Biology 11th Edition Raven Test Bank

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Biology 11th Edition Raven Test Bank

Biology 11th Edition Raven Test Bank

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Chapter 08

1. Where do the carbon atoms in glucose come from?

A. Sunlight
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Water

Through the process of photosynthesis, the carbons in carbon dioxide are fixed and ultimately
utilized to generate glucose. Review the equation of photosynthesis in section 8.1.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Explain the reaction for photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

2. Carbon dioxide and water can combine to form glucose, water and oxygen. What is
required for that process to occur?
A. Nothing, this is a spontaneous reaction
B. Energy from the process of cellular respiration
C. Light energy from the sun
D. Mitochondria

This describes the process of photosynthesis, which is an endergonic reaction requiring light

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Explain the reaction for photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

3. A protein that has been transported past the outer chloroplast membrane would have to
pass how many more membranes to reach the stroma and thylakoid lumen, respectively?
A. 0,1
B. 1,2
C. 2,3
D. 3,4

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine how many more chloroplast membranes would be
required for a protein to be transported into the thylakoid lumen once it is already past the
outer chloroplast membrane?
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to use what you already know about chloroplasts and membranes,
and apply that to figure out how many more membranes a protein inside the outer chloroplast
membrane would need to pass through to get to the inside of the thylakoid lumen.

Gather Content

What do you already know about chloroplasts and membranes? What other information is
related to the question?
• Let’s first re-orient you to chloroplast structure and function. Chloroplasts are the
cellular organelle involved in photosynthesis. They are enclosed by multiple membranes, each
of which serves to compartmentalize the interior of the chloroplast.
• The innermost membrane, called the thylakoid membrane, contains a dense
concentration of proteins and chlorophyll molecules that capture sunlight and use it to drive
the process of photosynthesis. For example, the thylakoid membrane constituents produce
both ATP and NADPH. The thylakoid membrane also maintains an impermeable barrier to
protons, the positively charged subatomic particles used to generate the proton gradient
needed to produce ATP. What other membranes are associated with the chloroplast, and how
many would a protein that is already inside the outer chloroplast membrane need to pass
through to get to the thylakoid lumen?

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Choose Answer

Do you have all necessary information to determine what was produced during the plant
• Once you understand chloroplast anatomy it’s fairly straightforward to figure out the
answer. Chloroplasts have an outer membrane, and inner membrane, and a thylakoid
membrane. In this particular question, the protein has already passed through the outer
chloroplast membrane and is in the space just outside of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
• So, in order to be transported into the thylakoid lumen, the protein must pass through
the inner chloroplast membrane and the thylakoid membrane, bringing the total number of
membranes that need to be passed through to two.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about chloroplast anatomy and the number of membranes included in a chloroplast to
determine how many more membranes a protein would need to cross in order to get into the
thylakoid lumen.
• If you got the correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, were you able
to determine the total number of membranes in the chloroplast? Were you able to spatially
position the protein in the space between the outer and inner chloroplast membranes? Were
you able to count the remaining number of membranes needed to get to the thylakoid lumen?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Describe the structure of the chloroplast.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

4. If you tagged organic carbon inside a chloroplast with a fluorescent label, the location
most likely to have a high concentration of labeled carbon would be in the
A. Stroma
B. Thylakoid membrane
C. Between the outer and inner membranes
D. Inside the thylakoid

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine where in a plant cell a high concentration of
labeled carbon would be if you tagged organic carbon.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to break down, or analyze, where in a chloroplast you would find
a high concentration of labeled organic carbon.

Gather Content

What do you already know about photosynthesis and where these processes take place in
chloroplasts? What other information is related to the question?
• Recall that photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions and the Calvin cycle,
both of which occur inside chloroplasts. During the light reactions, which take place in the
thylakoid membranes, energy from the sun is captured using molecules like chlorophyll to
remove electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions
in order to produce ATP and NADPH.These products are then exported outside the thylakoid
to the stroma where the Calvin cycle then uses ATP and NADPH produced during the light
reactions to fix inorganic carbon into inorganic form within chloroplasts.
• Remember that chloroplasts are comprised of various compartments by the outer and
inner chloroplast membranes as well as the thylakoid membrane. Given what the information
provided in the question, where do you think the most labeled organic carbon might be

Choose Answer

Do you have all necessary information to determine the most likely location?
• Recall that ATP and NADPH produced by the light reactions in the thylakoid
membrane are exported to the stroma, which is the location of the Calvin cycle and also
inorganic carbon is fixed from the atmosphere into an organic molecular form (e.g
• Because the thylakoid membrane is involved in the light reactions, it is unlikely to be
the location for labeled carbon in this question. Likewise, we know that it can’t be inside the
thylakoid because no carbon fixation takes place there. Considering that the stroma is where
carbon fixation takes place, it is also the most likely location for labeled carbon in the

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze what you know
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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

about where in chloroplasts the light reactions and the Calvin cycle take place to determine
the most likely location of labeled organic carbon.
• If you got the correct answer, good job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that photosynthesis is made up of the light reactions and the Calvin cycle, and that only the
Calvin cycle is involved with carbon fixation? Were you able to remember that the light
reactions are associated with the thylakoid membranes and therefore could be eliminated as
possibilities? Were you able to determine that, because the Calvin cycle is located in the
stroma and the purpose of the Calvin cycle is to fix carbon, the stroma must be the most likely

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Describe the structure of the chloroplast.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

5. The splitting of water and the generation of oxygen occur where?

A. Photosystem I
B. The Krebs Cycle
C. The Calvin Cycle
D. Photosystem II

Review Section 8.5.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

6. In order to generate one glucose molecule, the Calvin cycle has to turn how many times?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 6
E. 12

Review Section 8.6

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

7. The number of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules that would be produced from 24

turns of the Calvin cycle would be
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 12
E. 48

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine how many molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate would be produced from 24 turns of the Calvin cycle.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to calculate, or analyze, the number of glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate produced when the Calvin cycle turns 24 times.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the Calvin cycle and photosynthesis? What other
information is related to the question?
• Recall that the biological function of the Calvin cycle is to fix carbon from the
atmosphere into inorganic molecule. The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH produced
during the light reactions to fix inorganic carbon into inorganic form within the stroma of
• Remember that the Calvin cycle is an iterative process, meaning that carbon dioxide is
accepted, molecules are transformed, excess carbohydrate is harvested, and new acceptor
molecules are regenerated. Given what you know about the Calvin cycle, how many turns are
required in order to produce one glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecule?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine the likely outcome?
• Remember that during the Calvin cycle, RuBP binds to a single carbon dioxide
molecule and produces a six-carbon molecule that is then converted into two three-carbon
molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. Each of these molecules is subsequently converted into two
three-carbon glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules.
• The ability of the Calvin cycle to keep operating is dependent on the regeneration of
RuBP. Excess glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules are harvested and use to make glucose,
whereas other glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules are eventually converted back into
RuBP. The trick is knowing how many turns of the Calvin cycle are needed, given the need to
regenerate RuBP.
• Essentially, one carbon dioxide molecule is incorporated into an organic molecule for
every turn of the Calvin cycle. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is a 3-carbon molecule, so that
means the Calvin cycle will have to turn three times. Since the problem indicates there are 24
turns total, that means 24 turns divided by 3 carbons in each turn of the Calvin cycle for each
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecule would equal 8 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules
would be produced.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze the Calvin cycle
to determine how many glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules would be produced from 24
• If you got the correct answer, nice job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that the Calvin cycle essentially requires a turn for each carbon that is fixed? Did you
remember that eachglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecule contained three carbons? Were you
able to calculate the number of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules given 24 turns of the
Calvin cycle?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

8. The Calvin cycle of a plant exposed to light during the day that is suddenly put in the dark

A. cannot run, as it requires light energy directly.

B. can still run as long as there is ATP, CO2, and NADPH present.
C. runs in a different place in the plant.
D. uses a different source of carbon.

The Calvin cycle includes the light-independent reactions. Review section 8.6

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

9. In eukaryotes, photosynthesis takes place inside the ________.

A. chloroplasts
B. mitochondria
C. cytoplasm
D. Golgi apparatus

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Describe the structure of the chloroplast.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

10. Clusters of chlorophyll and accessory pigments are called ________.

A. the Golgi apparatus
B. chloroplasts
C. photosystems
D. photosynthetic membranes

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Describe the nature of photosystems.
Section: 08.04
Topic: Photosystem Organization

11. Which plants utilize a specialized carbon fixation enzyme and a unique cell structure to
reduce the problems of photorespiration?
A. C3
B. C4
C. Desert
D. Arctic

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

12. Plants that show a pattern of stomatal opening and closing that is the reverse of C3 plants
are called
A. C4.
B. Temperate.
D. Calvin cycle.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

13. A plant is treated with a chemical that blocks the flow of electrons between photosystem
II and photosystem I, such that protons are not transported from the stroma into the thylakoid
compartment. What is the effect of this chemical on photosynthesis?
A. the increased number of protons will be directly used in the thylakoid to produce glucose
B. an increased proton gradient will provide the energy needed to produce ATP from the light
C. a decreased proton gradient will cause less ATP to be produced from the light reactions
D. the increased proton gradient will be used to make NADPH for the Calvin cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine what would happen to a plant that was treated with
a chemical that blocks electron flow between photosystems II and I.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to use what you know about electron transport and proton
gradients and use, or apply, that knowledge to predict what would happen to a plant treated
with a chemical that blocks electron transport between photo systems II and I.

Gather Content

What do you already know about photo systems II and I and electron transport? What
other information is related to the question?
• The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using chlorophyll molecules localized in Photosystems II and I to remove
electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions and
electron transport in order to eventually produce ATP and NADPH.
• Remember that the light reactions, which include photosystems II and I, absorb light,
make oxygen by splitting water and produce ATP and NADPH as major products. Electrons
focused and amplified by photosystems I and II undergo a series of oxidation-reduction
reactions as part of their electron transport chains. What is done with the energy released
during electron transport?

Choose Answer

Do you have the necessary information to solve the problem?

• The light reactions of photosynthesis capture photons from sunlight using chlorophyll
embedded in photosystems II and I. Under normal conditions, if both photosystems and their
electron transport chains are working properly, the plant will harness light energy, split water
and excite electrons to higher potential energy, and produce ATP and NADPH, with oxygen
as a byproduct.
• Two electron transport chains occur during the light reactions. Energy given off during
the passage of electrons is used to to move protons across the thylakoid membrane in order to
generate the proton gradient used to produce ATP via ATP synthase. Therefore, if electron
transport between photosystem II and I were to be disrupted by the chemical, the direct effect
would be a decreased proton gradient that would lead to less production of ATP.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

about electron transport and proton gradients to determine what happens when chemical
treatment of a plant disrupts electron transport between photosystem II and I.
• If you got a correct answer, nice job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall that
the light reactions rely on redox reactions during electron transport? Did you remember that
photosystems and electron transport work together during the light reactions to produce a
proton gradient? Were you able to determine that a chemical that blocks electron transport
would decrease the proton gradient and reduce ATP production?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

14. In photosynthesis, carbon fixation occurs:

A. in photosystem I
B. in the electron transport chain
C. in photosystem II
D. in the Calvin cycle
E. during photorespiration

Review section 8.6

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

15. If the gene encoding the enzyme rubisco is mutated such that it is non-functional, the
process that would be affected is the ability to
A. make ATP.
B. harvest photons.
C. fix carbon.
D. make O2.
E. make NADPH.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine which photosynthetic process would be affected
by a rubisco enzyme loss-of-function mutation.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, the photosynthetic process most likely to
be affected by a rubisco enzyme mutation that destroys its function.

Gather Content

What do you already know about photo synthetic processes? What other information is
related to the question?
• The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using chlorophyll molecules localized in Photo systems I and II to remove
electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order
to produce ATP and NADPH.
• Remember that the light reactions, which include photosystems I and II, absorb light,
make oxygen by splitting water and produce ATP and NADPH as major products. Electrons
focused and amplified by photo systems I and II undergo a series of oxidation-reduction
reactions as part of their electron transport chains. The Calvin cycle then takes products from
the light reactions and uses it to make carbohydrate. During what photosynthetic process is
rubisco active?

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Choose Answer

Do you have the necessary information to dissect the problem?

• The light reactions of photosynthesis capture photons from sunlight using chlorophyll
embedded in photosystems I and II and use that energy to establish a proton gradient, produce
ATP, and reduce NADP+ to NADPH. These products are then used to fix inorganic carbon
into organic form during the Calvin cycle.
• The key enzyme involved in carbon fixation is rubisco. Since carbon fixation occurs
during the Calvin cycle, no answers that involve products from the light reactions are
plausible. That means making ATP, harvesting photons, making oxygen, and producing
NADPH are infeasible answers. Therefore, the likely outcome of a rubisco enzyme mutation
would be an inability to fix carbon and produce carbohydrate.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze the possible
photosynthetic effect of a mutation in the rubisco enzyme.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

• If you got a correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that carbon fixation occurs during the Calvin cycle? Did you remember that the key enzyme
that fixes carbon is rubisco? Were you able to infer that mutations in rubisco would affect
carbon fixation?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

16. Most plants incorporate carbon dioxide into sugars by means of a cycle of reactions
called the
A. CAM cycle.
B. carbon cycle.
C. Calvin cycle.
D. Krebs cycle.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

17. Flattened sacs of internal membranes associated with photosynthesis are called
A. chloroplasts.
B. photosystems.
C. the stroma.
D. thylakoids.
E. cristae.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Describe the structure of the chloroplast.
Section: 08.01
Topic: Overview of Photosynthesis

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

18. For photosynthesis in green plants, the electron donor for the light dependent reaction is
A. carbon dioxide.
B. oxygen.
C. RuBP.
D. chlorophyll II.
E. water.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

19. In the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, CO2 is added to a five-carbon

molecule known as
A. cellulose.
B. ribose.
C. deoxyribose.
D. RuBP.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

20. Jan Baptista van Helmont did an important experiment related to photosynthesis. He
weighed a small willow tree and a pot of soil. Jan then planted the tree in the pot. Over the
course of five years, he added only water to the pot. At the end of five years, he weighed the
tree and found that it had gained 74.4 kg. He weighed the soil, and it was only 57 g less. What
do the results of this specific experiment demonstrate about what is needed for a plant to grow
and increase its mass?
A. All of the food a plant needs to grow comes from the soil
B. Plants do not need soil to grow
C. Plants must be able to increase their mass using substances in addition to what is found in
D. All of the food a plant needs to grow comes from the water
E. Plants need oxygen to grow

Because the plant increased its mass to a greater extent than the soil mass was depleted, this
suggests that the plant can increase its mass using substances other than what is found in the
soil. Review section 8.2.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Describe experiments that support our understanding of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.02
Topic: The Discovery of Photosynthetic Processes

21. Light consists of units of energy called

A. electrons.
B. photons.
C. calories.
D. neutrons.
E. pigments.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

22. Visible light has a wavelength range of

A. 400-740 nanometers.
B. 200-800 nanometers.
C. 200-400 nanometers.
D. 200-740 nanometers.
E. 0.001-100,000 nanometers.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

23. Molecules that absorb light are called

A. enzymes.
B. electron carriers.
C. pigments.
D. photosynthesizers.
E. absorbers.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

24. Why is eating carrots thought to be useful for enhancing vision?

A. High levels of chlorophyll in carrots helps with photosynthesis in the eyes.
B. High levels of beta-carotene can lead to the production of a pigment used in vision.
C. High levels of carotenoids in carrots can allow vertebrate eyes to perform the dark
D. High levels of NADPH in carrots can allow vertebrate eyes to perform the light reactions.

See section 8.3. In no case can vertebrates perform the reactions of photosynthesis within
their own cells.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

25. Chlorophyll b absorbs green wavelengths of light that chlorophyll a cannot absorb. In this
respect, chlorophyll b acts as
A. an accessory pigment.
B. an energizer for photosynthetic bacteria.
C. a light absorber in the green light.
D. a more efficient pigment.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

26. The photosystem channels the excitation energy gathered by absorption of light by any
one of the pigment molecules to a specific reaction center chlorophyll, which in turn passes
the energy to
A. photosystem I.
B. photosystem II.
C. the primary electron acceptor.
D. the secondary electron center.
E. cytochrome.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Describe the nature of photosystems.
Section: 08.04
Topic: Photosystem Organization

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

27. What is common to both photosystems I and II?

A. Both involve the splitting of water to donate an electron to the reaction center
B. Both involve the generation of oxygen
C. Both lose an electron to a primary electron acceptor that passes the electron down an
electron transport chain leading to the generation of ATP
D. Both contain a reaction center composed of chlorophyll a
E. Both are found in the stroma

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine what photosystems I and II have in common.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to break down, or analyze, each photo system to compare their
feature and determine what they have in common.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the role that photo systems I and II in photosynthesis?
What other information is related to the question?
• Photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions, which produces ATP, NADPH, and
oxygen and the Calvin cycle, which produces organic molecules from inorganic carbon
dioxide. The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using concentrated chlorophyll clusters organized in photosystems to remove
electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order
to eventually produce ATP and NADPH.
• Photosystems I and II are key to the function of the light reactions. Each photo system
is comprised of multiple chlorophyll molecules that have specialized functions that serve to
focus and amplify high-energy electrons to bring them to a reaction center. Comparing these
photosystem features, how do they differ, and what do they share in common?

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to make a comparison?

• First let’s consider what makes up a photo system. Chlorophyll molecules arranged in
a cluster absorb photons from the sun and elevate the potential energy of an electron stripped
from a water molecule. During this process the high-energy electron is passed to the
photosystem reaction center and eventually on to an electron acceptor that begins the
downstream process of electron transport, establishment of a proton gradient, and ATP
production. So how do photosystem I and II compare?
• Let’s see if we can eliminate some possible answers. First, the light reactions, the
processes where photosystems operate, happen in the thylakoid membrane and not the stroma.
Second, the splitting of water occurs early on in the light reactions, and photosystem II is the
complex that serve this function. If you recall, oxygen is a byproduct of water splitting, so
anything having to do with the splitting of water or oxygen production can’t be associated
with photosystem I, only photosystem II. So these are differences, not similarities. We also
know that only photosystem II operates the proton pump needed to generate ATP. Yet again,
another difference between the two photosystems.
• That leaves the only possible commonality between the two photosystems is a reaction
center composed of chlorophyll a.

Reflect on Process

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze photosystems I
and II to determine what they have in common.
• If you got a correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that the light reactions in photosynthesis rely on photosystems? Did you remember that
photosystems contain reaction centers? Were you able to eliminate functions that are specific
to one photo system or the other and use that to compare functions they have in common?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

28. In the photosystem I reaction center, light energy captured by pigment molecules is
passed to a special reaction center chlorophyll a called
A. P680.
B. P700.
C. chlorophyll I.
D. chlorophyll II.
E. retinal.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

29. NADPH is made by

A. chemiosmosis.
B. glycolysis.
C. the Krebs cycle.
D. the Calvin cycle.
E. the passing of electrons from photosystem I to an electron transport chain.

Review Section 8.5. The electron transport chain that follows photo system I is directly
responsible for generating NADPH.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

30. In green plants, which photosystem absorbs photons to excite electrons in the reaction
A. Photosystem I
B. Photosystem II
C. Photosystem III
D. Photosystem I and II
E. Photosystem I, II and III

Review Section 8.5.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

31. The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis are those that

A. convert glucose into energy.
B. convert chlorophylls into light energy.
C. convert water into hydrogen and oxygen.
D. convert CO2 into reduced molecules (sugars).
E. occur only at night.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

32. In the light-independent reactions, when CO2 is added to a molecule of Ribulose 1,5-
bisphosphate (RuBP) the product is
A. citric acid.
B. glucose.
C. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
D. 3-phosphoglycerate.
E. pyruvate.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

33. The cyclic carbon fixation reactions are also known as the
A. Krebs cycle.
B. Calvin cycle.
C. citric acid cycle.
D. tri carboxylic acid cycle.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

34. How many molecules of CO2 are needed to generate one molecule of glucose?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

Glucose is C6H12O6. Since there are 6 carbons in this molecule, 6 CO2 molecules are needed
to make one molecule of glucose.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

35. A plant researcher wants to construct a synthetic cellulose fiber from 20 glucose
molecules. How many molecules of CO2 and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are needed to
construct the fiber?
A. 20, 40
B. 120, 60
C. 120, 40
D. 20, 60
E. 120, 120

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to decipher how many molecules of carbon dioxide and
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are needed to construct a cellulose fiber comprised of 20 glucose
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, a synthetic cellulose fiber that is 20
glucose molecules long to determine how many molecules of carbon dioxide and
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are needed.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide, and glyceraldehyde-3-
phosphate? What other information is related to the question?
• Recall that the biological function of the Calvin cycle is to fix carbon from the
atmosphere into an organic molecule. The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH produced
during the light reactions to fix inorganic carbon into an organic form within the stroma of
chloroplasts. One turn of the Calvin cycle is required for each carbon dioxide molecule that is
fixed by the enzyme rubisco.
• Remember that the Calvin cycle is an iterative process, meaning that carbon dioxide is
accepted, molecules are transformed, and excess carbohydrate in the form of glyceraldehyde-
3-phosphate is harvested. How many carbons make up glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, and how
many turns of the Calvin cycle would be required to produce this molecule?

Choose Answer

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Do you have all the information needed to determine the likely outcome?
• Remember that, during the Calvin cycle,RuBP binds to a single carbon dioxide
molecule and produces a six-carbon molecule that is then converted into two three-carbon
molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. Each of these molecules is subsequently converted into two
three-carbon glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules. A complex series of chemical reactions
is needed to regenerate RuBP; however excess glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules can be
harvested and used to make a six-carbon glucose molecule.
• If you understand how many carbons make up glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and
glucose, the rest should be fairly straightforward math. A synthetic cellulose fiber that
contains 20 glucose molecules would contain six times that number in carbon atoms because
glucose has six carbons in its structure, meaning 120 molecules of carbon dioxide would be
required to make the fiber.On the other hand, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate contains three
carbons and so would require one third the total number of carbon atoms, which in this case is

Reflect on Process

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze the Calvin cycle
to determine how many carbon dioxide and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules would be
needed to make a synthetic cellulose fiber that contained 20 glucose molecules.
• If you got the correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
how many carbon dioxide molecules the Calvin cycle can fix per turn? Did you remember
how many carbon atoms are in a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecule, and how many of
these are required to make one glucose molecule? Were you able to calculate the total number
of carbon dioxide and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate molecules based on this information?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

36. In which part of the chloroplasts are the Calvin cycle enzymes located?
A. stroma
B. thylakoids
C. grana
D. envelope
E. cristae

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.01 Describe carbon fixation.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

37. The photosynthetic electron transport causes the accumulation of protons in which part of
the chloroplast?
A. matrix
B. stroma
C. outer membrane
D. internal thylakoid space

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

38. A tomato plant is mutated with gamma radiation. A cellular analysis reveals that ATP
synthase complexes found in the thylakoid membrane are inserted backwards into the
membrane. What is the most likely outcome of this error?
A. A proton gradient will not be established in the thylakoid space in response to the
activation of photosystem II
B. The proton gradient in the thylakoid space will not be able to be used to generate ATP
C. The thylakoid membrane will become permeable to protons as a result of this change
D. The ATP synthase will pump protons into the stroma in this orientation
E. This change is not likely to have any effect on the function of the ATP synthase enzyme
with respect to its role in photosynthesis

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to consider what would happen to a tomato plant that was
mutated with gamma radiation such that ATP synthase is inserted in the thylakoid membrane
in a reverse orientation.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to consider the different outcomes of radiation-based mutation on
a tomato plant and use that to weigh and judge, or evaluate, the most likely outcome if ATP
synthase had a reverse orientation.

Gather Content

What do you already know about ATP synthase and thylakoid membranes? What other
information is related to the question?
• The light reactions are the first phase of photosynthesis, where energy from the sun is
used to split water, excite electrons to a higher energy level, and use redox reactions and
electron transport in order to establish a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.
• The thylakoid membrane serves to establish a proton gradient that is used by ATP
synthase to produce ATP. The orientation of ATP synthase is crucial to its ability to harness
the gradient. In a normally functioning tomato plant with non-mutated chloroplasts and ATP
synthase enzymes, where is the proton concentration highest and lowest across the thylakoid

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to solve the problem?

• Recall that energy harnessed from redox passage of electrons during the light reactions
is used to establish a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. The movement of
protons down their concentration gradient through ATP synthase provides the ATP needed for
the Calvin cycle, which takes place in the stroma.
• If ATP synthase were inserted backwards into the membrane, that would mean that the
portion of the enzyme through which protons enter to flow down their concentration gradient
would be facing towards the stroma, while the portion of the enzyme that synthesizes ATP
would be facing into the thylakoid space. As a result, the buildup of protons in the thylakoid
space, in response to photosystem II, could not enter the ATP synthase enzyme and be used to
generate ATP. This proton gradient would still be generated, as photo system II and its
downstream electron transport chain are still intact.
• The permeability of the thylakoid membrane is not likely to be changed by the
insertion of the ATP synthase in the wrong orientation. While ATP synthase can be used to
pump protons across a membrane, as an active transport process, in the new orientation, ATP
synthase would only be able to pump protons into the thylakoid space.

Reflect on Process

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to evaluate possible
outcomes for radiation induced mutation in a tomato plant that causes ATP synthase to be
inserted backwards into the thylakoid membrane.
• If you got a correct answer, nice job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall that
electron transport during the light reactions produces a proton gradient? Did you remember
that ATP synthase produces ATP based on the proton gradient? Were you able to determine
that a mutation that reorients ATP synthase backwards would not be able to harness the
proton gradient to produce ATP?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

39. What products of light reactions of photosynthesis are used in the Calvin cycle?
A. oxygen and protons
B. carbon dioxide and water
E. glucose and oxygen

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

40. If a plant's stomata were always closed, how would this affect the plant's ability to make
A. There would be no effect on the ability of the plant to make glucose
B. Plants would be able to make more sugar than normal
C. Plants would make less sugar than normal

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to decipher what would happen to glucose production if a plant
always had its stomata closed.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, how a plant’s ability to produce glucose
would be affected with closed stomata.

Gather Content

What do you already know about how stomata and gas exchange in plants? What other
information is related to the question?
• Recall that plants import carbon dioxide and export oxygen due to concentration
differences on both the inside and outside the plant. For example, oxygen is in its highest
concentration inside the plant, and because the concentration of oxygen is lower in the
atmosphere, diffuses from inside to outside the plant. Conversely, carbon dioxide is in higher
concentration outside the plant and thus diffuses into the plant where the concentration of
carbon dioxide is lower.
• The anatomical gateways a plant uses to regulate gas exchange are the stomata that are
located primarily in leaves. Analogous to a human nose or mouth, stomata can open or close,
depending on environmental suitability and photosynthetic need of the plant. Considering the
importance of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, what do you think would happen to a plant
whose stomata are permanently closed?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine what would happen to the plant with
closed stomata?
• Remember that photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions in the Calvin cycle.
The Calvin cycle in particular requires carbon dioxide in order to fix that carbon and produce
• If a plant's stomata were always closed, it would not be able to take in carbon dioxide
from the environment. As a result, the ability of that plant to make glucose would be
significantly decreased.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze what would
happen to a plant’s capacity to produce glucose if its stomata were closed.
• If you got the correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you
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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

remember that oxygen and carbon dioxide gases move from high to low concentration? Did
you remember that plant stomata regulate gas exchange? Were you able to infer that
preventing carbon dioxide from entering the plant would restrict the Calvin cycle and
therefore sugar production?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.01 Distinguish between how rubisco acts to make RuBP and how it oxidizes RuBP.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

41. Since Rubisco can either fix carbon or oxidize RuBP, what condition will be most
favorable for glucose production?
A. moderate temperatures
B. high temperatures
C. dry climate
D. high oxygen environment

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine the most favorable conditions for glucose
production given that rubisco can either fix carbon or oxidize RuBP.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to weigh and judge, or evaluate, the different environmental
conditions to determine which would most favorably produce glucose.

Gather Content

What do you already know about RuBP, rubisco, and the Calvin cycle? What other
information is related to the question?
• Recall that plants are evolutionarily adapted to particular climates and environments
and respond differently depending on whether the environment is hot, dry, or humid. Part of a
plant’s ability to physiologically adapt to an environment has to do with how it metabolizes
carbon, and what happens to the machinery that fixes carbon when conditions are not optimal.
• Remember that the molecule that accepts atmospheric carbon during the Calvin cycle
is ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, or RuBP. Remember also that the key enzyme involved in
carbon fixation during the Calvin cycle is RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase, or rubisco. This
enzyme is key in taking inorganic carbon dioxide from the air and fixing it in an organic
molecule, although under less ideal conditions can oxidize RuBP. Considering the different
environmental conditions indicated, how might rubisco’s function change?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine the most favorable condition for
glucose production?
• Let’s take each option and consider it individually to determine the most correct
answer. If environmental conditions are hot or dry, the plant will close its stomata in order to
prevent water loss, thereby restricting carbon dioxide diffusion into the leaves. Under those
conditions, if light were still available, the light reactions would still occur and oxygen levels
would increase.
• Anything that increases the relative level of oxygen will not be favorable for glucose
production, as rubisco will favor oxidizing RuBP instead of fixing carbon. As a result,
anything that leads to the closing of stomata, or changes the overall level of oxygen will be
• Conversely, moderate temperatures allow stomata to remain open, and thus allow
carbon dioxide to enter the leaves. This is why moderate temperatures are the most favorable
condition for glucose production.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to evaluate several
environmental conditions for which would be most favorable for glucose production,
considering that rubisco can fix carbon or oxidize RuBP.
• If you got the correct answer, excellent! If you got an incorrect answer, were you able
to determine what would happen to stomata and rubisco function under high temperatures and
dry climate? Were you able to figure out that oxygen levels would increase if stomata were
closed during the day? Were you able to infer moderate temperatures would be preferable to
any of the other conditions?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.01 Distinguish between how rubisco acts to make RuBP and how it oxidizes RuBP.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

42. One of the disadvantages of the C4 pathway is that it requires

A. more O2.
B. more NADPH.
C. more light.
D. more ATP.
E. a much higher temperature.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

43. Which type of plant can utilize the Calvin cycle?

A. C3 plants
B. CAM plants
C. C4 plants
D. C3, C4, and CAM plants

All of these plants can do the Calvin cycle. The difference between them is how they fix

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

44. Most atmospheric oxygen comes from photosynthesis. From which of the following
molecules is the oxygen derived?
A. water
B. carbon dioxide
C. glucose
D. chlorophyll a
E. chlorophyll b

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

45. F. F. Blackman performed experiments to investigate the effects of various factors on

photosynthesis. In one of his experiments, Blackman found that if light intensity was low,
photosynthesis could be accelerated by increasing the amount of light, but not by increasing
the temperature or carbon dioxide concentration. What can you conclude from this
specific experiment?
A. Light is important for photosynthesis
B. Carbon dioxide is important for photosynthesis
C. High temperatures are important for photosynthesis
D. Photosynthesis generates oxygen

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to draw a conclusion about photosynthesis based on
Blackman’s experimental results.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to weigh and judge, or evaluate, Blackman’s experimental results
and use that information to draw a conclusion.

Gather Content

What do you already know about photosynthesis? What other information is related to the
• Recall that photosynthesis is a process of creating organic molecules from inorganic
carbon sources using light energy. Photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions and the
Calvin cycle. Light and carbon dioxide are inputs of photosynthesis and oxygen and
carbohydrate (among other molecules) are outputs of photosynthesis.
• The observation that photosynthesis could be accelerated by increasing the amount of
light but not by increasing temperature or carbon dioxide concentration is telling. How is this
observation important to drawing a conclusion about photosynthesis in this experiment?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to draw a supported conclusion?

• Let’s unpack each option and see how well it is supported by experimental
observations. We know that plants need to carbon dioxide, but increasing carbon dioxide did
not increase photosynthesis in this experiment. Likewise, increasing temperature did not
increase photosynthesis either. And while we know that photosynthesis generates oxygen,
there is no connection between experimental observations and that outcome, so that is not a
supported conclusion.
• The process of elimination leaves us with light being important for photosynthesis as
the logical conclusion, but why else would that make sense? Experimental observations
showed that as light increased, so did photosynthesis. The fact that increased carbon dioxide
did not increase photosynthesis would support the conclusion that light is essential.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to evaluate Blackman’s
experimental results and draw an accurate conclusion based on those observations.
• If you got the correct answer, good thinking! If you got an incorrect answer, were you
able to weigh Blackman’s observations and correlate that with a conclusion? Were you able to
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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

eliminate carbon dioxide and high temperatures as options based on the observations?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Describe experiments that support our understanding of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.02
Topic: The Discovery of Photosynthetic Processes

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

46. If chlorophyll a is blocked from absorbing light, what would be the effect on the ability
of the plant to do photosynthesis?
A. The plant will have an enhanced ability to carry out light-dependent reactions
B. The plant will have an enhanced ability to carry out light-independent reactions
C. The plant will have a decreased ability to carry out light-dependent reactions
D. The plant's ability to carry out photosynthesis will be unchanged, as one of the accessory
pigments can fill in for chlorophyll a

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine what would happen to photosynthesis if
chlorophyll a was blocked from absorbing light.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to use what you know about photosynthetic pigments and use, or
apply, this knowledge to determine what would happen to a plant when chlorophyll a was
blocked from absorbing light.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the role of pigments during photosynthesis? What other
information is related to the question?
• Photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions, which produces ATP, NADPH, and
oxygen and the Calvin cycle, which produces organic molecules from inorganic carbon
dioxide. The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using concentrated chlorophyll clusters organized in photosystems to remove
electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order
to eventually produce ATP and NADPH.
• Each of the two photosystems in plants is comprised of multiple chlorophyll
molecules, one of which is chlorophyll a. If you blocked chlorophyll a, what you think would
happen to the plants ability to photosynthesize?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine what would happen?
• Let’s see if we can eliminate some possible answers. First, we know that blocking one
of the main light harvesting molecules will have an impact on photosynthesis, so the plants
ability to photosynthesize will certainly be changed. Second, light independent reactions like
the Calvin cycle don’t depend on light directly, so all other things being equal that would also
not be a correct choice. The question then becomes about whether blocking chlorophyll a will
enhance or decrease light dependent reactions.
• Let’s consider now what makes up a photosystem. Chlorophyll a molecules arranged
in a cluster absorb photons from the sun and elevate the potential energy of an electron
stripped from a water molecule. During this process the high-energy electron is passed to the
photosystem reaction center and eventually on to an electron acceptor that begins the
downstream process of electron transport, establishment of a proton gradient, and ATP
production. Therefore, if you block chlorophyll a from absorbing light, fewer of those
processes will take place, and the plants ability to photosynthesize will suffer.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about chlorophyll a and its role in photosynthesis.
• If you got a correct answer, good job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that a plant’s ability to photosynthesize relies on pigments like chlorophyll a? Did you
remember that chlorophyll a molecules are a key component of photo systems, and that photo
systems are core to the light reactions ability to function? Were you able to infer that blocking
chlorophyll a would then decrease photosynthesis?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

47. Carotenoids are important to many plants because these pigments are able to
A. remove carbon dioxide from the air.
B. absorb wavelengths of light that neither chlorophyll a nor b can absorb.
C. absorb water so that hydrolysis can be carried out in the chloroplasts.
D. capture UV radiation that is harmful to the DNA in the nucleus of plant cells.
E. store electrons for use during the "dark" reaction of photosynthesis.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

48. Light-dependent reactions generate

C. CO2.
D. light.
E. glucose.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Differentiate between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions.
Section: 08.02
Topic: The Discovery of Photosynthetic Processes

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

49. Fall leaf color on deciduous trees is a result of

A. the production of more accessory pigments because of the cooler temperatures.
B. the reduction in the production of accessory pigments.
C. cessation of chlorophyll production, which allows the accessory pigments to be revealed.
D. the increased angle of the sun during the fall, which reflects more of the accessory

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

50. In plants, the light-dependent reactions require

B. O2.
D. glucose.
E. Calvin cycle enzymes.

The light-dependent reactions generate ATP and oxygen. Calvin cycle enzymes are required
for the light-independent reactions. Glucose is the ultimate product of photosynthesis

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

51. If the Calvin cycle were to be temporarily restricted, the highest concentration of NADPH
would likely be in the
A. thylakoid space.
B. thylakoid membrane.
C. stroma.
D. chloroplast outer membrane.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to decipher where the highest concentration of NADPH would
be located if the Calvin cycle were to be temporarily restricted.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to break down, or analyze, photosynthetic processes and where
they occur to determine where the highest concentration of NADPH would be located
following restriction of the Calvin cycle.

Gather Content

What do you already know about NADPH, where it is produced, and where it is used?
What other information is related to the question?
• Recall that photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions, which produces ATP,
NADPH, and oxygen and the Calvin cycle, which produces organic molecules from inorganic
carbon dioxide. The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy
from the sun is captured using molecules like chlorophyll to remove electrons from water,
excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order to produce ATP and
• The second phase of photosynthesis includes the Calvin cycle, which uses the ATP
and NADPH products of the light reactions to fix inorganic carbon into an organic form
within chloroplasts. If the Calvin cycle were to be restricted, what would happen to you
NADPH concentration as a result?

Choose Answer

Do you have all necessary information to determine what type of reaction is taking place?
• The light reactions of photosynthesis, which occurs in the thylakoid membrane,
produce ATP and NADPH. While both of these molecules are important to the Calvin cycle,
if the Calvin cycle were restricted they would still continue to be produced because there is no
restriction in light.
• Since NADPH is required to help drive the Calvin cycle, and this occurs in the stroma,
a restriction of the Calvin cycle would allow NADPH to accumulate, leading to a high
concentration. This leads one to conclude the stroma is where the highest concentration of
NADPH would be located.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about chloroplast anatomy and NADPH production to determine where the highest

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

concentration of NADPH would be located if the Calvin cycle were to be temporarily

• If you got a correct answer, excellent! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that the light reactions produce the NADPH used by the Calvin cycle? Did you recall that the
light reactions occur in the thylakoid membrane and involved in the thylakoid space? Were
you able to infer restriction of the Calvin cycle would allow NADPH to accumulate in the
stroma where it is normally used?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

52. The Calvin cycle requires all of the following except

A. carbon dioxide.
B. oxygen.
E. water.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

53. What is the color of light that chlorophylls absorb that has the highest energy?
A. green
B. violet-blue
C. red
D. yellow-orange

Chlorophylls absorb violet-blue, blue, orange-red, and red light. Of these, violet-blue light
has the shortest wavelength and thus the highest energy.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.02 Relate the absorption spectrum of a pigment to its color.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

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54. What color of light is not strongly absorbed by chlorophyll?

A. green
B. violet-blue
C. red
D. yellow-orange

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.02 Relate the absorption spectrum of a pigment to its color.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

55. What are the characteristics of red light, which is absorbed by chlorophylls?
A. Its photons have the shortest wavelength in the visual spectrum
B. Its photons have the highest energy in the visual spectrum
C. Its photons have the longest wavelength in the visual spectrum
D. It is not considered a part of the visual spectrum

Review Figure 8.4

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.02 Relate the absorption spectrum of a pigment to its color.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis


Based on a variety of experiments, it is known that the rate of photosynthesis is highest when
wavelengths of light between 400 and 500 nm are used, and when wavelengths around 700
nm are used. What does this indicate about the relative importance of chlorophyll a and b in
A. Reflection of light by chlorophyll a and b is essential for the process of photosynthesis
B. Absorption of light by chlorophyll a and b is essential for the process of photosynthesis
C. Transmission of light by chlorophyll a and b is essential for the process of photosynthesis
D. Chlorophyll a and b are much less important than other pigments in the reflection,
absorption and transmission of light relevant to photosynthesis

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine the relative importance of chlorophyll a and b in
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to decipher, or analyze, data from the graph to determine the
relative importance of chlorophylls a and b in photosynthesis.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the role of pigments during photosynthesis? What other
information is related to the question?
• The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using concentrated chlorophyll clusters organized in photosystems to remove
electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order
to eventually produce ATP and NADPH.
• Each type of chlorophyll contributes differently to the overall ability of the plant to
absorb solar energy and fix carbon. Given the data in the graph, what is the relative
importance of chlorophylls a and b?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to analyze the graph and answer the question?
• Chlorophylls are the main light harvesting molecules that plants use to
photosynthesize. This graph shows three types of pigment molecules; carotenoids, chlorophyll
a, and chlorophyll b.
• Let’s consider the graph itself for a moment. The X axis shows the wavelength of light
whereas the Y axis shows the amount of light that can be absorbed. Considering that
photosynthesis is about absorbing light, it makes sense to eliminate answers that talk about
reflection or transmission of light. Using the location and size of their absorption peaks, it is
clear from reading the graph that chlorophylls a and b are important, so we can also eliminate
the answer that indicates they are less important.
• Based on the data presented in the graph, and process of elimination for incorrect
answers, the correct response is chlorophyll a and b are essential for photosynthesis.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze the graph to
determine the relative importance of chlorophylls a and b.
• If you got a correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
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that a plant’s ability to photosynthesize relies on pigments like chlorophyll? Did you
remember that there are different types of chlorophyll molecules? Were you able to decipher
data from the graph that shows the importance of chlorophylls a and b to light absorption and
therefore photosynthesis?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Discuss how pigments are important to photosynthesis.
Section: 08.03
Topic: Pigments

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

57. You are working on a research project that involves a mutational analysis of the light
harvesting complex Lhca1, which is an important light harvesting complex found in plants.
Your labmate asks where this complex is located. You say it is in the.
A. outer chloroplast membrane
B. inner chloroplast membrane
C. thylakoid membrane
D. stroma
E. matrix

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine where the light harvesting complex Lhca1 is
located so you can communicate this to your lab mate who is performing a mutational
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to take what you know about photo systems and light harvesting
complexes and use, or apply, your knowledge to answer your labmate’s question.

Gather Content

What do you already know about how light harvesting occurs in photo systems during
photosynthesis? What other information is related to the question?
• Photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions, which produce ATP, NADPH, and
oxygen and the Calvin cycle, which uses products from the light reactions to construct organic
molecules from inorganic carbon dioxide. The light reactions capture and concentrate solar
energy chlorophyll molecules clustered into light harvesting complexes like Lhca1. Can you
recall where the light reactions and the Calvin cycle take place within chloroplasts?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to provide an explanation?

• Hopefully by now it should be clearer where particular photosynthetic processes take
place within chloroplasts. During the light reactions, chlorophyll molecules arranged in a
cluster, or light harvesting complex, absorb photons from the sun and elevate the potential
energy of an electron stripped from a water molecule. The light reactions take place in the
thylakoid membrane, which is the location of the photosystems and therefore complex Lhca1.
The other answers can be eliminated because neither the outer nor the inner chloroplast
membranes contain light harvesting molecules, and the stroma is where the Calvin cycle takes
place, not the light reactions.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about the light reactions, photo systems, and light harvesting clusters of pigment molecules
like Lhca1 to provide an explanation to your labmate.
• If you got a correct answer, nice job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall that
the light reactions in photosynthesis rely on photo systems? Did you remember that photo
systems contain reaction centers? Did you remember that the light reactions occur in the
thylakoid membrane, and therefore the light harvesting complex Lhca1 must be located there

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as well?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Compare the function of the two photosystems in green plants.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

58. The role of the antenna complex in a photosystem is to

A. transfer excited electrons to the primary electron acceptor.
B. generate glucose.
C. generate NADPH.
D. capture photons from sunlight.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Contrast the function of reaction center and antenna chlorophyll molecules.
Section: 08.04
Topic: Photosystem Organization

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

59. Which experimental modification would most effectively help to determine the sequence
of reactions and reaction intermediates in the Calvin cycle?
A. Exposing the cells to 14CO2 for various time intervals
B. Exposing the cells to alternating periods of light and darkness
C. Exposing the cells to radiolabeled O2 instead of 14CO2
D. Varying the amount of water the cells are exposed to

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine which experimental modification would most
effectively help determine reactions and intermediates in the Calvin cycle.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to weigh and judge, or evaluate, the different experimental
modifications to determine which approach would be most effective for investigating the
Calvin cycle.

Gather Content

How would you begin to narrow down the experimental options? What key molecules
could you focus on considering the investigation is about the Calvin cycle?
• Recall that photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions, which produces ATP,
NADPH, and oxygen and the Calvin cycle, which produces organic molecules from inorganic
carbon dioxide.
• The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using molecules like chlorophyll to remove electrons from water, excite them
to a higher energy level, and to use redox reactions in order to produce ATP and NADPH.
The second phase of photosynthesis includes the Calvin cycle, which uses the ATP and
NADPH products of the light reactions to fix inorganic carbon into an organic form within
• Considering what you know about the Calvin cycle, which experimental options make
the most sense?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine which experimental approach would
be most effective?
• Since this question focuses on the Calvin cycle and not the light reactions, exposing
the cells to alternating periods of light and darkness is unlikely to affect the Calvin cycle
directly. Likewise, molecules associated with the light reactions like water and oxygen are
probably less useful as well. That leaves using a carbon dioxide-based approach as the most
effective for determining reactions and reaction intermediates in the Calvin cycle.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about key molecules in both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle to determine which
experimental modification would most effectively determine reactions and intermediates in

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

the Calvin cycle.

• If you got a correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, were you able
to identify the key molecules in each answer? Were you able to use that information to
systematically eliminate options that were associated with the light reactions and not the
Calvin cycle? Were you able to conclude that the carbon dioxide based experimental
modification would be most suitable for investigating the Calvin cycle?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

60. As a result of the transition from daytime to nighttime, how will the relative
concentrations of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)
change in C3 plants?
A. The concentrations of G3P and RuBP would remain the same.
B. The concentrations of G3P and RuBP would both decrease.
C. G3P would increase and RuBP would decrease.
D. G3P would decrease and RuBP would increase.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine how the relative concentrations of G3P and RuBP
change as C3 plants transition from day to night.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, C3 plant daytime to nighttime transition to
determine how G3P and RuBP concentrations will change.

Gather Content

What do you already know about G3P and RuBP? How does C3 plant photosynthesis
change from day to night?
• Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is one of two 3-carbon molecules produced at the
beginning of the Calvin cycle. Initially, a single carbon dioxide molecule will be bound to
RuBP, a 5-carbon molecule, by the enzyme rubisco; the resulting six-carbon molecule will
split into two 3-carbon molecules of G3P.
• Under daylight conditions, the light reactions of photosynthesis will produce ATP and
NADPH, which are then used by the Calvin cycle to fix carbon dioxide. Recall that producing
each 3-carbon G3P molecule requires three turns of the Calvin cycle.

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Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine which molecule would be affected
• First let’s consider what happens to G3P and RuBPin the Calvin cycle during the day
when there is plenty of light available. RuBP, a 5-carbon molecule, accepts a single carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere,
• Let’s dissect the Calvin cycle a little bit to see which molecule would be affected more
than the others. There are three phases to the Calvin cycle. During the first phase, carbon
fixation, RuBP binds to a carbon dioxide molecule and forms a six carbon molecule that is
then converted into two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. The next phase of the Calvin cycle,
reduction, serves to convert 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The final
phase of the Calvin cycle, regeneration, requires RuBP to be remade; otherwise the
mechanism to accept further carbon dioxide does not exist.
• Regeneration of RuBP is heavily dependent on G3P, since it takes 5 G3P molecules to
produce three RuBP molecules. So how can we use this information to answer the question?
• During the night, neither the light reactions nor the Calvin cycle operate. The ATP and
NADPH required to convert G3P into RuBP has decreased; therefore the level of RuBP
would have to go down. Since multiple G3P molecules are needed to regenerate RuBP, the
concentration of G3P would necessarily have to go up as a result.

Reflect on Process

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze C3 plant
daytime to nighttime transition for changes in G3P and RuBP concentrations.
• If you got the correct answer, good job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
the different phases of the Calvin cycle? Were you able to identify the key molecules
involved? Were you able to determine how G3P and RuBP concentration would change?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

61. During the light-dependent reactions, due to electron transport, the thylakoid space
A. the site of ATP synthesis.
B. the site of NADPH production.
C. the site where the Calvin cycle occurs
D. more acidic than the stroma.

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Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine what happens to the thylakoid space due to
electron transport.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to use, or apply, what you know about the light reactions and
electron transport to determine what happens to the thylakoid space.

Gather Content

What do you already know about thylakoid membranes and proton gradients? What other
information is related to the question?
• First, let’s orient you to chloroplast membrane structure and function. The innermost
membrane in the chloroplast is the thylakoid membrane, and it is important because it
contains the proteins used to produce both ATP and NADPH. The thylakoid membrane
maintains an impermeable barrier to protons, the positively charged subatomic particles used
to generate the proton gradient needed to produce ATP.
• Remember that a biological outcome of photosynthesis is to produce carbohydrate. In
order to do that, plants and similarly photosynthesizing organisms use the light reactions,
where energy from the sun is captured using chlorophyll molecules localized in photosystems
I and II to strip electrons from water, excite them to a higher energy level, and use redox
reactions in order to produce ATP and NADPH via proton gradients. The reason why
thylakoid membranes are important is because this is where the protein complexes used to
capture sunlight and produce ATP and NADPH are located, and it is the barrier that
establishes and maintains the proton gradient.
• Remember also that the ATP and NADPH produced from the light reactions are used
by the Calvin cycle, located in the chloroplast stroma. Given this information, what happens
to the thylakoid space?

Choose Answer

Do you have the information needed to make a determination?

• Under normal conditions, if both photo systems and their electron transport chains are
working properly, a plant will harness light energy, split water and excite electrons to higher
potential energy, and produce ATP and NADPH, based partly on the integrity of thylakoid
membranes. The light reactions rely on the integrity of the thylakoid membrane, which
establishes and maintains separation of protons, to allow an electrochemical gradient to be
formed. This gradient is crucial to production of ATP in particular, without which the Calvin
cycle that produces sugar cannot function.
• Electrochemical gradient formed across the thylakoid membrane represents a
difference in proton concentration. Another way to look at changes in proton concentration is
pH. Thus, any difference in proton concentration across a membrane also represents a pH
change. In this case, since there are more protons on the lumen side of the thylakoid

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membrane than the stroma side, the thylakoid space is in fact more acidic than the stroma.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to apply what you know
about the light reactions and electron transport to determine what happens to the thylakoid
• If you got a correct answer, nice job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
where the light reactions and the Calvin cycle physically take place within the chloroplast?
Did you remember that the light reactions and electron transport product ATP via a proton
gradient across the thylakoid membrane? Were you able to correlate the difference in proton
concentration across the thylakoid membrane with a pH difference as well?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

62. The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in the regulation of photorespiration.
Based on this information, ABA likely plays a role in
A. the opening and closing of stomata.
B. the photoelectric effect.
C. cyclic photophosphorylation.
D. noncyclic photophosphorylation.

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Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine the role of ABA based on its role in
photorespiration during photosynthesis.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, how ABA might help to regulate photo
respiration in plants.

Gather Content

What do you already know about photo respiration in photosynthesis? What other
information is related to the question?
• Recall that the key enzyme during Calvin cycle carbon fixation is rubisco. This
enzyme is essential in taking inorganic carbon dioxide from the air and fixing it in an organic
molecule, and under those conditions works as a carboxylase enzyme. However, rubisco also
operates as an oxygenase enzyme. Rubisco carboxylase is associated with normal Calvin
cycle production of G3P and regeneration of RuBP, whereas rubisco oxygenase activity
prevents RuBP from proceeding in the Calvin cycle.
• Given the potentially adverse effects of photo respiration, how can ABA be used to
regulate this process?

Choose Answer

Do you have all the information needed to determine what processes ABA regulates in
• Although the answers seem a little complicated, the correct answer is fairly
straightforward. If you want to minimize rubisco oxygenase activity and maximize
carboxylase activity, what environmental factors would you change in order to do so? Photo
respiration is increased when carbon dioxide is low or oxygen is high. By manipulating when
stomata open and close, a plant can regulate the relative concentration of both gases, and in
this way promote rubisco carboxylase activity. The molecule a plant uses to help regulate
stomata opening and closing is ABA.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze how ABA
might help regulate photorespiration during photosynthesis.
• If you got the correct answer, good job! If you got an incorrect answer, did you
remember how photo respiration works? Did you remember that rubisco is both a carboxylase
and an oxygenase that is sensitive to levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen? Were you able to

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correlate ABA with the ability of the plant to open and close stomata and thereby regulate the
relative amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.01 Distinguish between how rubisco acts to make RuBP and how it oxidizes RuBP.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

63. If you exposed a C4 plant to 14CO2 in the light, which would be the first organic molecule
labeled with 14C?
A. oxaloacetate
B. malate
C. pyruvate
D. phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine which organic molecule would be the first to be
labeled with 14C in a C4 plant.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, which molecule in a C4 plant would be
labeled with 14C first.

Gather Content

What do you already know about how carbon fixation in C3, C4, and CAM plants? How
does photosynthesis differ in these plants? What other information is related to the
• Recall that plants are evolutionarily adapted to particular climates and environments.
Part of a plant’s ability to adapt to an environment has to do with how and where it
metabolizes carbon, and what happens to the machinery that fixes carbon when conditions are
not optimal. It also has to do with the plant’s ability to balance intake of carbon dioxide with
loss of water in hot, dry environments. C4 and CAM plants essentially use two strategies to
address environmental stressors; separation of light reactions and carbon fixation by space
and by time.

Choose Answer

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Do you have all necessary information to determine which organic molecule would be first
to be labeled with 14C in a C4 plant?
• C4 and CAM plants use different strategies to deal with hot temperatures and water
loss issue during the day. C4 plants acquire carbon dioxide and transport it in a different form
to a separate location before making it available for the Calvin cycle. CAM plants acquire
carbon dioxide at night when it is cooler and water loss is less likely to happen and store it
until daytime when photosynthesis can take place.
• Since we are talking about a C4 plant here, let’s focus on how that plant takes in
carbon dioxide in its adverse environment. Recall that a C4 plant first locks carbon dioxide
onto a three-carbon molecule to form a four-carbon oxaloacetate molecule. Thus, a carbon
dioxide molecule labeled with 14C would first be incorporated into oxaloacetate before any of
the other molecules.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze which molecule
would be the first to be labeled with 14C in a C4 plant.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

• If you got the correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, were you able
to identify which molecules receive carbon dioxide in C4 plants? Did you remember that
oxaloacetate is a four-carbon molecule? Were you able to recognize that 14C from the carbon
dioxide must end up in oxaloacetate because it is the first molecule formed during carbon
fixation in C4 plants?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

64. CAM and C4 plants likely grow in what type of environment?

A. Cool
B. Hot and arid
C. High altitude
D. In water

Both of these types of plants have adaptations that allow them to minimize photorespiration.
As a result, they likely grow in hot, arid environments where stomata close to minimize water

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.07.02 Compare the function of carbon fixation in the C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
Section: 08.07
Topic: Photorespiration

65. In photosynthesis, ATP is made by

A. chemiosmosis.
B. glycolysis.
C. the Krebs cycle.
D. the Calvin cycle.
E. the passing of electrons from photosystem I to an electron transport chain.

Review Section 8.5. ATP is made as a result of chemiosmosis.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Explain how the light reactions generate ATP and NADPH.
Section: 08.05
Topic: The Light-Dependent Reactions

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

66. The ATP generated from cellular respiration is not sufficient to drive the Calvin cycle in
plants, even if appropriate levels of NADPH and CO2 are present. Why not?
A. Plants do not undergo cellular respiration
B. Breaking down sugar to provide the energy needed to synthesize sugar would be a futile
C. The Calvin cycle requires more ATP than can possibly be made from cellular respiration
D. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis do not happen in the same cells in plants

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine why ATP generated during cellular respiration is
insufficient to drive the Calvin cycle in plants even when there is plenty of NADPH and CO2.
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to break down possible scenarios, or analyze, why there isn’t
enough ATP produced from cellular respiration to drive the Calvin cycle even when NADPH
and carbon dioxide are not limited.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the Calvin cycle, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration
in plants? What other information is related to the question?
• Recall that photosynthesis is comprised of the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.
ATP and NADPH, the main products of the light reactions, provide the energy and reducing
power needed during the Calvin cycle to fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into an
organic form.
• Have you ever wondered how plants continue to operate during the night when the
light reactions are not producing ATP and NADPH? Remember that plants also contain
mitochondria in addition to chloroplasts; that means they are able to metabolize the sugars
they produce during photosynthesis to produce ATP needed to operate a wide variety of
cellular processes.
• How efficient do you think it would be for a plant to operate the Calvin cycle using
only ATP from cellular respiration?

Choose Answer

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Do you have all the information need to determine why ATP from cellular respiration
needs to be supplemented with ATP from the light reactions?
• Let’s approach answering this question logically. Plants possess mitochondria, so the
answer that says plants don’t undergo cellular respiration is clearly incorrect. And the fact that
mitochondria exist in the same cell at the same time as chloroplasts indicates that answer is
also not an option.
• The Calvin cycle and the process of fixing carbon into an organic form from
atmospheric carbon is an inherently energy-intensive process; it simply takes a great deal of
energy to overcome entropy and create the more ordered organic molecules in the Calvin
cycle. And while cellular respiration does produce ATP, it doesn’t produce enough to
overcome the inherent energy inefficiency, nor does cellular respiration produce the NADPH
needed during to fix carbon.
• It’s not that cellular respiration can’t produce enough ATP, it’s that there wouldn’t be
enough ATP production to cover the plant cell’s energy costs and still have enough left over
to make excess carbohydrate. Thus, breaking down the sugar needed to provide the energy
needed to make more sugar would be a zero sum proposition.

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze why ATP
produced during plant cellular respiration is insufficient to drive the Calvin cycle even when
NADPH and carbon dioxide levels are sufficient.
• If you got the correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that plant cells contain mitochondria and chloroplasts? Were you able to determine why ATP
from the light reactions and cellular respiration are needed to meet plant cell energy costs?
Were you able to infer how inherently inefficient making sugar to break it down for energy to
make sugar again would be?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.06.02 Demonstrate how six CO2 molecules can be used to make one glucose.
Section: 08.06
Topic: Carbon Fixation: The Calvin Cycle

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

67. If the antenna complex did not exist in a particular plant mesophyll cell, what effect
would that have on photosynthesis?
A. There would be no expected effect on photosynthesis
B. These cells would be unable to absorb any light energy
C. These cells would have a reduced capacity to generate glucose
D. These cells would be able to fix more carbon dioxide

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Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

Clarify Question

What is the key concept addressed by the question?

• The question asks you to determine what would happen to photosynthesis if a
particular plant mesophyll cell lacked an antenna complex?
What type of thinking is required?
• You are being asked to dissect, or analyze, the photosynthetic outcome for a plant cell
lacking an antenna complex.

Gather Content

What do you already know about the light reactions, photo systems, and antenna
complexes? What other information is related to the question?
• The first phase of photosynthesis includes the light reactions, where energy from the
sun is captured using chlorophyll to remove electrons from water, excite them to a higher
energy level, and to use redox reactions in order to produce ATP and NADPH. The ability to
capture solar energy depends on photosystems, which are collections of many pigment
molecules, some of which have specialized functions.
• Antenna complexes contain hundreds of chlorophyll molecules and have the
specialized ability to vastly increase the amount of energy that can be harvested by the plant.
The antenna complex serves to harvest and direct its energy so that the electrons stripped from
water can move to the reaction center complex of the photosystem. Considering the
importance of the antenna complex, what do you suppose would happen in a mesophyll cell
that lacked an antenna complex? How might this affect the light reactions and photosynthesis
in that cell?

Choose Answer

Do you have the necessary information to dissect the problem?

• Keep in mind for this question we are only talking about a single cell that lacks the
antenna complex out of many that are perfectly fine. That said, let’s consider several options
provided by the question. Considering how important an antenna complex is to the light
reactions, it will certainly have some effect; the question is how much.
• Is the cell that lacks the antenna complex incapable of harvesting light energy at all?
Not so. The affected mesophyll cell is still capable of harvesting light, but poorly compared to
cells with antenna complexes. Considering that there would be reduced energy capture due to
a lack of antenna complexes, that means less energy to participate in electron transport, less
proton pumping and a lower gradient, and ultimately less ATP and NADPH.
• For the affected cell, less ATP and NADPH means less potential energy to drive the
Calvin cycle, and less glucose will be produced as a result.

Reflect on Process

Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Biology 11th Edition Raven Test Bank

Chapter 08 - Photosynthesis

process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
• Answering this question correctly depended on your ability to analyze the
photosynthetic outcome on a mesophyll plant cell lacking antenna complexes.
• If you got a correct answer, well done! If you got an incorrect answer, did you recall
that the light reactions rely on photosystems? Did you remember that photosystems contain
antenna complexes and reaction centers? Were you able to infer that less ATP and NADPH in
the affected mesophyll cell would mean less energy for the Calvin cycle to fix carbon and
would produce less glucose as a result?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Contrast the function of reaction center and antenna chlorophyll molecules.
Section: 08.04
Topic: Photosystem Organization

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