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AL alte G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination - August 2013 x Combined Mathematics - I S Scheme of Marking s — eee & Part A £ 1 (03)Let ay be the n'™ tern of the series and let 7 (ou)When n= 1 LIS. Zerst=s and : RNS, = 1142/23 Hence the result is true for n= 1 @ Take any 4 ¢ 7° and assume that the result is true for ak ie. Tors aats 8 ‘a et ‘ Now Ls )= L(2r+t)+[2 est) +t] “a @ = =A(k+2)+2k+ . (ta2)s2e z Ui4m is a geometric series with 2 as its first term and BR dks 32 (EN(EI® = | J 5 its common ratio since Ele, the series is Hence ifthe result is true for n=, itis also true for =k+ 1, We have already proved that the result is true ‘convergent. @ 2s] forn= 1, By he Principle of Mathematical Induction the result is tue forall ne Z*.B 25] (04By the binomial theorem, 20 20 . (+S) -E%q (4) vice rome 2m, 201 ao fer 7041.20 Fiao=ryi FPO ia Ba xet |lexer| 2ex = DG, af xt 343 Ey 2x + * - ‘The term Independent of xis given by 20- 4r=0, and 2015.98 5 tt ist” 2 8 Peg 6 ©» GOL COMmINED WATREMATS t- cose “ idee ace ed A (eens) ® w 20) a(n APB 20) aE Ae i) = ts x2)@ 8 ial i Boe] x Mesias [ee si(xade at) at lFai}® fs? at x x? 7 d Since Vi? +1 = have "Ele eoWFa) Fea ela) © Therefore “ole lol PH) AF sc ra Where C is an arbitoary constant. text2yea=e ye Let Ce the mid Since Cis on f, we have Za(tenjeaco ® = hiyalk (5% vash=—H8 (01) Since AB Lf we have u ely wwwallpant! Now by (01) a=1@ & a (2cosa, sina) + The slope of the normal line atPis 2 ‘The equation of the normal line at P tg’) Since (2cosa, sina) is on this line, 1 sina ~~ = 2(2c0sa- V2) Fr ) 2sina -8cosa + 4v2- v3 =0 2sina-8cosa+3V2=0 @ a at een Tea any COMED {onySince the required centre lies on x+y = 0, its coordinates are (LI for some yet The equation of the circle with centre (1-t) and radius s a yt PH I@® or ety’ tet 2y +271 =0@ Since this is orthogonal to x? +y? +4y+3-0@ We have 2(1) (2) = (22-1) 43 je 2-4+2=0 GPO, Required centre is (1, =1) 25 at alse (WO)Since cos’6 + sin’d = 1 We have vost - : x andso_ cos0= 222 § , 3 since 1 <0< 22 cos <0 a cos = 28 ® os Now sn20 = 2ondso00=2{ : Also cos 20 = Part B (11) (a) Since x- 1 is. factor of far: f)=a+ b-1+6=0@. @atb=5 901) Since -6 isthe remainder when fx) is divided by x-4, M4) = O4a+ 16b z44 + 6 = 6 4a+b=2 (02) (ovandor) nated b-6.@ GS Nowf(t) = at+6r-1le+6 (D684 5-9 O =(= 1) (7 5x46) e-De-De- O Therefore the other linear factors are x-2 and x-3 @ (©) @ Since a and p are roots of x7 +bx +e=0 and a8 By comparison (y- 8? =m?- 4a @ [05] Since a +7=B. 30S pr=a-9F & widcom-4n@ Gi) (@-We- 8) B-NG-3) [a2 — 0 Cy +8)+75]1B7-Bey +8) + 18] ® {o2+masn][B? + mB+n] O3 = o'f? + af(a+B) m + n (e748) +m? + mn(asp) +0? ® = Edom + n(62-2e) + em? mab + 0? ® = (&-2cn +n?) + (b?n - bem - mnb +cm*) = n°) + (b-m) (bn-em) ® 25) a +bx+c=Oand x7 +mx+n=Ohaveacommon root if and only if any or Sor B=y or 5@ © @-N@-96-nG-3=-08 @ (-n+(b-m) (bn-cm)-0@ (=n)? =(m-b)(on- em) @B [20] + 10r+k=O and x? + kx + 10=Ohave a common roof if and only if (¢ - 0)? =(m - b) (bn- em) 63 since b= 10, c=k, m=k and n=10, (k= 10)?= (k - 10) (100 - k?) By simplifying, @® = (k- 10) (k- 10 100+ k?) (k= 10) (Kk? +k = 110) (k- 10) (k- 10) k +11) ® Hence k= 10 or k=-11@ 2 s A c (12) 10) 3 5 7 (0 ey EAB LAMLCIOS gogs B 6x 52403427 ® a ® 15] (1) Number of different ways that contain the two pantcular students °C, = 715 3) @ Number of different ways that do not contain the paricular students together. Co PCs @) = 5005-715 = 429005 Es] Number of different ways with two from each stream, 36x81 @ 10x21 =630 ® 5 (iv) Number of different ways in which the 2 arts and the 2 commerce G3) Students (i¢.4 non-science student) ean be seated im circular table = 3! ‘There are 4 gaps to which the 2 Science students can be accommodated. Number of different ways for this is = & ~ Required number of different ways «4Cyx2 @ =2@ An Number of different ways in which all 6 can be seated in a circular table = 5! @3. Number of different ways in which all 6 with two from Science together = 4x2 @ Required number of different ways 5!-48x2@ 20-4869 = oo € AL zal het yo MOD sas te ee Gr x Mors!) A 63 g Gr Great Gr UO e Mors = (AH BOP 4 (120 oe + 4A nS 1 for rez! Equating cocificientsof PV AEBS 0 Fquating cvelficients of F112 68 = 1x Gy Equat cthicrentsof 1°: 4A 4 B= 3 wv A= and Bs-l @ 09 & then Fr —t Let (7) 1 then Gr and Ur= fin = fer +h When rey, finefiay re2 fa) =) ») 1 lim ———5=0 we (30 NB lim s,=+ since ™ @ ‘Therefore, infinite series is convergent 2) (a) s ae 305 #7 Be, = XID HI2AIIN10 _ sqg5 @ 6x5xdx3x2x1 8 (ii) Number of different ways that contain the two particular studens =3C, =715 @ is] Number of different ways that do not contain the parcularstudens together, aN a@® = 5005-715 =120@ 5) ) Number of different ways with two fiom each SEM Been @ =3x10x21 = 630 @ 5 iv) Number of different ways in which the 2 arts and the 2 commerce (3) Snudents (i.e. 4 non-science student) ean be seated in circular table = 3! ‘There are 4 gaps to which the 2 Science students can be accommodated, Number of different ways for this is = & + Required number of different ways Aliter:= ‘Number of different ways in which all 6 can be ‘seated ina circular table = 5!@3) Number of different ways in which all 6 with two from Science together = 4! x2 @® ++ Required number of different ways = $1-41 x = 120-4805) =2 € AL aay wy 4,2 B Gr-F Grape reg © Xér41)= (A+B) 9+ U2A- Bir Ay for re zt Equating coefficients of 2 + AaB Equating coefficients of t's 12A -6B Equating coefficients of f°. 4A +B =3 Asl and Bel ® gy ‘www.alpanthiyalk 8@ and Ur= fie) - fir + 1) When rel y= ffir «5,8 Hu, =f) @ and ».5, 24-1 5 4 (3n+2) is i ii = sis lim Sn= 3 since ™ @ ++ Therefore, infinite series is convergent m 1 we Ges -— <0 ® AP 3n427 © Gat 27210 and pez? fo Gn72) 710 and eZ” 37998 and neZ? @® n> 3325 and nez* |, Therefore, the lower value of n=333@ (3) 0a@ ore-(!, tt “E {ke @ 2 QIQSAl Where 4=2 @ fw al- l ale sls al- al = kb? AP =PD= A= PDP @ s 2 3 8 le. g " : [20) =|:[° -6im= 98 i+ 3iel? =(1+3i2)(1732) = 38) =1+3i( <9): von 50 Now & 3il> ih + 3id ® e-3i? > pt + 3il? * BP Sina +9> Se 61Me+ 1 @ @ MP-1)<0 ° P<1® * wI@® z-3i|>[1+38| o}q<1 (a) (a) ees ooh pal prey. f)=0@ ee x-0 or 2 2 120 of x=(-2) @ x xe(-2 |(apicr<0 | Ocx0 and. x>0@ 00-08 210 FIO: r0) ene = z re) i g : wor 4 O1@® = tala? 4B? +A] cua? +b? +o] D A +6] eh ea =a 2 (01)xu+(02)xb= = salt woo +o tle (01)sh+(02)xa>v= (0)5+(02)xa=> z (16) P+ y? -2e-2y + 1=0 cam be written as. een ® a Hence the centre of S 240,19 andthe rads 1 a iyalk if mg 3 & sg co} : since +( epg. ma orseeser a “ We have ra(e eee) ®@ EA ® Slope of CP =1 Since OP L¢.Slope of ¢ =-1 @ ( {3} mie [+5 Je Srty=2+ B® The points (0, 0} and (h, k) on the same side of tx4y-(24N3)-0@ 2-22) hek-(2+45)]0@ Shek 2® Os) ‘The perpendicular distance from C! = (h,k) tor bebe oF 48) gy (nek cae) v2 ‘Since S! touches ¢, this distance must be equal to the radius of $1 ‘Since $ and $! touch each other externally cepts =O! = (144) 14 (24N2)-(+8 => (h-1) +(k-1? + easton) 8 (24208)ee 2m oi? Same ire) E-)B (1) (a) cosa +e0s B—cosy—cos(a+ 8 +7) ®B = cosa +605 f-| [cosy+cos(a+A+r)] patel} le-0 (ay? com) 228 «au a 222) 292) (B22) - soos (a +A)sing (ae y)sin 347) S BS y gece? +2fsin5 eos} + dcos? —cosx)+ V3sinx+ 2(1+ cos x}G) = V3sinx+ cosx+3 = Binsofons]o@ =2(cosSsins sin Zeosx) 43 @ =25in( x9 }3@ w4=2. B23. 0-2 @ Bl ~tssi(x+2)51@ ents 2si( xe a\s 2 6 “teas tsin eZ }3229@ iss) 5@ w By the sine Rule ey eg sin _sinB_ sinc ppg 8 @ @ pra Pain A-2sin B+sinc =k(p+4)-2kp+k(p-g) =0 & sin A+sin€ =2sin3 in AE BF Sale A) @ )- sin 44) Jam(SE)a(te

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