Draft Agenda Izmir Conference - June 28 2011

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Center for Entrepreneurship & Executive Development Power through know-how and networks Draft Program Overview Regional

Opportunities for Growth - Conference and B2B

(Hosted by CEED & Western Anatolian Information and Electronics Regional Innovation Centre Project (BATI-BINOM)

SEE & Turkish Technology firms B2B opportunities, innovation, and collaboration.
Tuesday, 28 June, 2011
Izmir, Turkey

Turkey is a rising star in Europe and the fastest growing market in the region. ICT and Electronics represent one of the fastest growing sectors in Turkey and its getting stronger in global competition. The combination of high added value, innovation, creativity, and extensive research is helping Turkish firms develop products, not only for local market, but abroad as well. Eastern Europe with its continued integration with Western Europe, improving infrastructure, and rapidly advancing technologies, provides entrepreneurs and their companies with new opportunities to be more efficient and grow their companies locally, regionally, and internationally. Accelerating changes in technology in particular will re-define business models as customers seek faster and more user-friendly ways to fulfill their needs at lower cost. Entrepreneurs have to be prepared to adopt these technologies and integrate them into their practices in a smart and timely manner to meet these needs and stay competitive. Getting to know regional markets and finding ways to compete, collaborate, and innovate with other firms will be necessary to continue growing. The proximity of Turkey and Eastern Europe, their young qualified workforces, and focus on quality and flexibility offer unique opportunities for working together and getting to know each others market. Entrepreneurs know that Knowledge is Power when it comes to winning customers in a competitive market. The objective of this conference is to help you learn about the regional opportunities, see where these trends are heading so that you can not only meet the challenges they pose and take advantage of the opportunities they catalyze. Izmir as the venue for this conference offers a unique opportunity to see for oneself the changes happening in Turkey. It is a country successfully adapting to change and open to mutually beneficial relationships with its neighbors. The SEE region and its numerous and innovative technology firms can be intriguing partners for Turkish firms looking for regional opportunities. Major trends & topics Approaching the Turkish market, shorts cuts on how and what to look for. Collaboration, finding and choosing a partner. Cloud computing, and the many new opportunities its creating to build and staff new companies, and strengthen existing businesses The Mobile landscape, and how it will change everything. Examples of businesses incorporating mobile technologies. Social media, and how it could be leveraged to make connections and build your business. Electronics, and new trends from even smarter TVs, to smartphones controlling more, to Apps everywhere (in cars, appliances, eReaders, stereo receivers, cameras, printers, etc.)

CEED expects to bring a targeted group of 20-25 entrepreneurs from CEED centers in Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro to meet with 20-25 Turkish entrepreneurs and begin to build long-term cooperative business relationships. The afternoon session on Tuesday June 28th is set aside to conduct one-on-one business development meetings. Throughout the day here will be informal opportunities to meet transnational peers. A special dinner that night will bring together the CEED community from throughout the SEE region with their Turkish counterparts for food, fun, and exchanges.

Center for Entrepreneurship & Executive Development Power through know-how and networks

DRAFT Outline Regional Opportunities for Growth - Conference and B2B Izmir, June 27/28, 2011 Monday, June 27, 2011 Welcome Dinner for SEE and regional To be held at local restaurant in Izmir companies arriving to Izmir. (location TBD) 7:30 10:00

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (Plenary Session) 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:15

Registration and Coffee

Welcome, Overview of morning, and introduction of CEED & Western Anatolian Information and Electronics Regional Innovation Centre Project (BATIBINOM)

CEED Leadership (Peter Righi) & Bati-BINOM (Reha Senturk)

9:15 9:30

Welcome By EGE University (Innovation Center host) Brief overview on Doing Business in Izmir Global/Regional Trends Provide the global/regional perspective about the new trends that local and regional firms are already adopting and will leverage for opportunities in the future. (focus on cloud computing, mobile, social media, trends in electronics, etc.) Business view (overview of Western Anatolia opportunities for ICT and Electronics)


9:30 10:30


Business thought-leader from WA region TBD Turkish investor with deal experience in ICT - TBD

10:30 11:00 11:00 12:30

Investor View (investor view on Western Anatolia ICT sector and overview of sectors investors are targeting in this region of Turkey) Coffee break - networking Industry perspectives examples of collaboration, innovation, adapting to new trends. - 3 speakers x 15min (Turkish companies with examples of cross border expansion and/or collaboration as well as examples of innovation. - 3 speakers x 15min (CEED firms highlighting examples of collaboration and expectations with regard to the Turkish market)


Center for Entrepreneurship & Executive Development Power through know-how and networks 12:30 13:30 13:30 15:30 15:30 16:30 Lunch (catered buffet at the innovation center)

Prearranged B2B meetings and speed-networking

Informal meetings

19:00 22:00

CEED hosted dinner

Location TBD

Sample Firms from Turkeys Western Anatolia Region interested in attending Company Name Faz Electric and Motor Netsis Software ABS Alarm and Computer Systems Unibel Inovel BSS Pikotek Vadi Aneltech Sector/product Electronics IT, ERP, Production and Logistics Software Electronics and IT IT for public authorities Embedded Systems R&D Telecom Electronics ERP systems for municipalities Electronics, Telecom, IT

Ideal Participant Profile

Entrepreneurs Their companies have been in business for at least 3 years They have revenues of at least 300,000 (up to 3,000,000) They hope to employ as many as 20 people in the next five years They are interested in regional market access and/or partnerships

Sector ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Services Solutions Providers, ERP, etc. Electronics Telecom Professional services (Marketing, Advertising, Media, etc)

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