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7. Frank has no pets. He wants a quiet pet. He looks at fish and turtles.

Turtles are
more fun to watch. Frank buys a turtle.
A Frank gets a turtle.
B Frank does not like animals.
C Frank has turtles and fish.
8. It gets very hot in the summer. Sometimes it is too hot to work. It is too hot to
play. The best thing to do is go swimming.
A. School starts in summer
B. Summer is too short.
C. Summer can get very hot.
9. Scott has something he likes a lot. It has four wheels. It is red. It can carry
things. Scott rides it. Scott gives his friends ridges in it. It is Scott's wagon.
A. All boys like wagons.
B. Scott has fun with his wagon.
C. All wagons are red.
10. There are 10 hens in the barn. They are good hens. They lay eggs every day.
They each have a nest. Sometimes they make a lot of noise.
A. All farmers have hens.
B. Ten hens lay eggs.
C. Hens and roosters lay eggs.
11. An important farm crop in the United States is cotton. Cotton is used for
making clothing. Cotton is still a popular choice for clothes because it is easy to
clean and lasts a long time.
A. Cotton is not used very much today.
B. Cotton is important for making clothing.
C. Cotton is the most important U.S. crop
12. Ann likes to jump rope with her friends. She can jump fast. She can do some
tricks. Ann likes to jump rope a lot. She is the best jumper in school.
A. Ann does not like to jump.
B. Ann is a good rope jumper.
C. Everyone likes to jump rope.

13. Bears love to eat honey. They like it because it is sweet. Bears look for honey
in the woods. They climb trees to get it. They will eat all the honey they find.
A. Bears like honey
B. Bears like to catch bees
C. Bears like to eat candy

14. Sally likes to paint. She likes the pretty colors. She draws a picture first. Then
she uses her paints. She gives her pictures to Mother.
A. Sally does not paint well.
B. Painting is fun.
C. Sally paints pictures.

15. Jill had a picture of her class. Everyone was in the picture. The teacher looked
happy. The boys and girls looked happy. It was a nice picture to have.
A. Jill likes to take pictures.
B. Jill is not in the picture.
C. Jill has a nice picture.

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