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Yusuf Ziya Savaş//140907074

Navigating Language Proficiency About The Book

The "Ortaokul ve İmam Hatip Ortaokulu İngilizce Happy English 5" Coursebook was authored by
3 different writers and published by "Başak Yayınları" in 2019 for 5th-grade children. This paper aims to
thoroughly analyze the book's effectiveness in addressing various aspects of language learning and instruction.

This book offers a systematic and structured approach that caters to the needs of beginner learners. The
carefully curated progression ensures that learners embark on a journey that aligns with their evolving
language skills. One of the notable strengths of the book is its presentation of language through rich visuals
and simple expressions, making it appealing to its target audience. It captivates attention with a variety of
activities, particularly for inquisitive children, and makes language learning more enjoyable. While it
predominantly focuses on Turkish culture, it comprehensively covers and beautifully adapts it to learning a
new language. Today, with the use of smart boards in all classrooms, the book has been adapted to modern
technology. It includes numerous individual and group activities, as well as games and supplementary
activities. Finding ways to seamlessly integrate the textbook with technology can lead to more interactive and
personalized learning experiences. However, despite these strengths, classroom teachers are compelled to use
an additional book or source, as they struggle to fully engage today's children and lack a sufficient approach
for each individual. Regrettably, it is deemed inadequate for students with diverse cultures and varying levels
of intelligence and comprehension. Although the book's content is engaging and colorful, some subjects are
perceived to have incomplete progress, language teaching, and activities, which are deemed insufficient. I will
provide critiques and recommendations for certain sections of the book, based on the feedback from our
teachers who have taught this book and my own observations. For example, in the coursebook, in unit 2 (My
Town), the first page begins with this sheet;

To provide more comprehensive illustrations and information, we can utilize simpler visuals and terminology
for the unit and the objectives. We can substitute these activities for the initial ones.
It will be easier and less straining for children.
Here's another example: In unit 4 (My Daily Routine), the book starts with this page.

It will be easier and less straining for children. Here is another example: In unit 4 (My Daily Routine), the
book starts without. In my opinion, this way of opening the subject is incomplete because the topic of time
and time zone is discussed immediately afterwards, thus offering less of the other storage and verbal
information that these units should have. Instead of this, we can start with different activities such as these
example paper and after that we can move to the topic of this paper.
With these activities, students will be able to compare them with their own lives and daily routines, leading
to better learning.

With these activities, students will be able to compare them with their own lives and daily routines,
demonstrating a better understanding. The classroom teacher also needs to benefit from various sources and
teach the lessons in different sections of the book. This includes not only examining the book but also
participating in the class regularly every week and observing it as part of teaching practice. In today's
education, with the advancement of technology, children now have access to many things and are exposed to
different cultures and ways of life. The language resources taught in our schools need to be much more
comprehensive, and this exposure must be provided to students in the most accurate and easy way possible.
Many private schools opt for different resources because they find the state-provided books inadequate.
Unfortunately, public schools are also affected by this situation and seek out alternative resources. However,
turning to books other than those provided by the state entails a financial expense in every way, and some
families, especially those with students in public schools, cannot afford this financial burden. Since there are
always students in classes who struggle to keep up and fall behind the rest of the class, additional resources
and extra time are necessary for these students. When financial difficulties are added to this, it puts both the
student and the family in a difficult situation.

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