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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

Eru was so excited about starting his

new school. He had never been to a
school with hearing children before.
His mum said that local schools
would be too loud for him and they
wouldn’t know how to help him with
his hearing aids, but he wanted to
be at school with his mates from his
rugby team. Eru leapt out of the car, ran into his new school,
and was instantly hit with more noise than he had ever
experienced before…

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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

Felicity knew she was forgetting

something; she just knew it. She
woke up this morning with a horrible
feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Mum and Dad went away on Friday
and asked her to do some jobs before
they returned today, but she was
sure she had done them all. It had
to be something else. She could hear the car pulling into the
driveway. Oh no, they were home. “What WAS it?”, yelled
Felicity to herself in the mirror. And then she saw it in the
mirror sitting on the desk behind her, the very important
parcel her father had asked her to post on Friday. Felicity
grabbed the parcel and slowly tiptoed down the stairs hoping
to duck out the back door before her parents saw her…

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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

Miriama was so nervous. ‘Deep breath

in… slow, steady breath out’, she
thought to herself as she prepared
for the biggest moment of her life.
She didn’t understand why she was
so nervous. Miriama grew up around
kapa haka. All of her family were
there, participating in the group too.
They weren’t nervous. “Smile, kōtiro,” her mum said as she
breezed past her. Miriama could see how confident and relaxed
her mum was and wished she could feel that way. Miriama’s
stomach twisted in knots for fear of forgetting the words or the
actions. She plastered a smile on her face, found her place in
 the group, and walked on stage…

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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

For as long as Jack could remember,

he had been waiting to be tall
enough to ride the biggest, scariest
rollercoaster at the theme park. His
family went every year for his big
brother’s birthday, and he wasn’t
tall enough every time. He was sick
of watching everyone else go on it. It
was the one ride in the park he wanted to go on, and this was
going to be his last chance because the park would replace it
with something new soon. As soon as they were in the front
gates, Jack ran for the rollercoaster, his fingers crossed tightly.
He hoped he was taller than the pole the operator brought
around to check you were tall enough…

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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

Demetrius could see the ball coming

his way and knew that it was his
chance to show he deserved to be on
the team. He had only been on the
team since the start of this season
and had been so worried that he
would be left out because he was in
a wheelchair, but his team had been
fantastic. He couldn’t let them down now. If he made this
shot, his team would make it to the championships. Demetrius
caught the ball, turned his chair to face the hoop and
took his shot…

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Finish It!

Read the narrative below and write an ending. Be as creative as

you can and add your own spin to it.

The four friends talked, laughed and

relaxed on the deck of the cruise ship
making the most of the last day of
their cruise. Alyssa hadn’t wanted to
take the cruise because she was afraid
of the open ocean, but the others had
talked her into it. “I’m glad I came
along,” she said to her friends. “This
has been an amazing trip.” Her friends looked at her and
smiled. Their smiles and laughter quickly turned to screams as
the ship lurched sideways. The friends quickly grabbed hold of
each other as the boat tipped further and further to the side…

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