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DATE: 18/10/2023


1. Read this paper carefully.

2. This paper contains FIVE (5) sections. Section A, B, C, D and E.
3. This paper contains EIGHT (8) printed pages.
4. Answer all Questions in section A, B, C, D and E.
5. Follow the instructions given on each SECTION carefully.
6. Total Marks is 100.
7. Cellular Phone and any paper work outside the exams room is
prohibited and not allowed.
8. Use Provided booklets for answering the questions.
9. Do not leave with Question paper and Answer sheet out of exam room.

(20 MARKS)

This section consists of ten (20) questions. Choose the letter of the most
correct answer. There is only one correct answer. 1 (one) mark will be
awarded for each correct answer.

1. Chronic manifestation of W. bancrofti infection

a. enlarged liver b. elephantiasis c. chyluria d.
e. tropical eosinophilia
2. Trichuris
a. infection is controlled by wearing shoes.
b. may cause dysentery.
c. worm is located in the small intestine.
d. worm is completely buried under the mucosa membrane.
e. eggs are not infective when freshly passed.
3. Ascaris lumbricoides
a. infection occurs most commonly among pre-school children.
b. main symptoms are severe dysentery and vomiting.
c. ectopic infection may result in biliary tract obstruction.
d. infection occurs by penetration of skin by the infectious larva.
e. adults are usually located in the caecum.
4. Diagnostic techniques
a. Giardiasis can be detected by duodenal aspiration.
b. Thin blood smear is more suitable than thick blood smear for the
detection of filariasis.
c. Kato thick smear is not suitable for the detection of protozoa.
d. Hepatic amoebiasis is always detected by finding E. histolytica in
the faeces.
e. Knott’s method is used in detection of enterobiasis for microfilaria.
5. Lymph gland enlargement may occur in
a. visceral larval migrans
b. toxoplasmosis
c. amoebiasis

d. giardiasis
e. filariasis
6. Filariasis
a. Sub – periodic Brugia malayi has a large animal reservoir.
b. Microfilaria never give rise to any disease.
c. Adults are located in the portal circulation.
d. Male worm is larger than the female.
e. Microfilaria of W. bancrofti has a sheath.
7. Hookworm infection:
a. dermatitis may occur at site of parasite entry.
b. physical growth of children may be retarded.
c. causes mainly macrocytic anemia.
d. infective stage is found in fresh stool.
e. eggs of each main species cannot be differentiated by their shape.
8. Larval stages of the following parasites may cause disease in humans
a. Taenia saginata
b. Trichuris trichiura
c. Echinococcus granulosus
d. Toxocara canis
e. Enterobius vermiculoris
9. E. vernicularis
a. causes salphingitis
b. transmitted by auto-infection
c. detected by examination
d. treated with metronidazole
10. Malaria
a. Thick blood films are very useful for specific detection.
b. Giemsa is an alcohol stain.
c. Blackwater fever is a condition in which hematuria occurs.
d. Hypnozoite is responsible for the relapses in P. vivo infection.
e. Sporozoites are responsible for the initial bout of fever.
11. Dogs act as reservoir hosts for
a. S. japonicum
b. Echinococcus granulosus
c. Toxocara canis
d. Clonorchis sinensis
e. Dipylidium caninum
12. Acanthamoeba / Naegleria

a. acquired by drinking contaminated water.
b. infected person swimming in fresh water ponds / pools.
c. isolated from CSF of person with acute meningoencephalitis.
d. flagellate stage in life cycle.
13. S. japonicum in man can cause
a. periportal fibrosis
b. splenomegaly
c. hematuria
d. cancer of the bladder
e. lymphadenopathy
14. Human infection can occur if
a. microfilariae are infected into the blood.
b. hookworm eggs are swallowed.
c. merozoites of malaria are inoculated into blood – by – blood
d. oocysts of Toxoplasma are ingested.
15 Hookworm infection causes
a. ground itch
b. tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
c. anemia
d. abdominal pain
e. dysentery
16. Humans are infected by eating improperly cooked meat
a. Toxocara (roundworm)
b. Taenia (tapeworm)
c. Clonorchis (fluke)
d. Entamoeba (protozoan)
e. Paragonimus (fluke)
17. Trichomonas vaginalis
a. produces frothy purulent discharge in females.
b. asymptomatic infection in man.
c. infect the prostate gland of man.
d. penetrates vaginal wall.
e. treat with common antibiotics.
18. Chronic manifestation of W. bancrofti infection
a. enlarged liver
b. elephantiasis

c. chyluria
d. myocarditis
e. tropical eosinophilia
19. Soil transmitted helminths include
a. S. japonicum
b. Taenia solium
c. N. americanus
d. S. stercoralis
e. Enterobius vermiculoris
20. E. histolytica
a. trophozoites has an eccentric karyosome.
b. diagnostic stage is cyst with 8 nuclei.
c. metronidazole is an effective drug.
d. responsible for Gay Bowel syndrome in homosexuals.



Answer “T” on the statement which is correct and “F” on the statement
which is incorrect. Half a mark will be awarded for each correct response

1. Trichomonas vaginalis
a. ______________ Is sexually transmitted.
b. ______________ May cause urethritis in males.

c. ______________ Is easily diagnosed in ‘wet’ firms of genital samples.
d. ______________ Infection is treated with quinolones.
e. ______________ May be found as a commensal in the gut.
2. Thick or thin blood films are useful in the diagnosis of
a. ______________ Amoebiasis
b. ______________ Malaria
c. ______________ Filariasis
d. ______________ Trichomonas infection
e. ______________ Cryptosporidiosis
3. The following organisms causing infections in man may be acquired as
a result of eating inadequately cooked meat
a. ______________ Trichomonas spp
b. ______________ Plasmodium vivax
c. ______________ Toxoplasma spp
d. ______________ Taenia saginata
e. ______________ Trichinella spiralis
4. Infection with Entamoeba histolytica
a. ______________ Usually affects the ileum.
b. ______________ Is often asymptomatic.
c. ______________ Is usually diagnosed by serological tests.
d. ______________ Presents as a diffuse centrilobular necrosis when it
affects the liver.
e. ______________ Is treated with metronidazole.


(10 MARKS)

Match the items in column B with the corresponding statements in column A
by writing a letter of correct response in the booklet provided. Each correct
response is awarded one (1) mark. Each item from column B is used only

1. Echinococcus granulosus A. Transmitted by ingestion of
2. Wuchereria bancrofti cysticercus bovis
3. Taenia saginata B. Causes anaemia
4. Trypanosomiasis in C. Easily diagnosed in ‘wet’ firms of
human genital samples
5. Taenia solium D. Transmitted by ingestion of
6. Trichomonas vaginalis cysticercus cellulosae
7. Entamoeba histolytica E. Taenia saginata
8. Acquired as a result of F. Effective against Metronidazole
eating inadequately G. Sleeping sickness
cooked meat H. Affects the lungs
9. Paragonimus I. Trichinella spiralis
Westermanni J. Cause hydatid cyst in man
10. Hookworm K. Cause elephantiasis and hydrocele
in man


(20 MARKS)

1. List five (5) diagnostic characteristic of Plasmodium falciparum in the

blood smear stained with Giemsa stain

2. List
A. Three (3) Phylum of Kingdom Protozoa
B. Two (2) Sub – phylum of Kingdom Protozoa


3. Mention
A. Three (3) species of Trichomonas
B. Two (2) medical important species of amoeba

4. What are
A. Three (3) diagnostic morphological characteristic of Schistosoma
B. Two (2) specimens for diagnosis of Giardiasis.



(40 MARKS)

This section consists of two (2) questions which are supposed to be

answered in a narrative way. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
provided; each question should start on a new page.

1. You are working as a Laboratory Technologist and in charge in

Ukongoroni Village Health Center sited along Jozani Forest and
Chwaka Mangroves Forest area where there is an outbreak of Malaria.
You are to give health education to the villagers on Malaria control.
Write an essay in detail on what you will teach them using your
knowledge of diagnostic pathology in parasitology and entomology.

(20 MARKS)
2. As a Zanzibarian Laboratory Technologist was in a mission of
community in Bumbwini Makoba 2023 during the field. When you
returned home, you have been suffered from fever, chills and sweating
that occurred at irregular intervals. He noticed that his skin, eyes –
inner lining skin and tongue become pale. But also seems to develop
dermatitis in the foot skin, since he was most of the time spend
without covering your foot.
a. What will be your provisional diagnosis?
b. What are the specimens collected to be sent to the laboratory to
confirm your diagnosis?
c. What is the parasite lead to this medical conditions?
d. How did you get infected and what is the infective stage of the

e. What is the cause of pallor of patient?
f. If the patient is untreated, what are the possible complication
that may occur to him?

(20 MARKS)
3. Bakari Said Omar is 23-year-old sexually active male reported to his
physician that he had recently noticed a urethral irritation with slight
burning after urination and ejaculation. A culture for Neisseria
gonorrhea and Gram stain from the penis were performed and resulted
in negative results.
a. What would be the next most important pathogen that the physician
might suspect?
b. What is the name of disease for particular infection caused by the
pathogen you mentioned above?
c. How does the pathogen transmit?
d. How many hosts in which pathogen require? Name them.
e. Identify other protozoan which are non - pathogen belong to the
same classification group.
f. Identify other sign and symptoms of the pathogen basically in
g. How will you collect a specimen as a Nurse in order to send them to
the Laboratory for diagnosis?
h. Write a short life cycle of the of the pathogen you identified.
i. As a Nurse or Medical Personnel what is another important
instruction that you should give to the patient considering the
prevention and control?

(20 MARKS)


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