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AL eee GC.E. (Advanced Level) Examination - August 2011 y Combined Mathematics I Three hours www.aalpanthiya.l Instructions : This question paper consists of two paris; Past A (Questions 1 - 10) and Part B (Questions 11 - 17) PART- A © Answer all equstions. Write your answers to each question in the space provided. You may use additional sheets if more space is needed. (01) Using th ePrinciple of Mathematical Induction, Prove that n} + Sn is divisible by 3 for every ne Z*. (04) Show shat tim, As (02) Find how many numbers between 200" and 4000 can bbe Formed using the digits 1,2, 3 and 4 if repetitions of the digits ure (3) not allowed, (i) allowed, (05) Find constants A and B such that Ae? (Asin3x+ Be0s3x)} = 13e* side, a Hence, find Je sin3xae. (03) Using the binomial expansion for a positive integral " index, show thar (1+3)° +(1-V3)) = 116 Hence, find the integer par of (1+ V5)". e AIL aay (06) Find the equation of the strainght line parallel to the (09). The length of the tangent from a point P to the circle x stmight line 3y # 2x +S = 0, and pnsing through the 22+ y2. 12x00 ia twice the length of he gangent from point that divides the straight line joining the points the point Pto the cele x2 + y2-9=0. Show thatthe 2 (2. 3) and (-1, 2) externally in the ratio 3:2. point P lies on the circle 22 + y2 +42 -12=0. gs e S & g where ¢ is a (07) A curve is given by x=31y= (10) The sides ofa triangle are p-1,pand p+ I, where P is 3 areal number such that p > 1. Ifthe largesst angle of tangent to the curve at the point (12)arrayee the triangle is twice the smallest angle of the triangle, using the Sine rule and the cosine rule find the value non-zero parameter, Show that the equation of the Deduce that. 2s 1 varies, the area of the triangular region bounded by the coordinate axes and this tangent isa constant. ofp. (08) Find ihe equations of the two circles, each of radius /2. touching the straight line x + y + 1 = Gand having the centras on the y-axis e AL eee PART-B | x © Answer five questions only. Write your answers on the sheets provided. 3 © Atthe end of the time allotted, tie the answers of the two parts together so that Part A is on top of Paz B before handing them over to the supervisor. = © You are permitted to remove only Part B of the question paper from the Examination Hall. & a and y=|2x~10] in the same figure. oS (11) @) Letazand fi be the roots of the quadratie equation a2 + br +60, where a, band care real numbers. ‘Show that a and B are both Gi) real, ifand only if 6? - dae 20. (i) purely inaginary, if and only if b = 0 and ne > 0. Find the quadratic equation whose roots are a? and B?. ‘Show tha the roots of this quadratic equation are both real, if and only ielther cand P are both real or a and B are both purely inaginary. (b) Let x) =x - 3abx - (a? + b>), where a and b are real numbers. Show that (r-a-b) ism factor of ffx). Find the other factor of fx) in quadratic form. Hence or otherwise, show that if a and 6 are distinet, then ffs) = 0 has only one real root, ‘Deduce that x - 9x - 12 = 0 has only one real root and find it. 1 UD @ Let "= GyGraiarssy & rez Hrs “ZL in terms of ene”, show that (2r- Iu, - r+ Doys 1" 4tp 61 for r= 1,2,3, Deduce that 3, (n+ i)(2n+3) Is the series ae ‘ccnvergent? Justify your answer. (©) Draw the graph of y =:!2x~8]. Hence, draw the graph of v= -[2x—8]. Draw the graphs of y =4-[2.-8),, (13) ) 4) Hence or otherwise, find the set of real values of satisfying the inequality |2x~10|+|2x-81<4, www. nd 4.40 R . Find the values 21 (a) Let (3 3) of Land p such that AQA + pl) =I, where 1s the 22 identity matrix. Hence, find A-!, Let p. Q and R be three distinct point which represent complex numbers 2, 2, and zp respectively in the Argand diagram. If PQ=PR and @ isthe angle measured from PQ to PR in the anti-clockwise sense, show that 2, -% 7 (24 ~ %) (C00 + tsind). The points A, B, C and D,taken in the sense, form a square in the Argand diagram. lockwise Let I - ‘and z be thé complex numbers represented by the points A and B respectively. Find the complex ‘numbers represented by the points C and D in terms of TEC varies such that AC ~ 2, tind the locus of B in the Argand diagram. « (@) Let {x= 23 + ar? + be for xe R. where a and 2} are real constants. Suppose that "(3)=12 and £°(3)=18, where f* and f‘have the usual meaning. Find the values of @ and 6. Forthese values of a and 6, sketch the graph of y=) Indicating the turning points. Henee, find the number of solutions of the equation 2 vaxtb=2, z (b) Aclosed rectangular box with a square base is made of thin cardboard. The volume of the box is B192cm*, Let we Haale ate aquate bate de deom,A circu: lar hole of radius x cmv is cut out from the top square face. Show that the surface area Acmi’ of the box with the hole is given by A= (32—x)x? + 8192 * ence, show that A is minimum when * = Using the method of Integration by Parts, 22 evaluate (fd tnx de- i ska) o ‘ cos2x +3sin2x+5 Hence, show that a (©) Let wand b be distinct reat numbers Find constants A and B such that 1 _-A, 5. (aye-5) Fob for ve R-{o,b} a By replacing x, aand b appropriately in the above ‘equation, write down (+a)(F +7) in partial fractions and hence, find (16) (a) Show that the equations of the two stra drawn throuigh the origin perpendicular to each other 0 a8 10 form an isosceles right angled triangle with the straight line ix > my 1 1 = 0 are emma + (I+ my #0 and (7+ m)x- (I-m)y #0. (b) Show that if the circle Siastayt edger 2syee' =O cuts the circle Saxtsy742gve2fyecn0 at the ends of a diameter of the circle © S = 0, then 2g? 42/7 c= Que I= A variable circle cuts each of the circles Spastay?-25<0 and Sy av? +y?—2x-dy-1 1 =Oal the ends of a diam- eter, Show that the centre of the variable circle lies on the straight line: x 4 2y +2 =0. (17) (a) Using the identity cos*0 + sin?@ = 1 or otherwise, deterinine the real constants @ and such that cos + sin® @ = @ + b cos 48. Hence or otherwise. (Sketch the graph of y = 8 (cos® x + sin® x), Gi) find the general sotution of the equation

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