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Q1 which of the following can be used as fixatives?

A 10% natural buffered Formalin
B- Bouin’s fluid
C- Carnoy’s fluid
D- all of the above

Q2- What should be the ratio between the volume of the tissue and the fixative
A- 1 ratio 5
B- 1 : 10
C- 1 ratio 20
D- 1 ratio 100

Q 3 - What is the usual concentration of the commercial formaldehyde available

A- 7 to 10%
B- 17 to 27%
C- 37 to 40%
D-40 to 50%

Q4 - Which is the most commonly used fixative in clinical practice?

A- 10% natural buffered Formalin
B- Zenkres fluid
C- Bouins fluid
D- Cornoy’s fluid
Q-5- Bouins fluid is yellow because of the presence of –
A- Chloroform
B- Picric acid
C- Formaldehyde
D- Iodine

Q6 - Which of the following…………… is a components of Zenkar’s fluids?

A- Mercuric chloride
B- Potassium dichromate
C- Sodium sulphate
D- all of the above

Q 7 - Which of the following acid may be used for decalcification?

A- 25% sulfuric acid
B- 5% nitric acid
C- 20% hydrochloric acid

Q8 -Which of the following acid is used in the electrolytic method for decalcification?
A- Formic acid
B- Nitric acid
D- Acetic
Q9- For electron microscope slide preparation two fixatives used in combination
A- Formalin and Bouin’s
B- Glutaraldehyde and Osmium tetroxide
C- Mercuric chloride and acetic acid
D- 95% ethanol and Osmium tetroxide
Q10 – The Section cutting Machine is known as----
A- Microtome
B- Histomate
C- Histocut
D- Histoform

Q11- Which is not the aim of fixation?

A. To prevent putrefaction
B. Remove excess water from the tissue
C. Prevent osmotic swelling
D. Render the tissue suitable for subsequent staining
E. To prevent lysosomal activity

Q12. Which statement about Formaldehyde is false?

A. Most commonly used Aldehyde fixative
B. It is a water soluble gas (sat. approx. 40%)
C. Concentrated formaldehyde is 40%
D. Penetrates tissue rapidly
E. Fixes tissue rapidly
F. The best fixative for nucleic acids

Which statement about Glutaraldehyde is false?
A. Widely used in EM
B. Gives a better morphological picture at the EM level
C. Cross-links less extensively than formaldehyde
D. Diffuses into tissue very slowly
E. Fixes tissue components rapidly
F. Renders tissue too hard for paraffin sectioning

Q14. Mercuric Chloride is restricted in use because:

A. It's toxic
B. Its corrosive
C. Its a pollutant
D. All of the above

Q15. Formalin Solution (10%, unbuffered) is composed of:

A. 10ml Formaldehyde (40%) and 90ml distilled water
B. 50ml Formaldehyde (40%) and 50ml distilled water
C. 90ml Formaldehyde (10%) and 10ml distilled water
D. 90ml Formaldehyde (10%) and 10ml distilled water

Q16. Which is not an Aldehyde fixative?

A. Picric Acid
B. Potassium Dichromate
C. Glutaldehyde
D. Mercuric chloride

Q17. Why isn't microwave fixation suitable for large specimens (of tissues/organs)?
A. Microwave fixation is best suited on tissue blocks 10-12mm thick
B. The microwave radiation can damage fine tissue structures
C. It is unable to heat the centre of the tissue/organ sufficiently without overheating the outside
D. Using microwaves accelerates the rate of putrefaction

Q18.Volume of fixative in relation to specimen should be in this range……………….

Q19. Formalin (commercial) or commercial formaldehyde is what percent dissolved
Q20. State 1 reason for the use of graded alcohol during dehydration?
Q21.Explain the term clearing and list at least 4 clearing agents

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