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© That Blue Square Thing, 2019 (


Making a DVD Cover – the task

This is an old iMedia R082 Digital Graphics assessment piece. It's no longer a live
assessment, so it makes an interesting piece to look at in Year 9.
Here's what the assessment brief said:

Your client is producing a new film and needs to begin the development of the DVD cover.
The title of the film is ‘Energy Matters’ and it is about the World’s demand for energy in the
year 2020. The film is expected to be given a Certificate 12 rating when released. The
DVD cover produced must be a single piece of digital graphic artwork that includes front
cover, back cover and the spine.
A high quality file for print purposes must be created together with a low resolution version
suitable for use on a website. The website version will be used for promotion and be 400
pixels wide to fit the web page layout.

• one digital graphic
• high quality for printing
• with a smaller, lower quality version for a website

There are no dimensions given for this piece, so I looked the dimensions of DVD
cases up on the internet:

Back cover Spine Front cover Height

Regular DVD 130mm 14mm 130mm 184mm

Slim DVD 130mm 8mm 130mm 184mm

BlueRay 129mm 14mm 129mm 148mm

The spine is the bit of the cover you read from the side of the case.

Using the regular DVD settings that will give me something that looks like this.

Note that the front cover is on

the right.

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