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8 Hb-3

Runny lava 2

Lava from some volcanoes is more runny than lava from other volcanoes. The ‘runniness’ of a
liquid is called its viscosity (vis-kos-it-ee). Sticky liquids like treacle have a high viscosity (they are
said to be viscous). Water is very runny. It has a low viscosity.

To plan and carry out an investigation to find out how the viscosity of lava affects the distance it
flows. You can use mixtures of jelly and water as a model for lava.

Apparatus Clean up any

● ramp propped up on books ● metre ruler ● stopclock spills straight
● jelly cubes ● beakers ● warm water
Do not eat the
● measuring cylinder ● bucket or bowl jelly.
● cloth (to clean ramp)

1 Write a plan for your investigation.
You will need to think about these things:
● How steep will your ramp need to be?
● How many different jelly mixes will you use?
● Which variables will you need to control to
make your test fair?
● How will you measure how far each mixture runs?
● Do you need to do any preliminary experiments before writing your final plan?
● How will you make sure your investigation is safe?

2 What do you think you will find out? Give reasons for your prediction.

Recording your results

3 Design a table for your results. Show your plan to your teacher, and then carry out
your investigation.

Considering your results/conclusion

4 Which jelly ran the furthest? Was your prediction correct?
5 What does your experiment tell you about lava and volcanoes?
6 How good is the jelly as a model for lava? Explain your answer.

7 Could you improve your method if you had time to do the investigation again?
Explain your answer.
8 Was the way that you measured the flow of the jelly accurate enough?

I can…
● use a model to investigate a scientific question
● plan a fair test
● suggest improvements to my method
● explain how the runniness of lava will affect how far it will flow.

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