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Received: 23 April 2020 Revised: 28 August 2020 Accepted: 31 August 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12637


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible oils: An

overview on sample preparation, determination strategies,
and relative abundance of prevalent compounds

Carmen M. Sánchez-Arévalo Lucía Olmo-García Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez

Alegría Carrasco-Pancorbo

Department of Analytical Chemistry,

Faculty of Science, University of Granada, Abstract
Granada, Spain Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are food contaminants whose presence
in foodstuffs is especially alarming due to their carcinogenic character. These
Alegría Carrasco-Pancorbo, Department of substances are highly lipophilic and thus, unsafe levels of these compounds have
Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, been found in edible fats and oils. Efficient methodologies to determine such
University of Granada, Ave. Fuentenueva
s/n, E-18071 Granada, Spain. molecules in lipidic matrixes are therefore essential. In this review, a detailed
Email: description of the analytical methods for the determination of PAHs in vegetable
oils from the last 15 years has been provided. Particular emphasis has been placed
Funding information
Andalusian Regional Government and the on innovative sample treatments, which facilitate and shorten the pretreatment
European Social Fund (“Programa Opera- of the oils. Finally, results from recent investigations have been reviewed and
tivo de Empleo Juvenil”), Grant/Award
studied in depth, in order to elucidate which PAHs are most commonly found in
Number: Feder B-AGR-416-UGR18;
Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía vegetable oils.
2014–2020; Andalusian Regional Gov-
ernment and the European Social Fund KEYWORDS
(“Programa Operativo de Empleo Juve- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), edible oils, LC-Fluorescence, GC-MS, PAHs occur-
nil”), Grant/Award Number: Feder B- rence
AGR-416-UGR18; Programa Operativo
FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020; Junta de
Andalucía, Grant/Award Numbers: B-
AGR-416-UGR18 (programa operativo
Feder), Programa Operativo de Empleo
Juvenil; Ministerio de Economía, Industria
y Competitividad, Gobierno de España,
Grant/Award Number: CTQ2017-88079-P

1 INTRODUCTION produced. Those metabolites are able to covalently bind to

DNA molecules, leading to mutations and potential geno-
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group toxicity (Mafra et al., 2010; Purcaro, Barp, & Moret, 2016).
of organic compounds containing several fused aromatic In fact, the molecule of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) has been
rings in their chemical structure (Mafra, Amaral, & classified as a human carcinogen (Group 1 carcinogens) by
Oliveira, 2010). They have attracted great interest because the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
of their proven carcinogenity (Mafra et al., 2010; Rose, (IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic
2010). Once they enter the organism, PAHs undergo a Risks to Humans, 2012).
metabolic activation through the cytochrome P450 and, There are different mechanisms in which human beings
as a result of that transformation, electrophilic species are can be exposed to those compounds, but food has been

Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2020;1–46. © 2020 Institute of Food Technologists
R 1

pointed out as the major contributor to the contamina- pomace (Purcaro et al., 2016; Purcaro, Moret, & Conte,
tion of nonoccupationally exposed and nonsmokers adults 2013). In 2002, the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF),
(Cirillo et al., 2006; Phillips, 1999; Plaza-Bolaños, Garrido- which belongs to the European Union (EU) boards, iden-
Frenich, & Martínez-Vidal, 2010). Therefore, PAHs occur- tified another 15 PAHs (only eight of them were coincident
rence in foodstuffs must be accurately and constantly con- with some of the EPA PAHs) as carcinogens/mutagens.
trolled to avoid food poisoning (Bansal & Kim, 2015). They also recognized BaP as a suitable marker of the
Because of the lipophilic nature of the mentioned com- presence of the rest of PAHs in food (Scientific Committee
pounds, unsafe levels of PAHs can be easily found in fats on Food, 2002). In 2005, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Com-
and oils (Dennis et al., 1991; Guillén, Sopelana, & Palencia, mittee on Food Additives (JECFA) advised the addition of
2004; Moret & Conte, 2000; Rose, 2010). another PAH, BcFl, to the already existing list of the EU
Vegetable oils, such as sunflower, corn, soybean, PAHs, finally setting the 15 + 1 priority EU PAHs (JECFA,
coconut oil, and so forth, are massively produced all over 2005). It was also that year, with the Regulation 208/2005
the world and preferably consumed and appreciated out of (European Union, 2005) (and later in 2006, with Regula-
the Mediterranean basin, due to their lower price, among tion 1881/2006 [European Union, 2006]) when the EU first
other reasons (Unites States Department of Agriculture, dictated maximum limits for BaP in foods, supporting its
2018). There is a considerable risk of PAHs incidence in use as a PAHs incidence marker. In 2008, the European
these edible oils, as their production requires the drying Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that BaP does
of the vegetable seeds before the oil extraction; generated not always work as an appropriate marker, as some PAHs,
combustion gases may be rich in PAHs that would even- namely, Chr and BcFl, were detected in samples even
tually reach the commercial oil (León-Camacho, Viera- in the absence of BaP. As a result, they advised on the
Alcaide, & Ruiz-Méndez, 2003; Mafra et al., 2010; Teix- monitoring of a set of eight PAHs (PAH8) and a subgroup
eira, Casal, & Oliveira, 2007). Meanwhile, virgin olive oil of four PAHs (PAH4) (EFSA, 2008). EU released in 2011
(VOO) is considered the principal fat source of the Mediter- the most recent regulation to date (Regulation 835/2011
ranean area and its excellent organoleptic properties and [European Union, 2011]). It covers maximum levels for the
positive health effects are valued all over the world (Cerre- set of PAH4 and BaP in foods. Limits of 10 µg/kg for the
tani et al., 2007). It is exclusively obtained by mechanical sum of PAH4 and 2 µg/kg for BaP in vegetable oils were
operations. Thus, any contamination may be attributed to established, whereas 20 µg/kg of PAH4 were permitted in
the contact of the olive fruit with polluted air, mineral oil coconut oil (European Union, 2011).
residues from packaging, or with any contaminated ele- EPA and EU regulations incur significant differences.
ment present in the production line (mill, transport con- SCF considers heavier and more complex compounds,
tainers, etc.) (Bansal & Kim, 2015; Gharbi et al., 2017; Guil- whereas EPA list includes the so-called “light PAHs” (with
lén et al., 2004; Rodríguez-Acuña, Pérez-Camino, del, Cert, two to four rings), as well as the sets of PAH4 and PAH8
& Moreda, 2008b). (EPA, 2014). The great majority of the scientific reports
As stated before, PAHs exposure may lead to several published to date focus on the determination of the 16 EPA
affections. The link between PAHs exposure and an PAHs, taking PAH8 or PAH4 as risk indicators. However,
increase in cancer risk and age-related affections has there is no assurance of avoiding any contamination if
been extensively investigated (Bauer et al., 2018; Boström no PAH8 or PAH4 are detected, and neither is certain
et al., 2002; Fu et al., 2018; Wohak et al., 2016). Scientific that the set of PAH8 or PAH4 are the most dangerous in
evidences have motivated the passage of some regulations terms of carcinogenity. Structural heterogeneity of this
regarding the maximum levels allowed in foods and, kind of analytes hinders the simultaneous determination
more specifically, in edible oils and fats. In 1970, the of all PAHs of concern within a single analysis. Thus,
Environmental Protection Agency of the United States further studies pointing out the most commonly found
(EPA) pointed 16 PAHs as priority pollutants that have to compounds in real samples would be of great interest.
be routinely monitored, according to their occurrence in Ideally, those investigations should take into account the
daily diet products (EPA, 1999). Those substances have PAHs current occurrence as well as their potential risk.
been listed in Table 1. This table also contains the corre- This aspect will be more deeply explored in Section 6.
sponding fluorescence program (including excitation and To date, none of the previously mentioned regulatory
emission wavelengths) applied in some articles to detect authorities have published an official method for the
them. No maximum levels of PAHs were established until determination of the priority PAHs in vegetable oils.
2001, when the discovery of a pomace olive oil (POO) with Many reports have followed in some way the guide-
alarming levels of PAHs in Czech Republic prompted that lines proposed in a reference methodology described
many European countries internally authorized maxi- by the ISO regulation; this standard has been revised
mum permitted levels for different groups of PAHs in olive through the years, and the current accepted procedure

TA B L E 1 Identity of PAHs generally determined in food

Excitation Emission
wavelengths wavelengths
(nm) (nm)
275 322 Naphthalene (Na)
270 322 Acenaphthene (Ace)
DAD Acenaphthylene (Acy)
270 304 Fluorene (Fl)
251 364 Phenanthrene (Phe)
251 402 Anthracene (A)
280 460 Fluoranthene (F)
270 406 Pyrene (P)

270 388 Benzo(a)anthracene (BaA)
270 386 Chrysene (Chr)
256 446 Benzo(b)fluoranthene (BbF)
292 406 Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)
292 414 Benzo(k)fluoranthene (BkF)
295 404
292 394 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene (BghiP)
274 496 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (IP)

DAD Cyclopenta(cd)pyrene (CPP)
309 359 Benzo(c)fluorene (BcFl)
270 420 5-methylchrysene (5MCh)
270 500 Benzo(j)fluoranthene (BjF)
270 420 Dibenzo(a,l)pyrene (DBalP)
270 420 Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene (DBaeP)
270 470 Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene (DBaiP)
270 470 Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene (DBahP)
264 410 Benzo(e)pyrene (BeP)

Note. Data included within the table were obtained from the reports of Teixeira et al. (2007), Costopoulou et al. (2010), and Payanan et al. (2013) and may be subjected
to slight variations. Emission and excitation wavelengths of BcFl were taken from Songsermsaku et al. (2018), who analyzed spiked acetonitrile solutions.
The regulatory organism that has recommended their monitorization has been indicated in different columns (coloring the cells of the considered compounds by
each organism). Groups of PAH4 (lighter shaded, in blue) and PAH8 (darker shaded, in blue) have been highlighted. The molecule of BcFl, pointed as mutagenic by
the JEFCA, has been included in the European Union (EU) priority PAHs. The program of excitation and emission wavelengths generally used for the detection
of PAHs in acetonitrile/water is also provided. The molecule of benzo(e)pyrene (BeP), recurrently determined in the literature, has been included within the
compounds of interest of this review, even though its determination has not been advised by the EPA or the EU.

is reflected in ISO 15753:2016 (ISO, 2016). According to not suitable for the quantitative determination of these
this specification, PAHs are extracted with a mixture of substances in POO or palm oil.
acetonitrile/acetone (ACN/acetone) and purified first in The just enumerated recommendations have served as a
a reverse-phase C18 cartridge and in a Florisil cartridge basis for the studies aiming to determine PAHs in oil matri-
afterward. Individual determination of each PAH is ces. Indeed, for the last 15 years, the most generally applied
achieved by high-performance liquid chromatography methodology has consisted of a liquid–liquid extraction
with fluorescence detection (HPLC–FLD). Due to possi- (LLE) followed by a solid-phase extraction (SPE), and
ble interferences of matrix components, this method is the subsequent individual separation and detection by

F I G U R E 1 Graphical scheme of the techniques employed for the sample treatment and determination of PAHs in edible oils
Abbreviations: APPI, atmospheric pressure photoionization; CFYM, chicken feet yellow membrane; CNNS, carbon nitride nanosheets; DACC,
donor–acceptor complex chromatography; EI, electron impact; FLD, fluorescence detector; FLS, fluorescence spectroscopy; GC, gas chro-
matography; GPC, gel permeation chromatography; GO, graphene oxide; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; HS, head-space
extraction; HS-SPME, head-space solid-phase microextraction; IT, ion trap; LLE, liquid–liquid extraction; MALDI, matrix-assisted laser des-
orption/ionization; MIP, molecularly imprinted polymer; MS, mass detector; MSPE, magnetic solid-phase extraction; MWCNTs, multiwalled
carbon nanotubes; Q, quadrupole; QQQ, triple quadrupole; RS, Raman spectroscopy; SFE, supercritical fluid extraction SPE, solid-phase extrac-
tion; ToF, time-of-fight.

LC–FLD and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry to 2.5 g of oil. As PAHs are present at very low levels in
detection (GC–MS), respectively. Excellent reviews have comparison with triacylglycerides (TAGs) (Purcaro et al.,
been previously published giving an extensive overview 2013), it is necessary to isolate the compounds under study
about PAHs determination, covering food and beverages, from the rest of the major components of the matrix. The
in general (Plaza-Bolaños et al., 2010; Purcaro et al., 2016; latter is not a straightforward step, because PAHs’ great
Purcaro et al., 2013; Sun, Wu, & Gong, 2019), and fats and hydrophobicity rules a high affinity for the oily phase
oils, in particular (Moret & Conte, 2000; Rose, 2010). (Plaza-Bolaños et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011). Howard and
Besides the mentioned widespread workflow (LLE [plus Fazio (1969) and Chen (1997) both provided thoughtful
SPE] followed by LC–FLD or GC–MS), other innovative overviews of the analysis of PAHs in foods (including veg-
and advanced strategies have been implemented for the etable oils, cereal products, water, fish, meat, and smoked
determination of PAHs in edible oils and fats. In the meat), but Moret and Conte (2000) were the first authors
coming sections, a general overview of the preferred that focused in edible fats and oils and reviewed in 2000
techniques for PAHs analysis in edible oils will be pre- the traditional and alternative methods (at that moment)
sented, as well as a detailed explanation of the outstanding for the sample preparation of these lipidic matrixes when
advances that have been accomplished over the last years the determination of PAHs was intended. After that,
in this field. A graphical summary of the methodologies some other complete reviews have been published over
employed so far can be found in Figure 1. Moreover, the years (Plaza-Bolaños et al., 2010; Purcaro et al., 2016;
relevant results obtained in the most recent investigations Purcaro et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2019; Wu, Gong, Yan, Sun,
have been deeply studied and discussed within the current & Zhang, 2020). According to these authors, extraction of
review. A summary of the primarily found PAHs has been PAHs traditionally relied on a several-stage methodology
given, aiming to identify which compounds are repeatedly involving saponification, LLE, and cleanup by thin-layer
present in vegetable oils and, therefore, should represent chromatography (TLC), column chromatography, or, more
the actual target to ensure the safety of lipidic foodstuff. recently, SPE. The direct use of LLE followed by SPE, TLC,
packed columns, gel permeation chromatography (GPC),
donor–acceptor complex chromatography (DACC), and
2 SAMPLE TREATMENT so forth has been also suggested. Lately, SPE (useful for
carrying out both extraction and purification steps) as
The isolation procedure is obviously an essential step for well as some other strategies are widely employed too.
the determination of this kind of analytes in vegetable The current section will try to give a general overview to
oils. Studies focusing on edible oils as a source of PAHs the reader, taking into account both the most extensively
use variable sample amounts, usually ranging from 0.2 used procedures and those that can be considered as more

innovative. Tables 2 and 3 contain in-depth information Ferraz da Silva Torres, 2017; Shi et al., 2016; Shi et al.,
about the methodologies applied by the articles discussed 2018; Taghvaee et al., 2016; Yousefi et al., 2018; Zhou, Jiang,
in this review and provide specific details that may be Mao, Zhao, & Lu, 2016). The addition of hexane may facil-
useful to fully understand the description included within itate the separation of the oily fraction and the aqueous
the text. phase, but special attention should be devoted to avoid ana-
lytes losses by dissolution in the hexane, considering their
nonpolar nature. Payanan, Leepipatpiboon, and Varanusu-
2.1 Previous stage before the LLE pakul (2013) introduced a freezing step in the extraction
procedure, in order to reduce the fat content of the organic
When a saponification step is included prior to the LLE fraction by precipitation of the lipidic compounds. In con-
(Alomirah et al., 2010; Dost & Ideli, 2012; Mohammadi trast with other strategies of LLE based on centrifuga-
et al., 2020), the authors generally have the aim of reduc- tion cycles, Payanan and co-workers performed a low-
ing the lipidic content (considerably lessening the pres- temperature cleanup to separate both phases. They found
ence of TAGs); however, it does not allow the complete that a long time of 24 to 36 hr was needed to lower the fat
removal of some interfering molecules (such as squalene) percentage to a satisfactory level, but the number of inter-
that are present in the unsaponifiable fraction and could fering peaks in the chromatogram was positively reduced.
eventually reach the chromatographic column, making it Ninety-four percent of the lipids in the edible oils was eas-
necessary to conduct an additional extraction step (Moret ily removed without any significant loss of the PAH ana-
& Conte, 2000). In the past, some authors also described lytes. To complete the cleanup, the authors also used an
another strategy to be applied before the LLE. It was based alumina-N SPE cartridge afterward. In the past, some alter-
on the phenomenon of caffeine–PAH complex formation natives to LLE were reported. Supercritical fluid extrac-
(Kolarovič & Traitler, 1982; Sagredos & Sinha-Roy, 1979; tion drew attention because of the reduction of the anal-
Sagredos, Sinha-Roy, & Thomas, 1988), which allows the ysis time and the achievement of very good recoveries. It
extraction of the PAHs with cyclohexane after decompos- has been successfully applied to extract PAHs from lipidic
ing the complex with an aqueous sodium chloride solution matrixes (Lage Yusty & Cortizo Daviña, 2005; Zougagh,
(Moreda, Pérez-Camino, & Cert, 2001). Redigolo, Ríos, & Valcárcel, 2004), even though it has not
been so widely reported in recent literature. DACC has also
been used for the sample preparation of edible oils (Hollosi
2.2 Liquid–liquid extraction & Wenzl, 2011).

LLE logically aims to gradually increase the presence

of PAHs in a separated fraction. Usually, the follow- 2.3 Purification stage
ing solutions are preferred: ACN/acetone, dimethylfor-
mamide (DMF)/water, water/dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), As stated above, a purification step is commonly applied
or ACN. This partition has been microwave assisted (Alar- after LLE, in order to remove interfering constituents
cón, Báez, Bravo, Richter, & Fuentes, 2012) and, more that might be present in the oil. Several techniques have
commonly, ultrasound assisted (Costopoulou et al., 2010; been applied to that end. GPC has proved to be very effi-
Ergönül & Sánchez, 2013; Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012; Ju, cient to remove fatty interferences (Ballesteros, García-
Kim, Kim, & Baek, 2020; Shi et al., 2018; Shi, Zhang, & Sánchez, & Ramos-Martos, 2006; Bordajandi, Dabrio,
Liu, 2016; Taghvaee, Piravivanak, Rezaei, & Faraji, 2016; Ulberth, & Emons, 2008; Ciecierska & Obiedziński, 2013;
Teixeira et al., 2007; Wang & Guo, 2010; Yousefi et al., Fromberg, Højgård, & Duedahl-Olesen, 2007; Gómez-Ruiz
2018; Zhao, Chen, Fang, Li, & Zhao, 2013). Samples may & Wenzl, 2009; Martinez-López, Morales-Noé, Pastor-
be diluted in hexane (Barranco et al., 2003; Camargo, Garcia, Morales-Rubio, & De La Guardia, 2005; Wang &
Antoniolli, & Vicente, 2011; Cassimiro Belo, Nunes, Vieira Guo, 2010), due to the substantial difference between TAGs
Dos Santos, Augusti, & Pissinatti, 2012; Farrokhzadeh & and PAHs molecular size. This allows a first elution of
Razmi, 2018; Guillén et al., 2004; Molle, Abballe, Gomes, lipidic substances and a successive elution of the ana-
Furlani, & Tfouni, 2017; Rascón, Azzouz, & Ballesteros, lytes of interest. Despite the high volume of solvents that
2018; Tfouni, Padovani, Reis, Furlani, & Camargo, 2014) or are required, the semiautomatic character of this tech-
pentane (Diletti et al., 2005) prior to the extraction. Alter- nique and the good recoveries that are usually obtained are
natively, samples may be directly applied to the partition, advantages to be considered.
which has been the more common choice (Alves da Silva, In any case, PAHs purification has been mostly based
Ferraz da Silva Torres, Palma de Almeida, & Rodrigues- in SPE procedures. This technique, as mentioned before,
Sampaio, 2018; Alves da Silva, Rodrigues-Sampaio, & has been applied either for the purification of the extract

T A B L E 2 Thorough description of the experimental parameters used in the research works discussed in the present review (regarding liquid chromatography), including the number
(and identity) of determined compounds in each study, as well as parameters about sample preparation, liquid chromatography conditions, detection settings, and analytical performance of
the applied methodologies
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
ISO, 2016 15 EPA PAHs Animal and vegetable - 2.5 g - ZORBAX Eclipse FLD LOD: 0.6 µg/kg (F and BghiP:
(Acy n.d.) fats and oils - LLE (10 mL ACN/acetone (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) + 0.3 µg/kg; IP: 1 µg/kg)
[60:40]; v/v) + Sonication C18 guard column RSD: <5%
- SPE C18; AS: MeOH, ACN; - A: ACN, B: ACN/Water (50:50) Recov: >60% to 70%
ES: ACN/acetone 60:40 (v/v) - 100% B (0′ to 5′), 100% to 40% B
- SPE Florisil; AS: CH2 Cl2 , (5′ to 27′), 40% to 0% B (36′ to
hexane; ES: hexane/CH2 Cl2 41′)
(75:25; v/v) - 1.2 mL/min

Lv et al., 2019 BaP Peanut, pepper, - 0.5 g - XSelect HSS C18 column FLD LOD: 0.19 ng/mL
rapeseed, and - 5 mL hexane (150 mm × 2.1 mm × 2.5 µm) RSD: 0.4% to 15%
soybean oil - dSPE: MIL-101(Cr); ES: - A: ACN; B: Water Recov: 79.6% to 117.1%
acetone - Isocratic
- 0.3 mL/min

Shi et al., 2018 14 EPA PAHs Edible oil (not - 2g - Hypersil gold DAD LOD: 0.03 to 0.73 µg/L
(Acy and IP specified) - LLE (10 mL ACN/acetone (150 mm × 4.6 mm × 3 µm) (254 nm) RSD: 1.4% to 2.5%
n.d.) [60:40]; v/v) + Sonication - A: ACN; B: ACN/Water Recov: 82.5% to 102.5%
- MSPE: Fe3 O4 @COF(TpDA) - 50% to 65% B (0′ to 30′), 65% to
70% B (30′ to 35′), 70% to 100%
B (35′ to 40′)
- 1 mL/min

Farrokhzadeh & Na, Phe, A, F, Olive and sunflower oil - 2 mL - Perfectsil target ODS-3 UV LOD: 0.37 to 38.5 ng/L
Razmi, 2018 and P - 4 mL hexane (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) (254 nm) RSD: 2.7% to 5.3%
- 8 mL DMF - ACN 80%; Water 20% Recov: 60% to 103.1%
- Diluted to 50 mL (Water + - Isocratic Repro (μSPE): 4.9% to 6.4%
NaCl) - 1 mL/min
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Yousefi et al., 13 EPA PAHs Sunflower, corn, Same as ISO 15753:2016, starting - Vydac 201 TP54 FLD LOD: 0.1 to 0.38 µg/kg
2018 (Na, Ace, and canola, frying, and from 2 g of oil (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 μm) Recov: 81.5% to 107.1%
F n.d.) blended oil - A: ACN; B: ACN/Water (50:50) RSD: 3.68% to 7.44%
- 100% B (0′ to 5′), 60% A (5′ to
27′), 100% A (27′ to 41′), 100% B
(41′ to 45′)
- 1.2 mL/min

Alves da Silva PAH4 + fatty Cold-pressed oils: Same as Alves da Silva et al. - Zorbax Eclipse PAH FLD LOD: 0.08 to 0.3 µg/kg
et al., 2018 acids profile coconut, evening (2017) (100 mm × 2.1 mm × 1.8 µm) + Recov: 90.46% to 96.78%
primrose, linseed, guard column RSD: 1.9% to 4.55%
and safflower oil - ACN, Water

- 50% ACN (0′ to 0.9′), 50% to

75% ACN (0.9′ to 7′), 75% ACN
(7′ to 17′), 75% to 100% ACN (17′
to 20′), 100% ACN (20′ to 24′)
- 0.4 mL/min

Wang, Lian, Na, Ace, Phe, A, Peanut, soybean, and - 1g - Inertsil ODS-3 UV LOD: 0.06 to 0.55 µg/kg
et al., 2018 P, and BbF sunflower oil - 10 mL hexane (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 93.9% to 112.2%
- MSPE: mMWCNTs - MeOH/water (9:1, v/v) RSD: 6.29% to 9.42% intraday;
- Gradient n.a. 7.94% to 11.23% interday
- 1.5 mL/min

Gharbi et al., Fl, Phe, A, F, EVOO - 2.5 g - C18 Supelcosil FLD LOD: n.a.
2017 and P + PAH8 - 10 mL hexane (250 mm × 3 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 32% to 152%
- SPE: same as Purcaro et al. - ACN, Water RSD: 5.34% to 21.01%
(2008) - 40% ACN (0′ to 5′), 40% to
100% (5′ to 40′)
- 1 mL/min

Molle et al., 2017 13 EU PAHs Canola, sunflower, and - 0.5 g - Vydac 201 TP54 FLD LOD: 0.07 to 1.95 µg/kg
(BghiP, CPP, corn oil - 5 mL hexane (250 mm × 3 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 71% to 110%
and BcFl n.d.) - LLE (10 mL DMF/water [9:1], - ACN, Water RSD: 4% to 20% intraday; 3%
v/v) - 70% to 75% ACN (0′ to 20′), 75% to 12% interday
- SPE: C18; AS: MeOH, water; to 100% ACN (20′ to 35′), 100%
ES: DMF/water (9:1, v/v), ACN (35′ to 55′)
water - 1 mL/min

TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Alves da Silva PAH4 Cold-pressed oils: - 0.5 g - Zorbax Eclipse PAH FLD LOD: 0.08 to 0.30 µg/kg
et al., 2017 Coconut, safflower, - LLE (5 mL DMF/water [9:1], (100 mm × 2.1 mm × 1.8 µm) + Recov: 80.13% to 100.04%
linseed, and evening v/v) guard column RSD: 1.08% to 9.17%
primrose oil - SPE: C18; AS: MeOH, - A: ACN; B: Water
DMF/water (1:2, v/v), water; - 65% A (0′ to 0.9′), 65% to 75% A
WS: DMF/water (1:2, v/v), (0.9′ to 7′), 75% A (7′ to 17′),
water; ES: hexane 75% to 100% A (17′ to 20′), 100%
A (20′ to 24′)
- 0.4 mL/min

Ji et al., 2017 A, F, P, Chr, BaP, Olive and sunflower oil - 20 g - Waters Symmetry C18 DAD LOD: 0.06 to 0.15 µg/kg
DBahA, - MSPE: Modified GO (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) (219 nm) Recov: 80.13% to 100.04%
BghiP, and IP - ACN, Water RSD: 3.44% to 6.64% intraday;
- 65% to 100% ACN (0′ to 14′), 5.39% to 8.41% interday
100% ACN (14′ to 20′). Repro: 3.2% to 6.45%
- 1 mL/min

Taghvaee et al., 15 EPA PAHs Olive oil and POO - Same as ISO 15753:2016 Same as ISO 15753:2016, but using a LOD: 0.16 to 0.97 µg/kg
2016 (Acy n.d.) - SPE: amino phase. AS: 250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm Zorbax Eclipse Recov: 75% to 111%
hexane; ES: hexane/toluene PAH column RSD: 3% to 8%
(70:30, v/v)

Jiang et al., 2015 15 EPA PAHs Corn, peanut, soybean - 2g - Waters PAH C18 FLD LOD: <0.3 µg/kg
(Acy n.d.) oil, and blend oils - LLE (5 mL ACN/acetone [1:1, (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 79.8% to 127.2%
v/v]) - A: Water, B: ACN, C: MeOH RSD: 4.6% to 11.5% intraday;
- SPE: Oasis HLB; AS: CH2 Cl2 , - 70% C + 30% A (0′ to 15′), 70% 5.4% to 13.4% interday
MeOH, ACN; ES: C + 30% B (15′ to 23.33′), 100%
ACN/acetone (1:1, v:v), B (23.33′ to 24′)
CH2 Cl2 - 0.9 mL/min
- SPE: Florisil; AS: CH2 Cl2 ,
hexane; ES: hexane/CH2 Cl2
(2:1, v/v)
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Stenerson et al., 15 EPA HAPs EVOO and EVOO + - 0.4 g - C18 Supelcosil FLD LOD: 0.19 to 1.01 µg/kg
2015 (Acy n.d.) Refined olive oil - SPE: C18 (bottom layer) + (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 79% to 123%
blend Florisil (upper layer); AS: - ACN, Water RSD: 5% to 16% intraday; 10%
acetone; ES: ACN - 40% ACN (0′ to 5′), 40% to to 68% interday
100% ACN (5′ to 20′), 100%
ACN (20′ to 32′)
- 1.4 mL/min

Shi et al., 2015 16 EPA PAHs Olive, peanut, and - 1g - Zorbax Eclipse PAH MS LOD: 0.006 to 0.156 µg/kg
soybean oil - APPI Recov: 77.8% to 106.4%
- LLE (8 mL ACN) (100 mm × 2.1 mm × 3.5 µm)
- QQQ RSD: 2% to 7.5% intraday;
- ACN, Water
- SIM 2.5% to 8.9% interday
- 45% ACN (0′ to 5′), 45% to

100% ACN (5′ to 15′), 100%

ACN (15′ to 21′)
- 0.4 mL/min

Tfouni et al., 13 EU PAHs Vegetable oil blends Same as Camargo et al. (2011) - Vydac 201 TP54 FLD LOD: 0.02 to 0.52 µg/kg
2014 (BghiP, CPP, (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 67% to 115%
and BcFl n.d.) - ACN, Water RSD: 2% to 18%
- 70% to 75% ACN (0′ to 20′), 75%
to 100% ACN (20′ to 35′), 100%
ACN (35′ to 55′)
- 1 mL/min

Zhao et al., 2013 16 EPA s Soybean, sunflower, - 1g - C18 Supelcosil LC-PAH FLD LOD: 0.01 to 2.35 µg/kg
sesame, groundnut, - LLE (10 mL ACN:Acetone (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) (Acy: Recov: 59.5% to 94.6%
corn, and olive oil [60:40]) + Sonication - ACN, Water DAD RSD: 0.48% to 4.98%
(spiked samples) - SPE: C18; AS: ACN; ES: - 40% to 87% ACN (0′ to 30′), 228 nm)
ACN/acetone (60:40, v:v) 87% ACN (30′ to 40′)
- 1.5 mL/min

Payanan et al., 15 EPA PAHs Refined olive, soybean, - 1g - PAH C18 FLD LOD: 0.13 to 3.13 µg/kg
2013 (Acy n.d.) + sunflower, canola, - 8 mL ACN:Acetone (4:1, v/v) (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) + Recov: 45.9% to 118.5%
BeP and palm oil - Freezing step C18 guard column RSD: 2.73% to 19.9%
- SPE: Alumina-N; AS: n.a.; - ACN, Water
ES: hexane/CH2 Cl2 (1:1, v/v) - 45% to 90% ACN (0′ to 35′),
90% ACN (35′ to 45′)
- 1.5 mL/min

TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Ciecierska & Phe, A, Ft, and P Cold-pressed oils: - 0.5 g - Bakerbond PAH-16 FLD LOD: 0.05 to 0.47 µg/kg
Obiedziński, + 15 EU PAHs Amaranth, linseed, - 5 mL cyclohexane/ethyl (250 mm × 3 mm × 5 µm) (CPP: Recov: 79% to 108%
2013 (BcFl n.d.) common flax, acetate (50:50, v/v) - A: ACN, B: ACN/Water (50:50) DAD RSD: 2.7% to 9.1%
camelina, pumpkin - GPC - 30% B (0′ to 25′), 30% to 100% B 254 nm)
and sesame, poppy, (25′ to 50′), 100% B (50′ to 68.5′)
mustard, safflower, - 0.5 mL/min
blackseed, walnut,
borage, and evening
primrose oil
Ergönül & 15 EPA PAHs EVOO, VOO, second Same as ISO 15753:2016 - ZORBAX Eclipse PAH FLD n.a.
Sánchez, 2013 (Acy n.d.) centrifugation olive (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm)
oil, lampante, - ACN, Water
refined olive oil, - 75% ACN (0′ to 10′), 75% to
crude POO, and 100% ACN (10′ to 35′), 100%
POO ACN (35′ to 45′)
- 1 mL/min

Dost & Ideli, Fl, Phe, A, F, P, Olive, corn, and - 50 mL - ODS UV: LOD: 0.26 to 1.15 µg/L
2012 BbF, BaA, sunflower oil - Saponification (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) 254 nm Recov: 80% to 127%
BkF, and BaP - SPE: silica–alumina; AS: - ACN 80%, Water 20% RSD: 0.35% to 1.6% intraday
hexane; WS: hexane; ES: - Isocratic
hexane/CH2 Cl2 (80:20, v/v) - 1.5 mL/min

Camargo et al., 13 EU PAHs Soybean oil - 0.5 g - C18 Vydac TP54 FLD LOD: 0.02 to 0.76 µg/kg
2011 (BghiP, CPP, - 5 mL hexane (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 61% to 115%
and BcFl n.d.) - LLE (5 mL DMF/water [9:1], - ACN, Water RSD: 1.42% to 8.83% intraday;
v/v) - 70% to 75% ACN (0′ to 20′), 75% 0.47% to 6.09% interday
- SPE: C18; AS: MeOH, water; to 100% ACN (20′ to 35′), 100%
WS: DMF/water (1:1, v/v); ES: ACN (35′ to 55′)
hexane - 1 mL/min
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Hollosi & Wenzl, 15+1 EU PAHs Spiked olive oil and - 1.05 mL oil - ChromSpher MS LOD: 0.19 to 0.36 µg/kg
2011 spiked POO - APPI Recov: n.a.
- 0.45 mL iso-propanol (250 mm × 2.1 mm × 5 µm)
- QQQ RSD: <5%
- DACC - MeOH in Water; EtOAc in
- 72% MeOH (0′ to 1′), 72% to
100% MeOH (1′ to 9′), 0% to
65% EtOAc (9′ to 16′), 65%
EtOAc (16′ to 18′)
- 700 µL/min

Costopoulou Na, F, and P + 15 Olive oil from Same as ISO 15753:2016 - Vydac 201 TP 54 FLD LOD: 0.005 to 2.155 µg/kg

et al., 2010 EU PAHs fire-affected areas (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) (CPP: Recov: 30.3% to 120.7%
(BcFl n.d.) - A: ACN; B: ACN/Water DAD RSD: 0.52% to 14.68%
- 50% to 65% A (0′ to 43′), 65% to 222 nm)
100% (43′ to 44′)
- 1 mL/min

Purcaro et al., 16 PAHs + BeP Olive oils - 0.2 g - C18 LC-PAH Supelcosil FLD LOD: 0.003 to 0.43 µg/kg
2008 - 1 mL hexane (250 mm × 3 mm × 5 µm) (CPP: 18.9 µg/kg)
- SPE: silica; AS: CH2 Cl2 , - ACN, Water Recov: 59.6% to 124.1%
hexane; ES: hexane/CH2 Cl2 - 75% ACN (0′ to 10′), 75% to RSD: 6.2% to 11.3% intraday;
(70:30, v/v) 100% ACN (10′ to 35′), 100% 6.8% to 16.2% interday
ACN (35′ to 45′)
- 1.5 mL/min

Rodríguez- PAH8 + BeP EVOO, VOO, POO, and Same as Moreda et al. (2004)
Acuña et al., crude pomace oil
Teixeira et al., 15 EPA PAHs Olive oil, soybean, and Same as ISO 15753:2016 - C18 LC-PAH Supelcosil FLD LOD: 0.004 to 0.092 µg/kg
2007 (Acy n. d.) sunflower oil (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 29% to 65%
- ACN, Water RSD: 1.09% to 4.23%
- 40% ACN (0′ to 5′), 100% ACN
(30′ to 45′)
- 1.5 mL/min

TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Cortesi & Fusari, BaA, BbF, BaP, Olive oil, POO, and - 2g - Lichrocart–Lichrospher PAH FLD LOD: 0.2 µg/kg (IP:
2006 DBahA, BkF, palm oil - 10 mL isooctane/cyclohexane (250 × 3 mm × 5 µm) 0.5 µg/kg)
BghiP, IP, and (1:2, v/v) - ACN, Water Recov: 79% to 97%
BeP - SPE: Styrene-divinylbenzene; - 81% ACN (0′ to 15′), 95% ACN RSD: 2.3% to 11.2%
AS: CH2 Cl2 , (30′ to 32′), 100% ACN (32′ to
isooctane/cyclohexane (1:2, 40′)
v/v); ES: CH2 Cl2 - 0.9 mL/min

Lage Yusty & BaA, BbF, BaP, Vegetable oils - 1g - Hypersil Green PAH FLD LOD: 0.075 to 10.1 µg/L
Cortizo DBahA, BkF, - SFE (CO2 + MeOH) (100 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 18.4% to 93.3%
Daviña, 2005 BghiP, and - ACN 78%, Water 22% RSD: 0.73% to 8.6%
BeP - Isocratic
- 0.5 mL/min

Martinez-López Phe, A, Ft, P, POO - 1g - C18 201TP52 FLD LOD: 0.05 to 0.48 µg/kg
et al., 2005 PAH8, and - LLE (10 mL ACN) (250 mm × 2.1 mm × 5 µm) + Recov: 75% to 111%
BeP - GPC guard column RSD: 1% to 5%
- ACN, Water
- 50% ACN (0′ to 7′), 50% to 80%
ACN (7% to 20%), 80% ACN
(20′ to 25′), 80% to 95% ACN
(25′ to 30′)
- 0.250 mL/min

Moreda et al., PAH8 + BeP VOO, olive oil, refined - 0.25 g - Inertsil ODS-P FLD LOD: 0.01 to 0.2 µg/kg
2004 olive oil, POO, and - 2.5 mL alkane mixture (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) + Recov: 79.5% to 91.3%
sunflower oil - SPE: C18; AS: alkene mixture; guard column RSD: 7.6% to 26.6%
WS: hexane; ES: hexane - ACN, Water
- SPE: amino phase; AS: alkene - 85% ACN (0′ to 3′), 85% to 100%
mixture; WS: alkene mixture; ACN (3′ to 37′), 100% ACN (37′
ES: alkane mixture/toluene to 55′), 100% to 85% (65′ to 66′),
(70:30, v/v) 85% (66′ to 70′)
- 1 mL/min
TA B L E 2 (Continued)
Number of
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Bogusz et al., BaP Spiked olive oil - 5g - CP ChromSpher π FLD LOD: 0.3 µg/kg
2004 - SPE : C18 (bottom layer) + (20 mm × 3 mm). Particle size Recov: 84%
Florisil (upper layer); AS n.a. RSD: 4.76%
(only for Florisil): ACN, - ACN, water
hexane/ CH2 Cl2 (4:1); ES: - Gradient n.a.
ACN - 1 mL/min

Barranco et al., 15 EPA PAHs Olive oil, residue olive - 0.5 g - C18 Vydac FLD LOD: 0.1 to 1.5 µg/kg
2003 (Acy n.d.) oil, palm, palm - 5 mL hexane (250 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 µm) + Recov: 50% to 103%

kernel oil, and crude - LLE (5 mL DMF/water [9:1], guard column RSD: 2.5% to 6.1% intraday;
and refined coconut v/v) - ACN, Water 1.7% to 5.5% interday;
oil - SPE: C18 or C8; AS: MeOH, - 50% ACN (0′ to 10′), 50% to Na < 32%
DMF/water (1:1, v/v); ES: n.a. 100% ACN (10′ to 24′), 100%
ACN (24′ to 35′)
- 1 mL/min

Zougagh et al., A, P, BaA, and Spiked EVOO - 5g - Ultrabase C18 (250 mm × FLD LOD: 12 to 16 µg/kg
2004 BkF - SFE (CO2 ) 4.6 mm × 5 µm) Recov: 102% to 106%
- ACN, MeOH, Water RSD: 2.8% to 4.5%
- 85% ACN, 1.8 % MeOH, 13.2%
Water (0′ to 5′) → 90% ACN,
1.8% MeOH, 8.2% Water (5′ to
- 0.8 mL/min

Note. Washing solvents have been indicated only in those cases in which the SPE column has been washed. Activating and elution solvents for the SPE of investigations included in Section 2.5 have not been mentioned
in this table, because the characteristics of the employed adsorbents make the parameters of the technique not comparable with the rest of isolation SPEs and clean-up SPEs. Gradient schemes do not include the final
phase of returning to initial conditions of the method. In those articles in which the recoveries have been calculated for different concentrations, the results for the lower level have been reported here.
Abbreviations: ACN, acetonitrile; AS, activation solvent for the SPE adsorbent; DACC, donor–acceptor complex chromatography; EtOAc, ethyl acetate; EVOO, extra virgin olive oil; DAD, diode array detector; CFYM,
chicken feet yellow membrane; DMF, dimethylformamide; FLD, fluorescence detector; GPC, gel permeation chromatography; LLE, liquid–liquid extraction; GO, graphene oxide; LOD, limit of detection; LOQ, limit
of quantification; MeOH, methanol; MSPE, magnetic solid phase extraction; n.a., not available; n.d., not determined; POO, pomace olive oil; Recov, recovery; RSD, relative standard deviation; SFE, supercritical fluid
extraction; SPE, solid phase extraction; WS, washing solvent for the SPE; ES, elution solvent for the SPE; UV, ultraviolet–vis; VOO, virgin olive oil.
LODs and LOQs are expressed either using µg/kg, µg/L, or ng/L, considering the units utilized by the authors in the original paper.
Method of choice after the testing of other procedures and evaluation of the obtained results from all of them.

T A B L E 3 Detailed information about the articles discussed in this review (regarding gas chromatography). Experimental details about sample preparation, gas chromatography
separation conditions, detection parameters and analytical performance of the applied methodologies are listed in the table
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Ju et al., 2020 PAH4 EVOO, olive oil, - 5g - DB-EUPAH - EI LOD: 0.08 to 0.1 µg/kg
grapeseed, red - LLE (10 mL ACN/Acetone (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 97.5% to 102%
pepper, perilla, rice [60:40], v/v) + Sonication - 50 ◦ C (10′) → 280 ◦ C at - SIM REU: 1% to 5%
bran, soybean, - SPE: C18 (bottom layer) + 40 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
sesame, and Florisil (upper layer); AS: 2 ◦ C/min (10′)
sunflower oil acetone; ES: ACN - 1.5 mL/min
- SPE: amino phase. AS:
hexane; ES: hexane/toluene
(70:30, v/v)

Mohammadi et al., Na, Acy, Fl, Phe, A, Edible oil (not - 1 mL - HP-5MS - EI LOD: 0.2 to 2.7 ng/mL
2020 F, P, BbF, BaA, specified) - LLE (1 mL acetone + 1 mL (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 82.9% to 102.4%
BaP, DBahA, ACN) - 150 ◦ C (2′) → 180 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: <9.1%
Bghi, and IP - Microwave-assisted 8 ◦ C/min (2′) → 230 ◦ C at
saponification 10 ◦ C/min (6′) → 250 ◦ C at
- LLME 5 ◦ C/min (1′) → 300 ◦ C at
30 ◦ C/min (30′)
- 1 mL/min

Rascón et al., 2018 16 EPA PAHs EVOO, VOO, olive oil, - 0.5 g - DB-5-MS - EI LOD: 0.004 to 0.11 µg/kg
POO sunflower, - 5 mL hexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.15 µm) - Q Recov: 87% to 104%
sesame, coconut, - LLE (10 mL DMF/Water - 70 ◦ C (2′) → 240 at - SIM RSD: <5.9% intraday; <7.2%
and soybean oil [9:1], v/v) 10 ◦ C/min → 290 ◦ C at interday
- SPE: C18 ; AS: ACN, 15 ◦ C/min (12′)
MeOH, water; ES: ACN - 1 mL/min

Zacs et al., 2018 PAH4 15 Edible oils (not - 1g - (Brand n.a.) - EI LOD: 0.06 to 0.21 µg/kg
specified) - 10 mL hexane 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.15 µm - Q Recov: 98% to 108%
- dSPE: MWCNTs - 80 ◦ C (2′) → 265 at - SIM RSD: 2% to 5% intraday; 4% to
15 ◦ C/min → 290 ◦ C at 6% interday
5 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
20 ◦ C/min (20′)
- 1.2 mL/min
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Zhang et al., 2017 16 EPA PAHs Colza, peanut, - 5g - DB-5MS - EI LOD: 0.05 to 0.30 µg/kg
soybean, and - 20 mL hexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 - Q Recov: 81.9% to 111%
sunflower oil - MSPE: magnetic 3-D GO µm) - SIM RSD: 2.3% to 7.9% intraday;
- 80 ◦ C (2′) → 150 ◦ C (1′) at 4.2% to 8.7% interday
25 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at
8 ◦ C/min (9′)
- 1 mL/min

Zheng et al., 2016 PAH8 Sunflower, corn, and - 20 g - Rtx-5 ms - EI LOD: 0.1 to 0.3 µg/kg
camellia oil - 100 mL hexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 - Q Recov: 91% to 124.1%
RSD: 5.1% to 11.6% intraday;

- MSPE: Magnetic carbon µm) - SIM

nitride - 70 ◦ C (2′) → 190 ◦ C at 8.3% to 15% interday
15 ◦ C/min (1′) → 260 ◦ C at
10 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min (10′)
- 1.2 mL/min

Shi et al., 2016 16 EPA PAHs Olive oil, corn, - 1g - DB-5MS (60 m × 0.25 mm × - EI LOD: 0.06 to 0.17 µg/kg
grapeseed, peanut, - LLE (5 mL ACN) + 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 84.3% to 115.3%
rapeseed, sesame, Sonication - 80 ◦ C (1′) → 180 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 0.1% to 10.4% intraday;
soybean, sunflower, - SPE: silica; AS: hexane; 20 ◦ C/min → 200 ◦ C at 0.1% to 9.0% interday
and wheat germ oil WS: hexane; ES: hexane; 3 ◦ C/min → 250 ◦ C at
hexane/CH4 Cl2 (9:1, v/v) 6 ◦ C/min (3′)
- 1 mL/min

Sun et al., 2017 16 EPA PAHs Spiked peanut oil - 0.1 g - HP-5-MS - EI LOD: n.a.
- 1 mL hexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 - Q Recov: ≈58% to 102% (values
- SPE: MIP µm) - Scan taken from a figure)
- 80 ◦ C (1′) → 270 ◦ C at RSD: n.a.
5 ◦ C/min (2′) → 290 ◦ C at
3 ◦ C/min (1′) → 305 ◦ C at
10 ◦ C/min (10′)
- Flow rate n.a.

TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Zhou et al., 2016 All EPA and EU Corn, olive, peanut, - 0.5 g - HP-5-MS - EI LOD: 0.1 to 1 µg/kg
PAHs (except and soybean oil - LLE (150 mL hexane + (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 - Q Recov: 71.5% to 109.9%
BcFl) 600 mL ACN) µm) - MRM RSD: 4.8% to 9.8%
- 70 ◦ C (2′) → 150 ◦ C at
25 ◦ C/min → 200 ◦ C at
3 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at
8 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
20 ◦ C/min (6′)
- Flow rate n.a.

Chung & Lau, 2015 PAH4 Olive oil, corn, - 0.4 g - DB-EUPAH - EI LOD: 0.1 µg/kg
grapeseed, peanut, - SPE: C18 (bottom layer) + (20 m × 0.18 mm × 0.14 µm) - Q Recov: 86% to 114%
rapeseed, sesame, Florisil (upper layer); AS: - 45 ◦ C → 200 at - SIM RSD: 5.2% to 7%
soybean, and acetone; ES: ACN 45 ◦ C/min → 225 ◦ C at
sunflower oil 2.5 ◦ C/min → 266 ◦ C at
3 ◦ C/min → 300 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
10 ◦ C/min
- 1 mL/min (0.2′),
1.7 mL/min

Xu et al., 2015 16 EPA and 15 + 1 Olive, peanut, - 1.5 mL - DB-EUPAH - EI LOD: 0.03 to 0.6 µg/kg
EU PAHs rapeseed, and - 0.5 mL cyclohexane (20 m × 0.18 mm × 0.14 µm) - QQQ Recov: 56.8% to 117.7%
soybean oil - SPE: MIP - 70 ◦ C (1′) → 200 ◦ C at - MRM RSD: 0.3% to 12.7%
- SPE: GCB 30 ◦ C/min → 225 ◦ C at
3 ◦ C/min → 266 ◦ C at
4 ◦ C/min → 300 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
10 ◦ C/min (10′)
- 1 mL/min (0′ to
10′) → 1.7 mL/min at
5 mL/min
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Zelinkova & Wenzl, PAH4 Evening primrose, - 1g - 60 ◦ C (1′) → 180 ◦ C at - EI LOD: 0.25 µg/kg
2015 linseed, primrose, - 5 mL cyclohexane:ethyl 60 ◦ C/min → 240 ◦ C at - Q Recov: 91.4% to 101%
and sea buckthorn acetate (1:1, v/v) 4 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at - SIM Combined RSU: 9.7% to 18.3%
oil (food - GPC 28 ◦ C/min (3′) → 325 ◦ C at
supplements) - SPE: silica; AS: 14 ◦ C/min (10′)
cyclohexane; ES: - 1 mL/min

Drabova et al., 2013 15 + 1 EU PAHs EVOO, pumpkin, - 0.5 g - GC × GC - EI LOD: 0.03 to 0.09 µg/kg
rapeseed, sea - 0.5 mL cyclohexane - First column: - ToF Recov: 70% to 99%
buckthorn, sesame, - SPE: SupelMIP 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm RSD: 2% to 11%
soybean, and BPX-50. Gradient: 80 ◦ C
sunflower oil (4.3′) → 240 ◦ C at
(cold-pressed oils) 30 ◦ C/min → 270 ◦ C at
2 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at

5 ◦ C/min → 360 ◦ C at
40 ◦ C/min (12′); Second
column: 1 m × 0.1 mm,
0.1 µm BPX-50. Gradient:
90 ◦ C (4.3′) → 250 ◦ C at
30 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at
2 ◦ C/min → 330 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min → 360 ◦ C at
40 ◦ C/min (12′);
- 1.3 mL/min

Purcaro et al., 2013 PAH8 + BjF + BeP EVOO, POO, - 0.5 g - BPX50 - EI LOQ: 0.1 to 0.32 µg/kg
grapeseed, and - LLE (3 mL ACN) (9 m × 0.10 mm × 0.10 µm.) - Q Recov: 35% to 85%
cereal oil - SPME: Same as Purcaro - 80 ◦ C (2) → 170 ◦ C at - SIM and full scan RSD: 3.1% to 9.7%
(2007) 70 ◦ C/min → 350 ◦ C at
15 ◦ C/min
- Flow rate n.a.

Jung et al., 2013 15 EU PAHs (BcFl Sesame oil and perilla - 2g - VF-5 ms - EI LOD: 0.01 to 0.06 µg/kg
n.d.) seed oil - LLE (10 mL (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 55.1% to 105%
isooctane/cyclohexane 1:1) - 150 ◦ C (2′) → 250 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 0.8% to 7.5%
- SPE: 10 ◦ C/min (10′) → 280 ◦ C at
styrene-divinylbenzene 10 ◦ C/min (30′)
copolymer; AS: ACN; WS: - 1 mL/min
isooctane/cyclohexane (1:1,
v/v); ES: hexane/ CH2 Cl2
(80:20, v/v)


TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Cassimiro Belo PAH8 Olive, soybean, and - 2g - DB-5 - EI LOD: 0.04 to 0.23 µg/kg
et al., 2012 sunflower oil - 8 mL hexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 54.01% to 114.69%
- LLE (8 mL DMF/Water - 50 ◦ C (1′) → 160 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 7.36% to 54.6%
[90:10], v/v) 40 ◦ C/min → 300 ◦ C at
- SPE: C18; AS: MeOH, 6 ◦ C/min (10′)
DMF/water (50:50, v:v); - 1 mL/min
WS: DMF/water (50:50,
v:v); ES: hexane
- SPE: silica; AS: hexane; ES:

Hossain & 8 EPA PAHs Coconut, mustard, and - 2.5 g - VF-5 - EI LOD: 1.9 to 3.1 ng
Salehuddin, 2012 soybean oil - LLE (10 mL ACN/Acetone (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - IT Recov: 56% to 84%
[60:40], v/v) + Sonication - 50 ◦ C (1′) → 200 ◦ C at - TIM RSD: 0.29% to 0.74% intraday;
- SPE: silica; AS: CH2 Cl2 ; ES: 8 ◦ C/min → 300 ◦ C at 0.63% to 2.34% interday
ACN/acetone (proportion 10 ◦ C/min
n.a.) - 1 mL/min

Zhao et al., 2011 PAH8 Olive, peanut, maize, - 1g - Rxi-5 - n. LOD: 0.1 to 0.88 µg/kg
rapeseed, sunflower, - dSPE: mMWCNTs (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - n.a. Recov: 87.8% to 114.4%
soybean, and blend - 70 ◦ C (2′) → 190 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 1.7% to 6.2% intraday;
oil 15 ◦ C/min (1′) → 260 ◦ C at 0.7% to 6.6% interday
10 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min (10′)
- 1.2 mL/min

Wang & Guo, 2010 16 EPA PAHs Cocoa, corn, olive, - 4g - HP-5MS (30 m × 0.25 mm, - EI LOQ: 0.3 to 0.6 µg/kg
peanut, and pepper - 10 mL ACN + Sonication 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: 84.5% to 96%
oil - GPC - 70 ◦ C (2′) → 150 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 4% to 10.8%
25 ◦ C/min → 200 ◦ C at
3 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at
8 ◦ C/min (10′)
- Flow rate n.a.
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Alomirah et al., 16 EPA PAHs EVOO, VOO, olive oil, - 5g - DB-5 - EI LOD: 0.1 µg/kg
2010 POO, canola, corn, - Saponification (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: ≥85%
mustard, palm, - SPE: silica; AS: n.a.; ES: - 45 ◦ C (2′) → 290 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: < 20%
peanut, sesame, cyclohexane 10 ◦ C/min (8′)
soya, and sunflower - Flow rate n.a.

Gómez-Ruiz & 15 + 1 EU PAHs Sunflower oil - Solution (oil + - DB-17MS - EI n.a.

Wenzl, 2009 cyclohexane/ethyl acetate (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q
[1:1], v/v) at 0.18 g/mL - 80 ◦ C (1′) → 250 ◦ C at - SIM
- GPC 40 ◦ C/min → 305 ◦ C at
- SPE: silica; AS: n.a.; ES: 25 ◦ C/min → 315 ◦ C at
cyclohexane 2 ◦ C/min → 330 ◦ C at
40 ◦ C/min (35′)

- 1.5 mL/min

Bordajandi et al., 15 EU PAHs (BcFl Sunflower oil - Same as ISO 15753:2006 - DB-17MS - EI n.a.
2008 n.d.) - GPC (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q
- SPE: silica; AS and ES: n.a. - 60 ◦ C (1′) → 250 ◦ C at - SIM
25 ◦ C/min → 310 ◦ C
- 1.5 mL/min

Fromberg et al., Ace, Acy, F, Phe, A, EVOO, olive, grape - 1.5 g - DB-5MS - EI LOD: 0.2 to 1.5 µg/kg
2007 Ft, P, PAH8, BjF, seed, rapeseed, - cyclohexane–ethyl acetate (50 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Analyzer n.a. Recov: 14% to 120%
and BeP sesame, and (1:1, v/v) (volume n.a.) - 90 ◦ C (1′) → 270 ◦ C at RSD: 1% to 24%
sunflower oil - GPC 7 ◦ C/min → 280 ◦ C at
- SPE: silica; AS: 1 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
cyclohexane; ES: 5 ◦ C/min (10’)
cyclohexane - 1 mL/min

Purcaro et al., 2007 15 + 1 EU PAHs EVOO, olive oil, crude - 200 µL - GC × GC - EI LOD: 0.1 to 1.1 µg/kg
POO, POO, - 1.5 mL hexane - First column: BPX5 - ToF Recov: n.a.
sunflower oil, and - SPME: Carbopack (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) RSD: 2.8% to 34.5%
vegetable oil Z/polydimethylsiloxane + guard column
fiber; AS: hexane; ES: - Second column: BPX50
hexane (1 m × 0.1 mm × 0.1 µm)
- 40 ◦ C (2′) → 210 ◦ C at
30 ◦ C/min → 360 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min (15′)
- Flow rate n.a.

TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Veyrand et al., 2007 15 EU PAHs (BcFl Kinf of oil not specified - 1 g - Zebron ZB-5MS - EI LOD: 0.008 to 0.15 µg/kg
n.d.) - 10 mL cyclohexane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - QQQ Recov: 12% to 70%
- Pressurized liquid - 110 ◦ C (1′) → 240 ◦ C at - SIM RSD: 2.9% to 20.5%
extraction (celite/florisil 20 ◦ C/min → 320 ◦ C at
combined to 5 ◦ C/min (10′)
hexane/acetone) - 1 mL/min
- SPE:
AS: n.a.; WS:
(70:30, v/v); ES:
cyclohexane/ethyl acetate
(40:60, v/v)

Vichi et al., 2007 N, Ace, Acy, F, Phe, VOO Same as Vichi et al. (2005) LOD: 0.1 to 1.6 µg/kg
A, Ft, and P Recov: 74% to 128%
RSD: 2.9% to 15.8%
Ballesteros et al., Some pesticides + VOO, refined olive oil, - 2g - Programmable temperature - EI and CI LOD: 0.05 to 1.7 µg/kg
2006 BaP, BkF, BghiP, and POO - LLE (2 mL hexane, 10 mL vaporizing injection (MeOH) Recov: 84% to 109%
and BeP ACN) - HP-5 - IT RSD: 3% to 7.8%
- GPC (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - MS/MS
- 70 ◦ C (3.5′) → 180 ◦ C at
25 ◦ C/min (10′) → 300 ◦ C at
4 ◦ C/min (12′)
- 1 mL/min

Arrebola et al., 2006 PAH4 + (F + P), Olive oil - 5g - VF-5 ms - EI LOD: 0.02 to 0.06 µg/kg
BkF, (DBahA + - HS procedure (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - QQQ Recov: 96% to 99%
BghiP), and IP - 70 ◦ C (2′) → 300 ◦ C at - SIM and MS/MS RSD: 3% to 9%
20 ◦ C/min (10′)
- 1 mL/min

Diletti et al., 2005 BaP, BbF, BaP, BkF, POO - 10 g - DB-5MS - Ionization source LOD: 0.1 to 0.4 µg/kg
DBahA, IP, - 10 mL pentane (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) n.a. Recov: 69% to 97.5%
BghiP, and BeP - LLE (15 mL DMSO, 50 mL - 98 ◦ C (1′) → 265 ◦ C at - Ion trap RSD: 11% to 21%
cyclohexane) 20 ◦ C/min (0.1′) → 310 ◦ C - Full scan
- TLC at 1 ◦ C/min (1′) → 320 ◦ C at
5 ◦ C/min (5′)
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Reference compounds Source Sample treatment Separation Detection Analytical performance
Vichi et al., 2005 N, Ace, Acy, F, Phe, Spiked VOO - 2g - Supelcowax-10 - EI LOD: 0.05 to 1.6 µg/kg
A, Ft, and P - HS-SPME: (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Quadrupole Recov: 74% to 128%
Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/ - 40 ◦ C (3′) → 75 ◦ C at - SIM and Scan RSD: 2.9% to 15.8% intraday;
Poly(dimethylsiloxane) 4 ◦ C/min → 250 ◦ C at 1.1% to 14.8% interday
8 ◦ C/min (10′)
- 38 cm/s

Guillén et al., 2004 16 EPA PAHs + BjF, POO - 11 to 14 g - HP-5MS - EI LOD: 0.06 to 0.25 µg/kg
BkF, BcF, and - 25 mL hexane (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Q Recov: >80

BeP - LLE (50 mL Water/DMSO - 50 ◦ C (0.50′) → 130 ◦ C at - SIM and Scan RSD: n.a.
[2.4:1]) 8 ◦ C/min → 290 ◦ C at
- 2 × SPE: silica; AS: 5 ◦ C/min (50′)
cyclohexane; ES: - 1 mL/min

Bogusz et al., 2004 BaP Olive oil - 5g - DB-5MS - EI LOD: 1.6 µg/kg
- SPE : C18 (bottom layer) + (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) - Analyzer and MS Recov: 79%
Florisil (upper layer) AS: - 50 ◦ C (1′) → 310 ◦ C at mode n.a. RSD: 8.1%
n.a.; ES: ACN 7.5 ◦ C/min (6′)
- Flow rate n.a.

Note. Washing solvents have been indicated only in those cases in which the SPE column has been washed. Activating and elution solvents for the SPE of investigations included in Section 2.5 have not been mentioned
in this table, because the characteristics of the employed adsorbents make the parameters of the technique not comparable with the rest of isolation SPEs and clean-up SPEs. Gradient schemes do not include the
final phase of returning to initial conditions. In those reports in which the recoveries have been calculated for different concentrations, the results for the lower level have been reported herewith. Abbreviations: ACN,
acetonitrile; AS, activation solvent for the SPE adsorbent; CI, chemical ionization; DMF, dimethylformamide; EI, electron impact; EVOO, extra virgin olive oil; GCB, graphitized carbon black; GC × GC, bidimensional gas
chromatography; GPC, gel permeation chromatography; GO, graphene oxide; HS, head space; HS-SPME, head-space solid-phase microextraction; IT, ion trap; LOD, limit of detection; LLE, liquid–liquid extraction; LLME,
liquid–liquid microextraction; LOQ, limit of quantitation; MeOH, methanol; MIP, molecularly imprinted polymer; MRM, multiple reaction monitoring; MSPE, magnetic solid phase extraction; MWCNTs, multiwalled
carbon nanotubes; n.a., not available; n.d., not determined; POO, pomace olive oil; Q, quadrupole; QQQ, triple quadrupole; Recov, recovery; REU, relative expanded uncertainty; RSD, relative standard deviation; RSU,
relative standard uncertainty; SIM, single ion monitoring; SPE, solid phase extraction; TIM, total ion monitoring; ToF, time of flight; WS, washing solvent for the SPE; ES, elution solvent for the SPE; UV, ultraviolet–vis;
VOO, virgin olive oil.
LODs and LOQs are expressed either using µg/kg, µg/L, or ng/L, considering the units utilized by the authors in the original paper.
Method of choice after the testing of other procedures and evaluation of the obtained results from all of them.

containing the analytes or for the direct extraction of the ing step. Samples have been applied to the cartridge with-
PAHs from the matrix. The sorbents utilized in one or out any dilution (Bogusz, El Hajj, Ehaideb, Hassan, &
another approach may coincide, but the solvents employed Al-Tufail, 2004; Chung & Lau, 2015; Stenerson, Shimelis,
to activate the column and elute the compounds are dif- Halpenny, Espenschied, & Ye, 2015), or after carrying out
ferent depending on the specific objective of the process a simple dilution with hexane (Gharbi et al., 2017; Pur-
(purification or extraction). caro, Moret, & Conte, 2008; Purcaro, Morrison, Moret,
Regarding the cleanup process, ISO 15753:2016 recom- Conte, & Marriott, 2007) or isooctane/cyclohexane (1:2,
mends two steps: a first application of a C18 column and v/v) (Cortesi & Fusari, 2006), but no previous steps (e.g.,
a subsequent SPE based on a Florisil cartridge. This pro- LLE, saponification, etc.) have been conducted. Silica
cedure has been effectively reproduced by some authors adsorbents have been preferably used, applying CH2 Cl2
(Costopoulou et al., 2010; Ergönül & Sánchez, 2013; Teix- and hexane (Gharbi et al., 2017; Purcaro et al., 2008) as
eira et al., 2007; Yousefi et al., 2018). In other cases, the activation solvents and mixtures of hexane/CH2 Cl2 (70:30,
single use of C18 cartridges (without any further SPE) for v/v) (Gharbi et al., 2017; Purcaro et al., 2008) or cyclohex-
the purification has been reported, mainly following two ane (Alomirah et al., 2010) as elution solvents. In the past,
diverse strategies. Some authors have followed the indi- some authors reported the use of tetrahydrofuran as eluent
cations of the ISO regulation for the C18 column (with solvent too (Weißhaar, 2002).
slight modifications in some cases), activating the car- Moreover, Dost and Ideli (2012) prepared a mixed phase
tridge with MeOH, ACN, or a mixture of both solvents and containing silica and alumina (1:1, w/w) to extract the
eluting the PAHs with mixtures of ACN/acetone (Rascón PAHs after a saponification step. The column was acti-
et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2013). In other cases, C18 cartridges vated and washed with hexane, and the analytes were
have been conditioned with MeOH and DMF/water (at then eluted with hexane/CH2 Cl2 (80:20, v/v). Bogusz et al.
different proportions) and PAHs have been subsequently (2004) proposed the utilization of a dual-layer SPE car-
eluted with hexane (Alves da Silva et al., 2018; Barranco tridge, containing a bottom layer of C18 and an upper
et al., 2003; Camargo et al., 2011; Cassimiro Belo et al., layer of Florisil to directly extract BaP without any pre-
2012; Tfouni et al., 2014). Silica cartridges have been also vious dilution or partition. They compared the efficiency
used during the purification stage. MeOH, water (Molle of such methodology with a dispersive SPE (dSPE) con-
et al., 2017), hexane (Shi et al., 2016), dichloromethane sisting in a mixture of the oil with a C18 sorbent and a
(CH2 Cl2 ) (Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012), and cyclohexane subsequent application to a Florisil cartridge. The dual-
(Fromberg et al., 2007; Guillén et al., 2004) have been cho- layer SPE offered higher recoveries and was faster, sim-
sen for silica cartridges conditioning, whereas DMF/water pler, and more repeatable. Later on, other investigations
(Molle et al., 2017), hexane/CH2 Cl2 ( Shi et al., 2016), have exploited dual-layer cartridges, successfully achiev-
ACN/acetone (Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012), and cyclohex- ing the extraction of the four EU PAHs (Chung & Lau,
ane (Fromberg et al., 2007; Gómez-Ruiz & Wenzl, 2009; 2015) and the 16 EPA PAHs (Stenerson et al., 2015) after
Guillén et al., 2004) have been selected as eluents. Some a proper elution with ACN. Styrene-divinylbenzene car-
other uncommon cleanup approaches involving the use of tridges have been employed too. For instance, Cortesi and
SPE can be found in literature. Jiang et al. (2015) concate- Fusari (2006) conditioned the cartridge with CH2 Cl2 and
nated two SPE steps, selecting Oasis HLB and Florisil as isooctane/cyclohexane (1:2, v/v) to extract a group of PAH
the solid phase of each of the cartridges, respectively; Cas- (see Table 2) after a dilution with isooctane/cyclohexane
simiro Belo et al. (2012) conducted a similar strategy, car- (1:2, v/v) (as mentioned above).
rying out the first SPE in a C18 cartridge and a subsequent Moreda, Rodríguez-Acuña, Pérez-Camino, and Cert
silica-based SPE. Finally, it is worth mentioning that Jung (2004) combined the two strategies previously pre-
et al. (2013) and Veyrand et al. (2007) employed a solid- sented (SPE both to extract the PAHs from the oil
phase styrene-divinylbenzene, eluting the analytes with and also to purify the obtained extract) through the
hexane/CH2 Cl2 (80:20, v/v) and cyclohexane/ethyl acetate application of POO samples to silica cartridges (extrac-
(40:60, v/v), respectively. tion step) and the performance of an additional SPE
to remove interferences and procure cleaner chro-
matograms (purification step). This approach has
2.4 SPE as extraction technique been reproduced afterward by the teams of Rodríguez-
Acuña, Pérez-Camino, Cert, and Moreda (2008a) and
As explained above, many authors have reported a direct Taghvaee et al. (2016).
application of the samples to the SPE, combining the More references of works applying SPE as an extrac-
extraction and cleaning step and avoiding the time and tion step will be provided in Section 2.5; the innovative
solvents consumed during the LLE or any other preced- character of the employed adsorbents has motivated their

inclusion in a specific category to deeply review these space (HS), to be injected in a GC–MS instrument. Excel-
contributions. lent results were obtained in terms of limit of detection
After properly obtaining the extract, elution solvents are (LOD) and recovery, with values within the range of 0.02
generally evaporated and the corresponding residue is usu- to 0.06 µg/kg and 96% to 99%, respectively, as shown in
ally redissolved in ACN prior to the injection into the sep- Table 3. Similar procedures are those described by Vichi,
aration instrument. Evaporation is not a trivial step during Pizzale, Conte, Buxaderas, and López-Tamames (2005,
PAHs analysis. Some of the 16 EPA PAHs, namely, Na, Ace, 2007), who applied a head-space solid-phase microextrac-
and Fl, are volatile and may be lost if a complete dryness tion (HS-SPME) to isolate PAHs with up to four aro-
is carried out (Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012; Plaza-Bolaños matic rings from extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs). To this
et al., 2010; Teixeira et al., 2007; Veyrand et al., 2007). An end, the vial containing the sample was placed in a sil-
accepted procedure to prevent PAHs losses is to avoid the icon bath at 100 ◦ C for 2 min. After that, a divinylben-
complete dryness and to allow the residual solvent to spon- zene/carboxen/polydimethilsiloxane fiber was exposed to
taneously evaporate at room temperature (Gharbi et al., the sample HS during 60 min and then the retained com-
2017). According to ISO 15753:2016, 50 µL of the solvent pounds were selectively injected into the GC–MS system.
should be left in the vial (ISO, 2016). The authors were able to determine several PAHs that had
not been previously quantified in VOO.

2.5 Alternative isolation procedures 2.5.2 Solid-phase microextraction

Classical methodologies for sample preparation have SPME was studied by Purcaro et al. (2007). They proposed
proven to be efficient for the extraction of PAHs from veg- a direct immersion of a Carbopack Z/polydimethylsiloxane
etable oils. However, some of mentioned solvent-based fiber in an oil previously diluted in hexane. The fiber and
methods imply arduous and time-consuming procedures the PAHs analytes would establish π–π interactions that
that demand large volumes of solvents and substantial allowed their collection from the oily matrix. This method-
expenses regarding laboratory material. Most of them ology was used for the determination of the 16 EPA PAHs
require a considerable number of steps that enlarge the by means of a GC × GC (it will be discussed in Section 4). A
possibilities of incurring in analytes losses throughout the similar approach (applying SPME) was also used to deter-
process. Thus, in order to overcome these downsides, novel mine BaP in vegetable oils by using GC–MS (Purcaro,
approaches have been developed in the field of advanced Moret, & Conte, 2007). In this case, the high amount of
materials. As reflected in the present section, the exploita- TAGs reaching the column shortened its durability and
tion of π–π bonds, formed by the interaction of the analytes limited the routine application of the procedure. Thus, a
of interest and several forefront adsorbents with advanced LLE was sagely introduced in advance (Purcaro, Picardo,
technological characteristics, has represented a notable Barp, Moret, & Conte, 2013).
progress in the development of innovative alternatives for
the extraction of PAHs from oil samples. It is worth men-
tioning that most of the procedures reported in this sec-
2.5.3 Multiwalled carbon nanotubes
tion are based on an SPE (either dispersive or on a car-
Zhao et al. (2011) developed an interesting methodology
tridge) that combines both the extraction and purification
consisting of a magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE)
stages; some other works applying this strategy have been
to isolate PAH8. To this end, magnetic multiwalled car-
previously examined, but the characteristics of the adsor-
bon nanotubes (mMWCNTs) were prepared and exposed
bents included here definitely differentiate them from the
to the oil samples (previously diluted in hexane). π–π
already cited investigations.
interactions were established between PAHs and the men-
tioned adsorbent, which was easily collected with a mag-
net afterward. To desorb the compounds of interest, a
2.5.1 Head-space extraction toluene elution and ultrasonic agitation were employed.
Finally, desorption solution was analyzed by GC–MS.
Arrebola, Garrido-Frenich, González Rodríguez, Plaza- The obtained LODs and limit of quantifications (LOQs)
Bolaños, and Martínez-Vidal (2006) were pioneers in the were satisfactory and the recoveries of the studied PAHs
development of a solvent-free PAHs extraction procedure were also adequate (as can be observed in Table 3).
for olive oils analyses. The methodology was based on the Wang, Lian, et al. (2018) assessed a very similar PAHs
heating of the olive oil at a high temperature (200 ◦ C) and preconcentration strategy, but introducing hydrophobic
a subsequent automatic sampling of 100 µL from the head octadecylphosphonic acid-modified zirconia (ZrO2 –C18)

nanoparticles to enhance the extraction capability. The Their proposed sample treatment included a tandem SPE
resulting hybrid material (mMWCNT–ZrO2 –C18), which based in the coupling of a MIP cartridge (to extract and
was fabricated via solvothermal extraction, combined the purify heavy PAHs) and a graphitized carbon black car-
lipophilic and hydrophobic properties of all of its compo- tridge (intended for light PAHs purification). Final extracts
nents and rendered excellent LODs, within the range of were analyzed by GC–MS/MS, obtaining adequate LODs
0.06 to 0.55 µg/kg. Zacs, Rozentale, Reinholds, and Bartke- in the range of 0.03 to 0.6 µg/kg.
vics (2018) reported a nonmagnetic dSPE using MWCNTs Pschenitza, Hackenberg, Niessner, and Knopp (2014)
as a sorbent to determine PAH8 in edible oil samples. developed a MIP to be used in the isolation of BaP from
They compared the obtained results with those achieved vegetable oils (olive oil among them) and provided a prime
through a GPC on the same samples and proved that both methodology to achieve its determination. In short, an
extraction methods were equivalent and acceptable LODs aliquot of the oil was diluted with hexane and extracted
were achieved. Even though the application of MWCNTs with ACN. This solvent was then evaporated and the
is effective and straightforward, this nanomaterial must residue was redissolved in hexane. The resulting solution
be washed and dried prior to its usage to avoid any con- was subjected to a molecularly imprinted SPE, and PAHs
tamination, in a process lasting for 3 days, which largely were finally eluted with CH2 Cl2 . Again, the solvent was
slows down the whole procedure. Moreover, it is not clear evaporated and the residue was reconstituted in DMSO.
that mMWCNTs are suitable for reusability; this aspect is The reason for this last substitution was the subsequent
certainly relevant, because the necessity of producing the technique of choice. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent
nanotubes every time the experiment is launched would assay (ELISA) was used to determine BaP concentration
tremendously increase the costs and the total analysis in spiked oil samples, obtaining recoveries from 65% to 99%
and could even affect the reproducibility of the applied in olive oils. A further validation consisting of the compari-
methodology. son between the results achieved by molecularly imprinted
SPE/ELISA and the data acquired from a GC–MS analy-
sis (taken as a reference) revealed an overestimation of the
2.5.4 Molecularly imprinted polymers BaP concentration, with a factor of 2.1. This was justified by
the authors as a presumable competition of other PAHs for
These sorbents are produced by polymerization of the interaction with the antibodies used in the ELISA. In
monomers in the presence of a specific molecule that acts any case, promising results were obtained in pursuit of the
as a template. The obtained polymer will have plenty of application of sophisticated analytical tools for the deter-
holes that perfectly match the compound used as a tem- mination of PAHs in edible oil matrixes.
plate, which usually is the same (or structurally similar) Recently, another commercially available MIP has been
as the target molecule (Ncube, Madikizela, Cukrowska, & tested for the cleanup of PAHs in peanut oil (Sun et al.,
Chimuka, 2018). The extraction process could be consid- 2017). The authors compared the performance of such
ered as the equivalent to a SPE in a cartridge. When the polymer with a GPC-based sample treatment and they
matrix containing the analytes reaches the molecularly found that the MIP alternative required a lower volume of
imprinted polymer (MIP), the analytes will be selectively organic solvent. The extracts derived from both techniques
retained and separated from the rest of the sample. A were equivalent in terms of interference removal and the
subsequent elution from the polymer would provide reported MIP utilization was set as a feasible approach.
the compounds of interest purified for the quantitative
A commercial MIP was used in a study conducted by 2.5.5 Graphene oxide
Drabova et al. (2013), aiming to detect 15 + 1 EU PAHs. The
polymer was not able to retain PAHs formed by two to three Zhang et al. (2017) have latterly evaluated the efficiency
rings, consequently not being applicable to the extraction of a magnetic three-dimensional graphene oxide (GO)
of the 16 PAHs pointed out by the EPA. Samples of EVOO nanocomposite, developed for the sample treatment of edi-
diluted in cyclohexane were loaded into a cartridge con- ble oils from China. They compared its efficiency with
taining the MIP and eluted with ethyl acetate (EtOAc) after that of a commercial MIP that allowed the determination
a washing step with cyclohexane. Suitable recoveries of of the complete collection of 16 EPA PAHs. According to
70% to 99% were obtained and a viable methodology for their findings, both strategies displayed similar results, but
heavy PAHs purification was established. This MIP car- the extraction with the GO phase offered better LODs and
tridge was also employed by Xu, Tang, Chen, Dong, and Li required half of the time as well as lower solvents vol-
(2015) to carry out the simultaneous determination of 24 ume. According to Ji et al. (2017), oil fat hydrophobicity
PAHs (attending to both EPA and EU recommendations). may interfere with GO dispersion in the matrix. For this

reason, they developed a modified material that incorpo- The quoted studies suggest an inspiring line of action in
rated Fe3 O4 as a support, and GO and phytic acid to add order to improve the performance of the so-called smart
opposite polarities, obtaining a magnetic and amphiphilic materials for PAHs extraction from edible oils. Solid sup-
GO-based nanomaterial suitable for PAHs extraction from ports with molecular recognition properties and/or mag-
vegetable oils. Interestingly, the new material was available netic characteristics are uplifting tools that may offer great
to be used for 20 times without recovery losses. The HPLC selectivity; their implementation in sample treatment pro-
analysis only took 20 min and the procedure resulted in tocols could finally lead to rapid and simple methodolo-
very low LODs (0.6 to 0.15 ng/g). However, the determined gies. However, the preceding attempts exhibit some aspects
molecules did not allow any regulated characterization of susceptible of improvement. First, the cost of the adsor-
the analyzed oils, as neither PAH4 nor PAH8 EPA sets were bent must be lowered as much as possible, in order to pro-
monitored. As shown in Table 2, a large amount of oil (20 g) mote the access and general use of such material, which
was needed to achieve the extraction. would also contribute to an effective optimization of the
related procedures. Second, the reduction in the number of
steps conducted during the sample treatment and the elim-
2.5.6 Other sample preparation ination of preparatory stages for the adsorbent material
strategies would tremendously increase its interest, as it would con-
trast with some laborious and time-consuming method-
Some other interesting reports addressing an innovative ologies that are currently in use. Third, reproducibility is
sample preparation were conducted by the groups of Far- a key factor that should be thoughtfully considered, pay-
rokhzadeh and Razmi (2018), Zheng et al. (2016), and Shi ing attention to the morphology of the materials, the con-
et al. (2018). Such reports make use of sorbent materials sistent retention of the analytes, and the achievement of
that have not been applied in any of the mentioned stud- a complete elution. Finally, the development of a sorbent
ies of this review, hence not being included in the previ- that is able to retain the complete collection of priority
ous classifications. Team of Farrokhzadeh et al. evaluated PAHs would be desirable. This prospect implies a major
the chicken feet yellow membrane resulting from chicken challenge, but remarkable progress has been already made,
feet cleaning before cooking and consumption. They pow- and more effective and sophisticated methodologies are
dered such biowaste and used it as a biosorbent for minia- currently being developed.
turized SPE after a dilution of the oil sample (hexane),
extraction (DMSO), and dilution of the extract with deion- 3 PAHs DETERMINATION BY LIQUID
ized water (containing 2.5 g of NaCl). Successful extrac- CHROMATOGRAPHY
tions were achieved, as the biological membrane contained
proteins and glycolipids with carboxyl and amine groups The 16 EPA PAHs have been extensively separated by
that are able to establish π–π and hydrophobic interac- reverse-phase LC, using columns specifically developed for
tions with PAHs. The resulting solution was analyzed by their analysis. The most widely used columns are based on
HPLC coupled to an ultraviolet detector, with isocratic elu- modified C18 stationary phases, with 4.6 mm × 250 mm
tion. The use of this natural adsorbent was a stimulat- as typical dimensions and 5 µm particle size. Neverthe-
ing contribution, due its ecofriendly and low-cost char- less, columns with different lengths, diameter, and parti-
acter; however, only five light PAHs were retained, and cle sizes have been also employed (as can be observed in
more research is consequently needed in order to improve Table 2) (Alves da Silva et al., 2017, 2018; Shi et al., 2018; Shi,
the potential of this procedure. Carbon nitride nanosheets Liu, Liu, & Zhang, 2015; Taghvaee et al., 2016). The opti-
were used as sorbent for MSPE in the study conducted by mum separation conditions usually imply a solvent gra-
Zheng et al. (2016) to determine PAH8 in edible oils. After dient with ACN and water. Gradients normally start with
eluting the retained PAHs with toluene, they were ana- a 40% to 50% ACN, in most cases (Barranco et al., 2003;
lyzed by GC–MS and satisfactory LODs were achieved (0.1 Costopoulou et al., 2010; Gharbi et al., 2017; Martinez-
to 0.3 µg/kg), especially for the heavier compounds. Shi López et al., 2005; Payanan et al., 2013; Shi et al., 2015,
et al. (2018) have recently developed a promising magnetic 2018; Stenerson et al., 2015; Taghvaee et al., 2016; Teixeira
covalent organic framework (Fe3 O4 @COF(TpDA)) mate- et al., 2007; Yousefi et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2013); then
rial that has been used as a sorbent for the 16 EPA PAHs. this concentration is linearly risen to 89% to 100% in an
The magnetic nanoparticles retained the PAHs through approximate time of 45 min, as so suggests ISO 15753:2016.
hydrophobic and π–π interactions after a 10-min incuba- Some reports have indicated the use of gradients with a
tion period. Then, analytes were eluted with ACN and higher proportion of ACN (70% to 85%) at the beginning
analyzed through HPLC coupled to a diode-array detector of the run (Alves da Silva et al., 2017; Camargo et al., 2011;
(DAD) in 40 min. Ergönül & Sánchez, 2013; Ji et al., 2017; Molle et al., 2017;

Moreda et al., 2004; Purcaro et al., 2008; Rodríguez-Acuña set of 15 EU PAHs (except BcFl) within the same analysis.
et al., 2008a; Tfouni et al., 2014). Some of those method- This challenging objective required longer analysis time,
ologies required isocratic segments to separate molecules but the results were satisfactory and a suitable method-
with very similar polarities. As a consequence, analysis ology for the simultaneous determination of 19 analytes
time was not reduced, but adequate analytical parameters within a single run was achieved.
were obtained either way. Only three reports applying an
isocratic elution have been found within the revised lit-
erature from the last 15 years. One of them is the inves- 3.1 Fluorescence detector for LC
tigation of Farrokhzadeh and Razmi (2018), which has
been previously mentioned. The second one is the work Fluorescence spectrometry is the most widely extended
of Dost and Ideli (2012), who performed an isocratic elu- technique for the detection of PAHs after their separation
tion with ACN 80% (v/v) to achieve the determination by LC. The inherent fluorescence of PAHs and their char-
of nine EPA PAHs (Fl, Phe, A, F, P, BbF, BaA, BkF, and acteristic excitation and emission wavelengths make the
BaP) in olive, corn, and sunflower oil. The third one is FLD a proper choice in terms of sensitivity (Moret & Conte,
the work of Lage Yusty and Cortizo Daviña (2005), who 2000). Nonetheless, the occurring overlapping of some flu-
used a mixture of ACN/water (78/22, v/v) to isocratically orescent bands limits the selectivity of the technique to dis-
separate BaA, BeP, BbF, BkF, BaP, DBaA, and BghiP from criminate between the molecules of interest in a complex
supercritical fluid extracts obtained from vegetable oils. matrix. Besides, neither all the 16 EPA PAHs nor the whole
Although ACN/water mixtures have been predominantly set of 15 + 1 EU PAHs can be detected by fluorescence.
used for PAHs separation, a couple of examples employing The Acy molecule presents a too low fluorescence signal,
other solvents can also be found. Jiang et al. (2015) com- which has precluded its quantitation in many works (Bar-
bined water, ACN, and MeOH in a gradient (see Table 2) ranco et al., 2003; Cao, Ruan, Chen, Hong, & Cai, 2017;
to determine 15 EPA PAHs (Acy was not included) in Chi- Ergönül & Sánchez, 2013; Payanan et al., 2013; Teixeira
nese vegetable oils. Wang, Lian, et al. (2018) also made use et al., 2007). Another option to achieve Acy detection when
of a mixture of MeOH and water as a mobile phase to sep- pursuing the quantitative measurement of the complete set
arate six EPA PAHs. Hollosi and Wenzl (2011) employed of EPA PAHs is the combination of the fluorimeter with
MeOH and EtOAc as mobile phases, because ACN gener- a DAD detector. For example, Zhao et al. (2013) have put
ated poor signal intensities when standards were detected into practice this alternative, determining this compound
by MS, using atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) at 228 nm. The same occurs with the EU PAH CPP, which
as ionization source. In comparison with the use of ACN, has to be determined by DAD at 222 nm (Costopoulou
eluent strength was lower and common eluent order of et al., 2010; Simon, Ruiz, Von Holst, Wenzl, & Anklam,
PAHs was altered; however, better signal-to-noise ratios 2008) or 254 nm (Ciecierska & Obiedziński, 2013).
were obtained. LC–MS will be further discussed in Sec- Figure 2a illustrates a chromatogram of the 16 EPA
tion 3.2. PAHs obtained by LC–FLD. The results correspond to
As far as the flow rate is concerned, ISO 15753:2016 rec- the work of Payanan et al. (2013). In this case, the peak
ommends a value of 1.2 mL/min. Some adjustments have corresponding to Acy is missing, probably due to its lack
been made with respect to this guidance, and flow has of fluorescent emission.
been also set at values of 1 mL/min (Barranco et al., 2003;
Camargo et al., 2011; Costopoulou et al., 2010; Ergönül &
Sánchez, 2013; Gharbi et al., 2017; Ji et al., 2017; Molle et al., 3.2 MS detector after LC separation
2017; Moreda et al., 2004; Rodríguez-Acuña et al., 2008a;
Shi et al., 2018; Tfouni et al., 2014), 1.4 mL/min (Alarcón MS detection has not commonly been the detection tech-
et al., 2012; Stenerson et al., 2015), and 1.5 mL/min (Dost & nique of choice, because the ionization efficiency of PAHs
Ideli, 2012; Payanan et al., 2013; Purcaro et al., 2008; Teix- is very low (due to their nonpolar character) when the
eira et al., 2007; Wang, Lian, et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2013). most widespread ion sources (i.e., electrospray ionization
Alves da Silva et al. (2017, 2018) focused on the determina- and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization [APCI]) are
tion of the set of PAH4 in some cold-pressed vegetable oils, used (Chung & Lau, 2015; Veyrand et al., 2007). Hollosi and
applying a lower flow rate (0.4 mL/min) and a column Wenzl (2011) (whose study has been previously mentioned
with the following dimensions: 100 mm × 2.1 mm × 1.8 µm. with regard to the selected mobile phases) developed the
Total analysis time was consequently reduced and satisfac- first proper methodology for the determination of 15 + 1
tory LODs (0.08 to 0.3 µg/kg) were obtained. A similarly EU priority PAHs by LC–MS in edible oils (Hollosi &
low flow rate was applied by Ciecierska and Obiedziński Wenzl, 2011). They investigated three different ionization
(2013), for the determination of some light PAHs and the alternatives, with APPI resulting the most appropriate. On

F I G U R E 2 (a) LC-FLD chromatogram

obtained during the analysis of some PAHs. The
corresponding extract was obtained by submitting a
vegetable oil to a low-temperature cleanup and a
SPE (with alumina-N as a sorbent). (b) Profiles of
PAHs standards at 10 µg/L (black line) and an edible
oil sample extracted by a MSPE (magnetic 3D GO)
(red line), analyzed by GC–MS. See Tables 2 and 3
for more details. Denotation of each analyte has
been indicated as reflected in the original paper
from Payanan et al. (2013) and Zhang et al. (2017)
(illustrations reproduced with permission)
Abbreviations: ACE, acenaphthene; ANT,
anthracene; BaA, benzo(a)anthracene; BaP,
benzo(a)pyrene; BbF, benzo(b)fluranthene; BeP,
benzo(e)pyrene; BghiP, benzo(g,h,i)perylene; BkF,
benzo(k)fluranthene; CHR, chrysene; DBahA,
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene; FL, fluorence; FT,
fluoranthene; IP, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene; NPH,
naphthalene; PHE, phenanthrene; PYR, pyrene.
Numbers in panel b: 1, naphthalene; 2,
acenaphthylene; 3, acenaphthene-d10 ; 4,
acenaphthene; 5, fluorene; 6, phenanthrene-d10 ; 7,
phenanthrene; 8, anthracene; 9, fluranthene; 10,
pyrene; 11, benzo(a)anthracene; 12, chrysene-d12 ; 13,
chrysene; 14, benzo(b)fluoranthene; 15,
benzo(k)fluoranthene; 16, benzo(a)pyrene-d12 ; 17,
benzo(a)pyrene; 18, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene; 19,
dibenzo(a,h)anthracene; 20, benzo(g,h,i)perylene.

the contrary, APCI and the combination mode of APCI dopants. Although chlorobenzene doping offered higher
and APPI did not lead to high enough signal intensities, signals for PAHs with three and four rings, chromatogram
as the ionization efficiency was lower than that achieved noise was also enlarged, leading to a lower sensitivity.
with APPI operating in positive mode. Therefore, toluene was pointed out as the substance of
Furthermore, dopant assistance was also evaluated by choice. Remarkably low LODs (0.006 to 0.156 µg/kg) were
these authors. Generally, the dopant molecule is an easily obtained with this procedure, as shown in Table 2.
ionizable specie that absorbs the photons and transfers
the energy to the sample molecules, thus avoiding energy
losses and enhancing ionization efficiency (Kauppila 4 PAHs MEASUREMENT BY GC
et al., 2002). In the mentioned study, acetone, toluene,
2,4-difluoroanisole, xylene, and anisole were examined as GC has been a commonly selected option for the analysis of
dopant agents. Anisole reported the best values, because PAHs in edible oils. This technique combines an efficient
its higher proton affinity allowed its remaining for longer separation and the possibility to easily incorporate a MS
time in the ionization source, hence facilitating PAHs detector, obtaining valuable and reliable information about
ionization. In this case, mobile phase of ACN was replaced the contamination of the samples and giving the possibil-
by methanol, due to an ion suppression phenomenon that ity to resolve overlapping peaks with distinctive molecular
led to reduced signals. This ion suppression effect could mass. Moreover, MS gives the chance to the analyst of tak-
be due to the high proton affinity and high photoabsorp- ing advantage of the isotope dilution strategy, consisting of
tion cross section of ACN, which lowers the number of the addition of isotope-labeled or deuterated-labeled stan-
available photons for the ionization. dards, which allows the achievement of accurate identifi-
The determination of the 16 EPA PAHs by LC–MS in cation and quantification results (Purcaro et al., 2016; Rose,
edible oils was published for the first by Shi et al. (2015). 2010; Wolska, Gdaniec-Pietryka, Konieczka, & Namieśnik,
They also made use of a dopant-assisted APPI as interface, 2009). It has been successfully applied in many reports
evaluating chlorobenzene and toluene as both capable (Bogusz et al., 2004; Fromberg et al., 2007; Ju et al., 2020;

Shi et al., 2016; Veyrand et al., 2007; Wang & Guo, 2010; (60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm DB-17MS column), provided
Wolska et al., 2009; Zelinkova & Wenzl, 2015). Figure 2b the best isomers resolution in both studies. A similar, but
shows a typical chromatogram obtained by GC–Q–MS, shorter, column (9 m × 0.10 mm × 0.10 µm BPX50) was
containing 16 peaks corresponding to the 16 EPA PAHs and employed later by Purcaro et al. (2013) to determine the
four additional peaks of isotopically labelled standards. set of PAH8 (plus BjF and BeP) in vegetable oils.
Even though rigorous cleanup processes are required to Specific details about the temperature gradients applied
avoid lipidic compounds to accumulate and alter the col- within each study can be found in Table 3. Generally, oven
umn, GC–MS may act as a solution for the determination temperature starts at 70 to 80 ◦ C, and it is progressively
of those PAHs whose fluorescence is too low to be detected increased by applying diverse temperature gradient slopes.
by the previously described HPLC–FLD methodologies Only a few reports (Alomirah et al., 2010; Bogusz et al.,
(Poster, Schantz, Sander, & Wise, 2006). 2004; Cassimiro Belo et al., 2012; Chung & Lau, 2015;
Stationary phase of the GC columns is usually character- Guillén et al., 2004; Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012; Purcaro
ized by a low polarity. Capillary columns of (5%-phenyl)- et al., 2007; Vichi et al., 2005, 2007) stated a lower starting
methylpolysiloxane or equivalent, with dimensions of temperature (40 to 50 ◦ C). In the case of Vichi et al. (2005,
about 30 m × 0.25 mm and 0.25 µm film thickness, have 2007), the lower temperature is justified considering the
been widely employed (Alomirah et al., 2010; Arrebola variety of target analytes to be encompassed within the
et al., 2006; Ballesteros et al., 2006; Drabova et al., 2013; same analysis.
Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012; Jung et al., 2013; Rascón et al., In some cases, the separation of the 15 + 1 EU PAHs
2018; Vichi, Pizzale, Conte, Buxaderas, & López-Tamames, required higher starting temperatures, as reported by
2007; Wang & Guo, 2010; Zhang et al., 2017; Zhao et al., Jung et al. (2013), Marchand et al. (2007) (who started the
2011) to separate the 16 EPA PAHs. Longer columns have gradient at 150 and 110 ◦ C, respectively), and the teams of
also been used (Fromberg et al., 2007; Guillén et al., 2004; Gómez-Ruiz and Wenzl (2009), Bordajandi et al. (2008),
Mohammadi et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2016), with the conse- Purcaro et al. (2007), and Drabova et al. (2013). This fact is
quent extension of the total analysis time. For instance, easy to understand considering that such temperatures are
Guillén et al. (2004) used a 60 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm needed to elute heavier dibenzopyrenes (absent in the 16
column to achieve the separation of a numerous group EPA PAHs set). Generally, when the highest temperature
of PAHs (including the 16 EPA PAHs and some of their of the run (around 280 to 360 ◦ C) is reached, an isocratic
methylated derivatives) in five samples of POO. Shorter elution is maintained for several minutes (oscillating from
columns can be utilized as well; indeed, Chung and Lau 9 to 20 min).
(2015) employed a 20 m × 0.18 mm × 0.15 µm column to The mobile phase used in most of the studies is primar-
analyze the EPA set of PAH4. ily helium. Due to the low PAHs concentration in edible
The set of 15 + 1 EU PAHs have not been so extensively oils, analytes are always injected in splitless mode. Only
studied as the group of 16 EPA PAHs. The teams of two studies reported a different kind of injection, applying
Bordajandi and Gómez-Ruiz et al. reported in 2008 and a 20% (Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012) and 25% split mode
2009, respectively, GC–MS methods for the determination (Mohammadi et al., 2020). The sample injection step must
of the 15 + 1 EU PAHs in edible oils, paying attention be thoughtfully optimized, because of the differences of
to the column dimensions and polarity, injection mode, molecular weights among the sets of PAHs. It is possible
and so forth (Bordajandi et al., 2008; Gómez-Ruiz & that not all the compounds behave equally during the
Wenzl, 2009). The compounds under study in the just transfer of the analytes to the column; heavier compounds
quoted reports are heavier and more structurally similar might be discriminated and, correspondingly, underes-
molecules than EPA PAHs. As a result, the discrimination timated in the determination (Gómez-Ruiz & Wenzl,
of some compounds may be arduous, as they are suscep- 2009). To avoid this problem, programmable temperature
tible of coelution during the chromatographic separation vaporizing injection has been applied by some authors
(which is particularly important for PAHs isomers that (Ballesteros et al., 2006; Bordajandi et al., 2008; Zelinkova
cannot be resolved by extracting their corresponding & Wenzl, 2015). The temperature gradient established in
m/z traces or common fragments). In this regard, CPP– this injection mode allows to adjust the temperature of
BaA–Chr, BbF–BjF–BkF, and DBahA–IP are the most vaporization according to a specific group of compounds,
critical groups. Gómez-Ruiz et al. and Bordajandi’s team normally starting with lower temperatures, around 55 to
independently optimized such separation through the 70 ◦ C (meant for the volatilization of lighter PAHs), and
evaluation of the classic nonpolar columns, mid-polar, and progressively increasing the temperature while heavier
mid-to-high polar phases (Bordajandi et al., 2008; Gómez- compounds are injected, reaching 300 to 400 ◦ C.
Ruiz & Wenzl, 2009). Finally, the mid-polar stationary Regarding the flow rate, the most recurrently used value
phase, consisting of a (50%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane is 1 mL/min. There are some studies reporting flow rate

settings of 1.2 mL/min (Zacs et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2011; used and give to the analyst interesting information on
Zheng et al., 2016) or 1.3 mL/min (Drabova et al., 2013). the PAH profiling of a particular sample. Regarding sepa-
Additionally, some papers dealing with EU PAHs applied rative techniques, capillary electrophoresis (CE) could be
higher fluxes, as 1.5 mL/min (Bordajandi et al., 2008; useful too. The absence of electric charge in PAHs could
Gómez-Ruiz & Wenzl, 2009) and 1.7 mL/min (Chung & suggest a difficult migration through the capillary, which
Lau, 2015). Xu et al. (2015) made use of a flow gradient would affect the efficiency of the separation. Neverthe-
during the simultaneous determination of EPA and EU less, this can be solved by the addition of ionic species
PAHs, switching from 1 to 1.7 mL/min after 10 min of to the buffer (Nolte & Andersson, 2011). These species
analysis. (micelles, cyclodextrins, ionic or polymeric surfactants,
The MS detection is normally carried out through a etc.) will establish different interactions with PAHs. The
quadrupole analyzer (Q), with electron impact ionization, modulation of the buffer composition to create individual
operating in single ion monitoring (SIM) mode. However, interactions for each analyte can modify their relative
it is possible to find applications where some authors deter- mobility and allow their separation. The application of
mined their target PAHs by means of a triple-quadrupole cyclodextrin-modified CE to determine PAHs in real sam-
(Arrebola et al., 2006; Hollosi & Wenzl, 2011; Shi et al., 2015; ples of vegetable oils was performed by Ferey et al. (2014).
Veyrand et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2015). Among them, Xu et al. Separative strategies display multiple benefits, but it is
(2015) applied a multiple reaction monitoring and Arrebola also true that such analyses can be considered in some
et al. (2006) combined SIM and MS/MS modes, therefore cases as time and solvent consuming. Indeed, when the
being able to identify each compound by means of their sample throughput is a priority, approaches avoiding
precursor ion and characteristic fragments. Simultaneous the need of the chromatographic (or electrophoretic)
scan/SIM acquisition mode has been used by Purcaro et al. separation dimension (prior detection) can represent an
(2013) to increase sensitivity without losing any structural appropriate option. Therefore, it would be desirable to
information for further identification. A similar strategy have screening methods to sift out the positive samples,
was applied by Guillén et al. (2004); in their research, which could be confirmed by a LC or GC methodology
scan mode was used to determine the type of compounds in a subsequent stage. It is well-known that a screening
present in the samples, whereas SIM was used to identify must detect the presence of a specific class of analytes at
and quantify the found PAHs. Full scan mode was applied the concentration of interest, providing a low rate of false
by the teams of Diletti et al. (2005) and Sun et al. (2017). compliant samples, and exhibiting high throughput and
Some other mass analyzers were employed in other adequate analytical features (Alarcón et al., 2012).
three studies. Ballesteros et al. (2006) evaluated the pres- Fluorescence spectroscopy (FLS) is considered an
ence of different pesticides and four benzopyrenes (BaP, alternative, because most of the PAHs present a strong
BkF, BghiP, and BeP) in olive and olive oil and POO using native fluorescence; moreover, the measurements are
an ion trap (IT) mass spectrometer. IT has been utilized rapid and inexpensive. Unfortunately, their broad fluo-
in other cases, such as the studies conducted by Hossain rescence bands can lead to serious spectral overlap. This
and Salehuddin (2012) and Diletti et al. (2005). Regarding fact, together with the presence of other interfering com-
bidimensional approaches, only two reports have been pounds, has greatly limited the application of traditional
published to date (Drabova et al., 2013; Purcaro et al., fluorescence strategies in multicomponent analysis of
2007). Both studies aimed to determine the group of 15 + 1 vegetable oils. In any case, several applications can be
EU PAHs by performing a two-dimensional GC coupled to found in literature regarding the determination of PAHs
a time-of-flight (ToF) mass spectrometer (GC × GC–ToF), by using FLS, combining the use of the just-mentioned
applying the conditions specified in Table 3; Drabova technique with advanced chemometric tools aiming at
et al. (2013) were able to avoid coelutions within the enhancing the spectral resolution (Alarcoń et al., 2013;
separation, whereas Purcaro et al. (2007) smartly reported Alarcón et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2016; Vásquez, Báez, Bravo,
the quantitative data of coeluting molecules (BbF, BjF, & Fuentes, 2013). For instance, Alarcón et al. (2012) eval-
and BkF) as the sum of these three benzopyrenes. uated the potential of microwave-assisted LLE and SPE
(silica, C18, and graphitized carbon black) coupled with
FLS (employing one- to three-way spectral data) for the
5 OTHER ANALYTICAL STRATEGIES rapid detection of heavy PAHs in olive and sunflower oils;
NOT ENTAILING CHROMATOGRAPHIC the same team, 1 year later, developed another application
SEPARATION where they compared the usefulness of unfolded partial
least-squares with residual bilinearization (U-PLS/RBL)
As stated above, the chromatographic analysis of PAHs (by and parallel factor analysis to process the fluorescence
LC or GC with different kind of detectors) is very widely excitation–emission data matrices (Alarcoń et al., 2013).

Vásquez et al. (2013) determined seven heavy PAHs in In recent years, immunoassay methods have been
EVOOs based on the measurement of excitation–emission applied in environmental and food analysis of PAHs.
matrices of nylon membranes coupled to U-PLS/RBL, These approaches have been defined by several authors as
achieving detection limits from 0.29 to 1.0 µg/kg and highly sensitive, selective, and cost-effective alternatives
reasonably good recoveries (between 64 and 78%). In to complement traditional chromatographic analysis (Ma
a more recent example, a second-derivative nonlinear & Zhuang, 2018; Zhang & Gao, 2017). Although there
variable-angle-matrix isopotential synchronous fluores- have been quite a few antibodies and immunoassays for
cence spectroscopic approach has been proposed for the PAHs available, there is room for improvement and more
simultaneous determination of PAH4 in vegetable oils novel antibodies and immunoanalytical methods are still
with ultrasonic-assisted extraction (Liu et al., 2016). In welcome. Two applications focusing on the determination
most of these instances, the authors compared the pre- of BaP residues by applying immunoassays can be men-
dicted data with those coming from LC–FLD, achieving tioned (Pschenitza et al., 2014; Xi, Shi, & Lu, 2016); in the
good agreement. latter, the authors selected some vegetable oil samples.
Even though all the chosen examples are works of very We can conclude this part of the review standing out
high quality, most of them lead to predicted (not absolute) that no analytical strategy in this section can compete
quantitative values and entail the use of intricate data with LC and GC (with FLD and MS as detection systems,
treatment. respectively), in particular, when the aim of the analyst is
Another tool to be mentioned in this section is Raman to reveal the complete PAH profile. Some of the downsides
spectroscopy (RS), which has an important role in oil of the included alternative analytical tools are spectral
safety, overcoming the disadvantages of other analytical overlapping, requirement of using advanced chemometric
techniques (Hu, Yang, Liu, He, & Zhang, 2018). BaP has approaches, or leading only to predicted quantitative
been determined by applying RS. Fu et al. (2015) have values (not absolute). That does not mean that LC–FLD
synthesized inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) to stabilize and GC–MS methodologies are the perfect ones; LC-FLD
gold nanoparticles (IP6-AuNPs), describing a promising could exhibit sensitivity problems due to a too low fluo-
surface-enhanced RS protocol with ppb sensitivity. Inter- rescence signals and in GC–MS, the baseline separation
estingly, the authors avoided complicated pretreatment of several PAHs is challenging. Having reliable and robust
of oil samples (if compared with other applications) as screening methods to be applied before the profiling ones
well as complex hydrophobic surface modifications of would be indisputably useful.
AuNPs. The method was described as a very quick, direct,
portable, and reliable manner for on-site evaluation of
BaP concentration in edible oils. 6 PAHs INCIDENCE: IS THERE ANY
It is also worthy to include within this part of the review RELIABLE PAH AS AN INDICATOR OF
other illustrative examples where the potential of matrix- THEIR OCCURRENCE IN EDIBLE OILS?
assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
(MALDI) has been assessed. In a recent publication, the The previous extraction and analysis methodologies
MALDI-ToF-based determination of BaP by using the have been applied to a large variety of vegetable oils. As
metal-organic framework (MOF) MIL-101(Fe) as a matrix previously mentioned, the source and category of the
has been described (Wang, Wang, et al., 2018). After a oils determine, to some extent, the final concentration of
careful optimization of sample preparation protocol, type PAHs. However, rigorous comprehensive examinations of
of target plate, concentration of MIL-101(Fe), dispersant the different edible oil classes and the PAHs incidence in
for MIL-101(Fe), and laser energy, the developed method each one of them are not abundant in literature. Table 4
exhibited a detection limit of 0.1 µg/L (1 min of analysis), summarizes all the studies aiming to determine PAHs in
a wide linearity range, and adequate reproducibility. Its edible oils that have been included in this review. The
applicability was checked by analyzing sesame oil, linseed table presents the identity of all the molecules that were
oil, camellia seed oil, and olive oil spiked with BaP at three intended to be detected and quantified by the authors,
different levels. The authors compared the performance and which of them were found at higher levels within
of their methodology with other previously published the results of each study. The molecule of BeP, whose
ones using different types of matrix, such as graphene and determination has been intended in many reports, has
Fe3 O4 @SiO2 /OCNT for MALDI (Li et al., 2011; Zhang, been also included in the table, although it is not part
Dong, Cheng, Li, & Wang, 2011) and MIL-100(Fe) for of any of the contemplated priority lists (EPA or EU).
surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (Shih This is the first time that individual occurrence of every
et al., 2013). In the last three quoted papers, no “real” analyte included in each investigation is considered and
samples were tested. thoughtfully studied. Prevalently found molecules are
T A B L E 4 Prevalent PAHs found in edible oils in the research works reviewed herein. Shaded yellow–orange cells indicate the analytes that were intended to be determined in the edible
oil samples analyzed by each study. Prevalent compounds, according to the criteria detailed in Section 6, have been marked as “×”

4.1. Olive oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Sample N Ac Ac F Ph Ba Ch Bb Ba Bk Bghi I Reference
A F P DBahA Other determined compounds
a e y l e A r F P F P P
EVOO, VOO x x x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
(Stenerson et al.,
EVOO x x x x -
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
EVOO, VOO x x x x -
EVOO x x x - (Gharbi et al., 2017)
EVOO x x BeP (Moreda et al., 2004)

EVOO x BjF, BeP (Purcaro et al., 2013)

EVOO x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Drabova et al., 2013)
EVOO x - (Ju et al., 2020)
VOO x - (Ju et al., 2020)
VOO x x BeP (Moreda et al., 2004)
(Ballesteros et al.,
VOO x x BeP (abundant)
VOO x x x - (Vichi et al., 2007)
Olive oil x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Xu et al., 2015)
Olive oil x x x - (Shi et al., 2015)
Olive oil x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
Olive oil x x x x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
Olive oil x x BeP (Payanan et al., 2013)
(Taghvaee et al.,
Olive oil x x x -
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
Olive oil x x x x -
(Farrokhzadeh and
Olive oil x x -
Razmi, 2018)
(Barranco et al.,
Olive oil x x BeP
(Costopoulou et al.,
Olive oil x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP
Olive oil x x x BeP (abundant) (Moreda et al., 2004)


TA B L E 4 (Continued)

Olive oil - (Ji et al., 2017)

Olive oil x x x - (Dost and Ideli, 2012)
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
2nd centrifugaon x x x x -
EVOO + Refined (Stenerson et al.,
x x x -
olive oil 2015)
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
Lampante x x x x x -
POO x x x x x BjF + BkF, BcF, BeP (abundant) (Guillén et al., 2004)
(Taghvaee et al.,
POO x x x x -
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
POO x x x -
POO x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
POO x x BeP (abundant) (Moreda et al., 2004)
POO x x x x - (Purcaro et al., 2013)
CPP, 5MChr (abundant), BjF+BkP+BbF
POO (factory) x x (Purcaro et al., 2007)
(abundant), BcF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP
(Ergönül and Sánchez,
Crude Pomace x x x x x x BjF, BeP (abundant)

4.2. Sunflower oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x - (Ju et al., 2020)
x x - (Zhao et al., 2011)
x x x x - (Zheng et al., 2016)
x x x x 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Molle et al., 2017)
x x x BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Drabova et al., 2013)
x x x BeP (abundant) (Moreda et al., 2004)
x x x - (Dost and Ideli, 2012)
x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
x x x x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
x x x x x x x x - (Zhang et al., 2017)
x x x x - (Payanan et al., 2013)
(Farrokhzadeh and Razmi,
x x x -
x x - (Yousefi et al., 2018)

TA B L E 4 (Continued)

4.3. Peanut oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Ac Ba Reference
Na Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
e P
x x x x - (Shi et al., 2015)
x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
x x x x x x x x x - (Zhang et al., 2017)
x x x x - (Jiang et al., 2015)

x x - (Ji et al., 2017)

4.4. Soybean oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x CPP, BcFl, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBajP, DBahP (Xu et al., 2015)
x x x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
x x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2015)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x - (Zhang et al., 2017)
x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
x x x x BeP (Jiang et al., 2015)
x x x x BeP (Payanan et al., 2013)
x x - (Ji et al., 2017)
- (Hossain and
x x
Salehuddin, 2012)
x - (Ju et al., 2020)
CPP (abundant), BcFl, 5MChr, BjF (abundant),
x x x x (Drabova et al., 2013)
DBalP, DBaeP, DBajP, DBahP
(Camargo et al.,
x x x 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, BBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP


TA B L E 4 (Continued)

4.5. Colza, canola and rapeseed oil: PAHs found at highest levels
Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x x x x x x x - (Zhang et al., 2017)
x x x - (Payanan et al., 2013)
x x x - (Yousefi et al., 2018)
x x x 5MChr (abundant), BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Molle et al., 2017)
x x x CPP, BcFl, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Xu et al., 2015)
x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
CPP (abundant), BcFl, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP,
x x x x x (Drabova et al., 2013)

4.6. Sesame oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
(Ciecierska and
x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP
Obiedziński, 2013)
x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Jung et al., 2013)
x x x CPP, BcFl, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Drabova et al., 2013)
x - (Ju et al., 2020)

4.7. Corn oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
x x x x - (Jiang et al., 2015)
x x x x 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP (Molle et al., 2017)
x x - (Yousefi et al., 2018)
x x - (Dost and Ideli, 2012)
x x - (Ji et al., 2017)

TA B L E 4 (Continued)

4.8. Coconut oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Bb Bghi Reference
Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BaP BkF DBahA IP Other determined compounds
x x x x x - (Rascón et al., 2018)
x x - (Hossain and Salehuddin, 2012)
x x x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2018)
x x x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2017)

4.9. Safflower oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2018)
x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2017)

4.10. Cold-press evening primrose oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
- (Zelinkova and Wenzl, 2015)
x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2018)
x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2017)
(Ciecierska and Obiedziński,
x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP

4.11. Cold-press linseed oil: PAHs found at highest levels

F Reference
Na Ace Acy Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
- (Zelinkova and Wenzl, 2015)
x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2018)


TA B L E 4 (Continued)

x x - (Alves da Silva et al., 2017)

(Ciecierska and Obiedziński,
x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP

4.12. Pumpkin oil: PAHs found at highest levels

N Ac F Bk Reference
Ace Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
a y l F
(Ciecierska and Obiedziński,
x x x x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP
CPP (abundant), BcF, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP,
x x x x x x (Drabova et al., 2013)
DBaiP, DBahP

4.13. Grapeseed oil: PAHs found at highest levels

F Reference
Na Ace Acy Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x - (Ju et al., 2020)
x x x BjF, BeP (Purcaro et al., 2013)
x x - (Shi et al., 2016)

4.14. Sea buckthorn oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
(Zelinkova and
x x -
Wenzl, 2015)
CPP (abundant), BcFl, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, DBaiP,
x x x x (Drabova et al., 2013)

4.15. Perilla oil: PAHs found at highest levels

Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
x x - (Ju et al., 2020)

TA B L E 4 (Continued)

CPP (abundant), 5MChr, BjF, DBalP,

x (Jung et al., 2013)
DBaeP, DBaiP, DBahP

4.16. Other kinds of oils: PAHs found at highest levels

Oil Reference
Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
Rice bran x - (Ju et al., 2020)
Red pepper x x -- (Ju et al., 2020)

Camellia x x - (Zheng et al., 2016)

(Hossain and
Mustard x x x -
Salehuddin, 2012)
Wheat germ x x x x x x - (Shi et al., 2016)
Palm x x x x x x BeP (abundant) (Payanan et al., 2013)

4.17. Other kinds of cold-pressed oils: PAHs found at highest levels

Cold-pressed oil Reference
Na Ace Acy Fl Phe A F P BaA BaA Chr BbF BaP BkF DBahA BghiP IP Other determined compounds
Amaranth x x x x x
Common flax x x
Camelina x x x
Poppy x x x CPP, 5MChr, BjF, DBalP, DBaeP, (Ciecierska and
Mustard x x DBaiP, DBahP Obiedziński, 2013)
Blackseed x x x
Walnut x x
Borage x x

Note. PAHs have been listed according to their molecular mass (from the lighter compound to the heaviest), except in the case of BaP and BkF. BaP has been set before BkF (despite its higher molecular mass) in order to group
the four molecules belonging to the PAH4 list. Blue-shaded cells correspond to PAH4 (lighter shaded) and PAH8 (darker shaded) lists. PAHs have been placed in individual cells until IP has been reached (according to elution
order). The rest of molecules (when considered in the reports) have been placed in the “Other determined compounds” column, in order to facilitate the visual examination of the Table.

indicated in Table 4, according to their relative abundance as prevalent by all of the studies. Following these com-
with respect to the rest of the compounds determined pounds, other analytes with major relative abundance are
in each report. No crossed comparison among separated Fl, F, and P. The molecules of Na and Phe also presented a
reports has been conducted, as concentration ranges considerable occurrence in several studies addressing the
were not equal between different investigations and also analysis of soybean oil (Jiang et al., 2015; Payanan et al.,
because PAHs content of each type of oil strongly depends 2013; Rascón et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2015, 2016; Xu et al.,
on the specific processing that the sample has suffered 2015; Zhang et al., 2017). Other PAHs from this matrix
and the cultivation area of the raw material (that can be exhibiting a noticeable presence are A, F, P, and Chr.
affected by factors such as proximity of factories, fires, The terms “colza,” “canola,” and “rapeseed” all cor-
etc.). Thus, the table only gives information about the most respond to different cultivars from the same species,
prevalent compounds that were found at the particular and, therefore, they have been grouped within the same
conditions (and selected samples) of each report. The fol- subtable and will be compared as an only one type of
lowing criteria have been adopted to denote a compound oil. The occurrence of light PAHs such as Na and Phe
as abundant in the table: the most concentrated PAHs was noteworthy. Acy and F were prevalent in half of
found in the study have been marked as “×,” followed by the investigations addressing their determination. Other
the second-largest analytes. In some cases, some other substances—Chr, BaP, and BkF—stood out as additional
compounds have been pointed too if their concentration prevailing PAHs in three of the seven reviewed reports.
were very similar to the second-largest molecule/s. Excep- When F was determined in sesame oil (Ciecierska &
tionally, additional compounds have been marked if a Obiedziński, 2013; Rascón et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2016),
considerable difference between their concentration and it was found in all the cases at high relative levels. The
the lowest-level molecules occurred within the study. compounds Na, Ace, Acy, and Fl were only determined
As it can be seen in the first pages of Table 4, EVOO, by the teams of Rascón et al. (2018) and Shi et al. (2016);
VOO, and olive oil samples usually contain light PAHs, the latter study found that Na, Acy, and Fl were present
principally Na. In the case of POO, the molecules of at high concentrations (in comparison with the rest of
Na and P, as well as Chr and BeP, have been found as analytes). Besides, from the PAH8 group, Chr could also
abundant compounds (in relation with the concentration be designated as one of the most prevalent contaminants
of the rest of analytes). It is worth highlighting the crude considering the results of several of the examined studies.
POO analyzed by Ergönül and Sánchez (2013); this sample Concerning corn oil, it prevalently contained Na, Ace
stood out not only because of the presence of light and (found as prevalent in one of the two studies addressing
heavy PAHs, but also due to the remarkably high levels its determination), Phe, and P.
of those compounds, with concentrations of 3,251.84 ± Four studies from the last 15 years have analyzed
32.48 µg/kg for the total PAHs content, opposite to the coconut oil as a source of PAHs (Alves da Silva et al., 2017,
much lower concentration values (28.29 ± 0.15 µg/kg) 2018; Hossain & Salehuddin, 2012; Rascón et al., 2018).
assigned for refined pomace samples. Crude pomace oils Three of those investigations coincided in setting Chr and
are logically more contaminated, owing to the use of BaP as the most predominant PAHs in the samples. Other
potentially polluted solvents to extract the oil and thermal remarkable molecules are Na, A, and P. The complete
treatment to evaporate the solvent (Bogusz et al., 2004; set of analytes (PAH4) considered by Alves da Silva et al.
Ciecierska & Obiedziński, 2013; Mafra et al., 2010). Some (2017, 2018) has been marked as relatively significant in the
PAHs are eliminated during the refining process, but, as table because all of them presented similar concentrations.
shown in Table 4, refined POO still contains significant Thus, the selection of only a few prevalent compounds
relative concentrations of several of these compounds. derived from those studies would have interfered with the
Considering the sunflower oil, most of the reports (Dost established criteria to evaluate the PAHs occurrence in the
& Ideli, 2012; Farrokhzadeh & Razmi, 2018; Payanan et al., rest of investigations included in Table 4.
2013; Rascón et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2016; Yousefi et al., Safflower oil was analyzed solely by the group of Alves
2018; Zhang & Gao, 2017; Zheng et al., 2016) focused on da Silva and co-workers, in two different studies (Alves
the determination of EPA PAHs, encountering higher da Silva et al., 2017, 2018). Both reports coincided in
relative levels of light PAHs, from which Na, Phe, A, the indication of BaA and Chr as the most abundant in
and F are noteworthy. BeP was only determined in one comparison with the rest of the determined PAH4. When
article (Moreda et al., 2004), but it was one of the most cold-pressed evening primrose oil was analyzed, BaA and
concentrated compound in the analyzed samples. Peanut Chr were again the major found PAHs (Alves da Silva
oil has been investigated to determine EPA PAHs (Ji et al., et al., 2017, 2018), whereas lighter PAHs, such as Phe, F,
2017; Jiang et al., 2015; Shi et al., 2015, 2016; Zhang et al., and P, were found at outstanding levels in another study
2017). As shown in the table, Na and Phe have been labeled (Ciecierska & Obiedziński, 2013). A similar situation

happened with cold-pressed linseed oil, as can been seen of PAHs in food samples. Rodríguez-Acuña et al. (2008a)
in Table 4. In contrast, Zelinkova and Wenzl (2015) did not found a good correlation between BaP concentration and
detect any of the PAH4 compounds neither in the studied the sum of other nine PAHs determined in different cate-
linseed oil nor primrose oil supplements. Regarding gories of olive oils. In contrast, Alomirah et al. (2010) found
pumpkin oil, Drabova et al. (2013) found high levels of that BaA and Chr, on a proportion of 37 and 45%, respec-
the set of PAH4 (other notable PAHs were BghiP, IP, and tively, were present in the 44 analyzed oils, despite a nega-
CPP). From this PAH4 group, only BaA and BaP stood tive result for BaP. This scenario could have occurred in the
out in the study of Ciecierska and Obiedziński (2013), report of Lv, Yang, Pang, Xie, and Shen (2019). BaP was the
but other light PAHs were found at considerable relative only PAH determined over a wide range of analyzed oils
concentrations. (peanut, pepper, rapeseed, and soybean oil). However, BaP
From those PAHs that have been examined in both was not found in any of the real samples. In the current
grapeseed oil (Ju et al., 2020; Purcaro et al., 2013; Shi review, Table 4 corroborates that a single determination
et al., 2016) and sea buckthorn oil (Drabova et al., 2013; of BaP is not a reliable approach to confirm the presence
Zelinkova & Wenzl, 2015), Na, Phe, Chr, BkF, Bghi, and IP (or absence) of PAH contamination, as EFSA already indi-
were predominant in the first oily matrix and BaA and Chr cated in 2008. It was found that many samples that did not
(followed by BbF, BaP, and CPP) in the second one. Perilla contain considerable levels of BaP were in fact contami-
seed oil principally contained BaA, Chr, and CPP (Ju et al., nated with other PAHs, which set the detection of BaP as a
2020; Jung et al., 2013). Ju et al. (2020) examined rice bran mere indicator of a positive test for PAHs in food samples.
oil and red pepper oil. As in many other cases, Chr was At this point, it seems pertinent to stress that in 2008,
found predominant, as well as BbF for the red pepper oil. Simon and co-workers reported the results of an interlab-
Camellia oil—analyzed by Zheng et al. (2016)—was rich oratory study in which the participant laboratories had to
in Chr and BbF. The molecules of Na, A, and Phe were determine (using the methodology and platform of their
found at a high occurrence in mustard oil when analyzed election) as many of the 15 + 1 EU PAHs as possible in
by Hossain and Salehuddin (2012). According to Shi et al. some vegetable oils (Simon et al., 2008). Only a few of
(2016), wheat germ oil contained high relative levels of the participants (around 20%) reported the concentration
Na, Fl, Phe, A, F, and P. In the case of palm oil analyzed of the whole group of EU PAHs, whereas most of them
by Payanan et al. (2013), numerous PAHs were found to had problems determining some of the compounds,
highly contribute to the overall contamination of this oil especially CPP, BcFl, and BjF. Even in some cases, the
sample, with the presence of light and heavy PAHs at eight EPA PAHs that are included in the EU list could
rather significant concentrations. not be quantified, despite being so much familiar to
The rest of oils listed in Table 4 are a variety of noncon- the analytical community. Ultimately, a minority of the
ventional vegetable oils obtained only by cold-pressing, in reports included in the interlaboratory initiative met the
a process similar to that normally applied to obtain VOO. EU recommendation that was in force at that moment
They were analyzed by Ciecierska and Obiedzinski; the (European Union, 2005). This situation can be brought to
authors intended the determination of the complete set of the current moment. Excellent investigations have been
15 EU PAHs plus four compounds from the group of light conducted, providing useful information about contam-
PAHs listed by the US EPA; light PAHs were predominant ination of oils and fats with PAHs. Nonetheless, diverse
in all the cases, in particular Phe and F (substances that techniques are applied in each report, and also very
were detected in every evaluated sample) (Ciecierska & different subgroups of PAHs are analyzed in each case. In
Obiedziński, 2013). this context, a standardization of the applied methodolo-
Most of the samples reported in the table did not conflict gies and the target analytes would be of great interest. This
with the current regulation regarding the permitted limits would enable future comparisons among investigations
in fats and oils, but they did contain considerable levels and a better knowledge of the studied matrices.
of some PAHs. As the regulation only consider the group
of PAH4 or PAH8, and BaP, some samples relatively rich
in light PAHs could escape from the applied food safety 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE
controls. This finding casts some doubts about the number PERSPECTIVES
and identity of the molecules that should be monitored. It
is very reasonable to contemplate in the regulation those The importance of an accurate determination of PAHs
compounds for which oral carcinogenity is known, but in foods relies on their carcinogenic effects for the con-
the synergic action of the rest of PAHs must be taken into sumers. Edible oils constitute the principal food being
account as well. Regarding the role of BaP, some authors analyzed in search for PAHs. For that reason, numerous
have investigated its suitability as indicator of the presence methodologies for the quantitative estimation of these

compounds in lipidic matrixes have been proposed. to an improved control of the food safety. Harmonization
Nevertheless, in many cases, they are based on long and of analytical methodologies, intercollaboratory studies,
tedious procedures. Studies from the last 15 years have and the use of Certified Reference Materials (crucial in
been reviewed in the current contribution. Most of them verifying the accuracy and in establishing traceability of
make use of a LLE and/or SPE step to extract and purify analytical measurements) are also imperative to enlarge
the PAHs from the samples, as recommended in ISO the data about PAHs in vegetable oils. This will allow for
15753:2016. Still, the tendency of reducing the time and the corroboration of the established maximum levels (or
solvent consumption has prompted the development the proposal of new ones, if required) and the extension of
of novel approaches that include MWCNTs, MIPs, GO, the priority list.
and other sophisticated adsorbents that promise a future
improvement in the efficiency of the process. Extracts
derived from the sample treatment are usually deter-
This work was partially supported by the Andalusian
mined by LC–FLD or GC–MS. The use of LC–MS and
Regional Government and the European Social Fund
GC–MS/MS has also been reported and discussed in a
(“Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil”). The following
few investigations. Regarding the PAHs content in real
research projects also provided financial support: Feder B-
samples, a thoughtful examination of the studies from the
AGR-416-UGR18 (Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía
last 15 years has confirmed that the traditional marker of
2014–2020) and CTQ2017-88079-P (MINECO).
BaP is not always present in the contaminated samples.
Also, it has been revealed that light PAHs, especially Na
and Phe, are the most recurrent molecules in vegetable
oils. Regarding heavier compounds, Chr could be pointed
Carmen M. Sánchez-Arévalo and Alegría Carrasco-
out as a recurrent molecule in the analyzed matrices.
Pancorbo defined the structure of the review, performed
As discussed in different sections of the present paper,
the majority of the research, and did the manuscript edit-
quantitative detection of PAHs has traditionally been
ing. Lucía Olmo-García and Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez
conducted through multiple-step methodologies. One of
revised the manuscript, suggested improvements, and
the major drawbacks of those procedures is that repro-
contributed to figure design.
ducibility and recovery of compounds may be affected
during the process. To overcome such shortcomings, it
would be desirable to unify (if possible) the whole sample
treatment in a single step that is able to satisfactory extract
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
and purify the compounds of interest. SPE (and minia-
turized SPE) remains a promising isolation approach,
although more research, including on-line coupling
Lucía Olmo-García
with chromatographic system, is needed. As reflected in
this review, some other approaches have been already
Alegría Carrasco-Pancorbo
carried out in this direction, through the development
and application of advanced adsorbents for the analysis
of edible oils. In many cases, the use of nanomaterials or
modern smart materials only requires a dilution of the
sample prior to the cleanup and/or extraction steps. As a Alarcoń, F., Báez, M. E., Bravo, M., Richter, P., Escandar, G. M.,
Olivieri, A. C., & Fuentes, E. (2013). Feasibility of the deter-
matter of fact, it would be very recommendable to focus on
mination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible oils via
those innovative strategies and continue to improve their unfolded partial least-squares/residual bilinearization and paral-
performance to ensure a maximum reproducibility and lel factor analysis of fluorescence excitation emission matrices.
robustness for the determination of PAHs in food-related Talanta, 103, 361–370.
samples. New stationary phases in LC and GC to reduce Alarcón, F., Báez, M. E., Bravo, M., Richter, P., & Fuentes, E. (2012).
analysis time and enlarge the number of analytes to be Screening of edible oils for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
determined within a single run are desirable too. Apart using microwave-assisted liquid-liquid and solid phase extraction
coupled to one- to three-way fluorescence spectroscopy analy-
from the traditional detectors, the performance of MS
sis. Talanta, 100, 439–446.
in LC should be improved to fully exploit this powerful 08.015
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