for all n€Z* ~ |x| in the same diagram. Hence or otherwise, find all real values of x satisfying the inequality 2] x+2 | +|x| <4 2. Sketch the graph of y = 2[x+1] and y= AL/2021(2022)/S-1 3. Sketch, in an Argand diagram, the locus of the points that represent complex numbers z satisfying Arg( 2-1 4, Letk> Olt is given that the coefficient of x” in the binomial expansion of (x? + £)"! and the coefficient of in the binomial expansion of (x - )"" are equal, Show that k AL/2021(2022)/S-1 tan2xsin2x 5. Show that lim nin (VTE VIR) nx 6. Let S be the region enclosed by the curves y = 4%, y = 0 and x = e?. Show that the area of S is 4 square units. The region S is rotated about the x-axis through 27 radians. Show that the volume of the solid thus generated i AL/2021(2022)/S-1 7. Show that the equation of the tangent line to the rectangular hyperbola parametrically given by x= ct and fort # 0. at the point P = cp. 5) is given by x + p’y = 2cp. The normal line to this hyperbola at P meets the hyperbola again at another point Q Show that p°q 8 Let (0-1) and B 9,8). The point C lines on AB such that AC:CB =1:2 Show that the equation of the straight line J through C perpendicular to AB is x + y-5 Let D be the point on | such that AD is parallel to the straight line y = 5x +1. Find The coordinates of D. AL/2021(2022)/S-1 9. Show that the straight line x + 2y = 3 intersects the circle $= x? + y?- 4x +1=0 af two distinct points Fine the equation of the circle passing through these two points and the center of the circle S = 0 10. Express 2cos*x + 2V3sinx cosx -1 in the form Ros (2x — @) where R>Oand0 1. Show that the equation s?-2(k-+ 1)x-+(k-3)*=0 has real distinct roots. Let a and f be these roots. Write down a+f and af in terms of k, and find the values of k such that both a and f are positive, a : ‘ 1 1 i Now, let 1 0 al Also, express cach of the complex numbers =, and 2; and 0<0<2, and hence, show that dis V2(c0s 5 +isin 2 % 12 Deduce that coo( 3) = 148 | 12, 22 Let nEZ° and 042kx£F for kEZ. Using De Moivre’s theorem, show that (I+itan6)" =sec" (cosnd + isinn®) , Hence, obtain a similar expression for (1—itand)", and show that (1+itan)" +(1—itan@)"=2sec" Acosa. Deduce that e=itan() is a solution of (1+2)% + (1-2)=0, 4x+1 Let f= 7 for x #0, 2. aC Show that f'(x), the derivative of f(x), is given by f'0 ~22-DK+D for x 20, 2 2xr-27 Hence, find the intervals on which f(x) is increasing and the intervals on which f(x) is decreasing. Sketch the graph of y= f(x) indicating the asymptotes, x-intercept and the turing points, Using this graph, find all real values of «satisfying the inequality f(x)+|/(x)]>0. ‘The shaded region S of the adjoining figure shows a garden consisting of a rectangle and two sectors of a circle cach subtending an angle 3% at the centre, Ils dimensions, in metres, are shown in the figure. The area of S is given to be 36 m?. Show that the perimeter pm of Sis given by p=2x+2 for x>0 and that p is minimum when x= 6. [see page nine ‘A2021(2022)/10VE- 15.(a) Find the values of the constants A, B and © such that te del + ae 4 St 1 = ACC 1)? + Be (a? 4+ 1) + Cx? for all xR, Lyn Bg Hence, write down ae pel in partial fractions and x Asia _ [ate3r dr? 43e+l gy find J ene . 1 1 4 2] Vi-x é é 4 (b) Let 1= Jaren Show that J= 3 — Hf [x dx and hence, evaluate 1. (©) Show that ix? +1) + 2tan“! x 2x) = Ina? +1). ! Hence, find Jim? snr and show that Jimena = }(Ind+x-4) o Using the result [reo [ sone, where a is a constant, a 1 find the value of J nfee ene? 2042), é 16. Let P=(x,,y,) and J be the straight line given by ax+by+e=0. Show that the coordinates of any point on the line through the point ? and perpendicular to I are given by (x, +a1.y, +b!) where 1ER. lax, +o, +¢ Deduce that the perpendicular distance from P to | is lenistoned P+ Let / be the straight line x+y-2=0. Show that the points A=(0,6) and B= (3,-3) lie on opposite sides of I. Find the acute angle between f and the line AB, Find the equations of the circles S, and S, with centres at A and B, respectively, and touching 1. Let C be the point of intersection of / and the line AB. Find the coordinates of the point C. Find also the equation of the other common tangent through C to S, and S,. Show that the equation of the circle that passes through the origin, bisects the circumference of S, and orthogonal to S, is 3x? +3y?-38x—22y = 0. [see page ten AL/2021(2022)/10/E-1 -10- Pele Write down cos(A+B) and cos(A~B) in terms of cos, cos B, sinA and sinB. Hence, show that cosC +608) = 2eos{ $2) ( 3) Deduce that osC - cos =~2sin( $2) sin( <>?) Solve the equation cos9x + cos7x + cot x (cos9x cos 7x) =0- (6) In the usual notation, state and prove the Cosine Rule for a triangle ABC. 2tanx_ H+tan? x ai In a triangle ABC, it is given that AB=20cm, BC= 10cm and sin2B= 35 - Let xenx+% for n€Z. Show that sin2x= Show that there are two distinct such triangles and find the length of AC for each. \ (©) Solve the equation sin’ [teeta] pur tereunta. ane

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