2014 Maths Pure English

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G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination - August 2014 Combined Mathema New Syllabus - Three hours PartA ‘Answer all questions. Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that LO oral ne 2 Usinga graphical method or otherwise, find all values of x satisfying the inequality |y-+ [> 3x47 - Sketch the loci of the points represented by the complex numbers z satisfying wAre(e+I)=5. GipArg(= -1 fon the same Argand diagram and find the complex number represented by their point of intersection, A Letne% The coefficient of x"? in the expansion of ace (+2) + x)"is 120, Find the value of n. fim “a l-vies) (05) Show that (06) Find the area of the region enclosed by the straight fine y = 2x and the curve y =? 07) (03) (09) 00) e AL alse hiya.lk Let Ce the curve given by x= tel y= ele www.alpant where fisa real parameter. Find 5" interms of rand ae show that the equation of the tangent line atthe point ‘on C conesponding to ¢= Im2is Sx-3y-8=0. Let de® and 4 #41, The area of the region en- closed by the coordinate axes and the straight line (+4) x-2(1-A)y-2(1-A)=0 is 4 square units, Find the values of 2. Find the equation of the circle which touches the y-axis at the point (0, 3) and intersects the circle 27 + y2- 8x 4y-5 ~ 0 orthogonally. Je hae tn Lettana=-1 and sing = and 5 <2 <7. Find he value of cos(a+p) ‘aera common anEDTICN- 1 AL palsies G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination - August 20147) Combined Mathematics - I 3 New Syllabu: 2 € 3 Part B By comparing coeMcients of r"for n= 0, 1,2, 3,2 show that there exist constants 4 and B such © Answer five questions only. that =r -5 = Ale? = Ir + 5) = BR + 4) fo (UD (a) Let ae R and let fix) = 3x" + $x? tar -1. Misgiven 2) (@) Six schools participate i that (3x- 1) isa factor of fix). Find the value of @. Express ffx) in the form (3v-1](x+k)%, where Ais a constant By writing 3x + 1 in the above expression in the form b(x +1) +e, where band care constants, find the remainder wh. fx is divided by (+1). ©) Leta. b, ce R and ac # 0 Show that zero is nota root of the equation ax? + dx + e~ 0 Let av and B a be the roots ofthis equation, and let 4="5 Show that ac(A+1)?= BPA Let p,q reR and pre0.Also, let y and 6 be the roots of the equation px” + gx + r= 0, and x epor A=~ holds i let #= 2. Show that A= Hor 4=7; holds if and only if acq? = prb? It is given that the roots of the equations kx? - 3x and 8x7 + 6kx + | =0 are in the same ratio, where &e® - Find the value of &. a Youth Sports Conference and each school is represented by Ahree players comprising acriketer, a soccer player and a hockey player. It is required to select a committee of six members from among these players, Find the number of different ways in which this committee can be formed, (2 iftwo players from each sportmustbe included. (ip if two players from each sport must be included, is such a way that all six schools are represented, (i) if rwo players each from two schools and one player each from two of theremaining schools rust be included. 5 OL OTeanylesarasy Oe 3) (a) Let abe Rand let ree! Find “(7 such that U, = f(r)~F(r 41) for rez" Show that be. Grainy Pree Show further that the infinite series Us convergent and find its sum. Henee, find 2, 3U 3 10 A=|0 al ang Vt bt e-(} ‘). Find the values of a and 6 such that ATA =B, where ATdenotes the transpose of the matix:A. 7s w ue-(} ;) and X (vee eR Also, let CX = ABX. where eR. Find the value of 2. and the value of For this value of 2, find the matrix C- AB and show that its inverse does not exist. () Let zeC Show that @ [t-ef =1-2Rez+|z? and Deduce that re) =4 if and only if a) (ay c Fel § be the set consisting of camplex numbers co tgeet 7542 <5. Plot the points that represent Re + satisfying both conditions and the complex numbers in S in an Argand diagram. ' v2 Show that if z isin Sand Rez +im= then =—*__ Let 1 aye 3 for xa-1 a(1-x)(2; Show that £“(x) = — for x#-1, Sketch the graph of» = fey i point and the asymptotes Using the graph of y = for) find the number of solutions of the equation (x+1 x43) = 16x ating the turning, ‘A hollow composite body is to be formed by ¢ radius and height metres, as shown in the figure, ‘The total volume of the composite body is. The cost of material for the cylindrical surface is 300 rupees per square metre and that for hemispherical surfaces is 1000 rupees per square metre, Show that the total cost of material C rupees. required to make this composite body is given by c= 800r(42+22) for 0

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