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School of Teacher Education


Lumbia, also known as sago palm, is a type of tropical tree that produces starchy pith, which is
commonly used to make sago flour. In recent years, an innovative process has been developed to create
a glutinous flour alternative from lumbia, specifically for making a traditional Filipino delicacy called
"moron."Jefrey M. Bagasbas & Renyl B. Barroca (20 Jul 2020) The Sago Palm, scientifically known as
Metroxylon sagu, is a versatile and sustainable plant that has been utilized by various cultures for
centuries. One of its most notable applications is the production of glutinous flour, commonly referred to
as lumbia flour, which has been used in the creation of traditional delicacies. However, the conventional
process of producing lumbia flour can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.Hafizan Mohamad Naim,
Ahmad Nizar Yaakub, Dayang Asmah Awang Hamdan,(2016)

Moron is a sweet and sticky rice cake that is popular in the Philippines, particularly in the Visayas region.
Traditionally, it is made using glutinous rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, and chocolate. However, with the
increasing demand for gluten-free and healthier alternatives, the use of lumbia glutinous flour has
emerged as a game-changer in the moron-making process.(Angeli Korina M. Dizon(the freeman) (2017)
The innovation process begins with the extraction of the starchy pith from the lumbia tree. The pith is
then washed thoroughly to remove impurities and ground into a fine powder. This powder is then mixed
with water to create a thick, sticky paste, which is similar in texture to glutinous rice flour.(by H
Zhang · 2021 )

To make moron using lumbia glutinous flour, the paste is combined with coconut milk, sugar, and
chocolate, just like the traditional recipe. The mixture is cooked over low heat, stirring continuously until
it thickens and forms a cohesive mass. It is then poured into banana leaves or molds and allowed to cool
and set.(Bebs 2020)

This study not only aims to provide a novel alternative for making moron delicacy but also seeks to
promote the utilization of the Sago Palm as a sustainable crop. By exploring the potential of Sago Palm as
a source of alternative flour, we can contribute to the conservation of natural resources and reduce our
dependence on traditional crops. Through this research, we hope to shed light on the potential of lumbia
flour as a viable alternative in the culinary industry, particularly in the creation of traditional delicacies.
Furthermore, the findings of this study can pave the way for further exploration and utilization of the
Sago Palm in various other food applications, contributing to the development of sustainable and
innovative food practices. lumbia glutinous flour as an alternative in making moron delicacy has brought
about a new twist to this beloved Filipino treat. It offers a gluten-free and healthier option without
compromising on taste and texture, providing a delightful culinary experience for both traditional
enthusiasts and those seeking innovative alternatives.

Theoretical framework

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the acceptability of Lumbia (Sago palm) Glutinous Flour

alternative innovation process in making Moron delicacy. Specifically, this research

answered the following questions;

1. What is the acceptability of Lumbia (sago palm) glutinous flour in moron

delicacy on the following criteria;

a. Appearance

b. Aroma
c. Taste; and

d. Textures?

2. Which can be preserved for a longer period of time, the Lumbia glutinous flour

or the glutinous rice flour in the following conditions?

a. room temperature; and

b. at refrigerator ?

Significance of the Study

The important of this study is on the result of the acceptability of Lumbia (sago palm)

glutinous flour as one of the main ingredients in making Moron Delicacy. The researcher

envisioned, that the result of this study would give interest to the following people:

BTVTED FSM student. The findings of this study will help the BTVTED FSM student

in giving interest and notion to try other substantial substitute ingredients in making

Moron delicacy other than glutinous rice flour. And may shed light to try more recipes on

Lumbia (sago palm) glutinous flour as the main ingredients.

Business enthusiasts. This study will help the sellers in a way that it gives them

insight to try glutinous flour from Lumbia (sago palm) as substitute ingredient in making

Moron delicacy if ever there is no glutinous rice available.

Teachers, Instructors and Faculty member. The result of this study will aid the

teachers, instructors, and faculty members to transfer knowledge to people in the

Scope and limitation

The scope of the lumbia (sago palm) glutinous flour alternative innovation

process in making Moron delicacy refers to the extent to which this alternative

flour can be used as a substitute for traditional glutinous rice flour in the

preparation of Moron. It includes the potential benefits and advantages of using

lumbia glutinous flour and the range of applications it can have in making the

Moron delicacy.

The limitations of this innovation process include:

1. Availability of lumbia glutinous flour: The production of lumbia glutinous flour

may be limited due to the availability of sago palm trees and the process involved

in extracting the flour from the tree. This could restrict the widespread adoption

and use of this alternative flour.

2. Taste and texture: The taste and texture of the Moron delicacy made using

lumbia glutinous flour may differ from the traditional Moron made with glutinous

rice flour. This could be a limitation if consumers prefer the original taste and

texture of the traditional delicacy.

3. Nutritional composition: The nutritional composition of lumbia glutinous flour

may differ from glutinous rice flour, which could impact the overall nutritional
value of the Moron delicacy. This could be a limitation for individuals with specific

dietary requirements or preferences.

4. Cost: The cost of producing lumbia glutinous flour may be higher compared to

traditional glutinous rice flour. This could limit the affordability and accessibility of

the Moron delicacy made using this alternative flour.

5. Market acceptance: The acceptance and demand for Moron made with lumbia

glutinous flour may vary among consumers. Some consumers may be hesitant to

try a new ingredient or may have a preference for the traditional Moron made

with glutinous rice flour. This could limit the market potential of the alternative

innovation process.

Overall, while the lumbia glutinous flour alternative innovation process has potential

benefits, there are limitations that need to be considered in terms of availability, taste,

nutrition, cost, and market acceptance.

Definition of terms

Lumbia- Is a term referring to the sago palm(Metroxylon sagu) a tropical palm tree native to southeast

Asia. It is well known for the starchy pith on it, which may be used to make flour.
Sago palm- also known as Metroxylon sagu, is a type of tropical palm tree that is native to Southeast

Asia. It is primarily cultivated for its starchy pith, which is often used to make sago pearls, a common

ingredient in various Asian desserts.

Glutinous flour- this form of glutinous rice flour, also known as sticky rice flour or sweet rice flour is

frequently used in Asian cooking to give a variety of dishes a stick and chewy texture.

Alternative innovation process-Refers to the development and implementation of a new method or

approach that deviates from traditional practices. In this context, it involves using lumbia glutinous flour

as an alternative ingredients in making moron delicacy instead of the conventional glutinous rice flour.

Moron delicacy- is a Filipino sweet treat that is commonly found in the Visayas region of the Philippines.

It is made by combining lumbia glutinous flour,coconut sugar, rice flour, condensed and sesame seeds

and then wrapping the mixture in banana leaves before steaming or boiling. The resulting delicacy has a

sticky and chewy texture, with a sweet and chocolatey flavor.

Therefore, the definition of terms in lumbia (sago palm) glutinous flour alternative innovation process in

making moron delicacy would be the exploration of using sago palm-derived ingredients or innovative

techniques to replace or enhance the use of glutinous flour in the traditional preparation of moron
delicacy. This could involve experimenting with sago palm flour ingredients to create a unique variation

of the dish while preserving its key characteristics.

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