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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 321 (2005) 135 – 144

The relationship between egg size and the duration of the

facultative feeding period in marine invertebrate larvae
Benjamin G. Minera,b,T, Lari A. McEdwarda, Larry R. McEdwarda,F
Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8525, United States
Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis, P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, CA 94923-0247, United States
Received 1 November 2004; received in revised form 25 November 2004; accepted 22 January 2005


Feeding larvae of marine invertebrates fuel development from both endogenous egg energy and exogenous energy obtained
from the planktonic environment. Although both sources of energy likely influence certain larval stages, only the effects of
exogenous food have been well studied. Despite the lack of research on the effects of egg size on larval stages, investigators
have hypothesized that egg size influences the duration of the facultative feeding stage—the stage in which larvae can feed but
do not have to because development is still being fueled by egg energy. To test this hypothesis, we investigated six species of
sand dollars with different sized eggs and quantified the duration of the larval facultative feeding period of each species by
comparing when fed and starved larvae diverged in size. Regardless of whether phylogeny was taken into account, the duration
of the facultative feeding period was positively correlated with egg size. We further determined that our conclusions were not
sensitive to either our estimation of the duration of the facultative feeding period, or the branch lengths of the phylogeny we
used. This relationship is likely a result of larger eggs being provisioned with more energy, and may affect how well larvae can
cope with natural variability in food concentrations. Furthermore, our results support an assumption of a theoretical model
developed to understand the evolution of different life-history strategies in marine invertebrate larvae, which suggests that this
relationship has important evolutionary consequences.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Echinoid; Egg size; Feeding; Larvae; Life history; Marine invertebrates; Model; Sand dollar

1. Introduction

Many benthic marine invertebrates possess a

larval stage early in development, and these larvae
T Corresponding author. Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of are morphologically and ecologically diverse within
California, Davis, P.O. Box 247, Bodega Bay, CA 94923-0247,
United States. Tel.: +1 707 875 2038; fax: +1 707 875 2009.
and among phyla (Nielsen, 1995; Young et al.,
E-mail address: (B.G. Miner). 2002). Despite this diversity, there is an obvious
Deceased. dichotomy among species with planktonic larvae.
0022-0981/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
136 B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144

Species typically produce either small eggs that beginning of the obligate feeding stage is probably
develop into larvae that must feed (planktotrophy), influenced by egg size, the end of this stage is
or large eggs that develop into nonfeeding larvae influenced by the amount of exogenous food
(lecithotrophy; Thorson, 1946, 1950). Both types are acquired, and therefore food probably has the
found in almost every animal phylum, and phyloge- greatest effect on the duration of this stage.
netic analyses suggest an evolutionary transition However, the duration of the facultative feeding
between the two types has occurred many times stage might be strongly correlated with egg size,
(Wray, 1996; Duda and Palumbi, 1997; Cunningham, given that the onset of this stage appears to be
1999; Rouse, 2000; McEdward and Miner, 2001). A independent of egg size, yet the end of this stage is
factor that appears to play an important role in this dependent on the amount of maternal reserves
evolutionary transition is the amount of energy available during this stage.
provisioned in an egg. Larvae must have the ability It is also possible that egg size doesn’t affect the
to feed if they develop from a small energy-poor duration of the facultative feeding period, but some
egg. In contrast, nonfeeding larvae can only evolve other aspect of larval development. For example,
when larvae develop from a relatively large energy- larvae that develop from larger eggs might be
rich egg that provides a larva with all the energy greater in size, and because energy was spent on
necessary to complete larval development. building a larger larva, egg size has little or no
The importance of egg size on the evolution and effect on the duration of the facultative feeding
ecology of these two strikingly different strategies period.
prompts the question whether egg size plays an Whether or not egg size affects the duration of the
important ecological or evolutionary role within facultative feeding stage has biological consequen-
either planktotrophic or lecithotrophic strategies. ces. McEdward (1997) developed a model, modified
Herrera et al. (1996), and McEdward and Janies from Vance (1973), which incorporated the facul-
(1997) have suggested that among planktotrophs, tative feeding stage. By incorporating this stage he
egg size might influence the duration of a certain found that an intermediate egg size was optimal
larval stage. There are three general stages during the within planktotrophs—a pattern observed in nature,
development of feeding larvae—the pre-feeding and different from predictions of previous models
stage, the facultative feeding stage, and the obligate (Vance, 1973; Christiansen and Fenchel, 1979;
feeding stage. The pre-feeding stage begins at Roughgarden, 1989). An important assumption made
fertilization and ends when larvae are first able to by McEdward (1997) was that the duration of the
acquire particulate food. The facultative feeding facultative feeding period is related to egg size. If
stage follows the pre-feeding stage, and ends when this assumption is not correct, then the predictions of
egg reserves are exhausted. Thus, during the the model are qualitatively different and inconsistent
facultative feeding stage larvae can feed but do not with nature.
have to (i.e. larvae cannot starve during this stage). To determine whether the duration of the
The obligate feeding stage follows the facultative facultative feeding stage is correlated with egg
feeding stage and ends at metamorphosis. During the size, we quantified the duration of the facultative
obligate feeding stage, larvae must acquire exoge- feeding period in three pairs of closely related
nous food or starve. species of sand dollars that differed in egg size.
Of these three stages, Herrera et al. (1996), and For each species, we measured larvae reared with
McEdward and Janies (1997) argued that the and without food to determine when starved larvae
duration of the facultative feeding stage is likely stopped growing—indicating the exhaustion of
most influenced by egg size. The onset of feeding maternally derived egg reserves and the end of
does not appear to correlate with egg size (Herrera, the facultative feeding period. We then calculated
1998), and thus the duration of the pre-feeding stage the proportion of larval development spent facul-
is likely independent or weakly dependent on egg tatively feeding for each species and tested whether
size. The duration of the obligate feeding stage is it correlated with egg size (with and without
also likely independent of egg size. Although the considering phylogeny).
B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144 137

2. Methods 2.2. Larval morphometrics

2.1. Adult collection and larval rearing Larvae were sampled 24 h after fertilization with
the exception of C. rosaceus, which was sampled 36
Adult sand dollars were collected from shallow h after fertilization. We then measured larvae every
marine habitats around Florida USA during the 12 h with the exception of L. sexiesperforata, which
spring and summer of 1999 and 2000. Clypeaster was sampled every 6 h. L. sexiesperforata develops
rosaceus, Encope aberrans, and Leodia sexiesper- much faster than the other species investigated. For
forata were collected near Long Key, and subsequent all species, both treatments were sampled as follows.
experiments on these species were conducted at the Several larvae were haphazardly pulled from each
Long Key Marine Laboratory. Clypeaster subdepres- beaker of a treatment, pooled, and preserved in 1%
sus and Mellita tenuis were collected near Seahorse formalin. Within 10 h, ten larvae from each treat-
Key. Individuals were brought to the University of ment were haphazardly chosen and their skeletons
Florida, and held in re-circulating tanks for no more measured. The lengths of the following skeletal rods
than a month before adults were spawned and an were measured: postoral arms, posterodorsal arms,
experiment started. anterolateral arms, preoral arms, body rods, ventral
We used a standard protocol (Strathmann, 1987) transverse rods, dorsal transverse rods, and dorsal
to collect gametes from each species. Eggs were arch tail (Fig. 1). With the exception of the dorsal
fertilized and zygotes were reared in 2-L glass arch tail, we present the average of the left and right
beakers with 0.45 Am Millipore-filtered seawater sides of the larva. Because we investigated species
(FSW) until blastulae hatched. Five-hundred blastu- with relatively large eggs, the larvae were very yolky
lae and 1.6 L of FSW were then placed in each of and opaque. To make the tissue transparent for
the six 2-L glass beakers. Natural seawater collected measuring the skeleton, we used the following
from the Atlantic Ocean, near the Whitney Marine procedure. We put larvae through 3 ethanol (EtOH)
Laboratory, was used for all experiments. Three of washes (70, 90, and 100% EtOH). After larvae were
the six beakers were randomly assigned to a fed dehydrated, they were placed in clove oil. The
treatment and the other 3 beakers to a starved density of clove oil is similar to lipid, and makes
treatment. Larvae in the fed treatment were given 6 larvae transparent. This process does not affect the
cells AL1 of the unicellular alga Dunaliella tertio- length of the larval skeleton. For accuracy, we
lecta. To clean a beaker, we removed 90% of the
water by siphoning water through NytexR mesh (45
Am). This mesh size allowed us to remove the food
99 33
yet retain the larvae in a beaker. We poured the 11
remaining water and larvae into a clean 2-L beaker
and refilled it to 1.6 L with FSW. All beakers were
cleaned every 2 days. Immediately after each water
change, we added food to the beakers of the fed 10
For larval food, we reared the alga D. tertiolecta in 11
f/2 algal medium. Just before each larval feeding, we
measured the density of an algal culture in log-phase 22
growth with a hemocytometer, and calculated the 77
amount of algal culture needed. We removed the algal
growth medium by centrifuging the algal culture, 44
decanting the supernatant, and re-suspending the
Fig. 1. Larval skeletal measurements: (1–2) postoral arm rod, (6–7)
algae in a known amount of FSW. The approximate posterodorsal arm rod, (9–10) preoral arm rod, (2–3) anterolateral
number of algal cells was then added to the arm rod, (2–4) body rod, (2–5) ventral transverse rod, (7–8) dorsal
appropriate larval beakers. transverse rod, and (10–11) dorsal arch tail.
138 B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144

measured larvae in 3 dimensions with a light (because different rods start and stop growing at
microscope (20) equipped with differential inter- different points during larval development); and
ference contrast (McEdward, 1985). since we expect species to diverge at different larval
stages, we feel PC1 scores provide a consistent way
2.3. Estimating the duration of the facultative period to detect divergence in all species. A T-test was
performed to determine whether the two treatments
The length of the facultative feeding period was differed in PC1 scores (i.e. size) at each sample date
measured as the time from fertilization to diver- for each species. For a species, divergence was
gence between the fed and starved treatments. This assessed only if the two following conditions were
estimate is based on the argument that development met: (1) there was a significant difference between
rate should decrease in starved larvae when they the two treatments, and (2) all subsequent sampling
run out of egg energy. However, the allometric dates were also significant. Condition 2 decreases the
growth of larval characters was unknown, so we risk of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis of no
compared the larval skeleton size between starved difference between treatments. Divergence time for
and fed larvae to determine when starved larvae each species was assumed to occur sometime
stopped growing. Additionally, our estimate of the between the first sampling date that met both
facultative period includes the pre-feeding period conditions (upper estimate), and the preceding date
because we were not able to observe when larvae (lower estimate). We used these estimates of
of each species began to feed—clove oil also makes divergence time to estimate the length of the
algal cells transparent. Instead, we used fertilization facultative feeding period (h). To complement these
as the beginning of the facultative period, even estimates, we also estimated the length of the
though this overestimates the duration of the facultative feeding period with a percent difference
facultative period. We decided to use this estimate between treatments (as opposed to a statistical
for several reasons. In species with plutei, the onset estimate of divergence, which is influenced by the
of feeding occurs when larvae develop a second variance in a treatment). With the percent different
pair of arms (i.e. 4-arm stage), and the rate of approach, divergence was considered to have
development at which larvae reach this stage has occurred when larvae from the fed treatment were
been shown not to correlate with egg size, but with 25% larger than larvae from the starved treatment.
development time (Herrera, 1998). Thus, by analyz- To do this we back-calculated the factor scores from
ing the proportion of development spent faculta- PC1 to the original units. Because the results from
tively feeding (see below), our overestimate of the both approaches (the statistical and percent diver-
facultative period only affects the intercept of the gence) were very similar, we have just presented the
regression (which is not tested with Independent statistical divergence because it was the more
Contrasts analysis), and not the significance or conservative of the two.
slope of our analyses. For each species, the proportion of larval develop-
We determined when fed and starved larvae ment spent facultatively feeding–abbreviated as
diverged in size as follows. For each species, we PDFF–was then calculated in order to facilitate
performed a Principal Component analysis (PCA) on comparisons among species. Because larvae of each
the log-transformed data, and used the principal species develop at different rates, we divided the end
component scores from the first principal component of the facultative period (h) by the total length of
axis (PC1) to test for differences in larval skeleton larval development (h) for each species. The total
size between the fed and starved treatments. The length of larval development for a species was taken
PC1 scores provide an estimate of overall larval size, from our experiments or the literature.
and incorporate information from all the skeletal rods
providing us with a better estimate of size as 2.4. Statistical analyses
compared to any one skeletal rod measurement. In
addition, any single skeletal rod only provides Without considering phylogeny, we first tested
information on size for a proportion of larval life whether egg volume and the PDFF were correlated.
B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144 139

v1 each tree. For a given tree, we randomly assigned each

v7 M. tenuis
v2 branch a length N0 and V1, while constraining
v10 L. sexiesperforata branches that diverged from a common ancestor to
v3 be equal. We then compared the slope and p-value
v8 E. aberrans
v4 estimated when all branch lengths were equal to 1
E. michelini with the distribution of slopes and p-values estimated
v5 when branch lengths differed. We further examined
v9 C. subdepressus
v6 which branches had a relatively large effect on the
C. rosaceus significance or slope of the relationship by plotting the
length of each branch against the p-value or slope.
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationship among the six species investigated
(based on Mooi, 1987, 1990). In addition to the uncertainty surrounding branch
lengths, our estimates of the PDFF also have a
Egg volume was calculated with the following relatively large amount of uncertainty, and might be
equation. any value between the upper and lower estimate.
Thus, we also investigated whether our results were
volume ¼ d diameter3 sensitive to the PDFF estimate. To do this, we
6 randomly chose values between the upper and lower
We calculated the midpoint between the lower and estimate from a uniform distribution for each species,
upper estimate of the PDFF for each species, and and performed an independent contrasts analysis with
performed a linear regression analysis (PDFF vs. egg an equally branched tree (our results suggest that our
volume). Although we were unable to get embryos conclusions are not sensitive to the assumption of
from Encope michelini, Eckert (1995) provided the equal branch lengths). We repeated this 10,000 times
needed data to calculate the PDFF, and we included to generate distributions of p-values and slopes, and
this species in our analysis. compared these distributions with the results gener-
To take phylogeny into account, we estimated the ated when we assumed the PDFF ended midway
relationship between PDFF and egg volume with an between the lower and upper estimates.
Independent Contrasts analysis (Felsenstein, 1985).
The phylogenetic tree we used was taken from Mooi
(1987, 1990) (Fig. 2). We could not find information 3. Results
on the branch lengths, so we initially made the
assumption that all branch lengths were equal and The first principle component (PC1) captured over
assigned each branch a value of 1. The contrasts were half the variance in data for all species except L.
calculated on the raw data because the relationship sexiesperforata (Table 1). In addition the factor
between egg volume and PDFF appears linear, an loadings were mostly large and positive indicating
important assumption of independent contrasts anal- that PC1 represents the general size of the larval
ysis (Quader et al., 2004), and there is no biological skeleton (Table 2). The small or negative loadings on
expectation that this relationship is not linear. We PC1 for the body rod and the ventral transverse rod
analyzed the contrasts with a linear regression through are because these rods either stop growing early in
the origin to determine whether there was a significant development or are re-absorbed during development.
positive relationship between the contrasts for egg
volume and PDFF, which indicates a positive relation- Table 1
ship between the original variables. Percent variance explained by PC1, PC2, and PC3-8
Because there is a large amount of uncertainty Species PC1 PC2 PC3-8
associated with each branch length, we tested whether Mellita tenuis 52 19 29
trees with different branch lengths produced different Leodia sexiesperforata 41 18 41
results. We randomly generated 10,000 trees with Encope aberrans 58 15 27
branches of different lengths (but the same topology), Clypeaster subdepressus 61 15 24
and performed an independent contrast analysis on Clypeaster rosaceus 65 13 22
140 B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144

Table 2
Factor loadings for PC1
Skeletal rod Mellita tenuis Leodia sexiesperforata Encope aberrans Clypeaster subdepressus Clypeaster rosaceus
Postoral arm rod 0.864 0.452 0.753 0.532 0.877
Body rod 0.116 0.586 0.410 0.117 0.107
Ventral transverse rod 0.207 0.720 0.049 0.787 0.537
Anterolateral arm rod 0.940 0.703 0.902 0.701 0.975
Dorsal arch tail 0.777 0.699 0.862 0.661 0.757
Dorsal arch 0.940 0.785 0.949 0.790 0.948
Posterodorsal arm rod 0.930 0.881 0.935 0.845 0.954
Dorsal transverse rod 0.911 0.821 0.734 0.325 0.892

The fed and the starved treatments diverged in all For the situation where we randomly generated
species except C. rosaceus (Fig. 3). The lack of trees with different branch lengths, we found that
divergence in C. rosaceus was expected because 96.8% of the trees resulted in a significant positive
previous work on C. rosaceus demonstrated that the relationship between the PDFF and egg size
length of larval development is not affected by food (alpha=0.05; Fig. 7A). The distribution of slopes
(Emlet, 1986). The end of the facultative feeding indicated a wide range of possible slopes from 79.1 to
period ranged from 2 days to 7 days, which translated 146.6 (Fig. 7B). However, there was an obvious peak
into a range of the PDFF between 0.14 (C. sub- at 106. The bClypeasterQ branch (v9; Fig. 2) was the
depressus) and 1.0 (C. rosaceus; Table 3). In other only branch that had an obvious affect on the
words, 14% to 100% of larval development is spent significance of the results. The more recently the
facultatively feeding. two Clypeaster species diverged, the smaller the p-
Egg volume and the PDFF were positively value (Figure not shown).
correlated, regardless of whether or not phylogeny
was accounted for. The analysis of the original
variables, which did not consider phylogeny, indicated 4. Discussion
that the intercept was not significantly different from
zero, whereas the slope was significantly greater than There was a positive correlation between the
zero (intercept=0.045, p=0.41; slope=92.06, pb0.001; proportion of larval development spent facultatively
r-squared=0.96). The analysis on the contrasts, which feeding (PDFF) and egg volume, regardless of
considered phylogeny, also indicated that the slope whether or not we considered phylogeny. In addition,
was significantly greater than zero (slope=97.55, this result was robust to the uncertainty in our
p=0.002; r-squared=0.97; Fig. 4). estimation of the PDFF, and the uncertainty in the
When we randomly generated values of the PDFF length of phylogenetic branches.
between the upper and lower estimates, we always Our results support the assumption made by
found a significant positive relationship between the McEdward (1997) that the length of the facultative
PDFF and egg size (alpha=0.05; Fig. 5). Our feeding period is correlated with egg size. The
estimation of the slope from the independent contrasts McEdward (1997) model indicated that including a
analysis (which was 97.55) matched well with the facultative period in development resulted in a shift in
generated distribution of independent contrasts slopes the optimal egg size predicted by fecundity–time
(normally distributed with a mean of 97.57 and a models (i.e. optimum at the boundary between
variance of 1.3; Fig. 6A). However, our estimation of planktotrophy and lecithotrophy, s=1) to a smaller
the slope using the original variables (which was optimal egg size (sb1). McEdward (1997) suggested
92.06) fell outside and was less than the generated that this might explain why an intermediate egg size
distribution of slopes calculated from the original for planktotrophs is most common in nature.
variables (normally distributed with a mean of 99.3 Although we demonstrate that one assumption of
and a variance of 1.2; Fig. 6B). the McEdward (1997) model is supported, other
B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144 141

* *
2 2
C. subdepressus C. rosaceus
1 * * 1

0 0
-1 -1
-2 Starved -2

-3 -3
24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 24 48 72 96 120

* * 2
M. tenuis
* L. sexiesperforata *
Factor score for PC1

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3
24 36 48 60 72 84 30 36 42 48 54 60

E. aberrans *
1 * * * *



24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108

Time (hrs)
Fig. 3. Graph of divergence times. For each of the five species, factor scores of the first principle component axis (PC1) vs. time for fed and
starved larvae. Asterisks indicate when treatments differed, and arrows indicate our estimate of the end of the facultative feeding period. Error
bars representFone standard error.

assumptions still require empirical testing, or have of the relationship. It would therefore be interesting
been shown to be violated. McEdward (1997) to see how changes in the shape of the relationship
assumed that all the basic underlying relationships between the PDFF and egg size affect the predictions
were linear. Although, our data suggest the relation- of McEdward’s (1997) model. If they do, then
ship between the PDFF and egg size is linear, the further empirical data will be needed to parameterize
relationship was estimated with only 5 data points the model. Furthermore, Levitan (2000) demonstra-
and does not provide strong evidence for the shape ted that a non-linear relationship between develop-
142 B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144

Table 3 There are several possible proximate explanations

Egg size data, and the estimates of the facultative feeding period for for the correlation between the PDFF and egg size.
the six species used in our analyses
One hypothesis is that an increase in the amount of
Species Egg Time to End of PDFF
egg energy fuels a longer PDFF. Egg energy and egg
diameter metamorphosis fac (h)
(Am) (d) size are positively correlated among species in
echinoderms (Jaeckle, 1995; McEdward and Morgan,
Mellita tenuis 125 10 48–60 0.2–0.25
Leodia 200 5 54–60 0.45–0.5 2001), and thus larger eggs have more energy. Both
sexiesperforata the increase in egg energy and the increase in the
Encope 175 14 72–120 0.214–0.357 PDFF with egg size suggest that there is a causal link
michelini a between egg energy and the PDFF. A second
Encope aberrans 190 7b 48–60 0.286–0.357
hypothesis is that individuals with a longer PDFF
Clypeaster 165 18c 60–72 0.139–0.167
subdepressus produce smaller larvae. Energy is saved by producing
Clypeaster 270 7c 168c 1.0 a smaller larva, and the energy saved fuels a longer
rosaceus PDFF. A third hypothesis is that individuals with a
Values for the last two columns indicate the lower and upper longer PDFF produce smaller juveniles. By producing
estimates. Egg diameters were calculated from 2 females (n=25) for a smaller juvenile, larvae would require less energy to
each female. metamorphose and the duration of the obligate
Data from Eckert, 1995.
Data from Herrera, 1998.
feeding period would be reduced. The reduction in
Data from Emlet, 1986. the obligate feeding period would result in an increase
in the PDFF. However, qualitatively there is no
indication that the PDFF is correlated with larval or
ment time and egg size can also affect the optimal
egg size, and thus provides an alternative explanation
for why an intermediate egg size is most common 800 A
among planktotrophs. Given that both models,
McEdward (1997) and Levitan (2000), provide 600
important but different mechanistic explanations for
why intermediate egg sizes are favored among 400
planktotrophs, future models should include both
facultative feeding (not incorporated in the Levitan

model) and the observed non-linearity in the relation-

ship between development time and egg size (not
incorporated in the McEdward model). B

Contrasts for proportion of

facultative period


0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

-0.2 Fig. 5. Sensitivity of significance to our estimate of the PDFF. A

-0.003 -0.001 0.001 0.003 0.005 frequency distribution of p-values calculated from (A) an inde-
Contrasts for egg volume (ml) pendent contrasts analysis, or (B) a regression analysis of the raw
data for 10,000 generated data sets. For each data set, values of the
Fig. 4. Independent contrasts analysis. Contrasts for the PDFF vs. PDFF were randomly generated between the upper and lower PDFF
contrasts for egg size. estimates.
B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144 143

juvenile size (Levitan, 2000), making the last two 30

hypotheses unlikely. A
There are important ecological and evolutionary
consequences for larvae with different durations of 20
facultative feeding. Larvae can acquire needed food 15
during either the facultative feeding period or the
obligate feeding period. Changes in the PDFF there-

Frequency (hundreds)
fore affect the amount of food that is required to 5
metamorphose, but not the time in which larvae can 0
capture food. This means that changes in the PDFF 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
affect the rate at which larvae need to acquire food.
This may be important for plutei because food is 12
temporally and spatially variable and plutei vertically B
migrate dielly (Pennington and Emlet, 1986). As a 10
result plutei almost certainly experience variable food 8
concentrations within a larva’s life. Species with
longer facultative feeding periods might therefore be
able to survive when food is more variable. 4
The facultative feeding period might also have 2
important consequences for postlarval stages. Clearly,
80 100 120 140
800 A Slope

Fig. 7. Sensitivity to phylogenetic branch length. A frequency

600 distribution of the (A) slope and (B) p-value for 10,000 randomly
generated phylogenies with different branch lengths.

in the case of feeding larvae where the facultative

feeding period represents nearly the entire time from

the pre-feeding stage to metamorphosis, feeding does

0 not have a large effect on development time, but
might affect juvenile performance (Emlet and Hoegh-
800 B Guldberg, 1997; Moran and Emlet, 2001; Phillips,
2002). Larvae with a longer PDFF will use less
600 exogenous energy to complete larval development and
have more energy to spend as a juvenile. Incorporat-
400 ing possible postlarval advantages associated with the
PDFF into recent fecundity–time models might
200 provide insights into the advantages of large lecitho-
trophic eggs.
94 96 98 100 102
Fig. 6. Sensitivity of the slope to our estimate of the PDFF. A
frequency distribution of the slope calculated from (A) an We would like to thank J. Cowart, A. Heyland, C.
independent contrasts analysis, or (B) a regression analysis of the
raw data for 10,000 generated data sets. For each data set, values of
Miles, A. Reitzel, T. Edward, and B. Walling for help
the PDFF were randomly generated between the upper and lower with data collection, and M. Miner, A. Mace, J.
PDFF estimates. Shinen, and S. Morgan for comments on the manu-
144 B.G. Miner et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 321 (2005) 135–144

script. The manuscript was further improved by D. McEdward, L.R., 1997. Reproductive strategies of marine benthic
Levitan’s review and suggestions. This work was invertebrates revisited: facultative feeding by planktotrophic
larvae. Am. Nat. 150, 48 – 72.
supported by a NSF grant to L. McEdward (OCE McEdward, L.R., Janies, D.A., 1997. Relationships among develop-
9819593), and a NSF grant to S. Morgan and B. ment, ecology, and morphology in the evolution of echinoderm
Miner (OCE 0325028). Contribution number 2228, larvae and life cycles. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 60, 381 – 400.
Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, McEdward, L.R., Miner, B.G., 2001. Larval and life cycle patterns
in echinoderms. Can. J. Zool. 79, 1125 – 1170.
Davis. [SS]
McEdward, L.R., Morgan, K.H., 2001. Interspecific relationships
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