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Mr & Mrs Bongani Tshuma

ADDRESS: 5278 Cowdrypark, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

TEL. NO: RSA 0832776424 or 0656263733

(Hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR)


Welsh Rodwell

ID:_08-876373 F38

ADDRESS: 21554 cowdrypark byo

TEL.NO: 0773651561, 0719379570

(Hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE)

The Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee the property situated at:

5278 cowdrypark Bulawayo

(Hereinafter referred to as the PROPERTY)

For the amount of ( $150), excluding of water, subject to the following terms
and conditions:

1. The rental will be payable monthly in advance, on the 15th of every

month, free from exchange rate or any other bank costs, directly into
the lessor’s bank account or to the Lessor at his above-mentioned
address, or at any address, or per bank debit order, as the Lessor may
from time-to-time decide upon.

2. If the rental amount is not reflected in the Lessors’ bank account, or

paid cash to the Lessor, on or before the 16th of every month, a
penalty of $5 or Rands equivalent to $5) per month is due to the
Lessor by the Lessee over and above the normal rental amount agreed
between the Lessor and Lessee.

3. The duration of the lease shall be a period of 12 months, commencing
on 10-05-2023 and expiring on 30-05-2024

4. If the Lessee cancel the contract before the agreed 12 months period,
or fail to give at least 1(one) calendar month notice to cancel the
contract after the agreed one year period, a Penalty could arise to the
Lessee’s account of an amount equal to the full deposit.

5. The property shall be used for personal residence purposes only.

6. No more than people to ocupy the property. In the event where more
than 4 people occupy the property than stipulated above, the matter
will be handled according to paragraph 25, page 4 (as stipulated in this

7. Any form of smoking is NOT permitted inside the premises, including

cigarettes, cigars, dagga, or any other form of smoking, even if not
listed here. The use or storage of drugs in the premises are not

8. Only two pets are allowed.

9. The Lessee shall not be entitled, without the prior written permission of
the Lessor, to rent the property or any portion thereof, or to cede his
rights in terms of the Agreement, or to waive his rights in terms of the
Agreement in favour of anyone else.

10. If the Lessee should find on occupying the property, that any fittings
and fixtures, the stove, keys, locks, windows, taps, baths, wash basins,
sewerage pipes or toilet pans, sinks or electrical equipment is in a
defective condition, the Lessee shall advise the Lessor thereof in
writing, within 3 (THREE) days of occupation, providing full particulars
thereof. Should the Lessee neglect to do this it shall be regarded as
confirmation that everything is in a good and proper condition.

11. The Lessee shall at his own costs, maintain the premises in a good
condition, both outside and inside (not including reasonable wear-and-
tear) and he acknowledges that at the commencement of this contract
he received the leased property in a clean condition, free from any
contamination by insects or anything else. He undertakes to leave the
premises in the same good condition on expiry of, or early termination
of this contract.
12. The Lessor shall be responsible for the payment of the rates (including
any increases thereupon) and the monthly levy. All moneys with regard
to electricity used by the Lessee while he occupies the property, shall
be paid by the Lessee. The deposit for the connection of the electricity
on the property shall be paid by the Lessee. All water and sanitation
will be paid by the lessee.

13. Should the Lessee neglect to pay the municipal account for which he is
responsible, by the due date, the Lessor shall have the right to pay the
aforementioned costs and to recover all such paid amounts from the

14. The Lessor is not responsible for any damage or inconvenience that
the Lessee may suffer as a result of any interruption in the supply of
water and electricity. The Lessee shall advise the Lessor immediately
of any defects in the water system or electricity installation.

15. The Lessee shall not, without the written permission of the Lessor or a
duly authorized person, effect any changes or additions to the property.
The Lessee shall not hammer in nails or attachments or make holes in
the walls or ceilings. The Lessee shall not tamper with the electric
installations or wiring, or change such installations or wiring. Any
changes or additions that may have been effected with the permission
of the Lessor, shall upon vacating the property, be removed and
restored to a good and neat condition, or remain the property of the
Lessor as the case may be.

16. The Lessor and/or any of his workers or agents shall be entitled to
access the property at all reasonable times in order to inspect it and/or
to show it to prospective tenants and/or to effect any work, including
repairs and/or renovations.

17. The Lessor shall not be responsible for any damage or loss which the
Lessee may incur as a result of theft, break-ins, unrest, action by the
State, an act of God, leaks, rain, hail, snow, wind or fire.

18. The Lessee agrees not to do anything that is in conflict with the
provisions of any one of the Lessor’s insurance policies, or which could
cause such insurance premiums to be increased. If as a result of the
actions of the Lessee or partly as a result thereof, any claim against an
insurance policy of the Lessor is not paid out, the Lessee shall be
obliged to pay to the Lessor, an amount equivalent to that which the
Lessor would otherwise have been able to recover in terms of the
insurance policy.

19. If the property is in any way structurally damaged as a result of the

Lessee’s actions, the Lessor shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement immediately, and all such costs will be paid by the lessee.
The Lessee shall then have no claim against the Lessor on the ground
of such termination.

20. The Lessee shall not be entitled to any reduction in rent when the
Lessor does any repairs to the property or premises, as long as such
repairs are affected speedily and completed within a reasonable period

of time. If the property is rendered uninhabitable as a result of any
cause outside the control of the Lessee, then the Lessee shall be
entitled to a waiver of rent for the period for which the Lessee is
deprived of the use and occupation of the property and in such case,
such period shall not be calculated as part of the lease period.

21. All goods brought onto the property by the Lessee shall remain there at
the sole risk of the Lessee, and the Lessor or his agents shall not
accept any responsibility or liability with regard thereto.

22. The Lessee shall be responsible for all costs that the Lessor may incur
in connection with steps against the Lessee, including tracing costs,
lawyers and client’s costs and collection commission on all amounts
which the Lessor’s lawyers may collect on the Lessor’s behalf. The
Lessee shall reimburse such amounts to the Lessor on demand.

23. The Lessor shall be entitled to pay all costs or moneys that the Lessee
must pay, on behalf of the Lessee, and recover such amounts from the
Lessee thereafter.

24. The parties choose as their Domicilium citandi et executandi the

addresses that appear beneath their names on page one. All notices
delivered to such addresses shall be deemed to have come to the
parties’ notice on such date of delivery.

25. If the rental or any other amount payable by the Lessee is not paid
before or on the due date, or if the Lessee in any way violates any
conditions contained in this Agreement, the Lessor, notwithstanding
any legal remedy which he may have, after he has given the Lessee 7
(SEVEN) days notice to rectify the matter, and if the Lessee is still in
neglect thereof thereafter, shall be entitled to cancel this Agreement,
re-take possession of the property and claim from the Lessee such
damage as he may have suffered.

26. No willingness to accommodate, or relaxation in the enforcement of the

provisions of the Agreement, nor any concession granted in respect of
a violation of any condition contained in this Agreement, shall prejudice
the Lessor’s right to strictly enforce the provisions of the Agreement at
a later stage.

27. When the Lessee vacates the premises at the end of the Agreement,
the keys and all duplicates thereof shall be returned to the Lessor in a
good condition. The Lessee is responsible for any loss which may be
incurred as a result of lost keys and gate remotes, and shall replace
them on demand.

28. Any legal steps against the Lessee that may arise from this Agreement,
shall be exercised in the Magistrate’s court for the Bulawayo district,

and the Lessee recognizes the jurisdiction of such court with regard to
the institution and exercise of such steps.

29. The Lessee is responsible for the payment of costs in respect of the
drawing up of this contract, as well as the stamp duty thereupon, upon
signature thereof.

30 Notwithstanding any other additional lease agreement that may be

entered into by the signatories hereto, the Lessee shall be jointly and
severally responsible for the monthly rental in the event of any breach
by a third party, in terms of any such other Agreement, regarding the
payment thereof.

31. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties and
no amendment hereto shall be valid unless it is put to writing and
signed by both parties.

32 Special Agreements:

1_Always keep the premises

2 Make sure the bills are up to date always
3 You break you fix
4Rent must be paid in time as per agreement on the lease

SIGNED at _johhanesburg_____________ on this 20th_day of May


1. _Bongani tshuma_____________________

2. ___Epifani a tshuma___________________


1. _____________

2. _______________________

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