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Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions / Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012


Yuen Wai Pong Raymond*


Behavioral finance is an actively discussed topic in the academic and investment circle. The main
reason is because behavioral finance challenges the validity of a cornerstone of the modern financial
theory: rationality of investors. In this paper, the common irrational behaviors of investors are

Keywords: Investors, Anchoring, Overconfidence, Information Overflow, Herd Instinct, Expert


*Universidad Empersarial De Costa Rica, Flat E 11/F Block 1, Aria, 51 Fung Shing Street, Ngau Chi Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-51003743

1 Introduction investors may fail to react to important information

such as the provision for bad debt of HSBC well
2011 was a painful year for a lot of investors in the before the sub-prime meltdown and financial tsunami.
stock market. With the deep correction in the stock In fact, enough warning signs were given to us well
market, a lot of investors suffered big losses. before the catastrophic free fall of the market. Worst
What are the common mistakes of investors? still, investors may take useless news as important
What pitfalls that as investors should avoid during the information and take action about it. For instance,
investment selection, holding and selling decision? during the SARS in 2003, a lot of Hong Kong
The research on common mistakes of investors started investors dumped stocks and properties because of the
in the 1970s with figurehead including professors epidemic. In fact, this was useless information because
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman which is when the investor thinks twice, they would understand
collectively known as behavioral finance. Whereas the that epidemic happened from time to time such as
earliest documentation of the irrational behavior of Spain Flu, Black Death, super bacteria, TB....
investors can be traced back to Charles Mackay's However, all these did not stop the development of the
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Madness of world and advance of the stock market. This is
Crowds and Vega's Confusions de Confusions. because of epidemic usually last for at most 6 months
to 1 year because by the time 6 months to 1 year end,
2 Common Mistakes of Investors most of the people are infected by the bacteria or virus
and the people either die or acquire immunity. The
Basically, investors suffer from six common mistakes epidemic as a result stops. We should distinguish
in the investment. As good investors, we should bear between long lasting impact on the stock market from
in mind these errors and try to avoid them. The the short term impact on the stock market when
mistakes are information overflow, overconfidence, investors invest.
herd instinct, expert reference, loss aversion, and
anchoring. 2.2 Overconfidence

2.1 Information Overflow Overconfidence means that investors are too confident
in their judgment of the stock market and over-
With the current information era, the information exposed to the market. Overconfidence could be
available to us is huge. For instance, from your PC, caused by positive illusions (Taylor and Brown, 1988).
from newspaper, from your smart phone, from special This happens especially when the investors are
reports, from radio, from TV, from friend, from our gaining from the stock market. Usually, when
daily life, from email, from mail, from RSS.... With investors gain in a stock, they increase the exposure to
such a rich source of information, investors are the stock because they are confident that they pick a
basically overflowed with information (Lindsley, winner. Worst still, stake size investing in the stock is
1958). The overflowing with information is the higher and higher in each additional bet. As a result,
primary cause that leads to failure to distinguish investors are over-exposed to the stock. When there is
important information from useless noise. The a big and deep correction of the stock, the investors

Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions / Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012

suffer from huge loss and even the previously earned Peter Lynch, not only spent time reading research
profit could not cover the loss. This happened in 1973 reports but also spent time going to shopping arcade,
the stock market of Hong Kong. When the Hang Seng buying things, eating hamburger.... in order to look for
Index rallied from 100 in 1969 to 1700 in 1973, a lot investment opportunities. Furthermore, Mr. Peter
of investors aggressively increased the bet size. Lynch mentioned in the book that we should invest in
Though they earned a good unrealized profit during something that we were familiar and understood
the rally, they suffered huge loss when HSI free fall to especially within our professional arena instead of
150 later. As good investors, we should not be too something with a sexy name and seemed promising
confident in our judgment. An important practice is: as future.
we raise the exposure of a stock, instead of raising the
size of each additional stake, we should lower the size 2.5 Loss Aversion
of each additional bet to control the risk. This is an
intuitive way to apply dynamic hedging. The literature Another common mistake of investors is the attitude
on dynamic hedging is out of scope of this article. For of loss aversion (Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler,
interested investors, they can refer to the literature 1990). Usually, the loss aversion renders investors to
about quantitative finance such as from Paul Wilmott. sell their stocks at the bottom of the stock market.
All in all, this method can reduce the risk that Why does this happen? This is because when the
investors expose to individual stock or the market. market falls, a lot of experts will give an opinion that
the market shall fall further. For instance, during the
2.3 Herd Instinct financial tsunami, the Hang Seng Index dropped to
around 11000-level which was a bargain purchase, a
Because human are a social creature. As a result, the lot of investors did not buy-in at this record low, they
idea and thinking of other people have a huge impact sold their stocks. The main reason was because during
on our decision (Hamilton, 1971). This is due to the that time, a lot of experts said that the Hang Seng
fact that our ancestors survive by moving together Index would drop to 8000 level and the loss aversion
such as act together to hunt a strong ox. So, usually, attitude of the investors rendered them selling the
people move in one direction seems like a single stocks at this low level and hoped to reinvest at 8000
mind. The mentioned book, Extraordinary Popular level. However, the Hang Seng Index not only did not
Delusions and Madness of Crowd has very detailed fall further but also rallied to 25000 level within a
description on the craziness of the crowd acting like a year. This is comprehensible, according to Tversky's
single mind to head towards perish. However, in our research, people perceive the senses of loss two times
daily life, herd instinct is wisdom such as going to a as much as the joy of the same amount of gain.
crowded restaurant which is usually a good restaurant
or consulting a busy doctor who is usually a good 2.6 Anchoring
medical practitioner. However, this does not work for
investment. In fact, a school of thought of investment Anchoring (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) is the
known as market sentiment analysis espouses phenomenon that investors memorize the price of a
contrarian investment against the market sentiment stock that they acquired and this affects the rational
and market sentiment is a representation of the herd decision of the investors. For instance, a stock starts at
instinct in the stock market. HK$1 per share and investors invest 10000 shares
with the original position intention of 40000 shares.
2.4 Expert Reference Then, the stock rallies to HK$1.1 per share and the
investors, though knowing that it is a good stock,
A lot of investors buy or sell stocks because of the decide not to invest if it does not fall back to HK$1
opinion of experts. In One Up on Wall Street, a story per share and as a result missing the major rally that
about a good company selling leggings mentioned by the stock rises to HK$10 per share. Even Mr. Warren
Mr. Peter Lynch was a good example that investors Buffett said in 2004 annual meeting of Berkshire
invested because of research reports or experts' Hathaway that he bought some stocks at a price and it
opinions. The research and analysis of the expert are went up for a bit, he might stop buying, and hoped the
advance and superb. However, when the large price would fall back again. He lost opportunities of
institutional researchers have attention on some earning around US$ 10 billion on Wal-Mart because
triggers, it is usually a rather noticeable and of anchoring.
widespread phenomenon, so it is usually a late and Furthermore, anchoring renders the investors
over-play as mentioned by Mr. Peter Lynch. This also feeling joy and pain by referring to the price of
fulfills the hypothesis of Kahneman and Tversky: individual stocks without looking at the big picture.
cognitive biases (Kahneman and Tversky, 1972) of the For instance, some small cap stocks, because of small
experts. and not well-established, are with higher risk of going
In fact, according to Mr. Peter Lynch, our first- bankrupt. As a result, a lot of investors shun these
handed experience plus independent thinking are the stocks and these also cause the famous anomaly in
best armor for us to select stocks. As a result, Mr. excess return, small cap premium (Fama and French,

Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions / Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012

1992) according to research of Professor Eugene References

Fama. This could be regarded as a result of anchoring.
If the investors, instead of looking at individual stocks 1. Fama, E. & French, K. R., 1992, "The cross-section of
gain or loss, look at the whole portfolio of small cap expected stock returns." Journal of Finance, 47 (June
stocks, the investors may have different attitude to 1992), p.427–465.
small cap stocks. This is because of the abnormal 2. Hamilton, W. D., 1971, "Geometry for the selfish
herd." Journal of Theoretical Biology 31, p. 259-311.
return provided by small cap stocks as a whole, the 3. Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J., & Thaler, R., 1990,
overall return of the portfolio will be enhanced by “Experimental test of the endowment effect and the
having a group of the small cap stocks. Coase Theorem.” Journal of Political Economy 98, p.
3 Conclusion 4. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A., 1972, "Subjective
probability: A judgment of representativeness".
As investors, we are responsible to ourselves for the Cognitive Psychology 3, p. 430-454.
investment because the money belongs to us. We are 5. Lindsley, D. B., 1958, Conference held in June 1958 at
also responsible for our families and beloveds. Harvard Medical School, "Are there common factors
in sensory deprivation, sensory distortion and sensory
However, we are not responsible for the investment overload?" "Meetings," mentioned in Science, Vol
experts and we should have independent opinion and 129, No. 3343.
first-handed knowledge about an investment. 6. Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D., 1974, "Judgment under
Behavioral finance is a very big topic. This article is uncertainty: Heuristics and biases". Science, 185, p.
just trying to explicate some of the micro facet points 1124-1131.
about behavioral finance. May God bless you on your 7. Taylor, S.E. & Brown, J., 1988, "Illusion and well-
investment venture. being: A social psychological perspective on mental
health". Psychological Bulletin 103 (2), p. 193-210.


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