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A Method of Resource Distruburion Analysis of

NFV Technological Solution Based on Formal
Grammar and Languages
Olena Tkachova Mohammed Jamal Salim
Telecommunication system department Telecommunication system department
Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications
named after O.S. Popov
Kharkov, Ukraine Odessa, Ukraine

Abstract—The paper is devoted to solving the problem of of realization NFVI solution to specification requirements,
developing new and improving existing methods of NFV as method that help to eliminate there type of errors is
technological solutions analysis on the earlier stages of proposed to implement as a sub stage of realization
developing process. A method of analysis functional and non process. A lot of methods of analysis of communication
functional requirements of NFV infrastructure realization is network realization solution are existing today, but there
proposed. The proposed method bases on mathematical methods have disadvantages as possibility to analyze only
modelling approach. E-network is use as tool for NFV implemented network solution [4], restriction amount of
behavioural modelling. The regular formal grammar is use founded errors [5], material and time costs [6]. Finding the
for analysis such properties as reachability, boundedness,
solution that allows to eliminate these disadvantages during
liveness, and persistence of E-network of NFV realization
model. The algorithm of P-type language generation is
development process of NFV technology is an actual
proposed in the paper. problem.

Keywords— NFV infrastructure; E-nerwork; formal II. MATHEMATICAL TOOLS FOR NFVI TECHNICAL
grammar; behavior analysis; orchesrtation SOLUTION MODELING

I. INTRODUCTION A. E-network tool for NFV behavioral modelling

Efficiency of service provision through NFV Mathematical modeling is one of the approach that give
infrastructure (NFVI) is greatly depend on administrative ability to perform behavioral analysis, especially the
and management decisions of MANO. MANO includes a analysis of availability of functional and non-functional
several component that seamlessly communicate with each requirements [4]. The apparatus of E-network is proposed
other. Final management decision of MANO depends on to use as a modelling tool. Choice of E-network is caused
QoS requirements imposed to the NFVI for service by the following advantages: ability of parallel process
providing. These requirements are laid down in the SLA modeling both synchronous and asynchronous nature, the
and can be divided into two classes [1, 2]: management places existing, ability to use different level of
models detalisation, universal approach. Analysis and
estimation of algorithmic features of E-network as
 Functional. The functional requirements determine
reachability, boundedness, liveness, and persistence are
behavior of both virtual network infrastructure and
used as a basic of behavior analysis that evaluates
separate computation nodes according that
compliance functional and non-functional requirement of
guarantees implementation of the required set of
specification, of NFVI solutions.
According to the E-network behavior rules the
 Non functional. The non functional requirements transitions from one vertices-state to another vertices-state
determine the private features of virtual is carried out by labels translation. The theory of formal
infrastructure components. As a rule, the private grammars is one of the methods of translation rules
features are quantity characteristics: counters of formalization. The regular formal grammars give ability to
actions and time counter, quantity characteristics of describe the chronological sequence of vertices-state
thresholds that lead to the changes in operation activity due to symbolic formalization.
B. Use of regulal formall gramars as a tool of behavior
As practical implementation shows, the mistakes made analysis of E-network
during process of realization NFVI solution, such as
assembling errors or logical errors in programming code, The regular formal grammar [7, 8] that describes
can lead to critical situation in the virtualized network possible variant of E-network model behavior is defined as
operation: failure of services, denial of service, data theft follows:
take place in these situations. An analysis of the conformity G  (Vt , N,Tr, M) , (1)

PIC S&T`2016 October 4-6, 2016 Kharkiv, Ukraine

978-1-5090-2978-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
where the set of terminal symbols Vt is a set of NFV The pseudo code of proposed algorithm is shown
infrastructure states, which are modeled by of analyzed below:
models {A, B,C...Z}  Vt , A, B, C...Z is a symbols that set str[ ] = {S1,S2,…Sn}
describe the vertices-state; N is non-empty finite set of if length.str[Si]=0 and Si  Sn, Sn {N} do
non-terminal symbols, Vt  N  0 . The set of non-
terminal symbols N consist from the next elements of
Si=str_init[] length.str_init[]++
models: {Tr,r(x), ","}  N , where management place r(x) return str_init[]
includes the set of attribute, that affect to the transition else length.str[Si]≠0 and
rules, Tr is the symbol that identify the transition-state Sj  ,Sn |   Sn, Sn {N} do
( T, J, F, MX, MY ), "," is the splitting symbol, M is the Si=str_fin[] length.str_fin[]++
initial symbols of language chain, the vertices-state
corresponded to the initial makeup of E-network models.
return str_fin[]
To minimize the cost of computing resources for
analysis of algorithmic properties of E-networks is for each state Si =init and Sj  length.str[] do
proposed to use the P-type formal language [7, 8]. if Si  Sj  Sj  1;Sj  1  ,Sn |   Sn, Sn {Vt }
Choosing the P-type formal language is
match Sj  1 as current vertices-state and find
The choice of P-type language caused by sufficient set active transition-state Ta
of state space model and study the possibility of the
formation of language chains (include the deadlock if Ta {MY} and L(P)[]>1 do
vertices-state). procedure COMPELER
P-type language is characterized by the following L  P  : Si  (Sj,Sj  1  ,Sn) || (Sk,Sk  1  ,Sm) | Sn,Sm {Sf }
Sk,Sk  1{Vt }
formalism: L(C)  {()   |  T and always exist

(,) } and can be defined as follows [9]: if Ta {F} do

procedure COMPELER
L(Р)  (s 0  |   Vt , (s, )  (N  Vt )* ) , (2) L  P  : Si  (Sj,Sj  1  ,Sn)  (Sk,Sk  1  ,Sm) | Sn,Sm  {Sf }
Algorithm of P-type language generation is a top-down Sk,Sk  1{Vt }
construction algorithm that founded on mixing of language else Ta {MX, J,T}
chains productions principles and rules of label translation
in E-network [4, 6, 9]. The proposed algorithm includes procedure COMPLETER grammar chain
following steps: L(P)[], L  P  : Si  Sj,Sj  1  ,Sn | Sn {Vt }
1. Determination of the set of alphabet symbols Length.L(P)[]++
{ Vt } that belong to analyzed E-network model. end
2. Determination the set of initial symbols if Sj  Sj  1;Sj  1  Sn | Sn  e , Sj  1 =final
[ Si ], Si {Vt } that correspond to the initial makeup of vertices-state
analyzed E-network model. procedure COMPLETER grammar chain
3. Determination the set of final symbols L(P)[], L  P  : Si  Sj,Sj  1| Sn {Vt }
[ S f ], S f  {Vt } that correspond to the variants of final return L(P)[]
makeups of analyzed E-network model. else all grammar chain is found
4. To set the potentially active transition-states for return set of L(P)[]
all Si : N, N  (Vnt ) . The type of each active transition is end
determined as T, J, F, MX, MY . end
5. The concatenation of “pairs of symbols” are C. Practical implementation of proposed algorithm
determined as SiSi 1 . The concatenation possible only if As example proposed to analyze the process of
Si  Si 1 , Ni is active. orchestration of the virtualized resources of the network
infrastructure [1]. The E-network model corresponded to
6. Implemented a series connection of pairs of the orchestration process is depicted on Figure 1.
characters. The concatenation possible only if
si ,si 1  s j ,s j1 | s js j1  {Vt } . The E-network is determines the next sequence of
7. Completion of language chain P(L) that belong  end user initialized request of service provision -
to analyzed E-network model. Do this operator recursively vertices-state C:req;
while [ Sf ] not empty.
 request is modified by Serive controller - vertices-
state SC:mod req);

2016 Third International Scientific-Practical Conference

Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology PIC S&T`2016
 orchestrator created request to resource allocation - 3. Alphabet of analyzes E-network model include
vertices-state SO: req allocate; next set of symbols: [S]={C:req, SC:mod req, SO:req
allocate, S&FR:N monitoring, NRC:Static, NRC: dynamic,
 two management element at the same time monitor S&FR:N response, VNFM:VN monitoring , VNFM: resp,
possible resources vertices-state S&FR:N SO:des, SO: resp, NRC path selection, SO: resp path}
monitoring and VN monitoring;
4. P-type language that characterized the behavior of
 the Service & Functions Registry determine static analized E-network includes following output chains:
configuration, NRC: Static then S&FR: N responce
and possible dynamic configuration vertices-state L1 (P)  (C:req, SC:mod req, SO:req allocate, S&FR:N
NRC: dynamic. monitoring, (NRC:Static, S&FR:N
response)  (VNFM:VN monitoring, VNFM: resp),
 VNF manager performs monitoring virtualized
SO:des, SO: resp, NRC path selection, SO: resp path.
network architecture - VNFM: VN monitoring,
after the virtual networkis configure VNF L2 (P)  (C:req, SC:mod req, SO:req allocate, S&FR:N
generates response to orchestrator - VNFM: resp; monitoring, (NRC:Static, S&FR:N
 on basic of received information orchestrator response)  (VNFM:VN monitoring, VNFM: resp),
makes a final management decision-SO: des and SO:des, SO: resp, NRC path selection, SO: resp path.
create route response (SO: resp), The analysis of obtained chronological chain of P-type
 NRC find route vertices-state NRC path selection, language shows that two variant of orchestration process
are existing. The chain L1 (P) corresponds virtual network
 orchestrator creates final response with route configuration based on static route (reserved IP-addresses
information SO: resp path.
for VMs, strict instance restrictions), L2 (P) allows the
dynamical changes in virtual network configuration. Both
chains L1 (P) and L2 (P) include the complex condition for
SO:des state activation.

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PIC S&T`2016 October 4-6, 2016 Kharkiv, Ukraine

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