PICST - 2016 - A Network Load Balancing Algorithm

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A network load balancing algorithm for

overlay-based SDN solutions
Tkachova Olena Abdulghafoor Raed Yahya
Ph.D., Telecommunication system Postgraduate student, Telecommunication system
Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications
Nauki Avenue, 14, Kharkov, Ukraine named after O.S. Popov
tel/fax: +380 57 702 13 20 Kuznechnaya street 1, Odessa, Ukraine tel./phone: +38 048 723 23 44

Hassan Mohamed Muhi-Aldeen

Postgraduate student, Telecommunication system
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Shevchenko avenue, 1, Odessa, Ukraine
tel./phone: +38 048 705 83 02

Abstract — Overlay solutions of SDN-based networks the physical network as needed, without changing
became very popular. Controller as a centralized anything on the virtual level.
management devices gather information about
The analysis of existing solutions [5, 6] and
network topology and current network state. Overlay
specification shows that for today the SDN concept have
network have a lot benefits however the using of
not strict requirements of load balancing and traffic
classical traffic engineering principles for traffic
distribution [7]. The lack of traffic engineering
management in Software-Defined Network is becoming
mechanisms such as load balancing algorithms, task
problem. The physical network does not automatically
scheduling and routing mechanisms raises the problem
adapt to the changes. As the overlay-based networks
connected with performance of overlay network solutions.
grow and requires more resources. The management
mechanism - network load balancing algorithm - that
take into account centralized structure and II. LOAD BALANCING ALGORITHM FOR SOFTWARE-
heterogeneous traffic nature of Software-Defined DEFINED NETWORK
Network is proposed in the paper. The main task that need to be solved for provision high
performance and efficiency of Software-Defined Network
Keywords— Software-Defined Networking; overlay; load infrastructure is optimal distribution of network and
balancing algorithm; adjacency matrix computing resources. The solution of this task should take
into account the optimal distribution such network
characteristics as channels throughput and compute node
The main goal of Software-Defined Networking
Formally, the task of optimal distributing the channels
(SDN) concept is simplify the functionality and services
throughput can be represented as follow:
delivery due to decoupling network infrastructure into two
logical layers: data plane and control plan. The data Q( IN ,{Th ini ...Th inj }) → max , (1)
forwarding and services delivery is totally managed by
control layer [1, 2]. Many SDN architecture solutions are
where Q() is optimization function,  IN is total input
based on principles of network overlay. Implementation of
SDN as an overlay network is based on virtual switches {Thini ...Thinj}
data flow, is channels throughput, СP is
and tunneling protocols (VXLAN, NVGRE, etc.). The
basic idea is network overlay due to using tuned software policy of traffic distribution. The end goal of traffic
switches on the servers, where the virtual machine are distribution task can be represent as:
running [3, 4].  IN → max | Th ini ...Th outj . (2)
Implementation of SDN as an overlay network allows
separate virtual network topology and configuration from The formalization (2) is achieved by the primary
the physical network topology. The virtual network creates choice of channel with a maximum throughput for highest
the path and forward data between virtual components, priority data flow and ranging the rest channel according
physical network only delivers packets to destination next principle: less traffic priority to the less throughput.
node. This approach allows rebuilding and modernizing The Edmonds-Karp algorithm [8] and maximum

2016 Third International Scientific-Practical Conference

Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology PIC S&T`2016

throughput scheduling algorithm [9] are laying in the basis 0,  p inp12 ,  p inp13 ,... p inp1M 
of proposed load balancing algorithm. The proposed  p 
 , 0,  pinp23 ,... pinp2M 
algorithm include next steps: M p inp =  inp21 
......................... 
1. Controller executes topology discovery and  p 
 inpM1 ,  inpM2 ,  inpM3 ,...0 
p p

gathering network statistic of overlay network. The LLDP

is used for current topology detection and SNMP is used Matrix M p inp indicates the intensity of non-priority
for statistic gathering [10].
incoming data flow:
2. An “adjacency matrix” construction. The 0,  np inp12 ,  npinp13 ,... npinp1M 
“adjacency matrix” includes all possible relationships  np 
between set of computation nodes N  that belong to  , 0,  npinp23 ,... npinp2M  .
M np inp =  inp21 
overlay network. The rows and columns of the matrix ......................... 
correspond to computation nodes (VM), 1  N i  M .  np 
 inpM1 ,  inpM2 ,  inpM3 ,...0 
np np

3. The construction of “adjacency matrix” are The total flow of incoming traffic is defined as
corresponding to the rule: if the link between nodes exist inpij = pinpij +  npinpij , where  p inpij is high priority
the interception between them match as “1”, if the link is
absent the interception symbol is “0”. Only those channels incoming data,  npinpij is non-priority incoming data.
of communication are considered in the future work of the
algorithm, the value of which in the matrix is equal “1”, 5. Traffic distribution between nodes N i and N j
Chij = 1 . according to the weight of link in overlay network.
Firstly, the channel with maximal available throughput
4. Weight Determination and scheduling of traffic between nodes N i and N j is defined. Both direct channel
distributing. Two additional matrices are built on basic of
primary adjacency matrix M. and bypass channel can be chosen. Then the ratio of
incoming data flow intensity to throughput is evaluated.
First matrix M1 interprets the current throughput of The conclusion about possibility to use the channels for
network channels: if the link between nodes N i and N j priority data flow bases on next formalisms:

exists the meaning Chij = 1 changes to the current value of Ch iсij
  1, Ch сij is overloaded
current throughput of channels.  inpij

Ch iсij
0, c12 , c13 ,...c1M    1, Ch сij is oloaded , (3)
   inpij
c , 0, c13 ,...c 2M  , 
M1 =  21 Ch iс
......................... 
   ij
 Th сij , underloaded
  inpij
c M1 , c M 2 , c M3 ,...0 
where Th сij is current threshold value for possible
The interception of rows and columns of matrix M 2
interprets the maximum bandwidth of channel for overlay channel load.
network. 6. The calculation of the residual channel resource.
0, C12 , C13 ,...C1M  The calculation of residual bandwidth of chosen
  channel bases on the collected statistics according to the
C , 0, C13 ,...C2M  ,
M 2 =  21 next rules:
......................... 
 
CM1 , C M 2 , C M3 ,...0 
 n

cij −  ij (t s ) | ij (t s )  cij

p p

where M is total amount of nodes that belong to Th сij =  i, j=1 , (4)

overlay network. 0,  p (t ) = c
 ij s ij
4.1 The weight of peer-to-peer channels and bypass
channels between nodes N i and N j are determining. where Th сij is threshold value for the chosen channel.
4.2 Separation the incoming data flow according to the Let’s assume that incoming traffic flows, which can be
priority. In proposed algorithm proposed to separate divided into two classes of service, arrives in the time t s .
incoming data flow to priority (real time services such as
voice, video, games) and non-priority. Two new matrices The priority flow pinp (t s ) = { pinp1 (t s ),...,  pinpj (t s )} and
that indicate the intensity of incoming flow. Matrix M p inp non-priority flownpinp (t s ) = {npinp1 (t s ),..., npinpj (t s )} .
indicates the intensity of incoming data flow with high Controller determines the unloaded channel and checks
priority: the possibility high priority data through this channel:

PIC S&T`2016 October 4-6, 2016 Kharkiv, Ukraine


Ch iсij (t s ) - if the statement (2) is false, another channel should be

1. (5) selected. The stages 2-4 doing recursively to find unloaded
 p
inpij (t s )
channel between nodes N i and N j .
- if the statement (2) is true the incoming data flow is
transmitted through the channel Ch сij during time interval The maximal value of load in the chosen channel are
calculated as follows:
 t . The residual bandwidth of this channel is determined
as follows: n  npinpij (t s )
Сijmax (t s ) =   pinpij (t s ) + . (8)
Ch iсij −  pinpij (t s ) = Ch iсij (t s ) . (6) i =1 k
Two cases are considered. In the first case each node
The value of non-priority data flow that can receives traffic equal intensity for all available directions.
transmitted through channel Ch iсij during time t s , The part of the total load being the sum of loads along the
Ch iсij (t s ) , is calculated. lines depends on the number of nodes in the overlay that
must be considered when interpreting the results. In the
- if Ch riij (t s )   npinpij (t s ) the non-priority data flow latter case, each node receives the incoming traffic to only
two adjacent nodes, thus preserving, the constant total
can be transmitted through same channel. The possible incoming load for each node in various overlays.
value of non-priority data flow calculated as follows:
The proposed algorithm give ability to track the
 np inpij (t s ) current state of the network and respond to changes in
AL = , (7) real-time. In this way application of the proposed
algorithm allows to avoid channel overload, because the
where k is load factor, it is using for limitation of total residual value of channel bandwidth are lived as reserved.
channel load in overlay network and give possibility to use
the channel as reserved. REFERENCES
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Fig. 1. Flow chart of proposed network load balancing algorithm

PIC S&T`2016
2016 Third International Scientific-Practical Conference
Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology

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