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The Laburnum Top


1. How did the poet describe the top of the Laburnum tree in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’?

A. Still and Silent

B. Moving and Angry like

C. Silent and Motionless

D. None of the above

2. What happened to the leaves of the Laburnum tree?

A. they were green

B. turned yellow

C. fallen down

D. new leaves growing

3. How was the tree standing in the month of September?

A. still and death-like

B. alive

C. green and happy

D. still and green

4. When did the death-like tree become alive?

A. in the month of March

B. by the arrival monsoon season

C. by the arrival of the Goldfinch bird

D. by the arrival of sparrows

5. Why did the Goldfinch bird come towards the tree?

A. to feed her young ones

B. to make a nest

C. to rest

D. None of the above

6. Where are the young ones of the Goldfinch bird?

A. On the thickness of the branch

B. On the top of the tree

C. on other tree

D. they were never there

7. What role does the tree play for the Goldfinch bird?
A. As a shelter

B. as a supporter

C. as a means to feed her family

D. as a resting place

8. How did the bird move to the other side of the branch?

A. Like a lizard

B. Slowly

C. Smoothly

D. by flying

9. How did the bird arrive at the other branch of the tree?

A. with a chirping sound

B. silently

C. never arrived at other branch

D. flew away and then arrived at the branch

10. What happened after she fed her young ones?

A. she flew away

B. she flew to the other side of the branch

C. she stayed there

D. she took some rest in the nest

11. Why was Goldfinch’s body barely visible?

A. due to her dark coloured yellow body

B. because she was small

C. because of the height of the tree

D. because she was brown in colour

12. Where did the bird vanish after feeding her young ones?

A. to the other branch

B. to the top of the tree

C. to her nest

D. behind the yellow leaves

13. What happened to the bird in the end of the poem?

A. she flew away

B. she stayed at the tree

C. she went to other tree

D. she went to bring some food for her younger ones

14. How was the tree in the end when the bird flew away?

A. It was still alive

B. Nothing changed in the looks

C. it was death-like again

D. None of the above

15. What instance of Alliteration has been used in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’ out of the following

A. engine of her family

B. her barred face

C. Sleek as a lizard

D. September sunlight

16. What Transferred Epithet was used in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’?

A. her barred face identity mask

B. engine of her family

C. Sleek as a lizard

D. September sunlight
17. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?

A. because she was brown in colour

B. due to her dark coloured yellow body

C. bird’s face became her identity and symbol of recognition

D. None of the above

18. What is the dominant colour used in the poem?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Green

19. What is described by the word ‘sleek’ in the poem?

A. Lizard

B. Bird

C. Branch

D. Top of the tree

20. What is described as ‘engine’ in the poem?

A. Lizard

B. Machine

C. Laburnum Tree

D. None of the above

Father to son


1. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Father to Son’?

A. Walt Whitman

B. ShirleyToulson

C. Elizabeth Jennings

D. Kushwant Singh

2. What is the poem ‘Father to Son’ about?

A. Unsettling relationship between father and son

B. father’s old age

C. son comparing him to his father

D. father talking to son about his childhood

3. How old is the son when his father rants about his agony to his son?

A. teenager

B. grown-up

C. child

D. just became adult

4. Father tells him that although they have lived in the same house for years, he ______

A. envy him

B. adore him

C. doesn’t understand him

D. finds him cunning

5. What happened when he tried to build a relationship with him in his childhood?

A. he was successful

B. his efforts were in vain

c. he was half-way successful

D. None of the above

6. Does father know about his son’s likes and dislikes?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

C. Can’t say

7. “Why does the father use ‘I’ in a line ‘The seed I spent or sown it where ‘ where he was talking about
communication gap?”

A. to acknowledge his role in the communication gap

B. to acknowledge himself

C. to let his son know his importance

D. to make him understand about him

8. Despite all his efforts to fix the communication gap, was the son able to understand him?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Can’t say

D. Maybe

9. “What is the meaning of ‘This child is built to my design Yet what he loves I cannot share’?”

A. his son looks like him and they share everything with each other

B. His son looks like him yet they don’t have anything to share

C. his son doesn’t look like him

D. neither does his son looks like him nor he understand him

10. What is the meaning of word ‘Prodigal’ used in the third stanza?

A. understanding son

B. someone who is smart

C. spending money freely

D. someone who doesn’t spend money freely

11. Is there a silence between the father and the son?

A. Yes
B. No

C. Can’t say

D. Maybe

12. Since his son was prodigal, why does he want him to come back home?

A. to make amends with him

B. to teach him a lesson

C. to give him money

D. None of the above

13. Does the father want his son to move around in his own world?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Not at all

C. Maybe

D. None of the above

14. Why was the father ready to forgive him?

A. to let go of all the sorrows he had inside

B. to become a better person

C. to teach his son a lesson

D. to help his son

15. When the son spoke for the first time, does he also feel sad about the distance between them?

A. Yes, he did

B. No, he did not felt anything

C. Maybe in his heart

D. He never thought about it

16. What does the son share about him understanding himself?

A. he is at a point where he doesn’t understand himself

B. he understands him so well

C. he don’t want to think about it

D. he is very busy to think about understanding himself

17. From where does the son’s anger arise ?

A. out of his nature

B. out of his sadness

C. out of his father’s attitude

D. out of his childhood memories

18. What happens when they both put out an empty hand for the others to seek?

A. efforts are always in vain

B. they got successful in the end

C. father wasn’t interested

D. they never had a chance to talk

19. Find out the simile used in the poem ‘Father to Son’?

A. Silence surrounds us

B. The seed I spent or sown it where

C. We speak like strangers

D. Yet what he loves I cannot share

20. Which of the following is an Alliteration?

A. Silence surrounds us

B. We speak like strangers

C. I do not understand this child

D. I would have



Q1. What is the meaning of the word ‘ceased’?

A. starting of something

B. come to an end

C. in the midst

D. to chase something

Q2. Who is the poet of the poem ‘Childhood’?

A. Shirley Toulson
B. Walt Whitman

C. Marcus Natten

D. Naipaul

Q3. What did the poet realise about adults?

A. That they are responsible

B. That they need to work for a living

C. They are not what they seem to be

D. They are clever

Q4. What refrain literary device is used in the poem ‘Childhood’?

A. When did my childhood go?

B. Hell and Heaven

C. Could not be found in Geography

D. That’s all I know

Q5. What is the opposite of the word ‘hidden’?

A. open

B. closed

C. partially closed

D. out
Q6. What did the poet find out about Hell and Heaven?

A. They could not be found in Geography books

B. They were imaginary places

C. They were in America

D. They were in India

Q7. According to the poet, adults are _


B. Smart

C. Likeable

D. Intelligent and Clever

Q8. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he

A. He thought he was just as smart as his friends.

B. he sensed his own individuality and a separate personality

C. He thought he was incredibly intelligent

D. He thought he could use his thoughts for creative work

Q9. What the poet could not find in the Geography book?

A.Hell and Heaven

B. End to sky

C. Island

D. Nation
Q10. What is the difference between an adult and a child?

A.they can tell the difference between reality and fantasy

B. There is a difference in the perception of intellect

C. there is no difference

D. None of the Above

Q11. Why do adults talk and preach of love but do not act lovingly?

A. because they are hypocrites

B. because they are double-faced

C. because they do not want to

D. because they are deceitful

Q12. After what age did the poet realise that he had lost his childhood?

A. Thirteen

B. Eleven

C. Nine

D. Sixteen

Q13. What is the most important thing about being an adult?

A. they have their own thoughts

B. they can earn money

C. they can talk to anyone they want

D. they preach hate

Q14. Where could he see his childhood now?

A. in an infant’s face

B. only in his memories

C. Nowhere

D. in elders

Q15. Why are the adults not what they seem to be?

A. They talk and preach of love but do not act so

B. They are also incredibly cunning, greedy, and lazy.

C. They are selfish

D. They are not active

Q16. What is the Rhyme Scheme of the poem ‘Childhood’?





Q17. What did the poet realise about his mind when he lost his childhood?

A. that he can use it whatever way he wants

B. that he is very intellectual

C. that he is inorant

D. None of the Above

Q18. What did the poet conclude about his lost childhood at the end of the poem?

A. It travelled to another dimension

B. It went to some forgotten place

C. faded away

D. It shifted to his younger sibling

Q19. Why are the adults not what they seem to be?

A. they talk and preach of love but do not act so

B. they are very cunning

C. they are manipulative

D. they are devious

Q20. What did the poet realise about adults?

A.that they are not very responsible

B. they have to earn money

C. they are not what they seem to be

D. they are sly

A Photograph


Q1 What is the subject of the poem “A Photograph”?

A About poet’s childhood memories

B tribute to the poet’s mother

C Poet’s photograph

D Poet’s father

Q2 What Epithet poetic device was used in the poem?

A Terribly transient

B Through their

C Both wry

D Laboured ease

Q3 What do you mean by the word ‘wry’?

A ironic

B cry

C sad

D None of the above

Q4 What is the most cherished memory of the poet?

A her mother’s memories

B her mother’s laughter

C her own vacation memories

D her childhood memories

Q5 After how many years did her mother laugh on seeing the photograph?

A twenty-one

B twenty-three

C twelve

D twenty-five|

Q6 Who was the photographer for the picture of her mother and cousin?

A Her grandfather

B Her uncle

C Her mother’s friend

D Her grandmother

Q7 Who is on both sides of her mother?

A Cousins, Betty and Dolly

B Parents

C Cousins, Dolly and Adam

D Friends

Q8 How many people were in the photograph?

A two girls

B three girls

C two girls and one boy

D only her mother

Q9 What was the age of the poet’s mother when the photograph was taken?

A eleven years old

B thirteen years old

C twelve years old

D fourteen year old

Q10 Who is the poet/poetess of the poem “A Photograph”?

A Shirley Toulson

B Rudyard Kipling

C Elizabeth Jennings

D Markus Natten

Q11 What was the last phase in the poem?

A after her mother died

B after she grown up

C after her mother grown up

D None of the above

Q12 What does she feel in the last phase?

A pain and grief

B happy and nostalgic

C sad and nostalgic

D pain and nostalgic

Q13 How many phases were depicted in the poem by the poet?

A one

B two

C three

D four

Q14 What Oxymoron literary device was employed in the poem?

A Terribly transient

B Through their

C Both wry

D Laboured ease
Q15 In the picture, what are the three of them doing?

A playing

B standing beside house

C holding hands

D holding hands and went for paddling

The Voice of Rain

Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. If the poet has used a Metaphor in the poem, what is it?

A. I am the Poem of Earth

B. Voice of the rain

C. Soft-falling shower

D. All of the above

Q2. From where does a song originate?

A. from the heaven

B. from the ocean

C. from the heart of the singer

D. from the soul of earth

Q3. From which two places does the rain rise in the form of water vapour?
A. land and bottomless sea

B. land and ocean

C. mountains and land

D. clouds and atmosphere

Q4. What happens to the rain in the sky?

A. rain drops form

B. rain falls

C. it forms into clouds

D. None of the above

Q5. What Hyperbole was used in the poem?

A. I am the Poem of Earth

B. Soft-falling shower

C. Bottomless sea

D. voice of the rain

Q6. Why does the rain tell the poet that she cannot be touched?

A. because she is water and life

B. because she rises in the form of water vapour

C. because she forms clouds

D. None of the above

Q7. Why does the rain descend to the earth?

A. to wash the drought and provide water

B. to cause floods

C. to beautify the planet

D. disrupt human life

Q8. What does the word ‘Descend’ mean?

A. lineage

B. come down

C. to wash down

D. hidden

Q9. What does the rain reply to the poet’s question ‘Who are you’?

A. she is heaven

B. she is poem of earth

C. she is rain from mountains

D. she is poem of mountains

Q10. Where does the song return in the poem?

A. to its originator, i.e. singer

B. to the poet

C. to earth
D. to sea

Q11. What does ‘Reck’d or unreck’d’ mean?

A. enrich or do no enrich

B. cared for or not cared for

C. to purify or not

D. to wash or not to wash

Q12. What does the poet ask to the soft – falling shower?

A. What do you do?

B. What is your name?

C. Who are you?

D. What are you doing?

Q13. What is the meaning of ‘who art thou’?

A. Who are you?

B. What are you doing?

C. How are you?

D. Whose art is this?

Q14. The poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’ is a conversation between __________?

A. poet and rain

B. poet and clouds

C. rain and trees

D. birds and rain

Q15. Why does the poet compare the rain with a song?

A. because she beautifies the earth

B. because she provides life on earth

C. as they both share a common journey

D. None of the above

Q16. What does the poet compare the rain with?

A. Song

B. Heaven

C. Mountains

D. Flowers

Q17. What happens to the earth when the rain falls back on the surface of earth?

A. it provides life

B. it beautifies and purifies the earth

C. it helps in oxygen

D. it provides water to flora and fauna

Q18. What does the rain do when she doesn’t care if anyone bothers about her deeds or not?

A. she talks to Earth

B. she works hard

C. she completes her work and talk to the earth

D. she completes her work and comes back home

Q19. How does the rain help the seeds inside the earth?

A. provides water

B. provides life and helps them grow

C. provides life

D. None of the above

Q20. From which two places does the rain rise in the form of water vapour?

A. land and bottomless sea

B. land and mountains

C. mountains and glaciers

D. None of the above

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