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Volcano Experiment Instruction Sheet

Materials for Each Station:

Each Trial:
● 5 cups
● Tray (Optional, but will make cleaning up easier)
● Sodium Bicarbonate/Baking Soda
● Vinegar
● Dish Soap
● Food Coloring (multiple colors, does not matter)
● Water
● Container/Jug

Instructions for Setting Up:

1) Line up 5 cups in a line on a tray (or just line them up on a surface)
2) Put 1 - 2 spoons/scoops of baking soda in each cup.
3) Put your choice of food coloring in each cup.

4) Mix 1 part white vinegar with 2 parts water. White vinegar is usually in
powdered form. If the vinegar is in liquid form, water does not need to be
added. Pour your vinegar into a container/jug. Have 500 mL of liquid
vinegar ready.
5) Add 10 mL of dish soap to the vinegar.
6) Pour a little amount of the vinegar into each cup. The volcano should start
erupting. Add more vinegar to each cup if you want to see a bigger

What is the science behind this?

Vinegar is acidic and baking soda, scientifically known as sodium bicarbonate is
an alkaline or basic substance. When acids and bases react, they produce carbon
dioxide as a byproduct.
The dish soap lowers the surface tension of the substance, trapping the carbon
dioxide gas in the soapy water. This is why the mixture bubbles and fizzes.
When acids and bases react, they also produce salt. However, we cannot taste this
salt as it is dangerous to our health! Do not ingest anything!

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