Writing CAE

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The aim of this report is to describe my experience during the induction into
the company, outlining the most helpful activities during this first week and
making recommendations on what should the company do in order to help
future members of the workforce joining the company.

Team building activities

During my integration process, I was always guided by the eldest workers in
the company. This was crucial for me to understand where I was supposed to
be, what was my role in the company and all my responsibilities. During the
first days, we met with Human Resources, who organised team building
activities, such as treasure hunting and a shared lunch, where we had the
duty of cooking our favourite dessert and bringing it to the office. This way,
we could get to know more about each other, which is essential when
working alongside.

Guided Visit
Moreover, on Tuesday we went on a guided visit to the whole company,
something that made me more confident and motivated for, what I hope, the
next few years. This tour helped me with physical orientation, I mean the
place where things are, and also what was everyone’s function in the

I would suggest starting the first day with an overview of the company’s
history and values, which might be something that, at first, some people can
consider boring, but other see the experience as a lesson that can frankly
lead into good future decisions.

In short, I feel confident to say it was a quite positive experience. I believe
the company should continue the use of this induction method.
Hello Francis!

How have you been? I am sorry that you are feeling that way! I
believe that my past experience can truly be helpful for you.
Furthermore, I am aware that the exam’s week can be absolutely
overwhelming and stressful, but there are some methods that I used to
put in practise to pass with flying colors all the tests.

If I were you, I would start by planning the time that I have left,
setting deadlines for all the topics that are in need of revision and
outlining some exercises to reinforce the subject. This way, you will
find yourself having enough time to study everything and not

While planning your schedule, you may have in mind other activities.
First of all, you should exercise for about 30 minutes per day, so that,
you will see the relief of the stress and feel better with your own self.
Moreover, it is advised to spend time with the ones that we love, so
get along with your friends and family frequently. They will give you
the support and motivation that you need to stay focused and relaxed.

Taking all factors into account, visiting the college counsellor can be
extremely beneficial for you. Counsellors work in order to help people
enhance their wellbeing, so they might give you the most profitable
advice, helping you dealing with all the stress.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you, I am sure you’ll do well in

your exams.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Factors In uencing the Choice of Residence

These days, choosing where to live is a multifaceted decision in uenced by various

factors. Two crucial considerations to bear in mind are the cost of living and lifestyle
preferences, both of which play pivotal roles when deciding where to live.

The cost of living is a paramount factor that impacts nancial stability and overall well-
being. The exorbitant housing prices, utilities, transportation, and daily expenses should
always be considered when choosing a living area. That being said, selecting areas with a
lower cost of living can provide economic relief, enabling individuals to save, invest, or
enjoy a higher standard of living. On the other hand, some people might prefer to invest in
a more expensive home in the place they have always dreamed of living, recognizing that
life is nite and should be lived following our dreams.

Taking lifestyle preferences into consideration when deciding where to reside is something
that most people prioritize. This crucial factor takes into account individual's values,
interests, and daily habits, changing the overall experience of residing in a particular area.
For those who enjoy a busy urban lifestyle lled with cultural events, entertainment
activities, and a variety of options for different experiences, it is better to explore big cities.
On the other hand, those who prefer a more peaceful life may prioritize access to natural
landscapes, parks, and a serene environment.

In conclusion, the decision of where to live should be based on our daily routine, taking
into account the foremost interests of each individual, basically, our lifestyle preferences.
However, striking a balance between nancial stability and a ful lling lifestyle requires time
and consideration, making it the utmost factor when deciding where to reside,

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