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Statement of Complaint by Yvette Freestone

Statement of Complaint against the London Borough of Newham.

(To be read in conjunction with my complaint lodged on the 21 February 2022 and my request for
a stage 2 investigation sent to the local authority on the 7 April 2022)

The stage 1 response made by Thelma Walker on the 31 March 2022 failed to resolve my concerns about
her service, my position being that: -

1. When answering my concern that Alexandra was taken to Wales without my knowledge or consent,
Ms Walker responded inaccurately. The correct position was that during a discussion with social
worker George Ukor about a birthday party I expressed concern about the sect that was organising it
and refused permission for Alexandra to attend. I had been looking through the sect’s Facebook
pages and was shocked when I came across a picture in which members were laying hands on her.
Then, when I scrolled further through the pages I came across the planned trip to Wales. I sent the
social worker a printout and was therefore surprised when Thelma Walker said it had not happened.

2. I would question whether in fact George Ukor contacted the police for checks to be made on sect
member, Ms Helene. It is not credible that the police service would refuse to make checks in the
case of a child looked after by the local authority. Alexandra was vulnerable and I was concerned
that she had apparently been a regular visitor to the family.

3. The main concern I expressed in this part of the original complaint was that the foster carer refused
entry to Alexandra when she returned home late on the evening of the 20 February 2022.

4. I was told that a referral had been made to the LADO regarding the foster carer’s failure to answer
her phone and did not try to find out where Alex was on the night of the 19 Feb 2022. However, I
have not been told what became of that referral.

5. The response to my concern about sexual exploitation was addressed incorrectly. I was not saying
that it had occurred but expressing concern about the possibility that it could. I had spoken to
George Ukor, also of African descent, about my worry that Alexandra had a British passport and that
by associating with the sect she would be at risk of forced marriage.

6. The response to my concern about not being informed that the case was being transferred to
another team was that it would be addressed to the assessment team manager. However, I have not
been told if this happened and, if so, what action was taken to ensure it does not happen to
someone else in similar circumstances.

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Desired Outcomes

1. I felt fobbed off by the stage 1 response and would like to be told whether social work staff and
foster carer have been held to account.

2. I would like an assurance that processes have been reviewed and shortcomings rectified.

3. Given the concerns I raised about the Apostolic Church I would have expected that rigorous
enquiries were made and consideration given to referral to the police.

4. I would like a written apology for the delay in arranging an investigation of my complaint and for the
stage 1 response failing to explain what further options were open to me.

5. I believe financial compensation should be paid for the distress and emotional impact caused by the
mistakes and failures of children’s services during the time of my daughter’s time in care and during
the handling of the complaint.

I, Yvette Freestone, agree that the above constitutes my outstanding concerns, together with the
actions I believe this investigation will show to be necessary.

In signing this statement, I give consent for Allan Graham (independent investigator) to access, view,
and copy information about me and my daughter within social care records in Newham.

Signed………………………………………………………… Date……………………………

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