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Head table request note-makers to follow rules which are made to work note taking properly. If someone
breaks the rules, for the first time, will be warned. For the second time, will remove form the
classroom for 2 weeks. For the third time, the notes-maker will be removed from note-making
classroom forever.

Rules that note-makers generally must follow when making notes

1. Notes must be reliable and compact.
2. Follow the house style which is provided
3. Sentence composition should be simple and easy to understand.
4. At the end of the last page of notes, put the reference sources with link and name.
5. Put the note-maker name at the footer of the every page.
6. Notes can make using any software (however must follow the default style).

Rules that note-makers need to follow when they upload their notes files.
1. Note-makers must check their note at least 3 times.
2. Note-makers are fully responsible for any mistake, misunderstanding and any errors in their
3. If the note-maker want to upload their notes files, sent them to the admin and they will upload
them soon.
4. All notes files must be PDF file extension.

Ethic for notes-makers

All note-maker must be honest. Note-maker never make notes maliciously . This is very serious case
that our head table don’t accept. Note-makers should share whatever known about the topic
without leaving anything behind. Note-makers need to do to be beneficial for note readers and
should try better and better. Our main goal is our notes to be reliable, accurate and useful for
IGCSE global exam.

Communication between notes- makers

We provided viber group to discuss about topic that will make note. For the note-maker who what to
make the topic will need to declare the topic name ,but if another one has chosen the topic already,
we will not allow to make it again because we want to prevent note inflation. However, If both
notes-makers agreed and make note together by sharing works about the same topic, it is

Thaw Sis Han

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