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School of Teacher Education


Title: “Unlocking the culinary potential of Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) as


Proponent/s: Ronan Joshua Mangangot, Pegie Aremala Jr., Mary Ann L.


Duration (in months): 5 months



Creation of new food products would provide additional various

option for people and it's community due to rapid mass consumerism of

individuals of a certain country. As a traditional staple food in China,

noodles have a long history and occupy a very important position in the

dietary structure of the population. In recent years, with the

improvement of living standards, many consumers have increased

requirements on the taste and quality of pasta.With traditional pasta no

longer meeting the need of the population, more attention has been

given to the nutritional value and safety of noodles (Tattiyakul et al.,

2006; Aboubakar et al., 2008).Asian noodles have evolved into many

types and forms thanks to the differences in the way they are produced

and presented to the consumer.(Gary G. Hou, 2020).

Nutritionally, taro has broader compliments of vitamins and

nutrients compared to other root and tuber crops. The domestication of

the new crops which are relatively more yielding and at the same time

enjoys international leverage in research and development pose

enormous challenges for the future of tro as a major crop.(Alfred O

Ubalua, Favour Ewa, Onyinyechi DOkeagu,2016).Victoriano et al.

(2021)stated that the sticking properties of the starch play an important

role in the quality of the product, because the starch provides the

structure-forming properties. This behaviour is related to the

macromolecules’ tendency to re-associate and interact after

gelatinization, resulting in organized structures that delay starch

swelling and solubilization during cooking. Taro is not only a good

source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber but also acts a medicinal

plant. Taro is rich in nutrients that can provide important health

benefits. A one-cup serving has a third of your daily recommended

intake of manganese, which contributes to good metabolism, bone

health, and blood clotting.Its high levels of vitamins can also promote

healthy vision, skin, circulation, and immune system function.(Kathleen

M. Zelman, RD, LD, MPH , 2022)

At present, the rheological properties and gelatinization properties

of dough have received more attention at home and abroad. The texture

of dough plays a decisive role in the sensory of quality in final products

(González Victoriano et al., 2020).The focus of this research is to create

a new variety of noodles that can blow out in the food industry, to

sustain the necessity of many people especially for students. Providing

more convenience and affordable Healthful Noodles that Filipinos have

come to love.
Specific Objectives:

The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

A. To assess the potential of Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) for noodle making;

B. To produce a new variety of noodles that provides dietary benefits;

C. To publicize the capability of Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) for noodles

production in culinary.


Statement of the Problem

This study in titled “Unlocking the culinary potential of Bisol (Xanthosoma

violacium) as noodles” The underutilization of bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) in

noodle production represents a culinary challenge due to a lack of established

processing methods, recipes, and consumer awareness. This limits the

exploration of bisol's unique flavors, nutritional benefits, and its potential as a

sustainable noodle ingredient, hindering its integration into the culinary


Q1. How long is the shelf life of the Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) noodle on

different processing technique?

a. Dry Noodles;

b. Fresh Noodles; and

c. Frozen?

Q2. What is the acceptability level of Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) noodles in

terms of the following sensory criteria?

a. Color;

b. palatability/Taste;

c. Texture?
III. Methodology


This study was utilized quantitative form of method where the

researcher represent and manipulate the processes in preparing the

ingredients and procedure in making and “Unlocking the culinary potential of

Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) as noodles” using the criteria for Food Tasting.

These are the materials needed in conducting this experiment:

 Greater

 Knife

 Electric Blender

Chopping Board

 Mixing Bowl

 Rubber Spatula

 Cling Wrap

 Measuring Cup

 Measuring Spoon

 Pot

 Rolling pin

 Kitchen Scale

Dough Scrapper

 Pasta Cutter

 Wooden Spoon

Ingredients of Bisol (Xanthosoma violacium) as noodles:

 2 cups Bisol flour

 1 ½ cup Water

 2pcs Egg
 2tsp Sugar

 ½ tsp Salt

 2tbsp Vegetable oil


Creating Bisol (Xanthosoma Violacium) as noodles involves a

straightforward process;

Bisol Flour Process:

Gathering all ingredients and

Peel the bisol (xanthosoma violacium) using peeler.

Grate the peeled bisol (xanthosoma violacium).

Dry the grated bisol (xanthosoma violacium) in the
sunlight about 1 to 2 days or until dry.

Blend the dry grated bisol until it become fine or until
achieved the consistency of flour.

Process of making a noodles:

1. Combine Bisol
(Xanthosoma violacium)
flour, and sugar in a large 2. Use a wooden spoon to
bowl. Stir in salt. Make a stir the mixture until well
well in the Centre. Add the combined.
egg, Vegetable oil and

3. Transfer onto a lightly

floured surface and knead
4. Put the Dough to a
for 10 minutes or until
Pasta Maker.
the dough is smooth and

6. Then you can choose

5. Then make different
different dishes from
processes technique such
international to domestic
as Dry , Fresh or freeze
cuisine using Bisol
the Noodles.
(xanthosoma violacium).

Research participant’s

There are 50 participants who were randomly selected from the BTVTED

FSM 2, 3, and 4 students. We picked participants from BTVTED FSM 2, 3, 4,

for our research because they have different knowledge and experiences

related to what we’re studying. We want to hear from a variety of people to

get a full picture of our research topic. By including them, we hope to gather

lots of different ideas and perspectives, which will help us learn more and

make our research better.

IV. Research Timetable (in tabular form)

The study is expected to complete within 5 months with the following

indicated as the activity's durations for every section of the research study.

Research Section Duration

Chapter 1 October

Chapter 2 November
Chapter 3 December

Chapter 4 January

Chapter 5 February

V. Theoretical Background & Related Literatures

Taro tuber is a carbohydrate source for diabetics and gastrointestinal

disorders. This is because it contains complex carbohydrates, slow-digesting

starch, and dietary fibre with important nutrients. Taro flour controls blood

sugar levels (Kaushal et al., 2012) They also contained antioxidants such as

β-carotene, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, terpenes, saponins, and

phenols (Jyothi and Srinivas Murthy, 2019).

Dry noodles were produced through the process of roasting, and it

reduced the value of the glycaemic index, glycaemic load, and fat

(Nurdyansyah et al., 2019).

The conventional drying system to preserve fruits, vegetables, grains,

fish, meat, wood and other agricultural products is sun drying which is a free

and renewable source of energy. But, for large-scale production, there are

various known limitations of sun drying as damage to the crops by animals,

birds and rodents, degradation in quality due to direct exposure to solar

radiation, dew or rain, contamination by dirt, dust or debris. Also this system

is labour-and time intensive, as crops have to be covered at night and during

bad weather, and have to be protected from attack by domestic animals.

There is also a chance of insect infestation and growth of microorganism due

to non-uniform drying. The advancement of sun drying is solar drying systems

in which products are dried in a closed system in which inside temperature is

higher [1]. Major advantage includes protection against flies, pests, rain or

dust. Sun drying of crops is the most widespread method of food preservation

in most part of India and world because of solar irradiance being very high for

the most of the year. As this technique needs no energy during day time, it is
more beneficial to the small scale farmers who can’t afford the electricity or

other fuel for drying. If it is necessary to dry product in night or in bad

weather, an additional bio-fuelled heater can be used for heat supply.

(Anupam Tiwari, 2016). The advancement of sun drying is solar drying

systems whereby products are dried in a closed system in which inside

temperature is higher (Rajkumar, 2007; Kumar and Shrivastava, 2017).

Noodle appearance is the first “assessment” of noodle quality made by

consumers and is based on subjective evaluation at the point of purchase.

( Larisa Cato, Daniel Mullan,2020)

Ingredients: when cooking noodles, we can add eggs, vegetables, and

other ingredients, so as to make noodles achieve the principle of “food

diversification”, and promote health for people. Instant noodles: the seasoning

packet in instant noodles contains more salt, so we should add half a packet

of seasoning when eating instant noodles, in order to reduce salt intake. (Na

Zhang, Guansheng Ma)


Maintenance and other operation P 1,000

Travelling expenses P 500

Supply and materials P 1,300

Equipment P 800

Miscellaneous P 500

Total: P 4, 100


Gary G. Hou,(2020) in Asian Noodle Manufacturing Whole grain noodles. /

Niu, M. & Hou, G. (2020). Noodles. ScienceDirect.

Kathleen M. Zelman, RD, LD, MPH,(2022) WebMD Editorial Contributors
Health Benefits of Taro Root

Larisa Cato, Daniel Mullan,(2020) in Breadmaking (Third Edition)

A. R. Ade1., F. F. Olayemi1., A. O. Adebiyi1., O . M. Zubair1., O. A. Adeiza1.



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