Declamation Piece

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(Mother, are you there?)

Mother, are you there? Mother, I'm home. Here, I brought you the bread you requested.
Where are you?
Please answer.
Oh, where could she be? I went upstairs, to Mother's bedroom. She must be tired. Still in
bed at 6 pm? Gosh.
I opened the door... only to see Mother lying on the floor. Her blue eyes are closed. Her
wrist had a HUGE cut! Nooo! MOTHER! Mother, wake up! WAKE UP! Please? I'm too young
to lose a mother.
Mom... mom... mom...*sobs* Mother is dead. *sobs*
Now who will watch over me? Who? My father? NO! NOT MY FATHER! He left us for
another woman. A model! A twenty-year-old Brazilian model who does not look nice, kind or
worthy of my trust. She and Father met, I don't know, eight months
ago and since then became crazy for each other.
Then they got married and abandoned us! US! HER FAMILY! He said he loved Mother,
but he never did. I will not live with that man!
Mother is dead! Now I have nobody! We were happy without Father. I thought Mother
was OK. We would shop and enjoy movie marathons. Jog around the park. Sing at the
I... I thought Mother was strong! But NO! She's dead and I will never see her again! No, I won't.
And the blame is on the man who did this!
Wait and see! I will have my revenge, Mother.
Father brought me home to his... ugh! Wife! And he showed me around the house. Oh,
now I'm beginning to envy him! Envy because he lives in this gigantic mansion with plenty of
housekeepers, cars and money!
Us? Mother and I don't have much. But we have a house and money, since being a cook
in one of the most luxurious restaurants is a proud job, I could say. I go to school with my lunch
and then I walk home.
But look! Father is wealthy and he didn't even bother to help. Don't worry, Mother. I will
have my revenge.
That night, though, something happened. A miracle. Mother appeared before my eyes and told
me to stop. NOT to take revenge, but to forgive.
Oh, Mother! I MISS YOU! She told me she loved me and that she will be there for me.
Always and forever.
I hugged her SO TIGHTLY. *sobs* She made me promise not to hurt Father, so I did.
But then she disappeared. Mother, where are you? Mother, are you there? Oh, Mother...

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