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SWOT Analysis The Body Shop

1. Strength

a) Natural Product.
All The Body Shop products produced are based on natural ingredient
such as sesame oil and shea butter. This ingredient does not have any
chemical reaction that can damage the skin of the body. Some chemicals in
cosmetics, such as parabens, can cause reactions in those with certain
conditions like growths to form in female reproductive organ or tumors that
spontaneously appear in the uterus but it is not cancerous. In that way, by
using only natural products will prevent the adverse reactions chemical
exposure can cause.
In this day, some popular products are highly fragranced which is used to
cover up the unpleasant smell of the chemicals used. These artificial
fragrances will add even more chemicals to the product and can cause
allergic reactions to people that have sensitive skin condition. In natural
products as The Body Shop, they on use natural oils for fragrance.

b) Focus on People Healthiness.

The Body Shop products are focused on people healthiness because
they provide natural sources that have come out with more benefits to our
body. Some of it is natural ingredient that contain in their products can help to
protect skin against the sun and soothe irritated skin. Exposure to the rays
can cause premature aging of the skin and sun damage such as wrinkles.
Natural products are gentler on the skin rather than having chemical used.
The function of skin nerves as a protective barrier toward our skin, but
even with the barrier chemicals can still leak into the bloodstream because
when apply chemicals directly to the skin, it can be directly absorbed.
Chemicals also can affect the immune system of the body, nervous system
and reproductive system. That is mean, chemical can reflect digestive issues
including loss appetite and abdominal cramping.

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c) High Brand Value and Brand Image.
The Body Shop has a high brand value which is they having a high
financial amount of its brand. Brand become most important when people
need to choose between alternatives because people are predisposed to buy
brands that they believe are meaningful, different and salient. These qualities
determine how people are to choose the brand, pay a premium for it and stick
with in the future. Brand values build positive customer sentiment by being
meaningful different from the competition.
The company has in many ways been the victim of its own success.
Being a unique proposition and having effectively created its own retail
category that has appeared slow to evolve its brand identity. The strong
association between the company and its campaigning founder have
increase competition and changing consumer attitudes that have been
significant factors in the company’s struggle to re-align and update its brand.

d) Huge Franchised Network.

The Body Shop has big franchise network of over 1,900 stores and has a
dedicated team of franchising managers, field study managers, operational
managers and training staff, ensuring that process of franchising is
manageable and successful. The benefit of franchising network for The Body
Shop are capital, speed of growth, motivated management and risk reduction.
Franchising is an alternative form of capital acquisition that offers some
advantages that can expand their stores from local to worldwide.
The Body Shop have developed an innovative container of their product
where people can recycle it for any use. They also design the container
without using any chemical materials and make it biodegradable so it can
save the destruction of the earth.

e) Sustainability Product.
Sustainable products are the products that provide environmental, social
and economic benefits while protecting public health and earth environment
over their whole life cycle from the extraction of raw materials until the final

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The Body Shop use resource base and the way resources are managed,
conserved or protected is a major contributor to the overall sustainability
profile of product. The environmental experts prefer to use the term
“sustainable” rather than “eco-friendly” because the latter implies that the
products will has no negative impact on the environment. There is the
difference between eco-friendly and sustainable. Eco-friendly means that
something does not harm the planet while sustainable is represents the wide
scope of issues and activities that do not compromise the ability of future
generations to meet their needs.

2. Weakness

a) Higher Pricing.
The Body Shop have been labelled as an expensive product because not
all segments of society are able to buy products produced by the company
even though the product produced have the best qualities. The qualities of
itself makes the standard of pricing product based on their ingredient which is
manufacture by the natural sources.
They also need to outline a specific budget set to cover the cost of the
supplier. Although the price has been set high, people can still be able to buy
the product and take a good care of their skin.

b) Little Advertising of Products.

The Body Shop have a little advertising of their product itself. Even
though they labelled as a high brand value and image, they still lack off an
advertising of products on media. They only advertising their products in their
official website and their stores. It is a hard medium for people to get updated
from time to time.
Advertising can encourage companies to compete and provide new
products with another and will encourages more consumers to buy their
products meet the needs. Advertisement will help the confusing consumer
who wonder about the ingredient and the effect of the products.

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3. Opportunity

a) Increase Social Media Presence.

On this day, The Body Shop have success in increasing the social media
presence of their products. More people get to know about their products and
wants to try it highly. The company has purposed an online advertising or
digital advertising as in form of the message conveyed via the internet. Online
advertising become the most effective method which is a particular ad can be
targeted to a specific person, specific age, specific location and specific time.
Not only that, advertising online is very cheap compared to other form of
Example of online advertising are youtube ads, facebook ads, and other
media social ads that have been displayed.

b) Attract New Consumer Types.

At several years ago, The Body Shop has launched several products that
can be used for men such as face care, body care and fragrance. In that way,
the company has grown significantly and made many people more interested
in their products. In the meantime, the company can also increase their
monthly profitability dramatically.
The products produced also made of natural ingredient. Therefore, it is a
new innovation with their own company concept that will attract customers by
maintaining their sustainable product but with different gender consumers not
only focused for women.

c) Increasing Number of Media Buyers.

As people know The Body Shop has their own website that people can
buy their products without walk-in to their stores. It easy for the consumers to
purchased it without missed any news about their products. They also make
an offer to customers who purchased the products at their official website.
Although they offered the same discount as stated in the store but the
websites have a special offer for them which is an extra discount or free

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delivery on every purchased. By increasing the number of media buyers, at
the same time the company actually increase their loyal customers in time to

d) Expand Product Types.

The Body Shop has expanded their type of fragrance for him and for her.
They also created the different smells of fragrance so the consumers can
choose the suitable type of fragrance that meet their needs. They desire to try
new things to achieves their goals. This make the unique opportunities of
their company thus will increasing the quality of their brand to a higher level.
By expanding their products types it will meet the needs of different
buyers and no problem with the lack of product type elsewhere but not in their
company. This is a good improvement towards their company as it will further
the profitability of the company.

e) Growing Anxiety on Health.

Internet has creating phobic or effects on usage of chemicals in products,
the customers are already going natural in most of their daily wear items. This
is a huge opportunity for The Body Shop which is they are already into their
own concept which been using natural ingredient based on their cosmetics
and beauty products.

4. Threat

a) Competition.
There are several companies that have been use natural ingredient in
their products such as The Face Shop, Victoria Secret, Bath and Body
Works, and many more. All this company have the similar concept between
each other so they going to be the biggest competitors in the business
industry. All they need is to produce the new products among them that can
maintaining their brand value and consumers. The main competitors of The
Body Shop are Estee Lauder, Sephora, and Shiseido.

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For example, Sephora is one of the main competitors of The Body Shop
because they has managed to attract consumers with the manufacture of
waterproof and more durable cosmetics than other brands.
b) Difficulty to Attract Consumers.
Even though The Body Shop company has become the equivalent of a
globalization company in this world but it is still difficult to attract the overall
consumer attention. The market of beauty is a huge industry but the
competition is profuse with the result that it has become increasingly difficult
to attract as well as engage customers. The results are the only top brands
will survive and all other are at treat of acquisitions.

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