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The definition of discrimination against women as found in the Convention on Women's Rights

the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is more detailed

than the definitions found in other instruments which are more general in scope.
The Convention forbids any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the
basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective oftheir marital status,
on a basis of equality by men and women, of human rights and fundamental
freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. The
importance of this definition lies in the fact that the States which have ratified
the Convention are required to evaluate the results of their measures and policies
on the basis of the progress made in the prevention of discrimination. None the
less, inequalities can persist in practice despite the existence of laws and
regulations intended to guarantee equality under the law. Therefore, the States
parties to the Convention are invited to take special measures to establish de
facto equality, while ensuring that these measures are non-discriminatory. The
States parties are required to establish education programmes aimed at eliminating
gender bias the stereotypes and to take other measures to eliminate practices
which are detrimental to women or place them at a disadvantage in relation to
men. In its General Recommendation No. 5, the Committee on the Elimination
of discrimination against women reaffirmed the importance of special measures
to advance women's integration into all aspects of civil society. For education,
politics, the economy and employment in particular, these measures may be
temporary according to the degree of equal access.

While the above mentioned international conventions are devoted to specific

aspects of the rights of women, many other instruments also do take care of
these. In fact all the bodies established to monitor the implementation of various
instruments of Human Rights are authorized to consider questions of
discrimination on the basis of sex which arise in the exercise of the rights
guaranteed. In addition conventions of the International Labour Organization
(lLO) also mention important measures of protection against discriminationary
labour practices which place women in an inferior position in the workforce.
Thus, at least in international human rights convention system much has been
adopted for promotion of women's equality and rights. How far these are
implemented is a different question.

Check Your Progress 3

1) What rights are provided for women in the convention on the Political Rights
of Women?

2) How is discrimination against women defined in the Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?


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