French Basic Prepositions

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Basic Prepositions, Some adjectives

French English equivalent Tips
à at, in, to • Remember: à+le becomes au; à+les becomes aux
There are varied uses of à.
• à can be used with de to mean from(de)à).
• Other uses of à are: to describe how someone looks or
what he/she is wearing, what a certain thing is made of,
how something is done, mode of traveling, what a thing is
used for, to tell a certain time, for distances or rates, and
in common sayings and phrases.
à la campagne (in the country)
À Paris (in paris)
au lit (in bed)
de Londres à Paris (From London to France)
au premier étage (on the first floor)
à Noël (at Christmas)
à bientôt (see you soon!)
après after Examples:
après vous! (after you!)
après le déjeuner. (after lunch)
avant before Examples:
avant toi (before you)
avant la maison (before the house)
avec with Examples:
avec moi (with me)
avec mon père (with my father)
dans in(side), into Examples:
dans deux mois (in two months)
ll est dans sa chambre. (he's in his room)
de of, from,some,to + • de+le becomes du, de+les becomes des
Verb • de becomes d' when its word starts with a vowel, h, or
the word y.
• Used with à to mean from... to..
de Paris (from Paris)
un ami de la famille (friend of the family)
en in • Usually being used with feminine countries and some
figurative expressions.
• Can also talk about years and months and seasons.

Nous habitons en France. (we live in France)
en 1983 (in 1983)
en janvier (in January)
en hiver (in winter)
en train (in train)
entre between, among Example:
Le bureau est fermé entre 13 et 14 heures.
(The office is closed between 1 and 2 pm)
pour For, in order to Examples:
pour homme (for him)
pour Paris (for Paris)

sous under Example: sous terre (underground)

sur on Examples:
sur la table (on the table)
sur la politique (on politics)

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