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NSTP 2 water do not provide energy, but are necessary

for other reasons. Other micronutrients include

antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Most foods contain a mix of some or all of the

nutrients classes. Some nutrients are required
Public Health regularly while others are needed only
Overview occasionally.

Learning Objectives
Causes of Malnutrition
At the end of the lesson, I will be able to
1. Lack of sufficient budget for food
1. The students should be able to gain
2. Lack of knowledge on the nutritional
important knowledge on the concept of
values of food
public health.
3. Lack of knowledge on proper food
2. The students should be able to identify the
common health problems in the community
4. Incorrect feeding practice
level as well as their causes.
5. Unavailability of nutritious food or food
3. The students should be able to present ways
on how public health concerns may be
Effects of Malnutrition to Children
Lesson Proper 1. Weak body resistance
2. Weak mental capability
Definition of terms: 3. Derailed growth

Public Health involves policies and actions

Things to Know About Breast-Feeding
designed to promote the overall health of the
people in community. 1. Breast milk is the most nutritious and
complete food for infants.
Hygiene refers to the practices aimed towards 2. Colostrum’s (first drop of milk from the
preventing diseases and maintenance of health mother) are rich in antibodies needed by
through cleanliness and healthy living. the infants to strengthen their resistance
against infections.
Sanitation pertains to the hygienic practice of
3. Breast-feeding helps in fast recovery of
waste disposal and keeping the environment
mother’s health after giving birth.
within hygienic standards.
4. It makes the infant closer to the mother.
Nutrition refers to the balanced intake of 5. Breast-feeding must begin immediately
nutrients necessary to enable the human body or after the child is born.
parts of the body to perform its functions. Many
health problems may be prevented with a healthy
diet. Diet refers to what a person eats. There are
seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, 1. Sore Eyes. Caused by a virus in which the
fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water. surface of the eyeball and the inside of the
These nutrients classes can be categorized as eyelids became inflamed. It may be
either macronutrients (needed in relatively large transferred by hand contacts.
amounts) or micronutrients (needed in smaller
quantities). 2. Chicken Pox. Highly contagious disease
which affects young ones during their early
The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, years but is more severe in adults.
fiber, protein, and water. The micronutrients are
minerals and vitamins. The micronutrients
provide energy. Vitamins, minerals, fifer, and
Infection is easily spread via airborne sign of a more serious problem and poses
droplets that are exhaled or expelled the risk of dehydration.
causing outbreaks in places where there are Chronic diarrhea may be a feature of a
person-to-person contacts. Health centers chronic disease Diarrhea can cause
offer free vaccination against chicken pox. dehydration, a state which means that the
body lacks enough fluid to function properly.
3. Cholera or El Tor. Contagious and serious Dehydration is particularly dangerous in
disease, which is an infection of the small children and older people, and it must be
intestine, characterized by severe diarrhea treated promptly to avoid serious health
that causes a person to lose up to half a liter problems. The fluid and electrolytes lost
of water an hour. It is caused by germs taken during diarrhea need to be replaced
into the body through food and drinks. Rats, promptly because the body cannot function
cockroaches, flies, and ants are common without them. Electrolytes are the salts and
carrier of cholera. Common symptoms are minerals that affect the amount of water in
pain in the back or in the legs and arms, your body, muscle activity, and other
frequent bowel movement, vomiting, and important functions. Liquids like broth and
dehydration. soup that contains sodium and fruits juices,
soft fruits, or vegetable that contain
4. Tuberculosis (TB). A highly contagious potassium, help restore electrolyte levels.
bacterial infection usually affecting the lungs. Over-the-counter rehydration solution like
This is a disease which is the most common Pedialyte is also a good electrolyte source
cause of death in the Philippines. Symptoms and is especially recommended for use in
are fever, sweating especially at night, children.
malaise, weakness and poor appetite,
chronic cough, blood in the sputum, chest Note: Vaccines for some common diseases are
pain, and shortness of breath and swelling in available for free at government health center.
the neck due to enlarged lymph nodes. Sexually Transmitted disease (STDs)

STDs are diseases or infections which are

5. Typhoid Fever. A bacterial infection that first transmitted between humans by means of sexual
attacks the intestines, and then spreads to contact. There are also instances in which some
the liver, spleen, and gall bladder. The sexually transmitted infections are transmitted
disease is highly infectious, transmitted
through birth, needles, breastfeeding or even by
through contaminated water and food. Even
using public toilets.
after a person has recovered from typhoid
fever, he may remain a carrier of bacteria
Examples of STDs
for years. Typhoid fever can be fatal if not
treated promptly. Symptoms are severe
headache, cough, high fever, chills, loss of Genital herpes. Caused by the herpes simplex
appetite, weakness, constipation, and viruses type 1 (HSV-1) and type (HSV-2). Signs
abdominal pain typically appear as one or more blisters on or
around the genitals or rectum. The blisters break,
leaving tender ulcers (sores) that may take two to
6. Diarrhea. Is a loose, watery stool. A person
four weeks to heal the first time they occur.
with diarrhea typically passes stool more
than three times a day. Acute diarrhea is a Syphilis. Caused by the bacterium Treponema
common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 palladium. Syphilis is passed from person to
days and goes away on its own without person through direct contact with a syphilis
special treatment. Prolonged diarrhea sore.
persisting for more than 2 days may be a
Sores occur mainly on the external genitals, Some people only find out that they have HIV
vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Sores also can when it has already developed into AIDS.
occur on the lips and in the mouth. Pregnant
women with disease can pass it to the babies they Because HIV attacks the immune system, people
are carrying. Syphilis cannot be spread through with HIV (or AIDS) can have several illnesses,
contact with toilet seats, doorknobs, swimming
illnesses that the immune system could no longer
pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, shared clothing, or
fight that may lead to the patient’s death.
eating utensils.
Diseases that commonly afflict AIDS victims are
Gonorrhea. Caused by Neisseria gonorrhea, a pneumonia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, herpes and
bacterium that can grow and multiply easily in the many more.
warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract,
including the vertex (opening the womb), uterus SYMPTOMS OF AIDS
(womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in
women, and in the urethra (urine canal) in women
The symptoms of AIDS can be felt between two
and men. The bacterium can also grow in the
months to ten years. These can include:
mouth, throat, eyes, and anus.

Non-gonococcal Urethritis (NGU). An - Unexplained, continuous swelling of glands

inflammation of the urethra. The symptoms of (For example, in the breast, neck, and
which can include pain or a burning sensation armpits)
upon urination, a white/cloudy discharge, and a - Soaking night sweats
feeling that you need to pass urine frequently. - Fever
There are instances that the infected person - Chills
develops no symptoms. - Paralyzing fatigue
- More than ten pounds of weight less than two
AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Acquired. The virus is acquired directly - Diarrhea that lasts for several weeks
through sexual contact or through other body
Although these signs and symptoms may also
fluids from the person infected with HIV.
indicate many other illnesses, it is best to consult
Immune. It attacks the immune system, the doctor immediately once they occur. There
the body’s defense against Illnesses. are blood tests that can determine if a person is
Deficiency. The body’s immune system infected with HIV.
becomes defenseless and unable to fight
infections once AIDS sets in. 1. Through sexual contact, primarily
unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse.
Syndrome. Those sick with AIDS will develop a set Transmission through oral sex is also
of symptoms or diseases as a result of a possible.
weakened immune system. 2. By sharing needles (used with syringes)
such as those used as drug paraphernalia.
3. By receiving transfusion of HIV- infected
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus,
the virus that causes AIDs. HIV is found in the
4. Through transplant of an HIV- infected
blood and other body fluids such as semen,
vaginal secretions and breast milk of mothers
5. By using contaminated skin-piercing
infected with the virus. A person can be infected instruments like needles, syringes, razor
with HIV for a long time (even up to 10 years) and blades, tattoo needles or circumcision
not know it. instruments.
6. Through injury by contaminated needles or The mosquito is usually found in tropics and
another sharp object. subtropics. The adult mosquito rests in the dark
7. Through prenatal modes, which means places of the houses
passed from mother to infant during
pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. SYMPTOMS OF DENGUE H-FEVER
8. By getting the mucus membranes such as
1. The patient experiences a sudden onset
the eyes or opened wounds splashed with
of a high and prolonged fever. The fever
infected blood or other body fluids.
may last up to seven days.
Take note that materials and instruments like 2. Joint and muscle pains usually come
needles, razor blades and the like are only during the initial stage of infection.
contaminated if they carry traces of blood or 3. Pain behind the eyes, of which pain is
especially evident when the patient
body fluids from an infected HIV person.
moves his eyes.
4. Feebleness or weakness is felt by the
patient, and the movement of the entire
1. Maintain a high sense of moral values or parts of the body will be very difficult.
2. Be faithful to the partner 5. Appearance of tiny red spots called
3. Stay away from bad vices and petechiae, also known as
influencers maculopapular, on the skin. A dengue
4. Provide program that will strengthen the case usually reveals 20 or more red
family spots in one cubic inch of the skin.
5. Provide adequate programs and 6. Nose bleeding after fever starts to wane.
facilities designed to uphold total 7. Enlargement of the liver which will be
development of young individuals. evident at the abdominal area.
6. Use other acceptable methods 8. Vomiting of brownish to blackish
prescribed by the government.
DENGUE H-FEVER 9. Dark-stained stools. Blood may also
Dengue Hemorrhagic-Fever is one of the accompany the stools.
common but serious infectious viral diseases
found in sub-tropical countries like the PREVENTING DENGUE THROUGH THE FOUR
Philippines. It is an infection carried by the Aedes O’CLOCK HABIT
Aegpti mosquito. 1. Keep drums, pails and other water
containers covered to avoid becoming
AEDES AEGYPITI breeding grounds for mosquitos.
Dengue fever is transmitted by the mosquito of 2. Replace water in the flower vase
the genus Aedes aegypti. Aedes comes from the regularly.
Greek term meaning unfriendly or unpleasant. 3. Clean all the side portions of water
True to its meaning, the mosquito is detested in storage at least once a week.
anyone’s household. 4. Roof gutters must be maintained in such
a way that train water can fall freely
towards the down spout.
Aedes aegypti bites during daytime and breeds
5. Old tires used as weight to support roofs
in clear stagnant water. Possible breeding
must be disposed or punctured.
places included flower vases, old rubber tries, 6. Dispose all empty tin cans, bottles and
discarded open tin cans and water pails. It is other things that can hold water that
characterized by white stripes on its thorax may be serve as breeding ground for
(body) and is smaller in size than the ordinary mosquitoes.
household mosquito. 7. Say no to indiscriminate fogging.
A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" HISTORY
and δῆμος, demos, "people”) is an epidemic of an
infectious disease that has spread across a large 1. HIV/AIDS PANDEMIC (AT ITS PEAK, 2005-
region, for instance, multiple continents or 2012)
worldwide, affecting a substantial number of
Death Toll: 36 million
people. A widespread endemic disease with a
stable number of infected people is not a
HIV/AIDS has truly proven itself as a
global pandemic, killing more than 36 million
people since 1981 when it was first discovered in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976.
What is a pandemic?
Among the 31 to 35 million people who are
currently living with HIV, most of them are those
A pandemic is a type of epidemic that
who live in Sub-Saharan Africa, 5% of their
relates to geographic spread and describes a
population is infected which is around 21 million
disease that affects an entire country or the
people. As awareness has grown, new
whole world.
treatments have been developed that make HIV
far more manageable, and many of those
An epidemic becomes a pandemic when
infected go on to lead productive lives. Between
it spreads over significant geographical areas
2005 and 2012 the annual global deaths from
and affects a large percent of the population.
HIV/AIDS dropped from 2.2 million to 1.6 million.

In short, a pandemic is an epidemic on a

2. FLU PANDEMIC (1968)
national or global level.
Death Toll: 1 million
What is an epidemic? Cause: Influenza

An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease “The Hong Kong Flu”, also referred to as

that spreads quickly and affects many people at category 2 Flu. The flu pandemic of 1968 was
the same time. An outbreak occurs when there is caused by the H3N2 stain of the Influenza. A virus,
a sudden increase in the number of cases of a a genetic offshoot of the H2N2 subtype. It only
disease, like COVID-19. took the virus 17 days, from the first reported
case on July 13, 1968, before the outbreaks of
It generally describes an increase that the virus were reported to have reached
was not anticipated. An outbreak can occur in a Singapore and Vietnam, and only three months to
community, geographical area, or several reach the Philippines, India, Australia, Europe,
countries. and United States. This pandemic still caused the
death of more than a million people even though
An epidemic is often used broadly to the mortality rate of the virus was only .5%. This
describe any problem that has grown out of pandemic caused the death of more than a
control. During an epidemic, the disease is million people, which includes the 500,000
actively spreading. residents of Hong Kong which comprises 15% of
their population at that time.
3. ASIAN FLU (1956-1958) 6. FLU PANDEMIC (1889-1890)

Death Toll: 2 million Death Toll: 1 million

Cause: Influenza Cause: Influenza

From 1956 to 1958, the Asian Flu was a Originally the “Asiatic Flu” or “Russian
pandemic outbreak of Influenza A of the H2N2 Flu”, this strain was thought to be an outbreak of
subtype that originated in China. In its two-year the Influenza A virus subtype H2N2, though
spree, Asian Flu traveled from the Chinese recent discoveries have instead found the cause
province of Guizhou to Singapore, Hong Kong, to be the Influenza A virus subtype H3N8. The first
and the United States. Depending on the source, cases were observed in May 1889 in three
estimates for the death toll of the Asian Flu vary, separate and distant locations, Bukhara in
but the World Health Organization places the final Central Asia (Turkestan), Athabasca in
tally at approximately 2 million deaths, 69,800 of northwestern Canada, and Greenland. Rapid
those in the US alone. population growth of the 19th century,
specifically in urban areas, only helped the flu
4. FLU PANDEMIC (1918) spread, and before long the outbreak had
spread across the globe.
Death Toll:20 -50 million
Cause: Influenza
Though it was the first true epidemic in
the era of bacteriology and much was learned
A disturbingly deadly outbreak of
from it. In the end, the 1889-1890 Flu Pandemic
influenza tore across the globe between the
claimed the lives of over a million individuals.
years 1928 and 1920, infecting over a third of the
world’s population and ending the lives of 20 – 50
million people.

Of the 500 million people infected in the Death Toll: 1 million

1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated Cause: Cholera
at 10% to 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the
first 25 weeks alone. Generally considered the deadliest of
the seven cholera pandemics, the third major
5. SIXTH CHOLERA PANDEMIC (1910-1911) outbreak of Cholera in the 19th century lasted
from 1852 to 1860. The Third Cholera also
Death Toll: 800,000+
originated in India, like the first and second
Cause: Cholera
pandemics, spreading from the Ganges River
Delta, before it started spreading through Asia,
Like its five previous incarnations, the
Europe, North America, and Africa.
Sixth Cholera Pandemic originated in India where
it killed over 800,000, before spreading to the
This pandemic ended over a million
Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and
people’s lives. John Snow, a British physician,
Russia. The Sixth Cholera Pandemic was also the
tracked the cases of cholera, while he was
source of the last American outbreak of Cholera
working in the poor area in London, and was able
to successfully identify the means of transmitting
the disease; through contaminated water.
8. THE BLACK DEATH (1346-1353) What about COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus)?

Death Toll:75 – 200 million In the region of Wuhan, China, a new

Cause: Bubonic Plague (“novel”) coronavirus has begun showing itself in
human beings at the beginning of December
An outbreak of Plague, from 1346 to 2019. They have named the virus “coronavirus
disease of 2019” or COVID-19 for short. Because
1353, ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia with an
it is a new virus, no one on earth has immunity
estimated death toll of 75 to 200 million people.
against this virus, thus the quick spread of the
The Plague is suspected to have originated from virus among people. Originally, it was considered
Asia and jumped continents through the fleas as an epidemic in China, however, within a few
living on rates that often board merchant ships. months, the virus managed to spread worldwide.
By March 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 as a
During that time, ports are considered to pandemic.
be the major urban centers which make it the
By the end of that same month, more
perfect breeding grounds for rats and fleas, than half a million was already infected and the
which made the bacterium flourish, devastating death nearly reached 30, 000. The infection rate
three continents with it. in the US and other countries was still spiking.

9. PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN (541-542) As a result of this pandemic, people have

become more aware of the best practices during
Death Toll: 25 million the pandemic, from careful hand-washing to
Cause: Bubonic Plague social distancing. Countries across the world
declared mandatory stay-at-home measures,
closing schools, businesses, and public places.
The Plague of Justinian was a bubonic
plague outbreak that afflicted the Byzantine Dozens of companies and many more
Empire and Mediterranean port cities. This independent researchers began working on
plague was estimated to have killed up to 25 tests, treatments, and vaccines. The push for the
million people, around half of the population of human race to survive the pandemic became the
Europe at that time, in its year-long reign of primary concern in the world.
terror. The Plague of Justinian, regarded as the
first recorded incident of Bubonic Plague, made
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an
its mark on the world. infectious disease caused by a newly discovered
coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with
10. ANTONINE PLAGUE (165 AD) COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate
symptoms and recover without special
Death Toll: 5 million treatment.
Cause: Unknown
How It Spreads?
The Antonine Plague, also known as the
- The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly
Plague of Galen, was an ancient pandemic that
transmitted through droplets generated
affected Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, and Italy. The when an infected person coughs, sneezes,
true cause of this plague is still unknown but it is or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to
thought to have been either Smallpox or Measles. hang in the air and quickly fall on floors or
The disease was spread by the Roman soldiers surfaces. You can be infected by breathing
coming back from Mesopotamia around 165 A.D. in the virus if you are within proximity of
This disease caused them 5 million people and it someone who has COVID-19, or by
touching a contaminated surface and then
decimated the Roman army.
your eyes, nose, or mouth.
COVID-19 affects different people in 9. Mask
different ways. Most infected people will develop
mild to moderate illness and recover without - Masks can help prevent the spread of the
hospitalization. virus from the person wearing the mask to
others. Masks alone do not protect against
Most common symptoms: COVID-19 and should be combined with
1. fever physical distancing and hand hygiene.
2. dry cough Follow the advice provided by your local
3. tiredness health authority.

Less common symptoms: To date, there are no specific vaccines or

medicines for COVID-19. Treatments are under
1. aches and pains
investigation and will be tested through clinical
2. sore throat
trials. World Health Organization
3. diarrhea
4. conjunctivitis 1. Self-care
5. headache
6. loss of taste or smell - If you feel sick you should rest, drink plenty
7. a rash on the skin, or discoloration of of fluid, and eat nutritious food. Stay in a
fingers or toes separate room from other family
members, and use a dedicated bathroom
Protect yourself and others around you by if possible. Clean and disinfect frequently
knowing the facts and taking appropriate touched surfaces.
precautions. Follow the advice provided by your
local health authority. Everyone should keep a healthy lifestyle at
home. Maintain a healthy diet, sleep, stay
To prevent the spread of COVID-19: active, and make social contact with loved
ones through the phone or the internet.
1. Clean your hands often. Use soap and Children need extra love and attention
water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. from adults during difficult times. Keep to
2. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is regular routines and schedules as much
coughing or sneezing. as possible.
3. Wear a mask when physical distancing is not
possible. It is normal to feel sad, stressed, or
4. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. confused during a crisis. Talking to people
5. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent you trust, such as friends and family can
elbow or a tissue when you cough or help. If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a
sneeze. health worker or counselor.
6. Stay home if you feel unwell.
7. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty 2. Medical treatments
breathing, seek medical attention.
8. Calling in advance allows your healthcare If you have mild symptoms and are
otherwise healthy, self-isolate and contact your
provider to quickly direct you to the right
medical provider or a COVID-19 information line
health facility. This protects you and
for advice. Seek medical care if you have a fever,
prevents the spread of viruses and other a cough, and difficulty breathing. Call in advance.
What to do Before and During Pandemic Virus prevention suggestions

Before a Pandemic 1. Preventing viruses – practice social

1. Store additional supplies of food and 2. Preventing viruses – wash hands often
water and avoid touching your face
2. Check your regular prescription drug 3. How to avoid viruses – wear disposable
supplies. gloves when going in public places and
3. Have any nonprescription drugs and wash hands as soon as possible
other health supplies on hand, including 4. Don’t panic-buy or hoard supplies until
pain relievers, stomach remedies, experts determine what cause
cough, and cold medicines, fluids with coronavirus
electrolytes, and vitamins. 5. Keep prescriptions current & non-
4. Get copies and maintain electric versions prescription medicines available
of health records 6. Keep your health records accessible on
5. Talk with family members and loved ones paper or online
about how they would be cared for if
they got sick, or what will be needed to How to Avoid Viruses & Maintain One’s
care for them in your home. Psychological Well-Being

During Pandemic
1. Maintain a regular sleep pattern
2. Keep to everyday routines as much as
Main goal: limit the spread of germs and
prevent infection
3. Maintain physical activity & keep your
immune system boosted
1. Avoid close contact with people who are
4. Do not panic
2. When you are sick, keep your distance
from others to protect them from getting
sick too
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue
when coughing or sneezing
4. Washing your hands often will help
protect you from germs
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
6. Practice good health habits. Get plenty of
sleep, be physically active, manage your
stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat
nutritious food.

UNIT IV 1. Effective program for recruitment and

development of talent.
It is essential for social
Developing And Maintaining organizations to have the kind of recruitment
The Viability Of Social that will bring a steady flow of able and highly
Organizations For Community motivated individuals.
2. Establishing hospitable environment for the
individual and making clear to him his
Definition and Nature of Social Organization. responsibilities. There must be a hospitable
environment for the individual and his
If a number of men have a common aim but responsibilities should be made clear to him.
simply proceed to work toward it as they see fit
in disregard to the rest, they are likely to work
The following are some important
cross purposes. Sooner or later, one of them will
responsibilities of a member of an
probably seek to improve the situation by
suggesting Let’s get organized. organization:

Types of Social Organization. a. Respect for his fellows.

Formal Organization - Willingness to recognize that the

- Refers to the organizational pattern importance of every individual is a primal
designed by the management. These are requisite for the maintenance of the social
explicit procedures as to the division of organization
labor and power of control, the rules and
regulations about wages, fines, etc b. Help build harmonious relationship.

Informal Organization - The relationships of the members, to a

great extent, determine the viability of the
- Refers to the social interactions that organization.
develop among the workers above and
beyond the formal one determined by the c. Express his ideas/feeling openly and clearly.
organization (i.e., they not only work as a
team but also as friends) or to the actual - The proper functioning of the organization
organizational relations as they evolved toward the realization of its goals,
as a consequence of the interaction suggestions, comments, etc. from the
between the organization’s design or members are very important.
rules and pressures of interpersonal
relations among the participants. 3. Sound System of Evaluation

Role of Social Organization in Community a. Organizational Level. The organizational must

Development have a built-in system of evaluating its
performance in relation to its goals.
Modern society depends largely on social
organizations as the most rational and efficient b. Individual Level. The organization must
form of bringing in social grouping known to encourage criticism and self-criticism to
effect positive changes. minimize misunderstanding among members.
4. Adaptability of Internal Structure. Of course,
the organization must be manned with

a. Division of Labor. The activities of the

organization should be divided and grouped so
as to contribute effectively to its objectives.

b. Specialization. The work of every individual in

the organization should be combined as
far as possible to the performance of a single
leading function.

c. Coordination. Coordination means that an

organization manifests a spirit of cooperation
and goodwill and integrates themselves into
teams in order to produce good results.

5. Leadership. The selection of a leader is an

important factor for an organization to
develop. It lies in the leaders’ the success or
failure of the implementation of a program
or project.

6. Effective Internal and External

Communication. Communication is a process
by which in information, decisions and
directives pass through a social system and
the ways in which knowledge, opinions and
attitudes are formed or modifies.

7. Flexibility. Flexibility is the ability to adjust,

adopt or change to new situations

a. Flexibility of Policies and Procedures. The

success of an organization is dependent
upon its policies and operating procedures.

b. Flexibility of Objectives. Objectives are

said to direct the activities of the
organization toward the achievement of

c. Flexibility of Plans. A plan is a guide to an

activity but does not function like a road

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