LLB PI 3year Paper3

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SutteCt cOnsututional Law‐ l Paper‖ !(CommOn) Time:3 Hrs. Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any SIX Questrons in All. THREE Questions from Part'l and THREE
guestions from Paft-ll.

Part - I (British Constitution)

Q.1 . Discuss the doctrine of Ministerial responsibility in British Constitution.
Q.2. Discuss the principles of 'Supremacy of British Parliament' and highlights the factors
which restrain the legislative supremacy of Parliament?
Q.3. Explain Dicey's exposition on rule of law and elaborate criticism raised against this
theory and its implication in contemporary world.
Q.4. Discuss the Constitutional Conventions in British Constitution?
Q.5. Discuss the composition, functions and powers of Cabinet in UK?
Q.6. Discuss the legal and nonJegal sources of British Constitution.

Part - ll (US Constitution)

Q.7. Explain the evolution and development of US Constitution and its sources?
Q.8. "US Constitution is a rigid Constitution". Discuss
Q.9. Explain the role of US Supreme Court in protecting Civil liberties of American Citizens.
Q.10. What is the role and powers of USA Congress? Discuss the limitations of Congress
underArticle-|, Section 8, Clause 18 of US Constitution?
Q,11. Discuss the doctrine of Judicial Review in the context of US Constitution in light of
McCulloch Vs. Maryland and Marbury Vs. Madison cases,
Q,12. Discuss in detail the following:
a) Election of US President
b) Bill of Rights
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ● ● ● ● 0000● ● ● ● 00000● 00● 0●
.● .

PART― I A/ 2015
: Rol l No。 ・"… … ● :
Exami nat i om: … LL. B.
.......¨ "・

Sut t eCt : COnst i t ut i onal Law― I ( Ol d&New Cour se) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

MAX. MARK殷 100
NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questionsfrom Part-I snd
THREE questions from Psrt-II. All questions corry equal morks.

British Constitution

Q. 1 Discuss the legal and non legal sources of British Constitution'

Q. 2 Discuss functions of the two houses of parliarnent and their relationship with each other.

Q3 Discuss the supremacy of British Parliament with the help of historical examples. Do you think
that the British Parliament is absolute in nature with respect to legislative enactments?

Q. 4 Discuss the doctrine of Rule of Law and its significance in present day. I

Q. 5 Elaborate the doctrine of Ministerial Responsibility under the British Constitution.

Q. 6 Write short notes any two of the following:-

i. The king can do no wrong

!:. Speaker of the House of Commons
iii. B‖ l of Ri ght s

l Par t ‐ ‖
UeS.r.l A. Const i t ut i on

Q.7 Explain in detail the salient features of the US Constitution'

Q.B How the Piesident of the USA is elec{ed and impeached? Discuss in Detail.

Q.9 Fundamental rights are guaranteed dhder the US constitution. Discuss.

Q.10 Discuss the'constitutional pow'ers of Congress and its limitations.

Q.11 Discuss the doctrine of separation ofiiowers and Checks and balances system in the U'S.


Q:12 Write short not6s any two of the following:-

i. Due process of Law

ii. Marbury v. Madison Case
iii. McCullah V. Maryland Case
a a a aa a aoataa aa aa aaaaa ao

PART - I 5/2015

Examination:- LL.B. RollNo...................... :
tl lo l a aa a aa aa a aaa a aa a a a a a'

Subject: Constitutional Law-I (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.
PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in oll, selecting THREE qaestionsfrom Part-I and
THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.

British Constitution
Q.1 Give the critically examine the salient features of British constitution.

Q.2 The concept of Rule of Law is an integral part of the British Constitution. please explain it in the
light of Dicey's Exposition on the rule of law. Also elaborate its modern concept in the
administration of justice.

Q.3 Crown is an institution which never dies. Discuss the maxim and enumerate various powers and
privileges of Crown.

Q.4 Discuss the supremacy of British Parliament with the help of historical examples. Do you think
that the British,Farliament is absolute in nature with respect to legislative enactments? Support
yo,ur answer with strong arguments.

Q. 5 Discuss the for:mation of House of Lords. Also explain why it is considered as powerless house in
British Parliament?

Q. 6 Elaborate the doctrine of Ministerial Responsibility under the British Constitution

U.S.A. Constitution
Q.7 what do you understand by the term"Judicial Revieu/and elaborate the scope of Judicial Review
in the administrative of Justice. Discuss in the light of Marbury v. Madison case.

Q.8 Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and Checks and balances system in the U.S.

Q.9 Discuss the concept of four freedoms as enshrined and protected under US Constitution.

Q.10 According to the American Constitution (section 8 of Article 1), the American Congress has the
povr./er to make laws on certain subjects. Explain these subjects in the
light of said provisions.
Also elaborate the restrictions on the-exercise of power of congress.

Q.L1 Explain the constitutional history of U.S.A.

Q.12 Write short notes any two of the following:-

i.. Bill of Rights

ii. Election of the president
iii. Supreme Court of United States
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB o ao a a ta a a ao a a a t a aa a a ot'a


i ..................... :
Rotl No.
Examination:- LL.B, oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaat aaaa'

Subject: Constitutional Law-I (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.
PAPER: III (Common MAXo MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt any SIX questions. THREE from Part-I ond THREE questions from
Part-II. Each question corry equal marks.

Part-I : British Constitution

Q. No.]
conventiqnr .*iy an important place in British constitution? Discuss
The British Prime Minister is considered the most powerful person in UK. Is there
any chects on his powers? Explain
Discuss the formation of House of Lords. Explain why it is considered as
Q.No.3 powerless Horlqe in the British Parliament?
Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the light of its historical perspective and
Q.No.4 development with reference to Dicey,s exposition?
Q..No.5 Discuss nature and functions of Cabinet in UK?
Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Magna Carta
Q.No.6 (b) Royal prerogatives
(c) Ministerial Responsibilities in UK
(d) Lord Chancellor
Part-II: USA Constitution
Explain in detail the salient features of USA Constitution?
O.No.8 Di scuss t he r o10 0f Congr eSS i n US COnst i t ut i on?
Q..No.9 Discuss the powers of US President which make him mosi towerfut person?
Critically analyze the concept of separatio" ofpo*ers witf, systern of ana
Q.No.l0 balance in US Constitution? "frects
Explain the role of US Supreme Court in protecting ttre civit titerties of Rmerican
Q.Not I Citizen?
Q.No.t2 in Marbury vs Madison in 1803?
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB a a a a a a a a a aaa a
aaa a a aa a a a l

PART _ I 5/2016
! Roil No. ........
Examination:- LL.B.
too o l a a a a a a a a a a a oo o o o t I o t'

Subject: Constitutional Law-I (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.
PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt any SD( questions. THHEE from Part-I and THHEE
questions from Part-II. Each question cafty equal marks.

Part-I: BRITISH Constitution

Q. No.l What do you understand by the term 'Constitution'. Explain in detail the
fundamental sources of British constitution.
(a) Examine the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty in England.
(b) Enumerate the several limitations that may be alleged against legislative
Q.No.2 sovereignty of parliament and examine critically; their claim to legal
Discuss the importance and implications of the statement "the king can do no
Q.No.3 wrong".
Name the kinds of committee that exist in the House of Commons. What procedure
Q.No.4 is followed by them?
Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the light of its historical perspective and
Q.No.5 development with reference to three expositions of Dicey's rule of law.
Discuss the formation of House of Lords. Explain why it is considered as
Q.No.6 powerless House in the British Parliament?
Part-II: USA Constitution
Q No7 Explain the historical development of USA Constitution.
(a) Discuss the constitutional powers of American's Congress in the light of
Q.No.8 Article 1, Section 8 of American Constitution.
(b) Enumerate the restrictions, where the congress cannot legislate.
What do you understand by the term "Judicial Review"? Explain the landmark
Q No.9 case law Marbury vs Madison (1803).
Write a short note on any TWO of the following:
(a) Bill of Rights
Q.No.10 (b) Theory of separation of powers in USA constitution.
(c) Mcculloch vs Maryland 1819.
(d) Judicial review in USA constitution.
θ ハbf f Explain in detail the leeislative procedure in USA Constitution.
0. ハ ζο, f 2 Discuss the Constitutional role of the USA President.
PART- 1: . Annual … 2017 ・¨ 。
・¨・…・¨ °。 ・・00:

Exami nat i ou: … L. L. B。 ( 03 Year s) 三 Rol l No。 ……
…………… :

Subjeet: Constitutional TIMB ALLOWED: 3 hrs'
FnPEll: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100

N6te: Attegrpt any Six Questions in All. Three Questions from Part-I
:.nd '['hree questions from Part-II.
PA RT--J:-Ih e. B ritish Consti

r ) Tt e Crown is an lnstitution which never dies" Discuss the maxim and enumerate the
p( wers, duties and position of Crown in England"?
).) the doctrine of N4irristerial responsibility under the British Constitution?
Di.curss fully
j) [: :iairt the nature, cotnposition and powers of House of Lords?
,'1) i is:u;s the legi:;lative supremacy of British Parliament.
:) i ,r.rlain Ll:cey's exposition of rule of law and its present day application in modern world,
u) \,v ite shr;rt notes on eny twcr of the ollowing
,::l Ii4agna Carta (-t215)
bi Pri,ry Council
c) Sources of tsriiish (-onstitutton
d) Commort L.aur
PA Rr:U:fts USlo ns!j!uI-q!
,) ) ;:t-issthe .salient Fe;tutrcs of U.5 C:nstitution.
tj) L'r ;cu.;s the doctrin'e of judicial Review in tlre Context of US Constitutiorr. Elaborate in

the light cf \vlorbury vs Madison's Case (5 U.5, 137, 1803)

.)) Er urnei"ate the powers of t-tS Congress and its Limitations under the relevant provisions
c1' l..jS

10) rA 'itc a shcrt note any two of the following

a) tuIc Ct;lloch Vs Marylond's case (17 U.5.316 ,L8L9)
bi Civil t.iberties in US Corrstittitir:n
c) Flistorical evolution of LfS Coristitution
d) Bi!i cf Rights
it)D in detailthe Constitrrtional p )!Vers of US President?
r2)r1,1,3i are.the gerrei'al po\,{iers of tl'r,: Supreme Court of USA and discuss the proceedlngs
of the Court.
° ● 00● ● ● ● ● ● 0 ● ● ● ● ●.
PART-I: Supplementary -2017 ●
・・・・・・ ・・

Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Ye+rs) : Rol l No. ""。 。

。。。 ●"""… .●
。 .... . ..● ● ● ● ● 0 0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ・●

Subject: Constitutional Law-I TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
Note: Attempt any Six Questions in All. Three Questions from Part-I
and Three questions from Part-IL

PART- l- Eritish Constitution

1) Discuss in detailthe satient features of British Constitution.

.2) Discuss fully the doctrine of Ministerial responsibitity under the British Constitution?
3) Explain the concept of Supremacy of British Parliament? Do you think that British
Parliament has absolute legislative supremacy? Give the reasons for and against this
4) Legal and non Legal sources have played a significant role in the development of British
Constitution. Explain these two sources.
5) Explain Dicey's exposition of "rule of law" and highlight the criticism of different Legal
Scholars against this Doctrine?
6) House of Commons is the most powerful organ of the British Parliament. Explain.

PART-Il- The US Constitution

7l Give a brief account of the Constitutional History of USA.

8) Discuss in detail the Constitutional powers of US President.
9) What are the role and powers of US Congress and its limitations?
10) Discuss the theory of Separation of powers and its role in the US Constitution.
11)Write Comprehensive notes on any two of the following
a) Mc Culloch Vs Maryland'Case (17 U.S. 31O ,1819)
b) Sources of US Constitution
c) Due Process of Law under US Constitution
d) iudicial Review
12) Explain the 'Bill of Rights' under the US Constitution.
PART-I; Annual -2018 aaa a a aaa aaaaa
a a oa laaaaaa aa

Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years) 3 nou No. ..................... :

lloo a l a a a a a a a a a ao l ooaalatt

Subjecft Constitutional Law-I TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.

PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100

Note: Attempt any Six Questions in All. Three Questions from Part-I
and Three questions from Part-II.
PART-I- British Constitution

Q1. Discuss the sources of British Constitution?

Q2'What do you understand by the legislative supremacy of British parliament? Do

you think that British Parliament is Supreme in nature or not? give the

reasons in support ofyour answer

Q3.What is the theory of "separation of Powers" and to what extent it is embodied in

British Constitutional Norms?

Q4. House of commons is more powerful than House of Lords? Discuss

Q5. Elaborate the Doctrine of Rule of Law in the light of its historical perspective

development with reference to Dicey,s Exposition ?

Q6' The British Prime Minister is considered the most powerful person in UK. Are

there any checks on his powers? Explain

PART-II- US Constitution

Q7' Explain the method of election of President and vice president in USA


QB.Discuss rhe composition and role of sena[e in USA?

Q9' What is the role and powers of US Congress? Discuss the limitations on powers

of congress underArticle l- section g clause 1g of uS constitution?


Explain in detail the jurisdiction and powers of usA Supreme

Q11' Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and check
and balance in uS


Q12. Write a short note on any two of following

(a) Billof Rights

[b) Due process of law

[c) Marbury vs Medison [1803)

(d) Development of US Constitutron
PART―I : Suppl ement ar y- 2018 f e¨ "¨ "¨ .・

1 ´
Exami nat i on: ‐ L. L. B. ( 03 Year s〕 : Rou
No。 … . . "… ……・・ 。
.… :
●●●●●0● ●●●●00● ●●●●●●●●●●
Subject: Constitutional Law-I TI ME ALLOWED33 Hr se
PAPER: III (Common) MAX. MARKS: 100
Not e: At t empt any t t Quest i Ons i n Al l . 2留 □ 里ワ QueSt i Ons f r om Par t ‐ I
and i n口 ■ut t E quest i ons f r oEn Par t ‐ II.

PART― I― Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on

Ql ・ What dO you knowv about t he l egal and non l egal sour ces of Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on
Di scuss? ′

Q2. Di scuss f uHy t he doct r i ne of Mi ni st ё r i al r esponsi bl l i t y under t he Br i t i sh

Const i t ut i on?

Q3. Convent i ons car r y si gni f i cant pl ace i n t he Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on, expl ai n and
spedi f y i mpor t ant convent i ons?

Q4. “ The cr own i s an i nst i t udon whi ch never di eζ ". Di scuss ma対 m and enumer at e

t he povver s, dut i es and posi t i on of cr ovvn i n Engl and"?

Q5. Expl ai n Di cey' s Exposi t i on on Rul e of Law and el abor at e t he cr i t i ci sr n r ai sed

agai nst hi s ar gument s by t he var i ous Const i t ut i onal i st s and hi ghl i ght i t s pr esent

connot at i on i n l noder n l egal syst em?

Q6. Wr i t e a shor t not e on any t wo of t he f o1l owi ng

( a〕 Human Ri ght s
t ( b) Local Gover nment Syst em i n Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on

( C〕 Pr i Vy COunci l

( d〕 J udi Ci ar y

PART-II- US Constitution

Q7. Explain the historical development and evolution of US Constitution and its

Q8. Discuss doctrine of '|udicial Review' in the context of US Constitution?

Q9. What is the role and powers of US Congress?

Q10. "US Constitution is a rigid Constitution" discuss? Also explain the procedure of
Amendment in Us Constitution?

Q.11 Explain the rolc of US Supreme Court in protecting the civil liberties of
American Citizens?

')12. Write a short note any two of the following

(a) Equal Protection of Laws

[b) Important Characteristics of US Constitution

(c) Federal System
[d) Bill of Rights
翁 呻 Yt t W登鮮X∬ 蹴l l l y) 盤
Const i t ut i onal Law‐ I Paper : Ⅱ I ( CommOn)
: Li 轟二 IIII. :
Ti me: 3 Hr so Mar ks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any SIX Questions in AIL THREE Questions from Part-I and THREE questions
.from Part-II.
Pa rt-I (British Constitution)
"The Crown is an institution which never dies". Elaborate the statement and discuss the
Constitutional role of Crown in England
2. The "Rule of Law" is a prominent principle of British Legal System. Discuss the scope
and fundamental components of 'Rule of Law' in the light of Dicey's exposition on the
concept, and criticism raised against his theory on rule of law in modern time.
3. What do you understand by the phrase 'supremacy of the British Parliament'? refer the
historical instances which reflect that British Parliament has a legislative Supremac;y and.
enumerate the practical limitations on the 'supremacy of British Parliament' in present
4. Discuss the Sourccs of British Constitution.
5. Discuss the Cabinet Systern under the British Constitution and elucidate the
constitutional powers of prirne Minister in relation to cabinet.
6. write a comprehensive note on any two of the following
i) Constitution ancl Constitutional Law
ii) Flouse of Lords
iii) Human Rights in British Legal System
iv) Magna Cafia(1215)
Par t ― I I ( US Const i t ut i on

7. Discuss the Historical Evolution of US Constitution and its current status.

8. Elaborate the theory of 'separation of Powers' and critically analyze concept of
'Separation of Powers' with system of Checks and Balances in US Constitution.
g. 'No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges oi immunities
of citizens of the (lnited States; Nor shall any state deprive any person of lfe, liberty, or
property, without r)ue process of law; Nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws'argue the Statement in the light of US Constitution.
/0. Discuss the Constitutional Role of US Congress and its limitations.
I 1. The U.S. Supreme Court in case ofMarbury v. Madison 0 SA, established the principle
. df judicial review-the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive
acts unconstitutional. Discuss the Scope of 'Judicial Review' and its applications in US
Judicial System.
12. Write a Comprehensive Note on any two of the following
i) Bill of Rights
ii) Constitutional Sources of US Constitution

J ur i sdi Ct i on of US Supr eme Coun

Sal i ent f eat ur es of US COnst i t ut i on

_3 Subject: Constitutiona! LawJ Paper: lll (Common)
椰 轟‖
Ti me: 3 Hr s. Mar ks: 100

' NOTE: Attempt any SIX Quesfions in All. THREE Questions from Part-l and THREE
guesfions from Paft-ll.

1. Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on i s an evol ut i onar y document and not a st agnant pool of wat er . Do

you agr ee wi t h t he st at ement ?Di scuss t he sour ces of Br i t i sh Const i t ut i on wi t h speci al
r ef er ence t o Const i t ut i onal Convent i ons, Enacment s and case l aw。
2. Cr i t i cal eval uat e The Di cey' s Concept on` Rul e of Law' and i t s pr esent day appl i cat i on,
3. Di scuss i n det ai l t he l aw maki ng pЮ cess i n t he BFi t t Sh Par l i ament .
4. El uci dat e t he l egi sl at i ve Supr emacy of t he Br i t i sh Par l i anent , i s t her e any pr act i cal
l i mi t t t l on on t he supFemaCy of BFi t i Sh Par l i ar Lt t t , Comment .
5. her e i s a conl mon phr ase i n Br i t i sh Legal Syst em t hat ` ′ み′ に韓g cα ″ あ ″ θ ソ″ 0れg' ar guc
t he st at ement wi t h cogent r easons.
6。 Wr i t e a compr ehensi ve not e on any帥 o of t he f ol l owi ng
i) HOuSe Of common
il) Pr i Vy Counci l
i I) P五 Vl l egeS of Par l Lment
r i v) Loca1 0ovemment
Page l of 2 P. T. 0.
ヽ Par 卜 I I f US Const t ut i on

7. Di scusst he Sour ces of US Co斑 疵

i t t i bn.
8. Di scuss t he Law Maki ng pr ocedur e i n US Const i t ut i on
9, The U, So Supr eme Coul t i n casc o鍋 晟″br r yュ 臓 i sot t r f 8o3) est abl i Shed t he l 輝 nci pl e
of j udi ci al r e宙 ew―t he power Of t he f eder al cout t t o decl ar e 10gi si at i ve at t ct t c饉 ve
act s uncot t t ut i onal ` Di scuss t he or i gi n, scope and l i mi t at i ons of t ん κ″ cたゴR` ッ たw' i n US
Const i t ut i o■ . I s t her e any expr ess pr o宙 si on of J udi ci al Revi ew i n US Const i t ut i ( 漁 ?
Comment .
10. El abor at e t he Composi t i on and Power s of US Congr eSS, and Const i t ut i onal Rest r i ct i ons
on i t s powast
l l . Di scuss t he El ect i on and i mpeachent pЮ cedur es of US Pr esi dent `
12, Wr i t e a Compr ehensi ve Not e onな l y t wo of t he偽 1l owhg
i) Duc Pr ocess of Law
iり Amendl nent Pr ocedur e of US Const i t t t i on
iil) ノ 嘘 vs Mar yr aπ r ca"( 17 UoS. 316, 1819)
' Cr f J o` Й
i V) S"軍 at i On of Power s ・

Page 2 of 2
UNIVERSiTY OF THE PUNJAB ar.a a.aaa aaaaaaaa aaaaa

L.L.B.(03 Years〕 Part― l Annual Examina‖ On-2020
i R011N0. ,..,,.,....,.... :
Paper‖ l(cOmmon)
Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100
NOTE: Aftempt any sr\ Quesfions in Art. THREE
guesfions from partJl. Quesfioas from part-r and rHREE

Part― i fBritish cOnstitution)

Q.1. conventions carry an important place in British

constitution? Discuss.
Q 2 Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the
of its historical perspective and
development with reference to Oicey,s exposiiion?-light
Q 3 of House of Lords and House of commons and
their rerationship
Q 4 Explain the concept of 'supremacy of British parliament,,. Do you
Parliament has absolute Supiemacyi think that British
Q.5. British constitution. Enumerate the powers
flfi;ji;;,,jr;j.x?L1""[.j;iX#0"r of prime
Q.6. Write comprehensive note on following:
a) privy Council b) Royal Prerogatives

Page 1 of2
Part - ll (USA Constitution
person in USA? Discuss
Q.7. DiscussthedoctrineofJudicialReviewwhilecriticallyanalyzinglandmarkcasesl.e.
il;d,;i rt. rtr"oiton and Mcculloch vs' Maryland'
USA Constitution'
o.8. Discuss the role of Congress in the
Q.9. ExplaintheroleofUSASupremeCourtinprotectingCivilLibertiesofAmericancitizen?
under US Constitution'
o.10. Discuss the concept of federation
Q.1'1. Write short notes on following:
a) Political Parties in USA
b) SeParation of Powers in USA

Page 2 ol 2
UNIVERSITY OF THE i .1:'l.n|l'.t,':';:'.'.':" :.'
rii., i n*. Marks: 1oo
" THREE Questions
from Pafi.t and THREE
Quesfions in All.
NOTE: AttemPt anY SIXPanJt'
ttv'b' qr;"tio" irom

Part- I {British Gonstitution)

sovereignty and rule of law oppose
the parliamentary
Q.1. Discuss in detail whether
responsibilitv under British
Q.2. :fi ::i ;::"ctrine or Ministerial
House of Lords? Discuss'
Commons is more powerful than
Q.3. House of
and to what extent it
is embodied in the
of PoweC'
Q.4. What is the theory of "separation
British Constitution?
of conventions of British
Write a detail about apptication in modern
Law and its present day
of Rule of
o.6. Explain Dicey's exposition

Part - ll (USA Gonstitutionl

history of USA'
detail account of the Constitutional
Q.7, Give a
nt limitations?
the role and powers of US Congres:.."n0
O.8. What are
under the US Constitution?
O.9. Explain the 'Bill of Rights' ,l*",rcnr of Marbury Vs Madison 118031

Q 10 Discuss
of President of USA'
the constitutional powers checks and
1 1.
of Powers with system of
Q. Enumerate
Uo"t'in" of Separation
Q.12. Critically analyzetn"

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