The Government & Politics of Pakistan 1977-88

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The Government & Politics of Pakistan


Submitted By:
Muhammad Muneeb Riaz
Submitted To:
Dr. Nasreen Kousar
Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

University of the Punjab, Jhelum Campus

Summary of 1977-1988 Era

1977-1988 era was a Military era. General Zia-Ul-Haq was the Chief Marshal Law

Administrator. General Zia-Ul-Haq's period started on 5 July 1977. When General

Zia-Ul-Haq came into power he promised that he did not came into power to rule

the country and he promised to arrange elections in 90 days, but he did not

arranged elections because he did not want Pakistan People Party to came into

power, which was a united and organized party in the Sindh and Punjab. Zia ruled

Pakistan for 11 years. He arrested Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in murder case of Muhammad

Ahmad Khan Kasuri which happened in 1974 and jailed him. After arresting Zulfiqar

Ali Bhutto, he announced elections and elections again didn’t happen. In 1979,

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged till death. After that Zia announced first Islamic rules

need to be implemented in the country then elections will be held. In 1985,

elections were held and this time elections were not held on party base, but

elections were held on individual candidate base. Before the 1985 elections, Zia-Ul-

Haq presents a referendum in which he extended his Presidential term by five years
by getting 96% votes. In 1985 elections the civil government established, and
Muhammad Khan Junejo became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Pakistan

People Party boycott the government because this government established on non-

party based elections. This government stayed from 1985 to 1988.


• Islamization:

After passing the 8th amendment getting into power Zia-Ul-

Haq attempt to produce a strong and stable government managed by

people committed on Islamic laws. He ignored political process and

therefore, the Islamic laws were very strict to produce strong government.

• Hudood Ordinance:
Zia-Ul-Haq government implemented Hudood

Ordinance. Hudood Ordinance is implemented to restrict some bad things.

The drinkers who were caught while drunk was lashed by the authority,

thieves' hands will be cut down and Zina (fornication) banned. He also

• Nizam-e-Sala'at
He established Nizam-e- Sala'at and did arrangements for

prayers in public offices, schools and other public places

• Zakat System:
The Zia government also ended the interest system and

established Zakat system in which Zakat amount will be automatically

deducted from the bank accounts.

• Majlis-e-Shoora:
Majlis-e-Shoora was also established by the Zia

government which compromises of two houses Senat and National


• Afghan Policy:
Zia-Ul-Haq passed Afghan policy in which Zia played a

leadership role in supporting Afghan mujahadeen against the Soviet-backed

government in Afghanistan.

Zia-Junejo Conflict

1985s government was a civil government. Prime Minister of that government

Junejo supports democracy and he wanted to hold party-based elections in the

country. In 1984 referendum Zia was asked to leave Chief Position and it should be

legalized. At that time the elected assembly should accept him as President of

Pakistan through Assembly legally. He did amendment in 1973 constitution and

increase the power of the President. Zia and Junejo had also conflict on Afghan

policy. Junejo made a report on Afghan war and went against Zia. That’s how their

conflicts were increasing day by day. Zia used his power and dissolved National

Assembly and Provincial Assemblies and announced elections.

Death of Zia-Ul-Haq
ON 17 August 1988 Zia was died in a plane crash. After his death there was an 8 th

amendment in the constitution and according to constitution Ghulam Ishaq Khan

hold the charge of government as Chairman of Senate and General Aslam Baig

became Chief Marshal Law Administrator. Emergency was enforced in the country

and in November 1988 party-based elections were held in the country.

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